#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import sys import json import time from datetime import datetime from urllib.parse import quote, unquote sys.path.append('..') from base.spider import Spider class Spider(Spider): # 元类 默认的元类 type def getName(self): return "B站视频" def init(self, extend): try: self.extendDict = json.loads(extend) except: self.extendDict = {} def destroy(self): pass def isVideoFormat(self, url): pass def manualVideoCheck(self): pass def homeContent(self, filter): result = {} result['filters'] = {} cookie = '' if 'cookie' in self.extendDict: cookie = self.extendDict['cookie'] if 'json' in self.extendDict: r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10) if 'cookie' in r.json(): cookie = r.json()['cookie'] if cookie == '': cookie = '{}' elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'): cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip() try: if type(cookie) == dict: cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False) except: pass _, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie) bblogin = self.getCache('bblogin') if bblogin: result['class'] = [{"type_name": "动态", "type_id": "动态"}, {"type_name": "收藏夹", "type_id": "收藏夹"}, {"type_name": "历史记录", "type_id": "历史记录"}] else: result['class'] = [] if 'json' in self.extendDict: r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10) params = r.json() if 'classes' in params: result['class'] = result['class'] + params['classes'] if filter: if 'filter' in params: result['filters'] = params['filter'] elif 'categories' in self.extendDict or 'type' in self.extendDict: if 'categories' in self.extendDict: cateList = self.extendDict['categories'].split('#') else: cateList = self.extendDict['type'].split('#') for cate in cateList: result['class'].append({'type_name': cate, 'type_id': cate}) if not 'class' in result: result['class'] = {"type_name": "沙雕动漫", "type_id": "沙雕动漫"} return result def homeVideoContent(self): result = {} cookie = '' if 'cookie' in self.extendDict: cookie = self.extendDict['cookie'] if 'json' in self.extendDict: r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10) if 'cookie' in r.json(): cookie = r.json()['cookie'] if cookie == '': cookie = '{}' elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'): cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip() try: if type(cookie) == dict: cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False) except: pass cookie, imgKey, subKey = self.getCookie(cookie) url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/index/top/feed/rcmd?&y_num=1&fresh_type=3&feed_version=SEO_VIDEO&fresh_idx_1h=1&fetch_row=1&fresh_idx=1&brush=0&homepage_ver=1&ps=20' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) try: result['list'] = [] vodList = data['data']['item'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['id']).strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).strip() img = vod['pic'].strip() remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration'])) if remark.startswith('00:'): remark = remark[3:] if remark == '00:00': continue result['list'].append({ 'vod_id': aid, 'vod_name': title, 'vod_pic': img, 'vod_remarks': remark }) except: pass return result def categoryContent(self, cid, page, filter, ext): page = int(page) result = {} videos = [] cookie = '' pagecount = page if 'cookie' in self.extendDict: cookie = self.extendDict['cookie'] if 'json' in self.extendDict: r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10) if 'cookie' in r.json(): cookie = r.json()['cookie'] if cookie == '': cookie = '{}' elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'): cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip() try: if type(cookie) == dict: cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False) except: pass cookie, imgKey, subKey = self.getCookie(cookie) if cid == '动态': if page > 1: offset = self.getCache('offset') if not offset: offset = '' url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/all?timezone_offset=-480&type=all&offset={offset}&page={page}' else: url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/all?timezone_offset=-480&type=all&page={page}' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) self.setCache('offset', data['data']['offset']) vodList = data['data']['items'] if data['data']['has_more']: pagecount = page + 1 for vod in vodList: if vod['type'] != 'DYNAMIC_TYPE_AV': continue vid = str(vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['aid']).strip() remark = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['duration_text'].strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['title']).strip() img = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['cover'] videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) elif cid == "收藏夹": userid = self.getUserid(cookie) if userid is None: return {}, 1 url = f'http://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/folder/created/list-all?up_mid={userid}&jsonp=jsonp' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) vodList = data['data']['list'] pagecount = page for vod in vodList: vid = vod['id'] title = vod['title'].strip() remark = vod['media_count'] img = 'https://api-lmteam.koyeb.app/files/shoucang.png' videos.append({ "vod_id": f'fav&&&{vid}', "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_tag": 'folder', "vod_remarks": remark }) elif cid.startswith('fav&&&'): cid = cid[6:] url = f'http://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/resource/list?media_id={cid}&pn={page}&ps=20&platform=web&type=0' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if data['data']['has_more']: pagecount = page + 1 else: pagecount = page vodList = data['data']['medias'] for vod in vodList: vid = str(vod['id']).strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).replace(""", '"') img = vod['cover'].strip() remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration'])) if remark.startswith('00:'): remark = remark[3:] videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) elif cid.startswith('UP主&&&'): cid = cid[6:] params = {'mid': cid, 'ps': 30, 'pn': page} params = self.encWbi(params, imgKey, subKey) url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/wbi/arc/search?' for key in params: url += f'&{key}={quote(params[key])}' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if page < data['data']['page']['count']: pagecount = page + 1 else: pagecount = page if page == 1: bizId = self.regStr(reg='play/(.*?)\?', src=data['data']['episodic_button']['uri']) videos = [{"vod_id": f'UP主&&&{bizId}', "vod_name": '播放列表'}] vodList = data['data']['list']['vlist'] for vod in vodList: vid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).replace(""", '"') img = vod['pic'].strip() remarkinfos = vod['length'].split(':') minutes = int(remarkinfos[0]) if minutes >= 60: hours = str(minutes // 60) minutes = str(minutes % 60) if len(hours) == 1: hours = '0' + hours if len(minutes) == 1: minutes = '0' + minutes remark = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + remarkinfos[1] else: remark = vod['length'] videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) elif cid == '历史记录': url = f'http://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/history?pn={page}' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if len(data['data']) == 300: pagecount = page + 1 else: pagecount = page vodList = data['data'] for vod in vodList: if vod['duration'] <= 0: continue vid = str(vod["aid"]).strip() img = vod["pic"].strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod["title"]).replace(""", '"') if vod['progress'] != -1: process = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['progress'])) totalTime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration'])) if process.startswith('00:'): process = process[3:] if totalTime.startswith('00:'): totalTime = totalTime[3:] remark = process + '|' + totalTime videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) else: url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword={}&page={}' for key in ext: if key == 'tid': cid = ext[key] continue url += f'&{key}={ext[key]}' url = url.format(cid, page) r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) pagecount = data['data']['numPages'] vodList = data['data']['result'] for vod in vodList: if vod['type'] != 'video': continue vid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(self.cleanText(vod['title'])) img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip() remarkinfo = vod['duration'].split(':') minutes = int(remarkinfo[0]) seconds = remarkinfo[1] if len(seconds) == 1: seconds = '0' + seconds if minutes >= 60: hour = str(minutes // 60) minutes = str(minutes % 60) if len(hour) == 1: hour = '0' + hour if len(minutes) == 1: minutes = '0' + minutes remark = f'{hour}:{minutes}:{seconds}' else: minutes = str(minutes) if len(minutes) == 1: minutes = '0' + minutes remark = f'{minutes}:{seconds}' videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) lenvideos = len(videos) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = page result['pagecount'] = pagecount result['limit'] = lenvideos result['total'] = lenvideos return result def detailContent(self, did): aid = did[0] if aid.startswith('UP主&&&'): bizId = aid[6:] oid = '' url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/medialist/resource/list?mobi_app=web&type=1&oid={oid}&biz_id={bizId}&otype=1&ps=100&direction=false&desc=true&sort_field=1&tid=0&with_current=false' r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, timeout=5) videoList = r.json()['data']['media_list'] vod = { "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": '播放列表', 'vod_play_from': 'B站视频' } playUrl = '' for video in videoList: remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(video['duration'])) name = self.removeHtmlTags(video['title']).strip().replace("#", "-").replace('$', '*') if remark.startswith('00:'): remark = remark[3:] playUrl += f"[{remark}]/{name}$bvid&&&{video['bv_id']}#" vod['vod_play_url'] = playUrl.strip('#') result = {'list': [vod]} return result url = f"https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?aid={aid}" r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, timeout=10) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) vod = { "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": self.removeHtmlTags(data['data']['title']), "vod_pic": data['data']['pic'], "type_name": data['data']['tname'], "vod_year": datetime.fromtimestamp(data['data']['pubdate']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "vod_content": data['data']['desc'].replace('\xa0', ' ').replace('\n\n', '\n').strip(), "vod_director": '[a=cr:{{"id":"UP主&&&{}","name":"{}"}}/]{}[/a]'.format(data['data']['owner']['mid'], data['data']['owner']['name'], data['data']['owner']['name']) } videoList = data['data']['pages'] playUrl = '' for video in videoList: remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(video['duration'])) name = self.removeHtmlTags(video['part']).strip().replace("#", "-").replace('$', '*') if remark.startswith('00:'): remark = remark[3:] playUrl = playUrl + f"[{remark}]/{name}${aid}_{video['cid']}#" url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/archive/related?aid={aid}' r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) videoList = data['data'] playUrl = playUrl.strip('#') + '$$$' for video in videoList: remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(video['duration'])) if remark.startswith('00:'): remark = remark[3:] name = self.removeHtmlTags(video['title']).strip().replace("#", "-").replace('$', '*') playUrl = playUrl + '[{}]/{}${}_{}#'.format(remark, name, video['aid'], video['cid']) vod['vod_play_from'] = 'B站视频$$$相关视频' vod['vod_play_url'] = playUrl.strip('#') result = { 'list': [ vod ] } return result def searchContent(self, key, quick): return self.searchContentPage(key, quick, '1') def searchContentPage(self, key, quick, page): videos = [] if quick: result = { 'list': videos } return result, 14400 cookie = '' if 'cookie' in self.extendDict: cookie = self.extendDict['cookie'] if 'json' in self.extendDict: r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10) if 'cookie' in r.json(): cookie = r.json()['cookie'] if cookie == '': cookie = '{}' elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'): cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip() try: if type(cookie) == dict: cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False) except: pass cookie, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie) url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword={key}&page={page}' r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=cookie, timeout=5) jo = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if 'result' not in jo['data']: return {'list': videos}, 1 vodList = jo['data']['result'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = self.removeHtmlTags(self.cleanText(vod['title'])) img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip() remarkinfo = vod['duration'].split(':') minutes = int(remarkinfo[0]) seconds = remarkinfo[1] if len(seconds) == 1: seconds = '0' + seconds if minutes >= 60: hour = str(minutes // 60) minutes = str(minutes % 60) if len(hour) == 1: hour = '0' + hour if len(minutes) == 1: minutes = '0' + minutes remark = f'{hour}:{minutes}:{seconds}' else: minutes = str(minutes) if len(minutes) == 1: minutes = '0' + minutes remark = f'{minutes}:{seconds}' videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": remark }) result = { 'list': videos } return result def playerContent(self, flag, pid, vipFlags): result = {} if pid.startswith('bvid&&&'): url = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?bvid={}".format(pid[7:]) r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, timeout=10) data = r.json()['data'] aid = data['aid'] cid = data['cid'] else: idList = pid.split("_") aid = idList[0] cid = idList[1] url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/player/playurl?avid={}&cid={}&qn=120&fnval=4048&fnver=0&fourk=1'.format(aid, cid) cookie = '' extendDict = self.extendDict if 