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<title>Strength Through Joy!</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Strength Through Joy! </center></font>
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<P>O thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort!, that unveilest the glory of Satan to the
center of the Earth; in whom the great secrets of truth have their abiding; that is called in thy
kingdom: "strength through joy", and is not to be measured. Be thou a window of comfort
unto me. Move therefore, and appear! Open the mysteries of your creation! Be friendly unto
me, for I am the same!, the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell!
<P>&nbsp;<P>"Strength Through Joy (German: "Kraft durch Freude" [KdF]), was a large state-controlled leisure organization in Third Reich, a part of the German Labour Front (Deutschen Arbeitsfront [DAF]), the National German labour organization.
<P>From 1933 it provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, day-trips and holidays as in Prora. Large ships, such as the Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specially for KdF cruises.
<P>The KdF also set up production of an affordable car, the KdF-Wagen, later called VW Beetle. A new town was built for the production and for housing the workers, KdF-Stadt, now called Wolfsburg. KdF organized a special saving scheme to allow ordinary workers the luxury of a car. However, due to the start of World War II very little of this was realised and both the factory and the rest of KdF became focused on supporting the war efforts."
<P>The above excerpt was taken from <a href="">Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia</a>
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