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<title>Reichsfhurer Heinrich Himmler 666 Black Sun</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5></font>
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<P><I>"Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the
<P>&nbsp;This site is dedicated<BR>in loving memory to
<P><IMG src="Heinrich_Himmler.jpg"> <BR>Reichsfhurer Heinrich Himmler
<BR>1900-1945 <BR>Satanic Coven Grand Master <BR>Dedicated
Disciple of Satan
<P>Heinrich Himmler worked relentlessly to rid National Socialist Germany <BR>of
the poison of the Jewish program of Christianity.
<P><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5><A HREF="Statement666.html">PLEASE READ THIS VERY IMPORTANT STATEMENT!</a> <P>
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