'cookie' in extendDict: cookie = extendDict['cookie'] if 'json' in extendDict: r = self.fetch(extendDict['json'], timeout=10) if 'cookie' in r.json(): cookie = r.json()['cookie'] if cookie == '': cookie = '{}' elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'): cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip() try: if type(cookie) == dict: cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False) except: pass cookiesDict, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie) cookies = quote(json.dumps(cookiesDict)) if 'thread' in extendDict: thread = str(extendDict['thread']) else: thread = '0' result["parse"] = 0 result["playUrl"] = '' result["url"] = f'{cookies}&url={quote(url)}&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&thread={thread}' result["header"] = self.header result['danmaku'] = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v1/dm/list.so?oid={}'.format(cid) result["format"] = 'application/dash+xml' return result def localProxy(self, params): if params['type'] == "mpd": return self.proxyMpd(params) if params['type'] == "media": return self.proxyMedia(params) return None def proxyMpd(self, params): content, durlinfos, mediaType = self.getDash(params) if mediaType == 'mpd': return [200, "application/dash+xml", content] else: url = content durlinfo = durlinfos['durl'][0]['backup_url'] try: r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, stream=True, timeout=1) statusCode = r.status_code try: r.close() except: pass except: try: r.close() except: pass statusCode = 404 for url in durlinfo: try: r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, stream=True, timeout=1) statusCode = r.status_code except: statusCode = 404 if statusCode == 200: break try: r.close() except: pass if statusCode != 200 and self.retry == 0: self.retry += 1 self.proxyMedia(params, True) header = self.header.copy() if 'range' in params: header['Range'] = params['range'] if '' in url: header['Location'] = url return [302, "video/MP2T", None, header] return [206, "application/octet-stream", self.fetch(url, headers=header, stream=True).content] def proxyMedia(self, params, forceRefresh=False): _, dashinfos, _ = self.getDash(params) if 'videoid' in params: videoid = int(params['videoid']) dashinfo = dashinfos['video'][videoid] url = dashinfo['baseUrl'] elif 'audioid' in params: audioid = int(params['audioid']) dashinfo = dashinfos['audio'][audioid] url = dashinfo['baseUrl'] else: return [404, "text/plain", ""] try: r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, stream=True, timeout=1) statusCode = r.status_code try: r.close() except: pass except: try: r.close() except: pass statusCode = 404 for url in dashinfo['backupUrl']: try: r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, stream=True, timeout=1) statusCode = r.status_code except: statusCode = 404 if statusCode == 200: break try: r.close() except: pass if statusCode != 200 and self.retry == 0: self.retry += 1 self.proxyMedia(params, True) header = self.header.copy() if 'range' in params: header['Range'] = params['range'] return [206, "application/octet-stream", self.fetch(url, headers=header, stream=True).content] def getDash(self, params, forceRefresh=False): aid = params['aid'] cid = params['cid'] url = unquote(params['url']) if 'thread' in params: thread = params['thread'] else: thread = 0 header = self.header.copy() cookieDict = json.loads(params['cookies']) key = f'bilivdmpdcache_{aid}_{cid}' if forceRefresh: self.delCache(key) else: data = self.getCache(key) if data: return data['content'], data['dashinfos'], data['type'] cookies = cookieDict.copy() r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookies, headers=header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if data['code'] != 0: return '', {}, '' if not 'dash' in data['data']: purl = data['data']['durl'][0]['url'] try: expiresAt = int(self.regStr(reg='deadline=(\d+)', src=purl).group(1)) - 60 except: expiresAt = int(time.time()) + 600 if int(thread) > 0: try: self.fetch('') except: self.fetch('') purl = f'{quote(purl)}&thread={thread}' self.setCache(key, {'content': purl, 'type': 'mp4', 'dashinfos': data['data'], 'expiresAt': expiresAt}) return purl, data['data'], 'mp4' dashinfos = data['data']['dash'] duration = dashinfos['duration'] minBufferTime = dashinfos['minBufferTime'] videoinfo = '' videoid = 0 deadlineList = [] # videoList = sorted(dashinfos['video'], key=lambda x: x['bandwidth'], reverse=True) for video in dashinfos['video']: try: deadline = int(self.regStr(reg='deadline=(\d+)', src=video['baseUrl']).group(1)) except: deadline = int(time.time()) + 600 deadlineList.append(deadline) codecs = video['codecs'] bandwidth = video['bandwidth'] frameRate = video['frameRate'] height = video['height'] width = video['width'] void = video['id'] vidparams = params.copy() vidparams['videoid'] = videoid baseUrl = f'{quote(json.dumps(cookies))}&url={quote(url)}&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&videoid={videoid}' videoinfo = videoinfo + f""" <Representation bandwidth="{bandwidth}" codecs="{codecs}" frameRate="{frameRate}" height="{height}" id="{void}" width="{width}"> <BaseURL>{baseUrl}</BaseURL> <SegmentBase indexRange="{video['SegmentBase']['indexRange']}"> <Initialization range="{video['SegmentBase']['Initialization']}"/> </SegmentBase> </Representation>\n""" videoid += 1 audioinfo = '' audioid = 0 # audioList = sorted(dashinfos['audio'], key=lambda x: x['bandwidth'], reverse=True) for audio in dashinfos['audio']: try: deadline = int(self.regStr(reg='deadline=(\d+)', src=audio['baseUrl']).group(1)) except: deadline = int(time.time()) + 600 deadlineList.append(deadline) bandwidth = audio['bandwidth'] codecs = audio['codecs'] aoid = audio['id'] aidparams = params.copy() aidparams['audioid'] = audioid baseUrl = f'{quote(json.dumps(cookies))}&url={quote(url)}&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&audioid={audioid}' audioinfo = audioinfo + f""" <Representation audioSamplingRate="44100" bandwidth="{bandwidth}" codecs="{codecs}" id="{aoid}"> <BaseURL>{baseUrl}</BaseURL> <SegmentBase indexRange="{audio['SegmentBase']['indexRange']}"> <Initialization range="{audio['SegmentBase']['Initialization']}"/> </SegmentBase> </Representation>\n""" audioid += 1 mpd = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MPD xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" type="static" mediaPresentationDuration="PT{duration}S" minBufferTime="PT{minBufferTime}S"> <Period> <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" startWithSAP="1" scanType="progressive" segmentAlignment="true"> {videoinfo.strip()} </AdaptationSet> <AdaptationSet mimeType="audio/mp4" startWithSAP="1" segmentAlignment="true" lang="und"> {audioinfo.strip()} </AdaptationSet> </Period> </MPD>""" expiresAt = min(deadlineList) - 60 self.setCache(key, {'type': 'mpd', 'content': mpd.replace('&', '&'), 'dashinfos': dashinfos, 'expiresAt': expiresAt}) return mpd.replace('&', '&'), dashinfos, 'mpd' def getCookie(self, cookie): if '{' in cookie and '}' in cookie: cookies = json.loads(cookie) else: cookies = dict([co.strip().split('=', 1) for co in cookie.strip(';').split(';')]) bblogin = self.getCache('bblogin') if bblogin: imgKey = bblogin['imgKey'] subKey = bblogin['subKey'] return cookies, imgKey, subKey header = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36" } r = self.fetch("http://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/nav", cookies=cookies, headers=header, timeout=10) data = json.loads(r.text) code = data["code"] if code == 0: imgKey = data['data']['wbi_img']['img_url'].rsplit('/', 1)[1].split('.')[0] subKey = data['data']['wbi_img']['sub_url'].rsplit('/', 1)[1].split('.')[0] self.setCache('bblogin', {'imgKey': imgKey, 'subKey': subKey, 'expiresAt': int(time.time()) + 1200}) return cookies, imgKey, subKey r = self.fetch("https://www.bilibili.com/", headers=header, timeout=5) cookies = r.cookies.get_dict() imgKey = '' subKey = '' return cookies, imgKey, subKey def getUserid(self, cookie): # 获取自己的userid(cookies拥有者) url = 'http://api.bilibili.com/x/space/myinfo' r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5) data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text)) if data['code'] == 0: return data['data']['mid'] def removeHtmlTags(self, src): from re import sub, compile clean = compile('<.*?>') return sub(clean, '', src) def encWbi(self, params, imgKey, subKey): from hashlib import md5 from functools import reduce from urllib.parse import urlencode mixinKeyEncTab = [46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49, 33, 9, 42, 19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12, 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40, 61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60, 51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62, 11, 36, 20, 34, 44, 52] orig = imgKey + subKey mixinKey = reduce(lambda s, i: s + orig[i], mixinKeyEncTab, '')[:32] params['wts'] = round(time.time()) # 添加 wts 字段 params = dict(sorted(params.items())) # 按照 key 重排参数 # 过滤 value 中的 "!'()*" 字符 params = { k: ''.join(filter(lambda chr: chr not in "!'()*", str(v))) for k, v in params.items() } query = urlencode(params) # 序列化参数 params['w_rid'] = md5((query + mixinKey).encode()).hexdigest() # 计算 w_rid return params retry = 0 header = { "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "Referer": "https://www.bilibili.com" }