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<title>Reverse Torah Rituals</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Reverse, Torah, Rituals, Satan, Satanism, Anti-Semitism, Jews, Torah, Reversal, Reversing, Curse, Blessing, Magick, Magick, Truth, Facts, Real, False, God, Gods, Pagan, Demons, Demonic, Demonolatry">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Reverse Torah Rituals</center></font>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"><P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
Below are the Reverse Torah Rituals. Each of these can be started and performed as often as you wish... the more the better. The Jews repeat the reciting and reinforcing of these horrendous curses that damn Gentiles every week, each year. We will be following along after they reinforce these damnations and reversing them.<br>
<p><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="3"><a href="RTRS-EVERYDAY-v2.pdf">FOR ALL THE RTR's IN *ONE* PDF CLICK HERE! (UPDATED August 2017)</a>
<p><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="3">
<!--font size="5">Current RTR Schedule</font><br>April 17 - May 1, 2021<br>
<a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR</a><br>
<a href="11_9_Ritual.html">Restoring Communications RTR</a><br>
Race Awakening Ritual <a href="../RaceRitual.html">[White Race]</a> <a href="../11-13-16_Ritual.pdf">[Black Race]</a><br>
<b><i>April 20th</i></b> is to be given special attention on this schedule. Specific higher and advanced individuals will be doing specific works on this date from our side. Even other Pagans are joining on this date, and that is positive.
The power date of Hitler's birthday is extremely important and should be utilized as a day of maximum force.
The three rituals listed above are to be done on every day of the schedule. For the Race Awakening Ritual, choose the one that best matches your race. Asians do not need to do either one and can focus on the two RTRs instead.<br>
<!--font size="5">Current RTR Schedule</font><br>March 19 - April 11, 2021<br>
<u>Empowerment Dates:</u><br>
19. [Optional day for those who want to start immediately.] <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free RTR</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
20. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free RTR</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
21. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free RTR</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
22. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free RTR</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
23. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free RTR</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
24. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="../JOS_Protection_Runes.html">JoS Protection Ritual</a><br>
25. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="../JOS_Protection_Runes.html">JoS Protection Ritual</a><br>
26. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="../JOS_Protection_Runes.html">JoS Protection Ritual</a><br>
27. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="../JOS_Protection_Runes.html">JoS Protection Ritual</a><br>
<u>Passover Dates:</u><br>
28. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
29. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
30. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
31. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
1. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
2. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
3. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
4. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a><br>
<u>Empowerment and Rewards Dates:</u><br>
5. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
6. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
7. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
8. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
9. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
10. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
11. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth and Prosperity Ritual For Satanists</a>, <a href="E712.html">Serpent is Empowered RTR</a><br>
The Final RTR is always to be combined with the Tetragrammaton Reversal.
<!--font size="5">Current RTR Schedule</font><br>February 19 - March 1, 2021<br>
19. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
<b>20. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a></b><br>
<b>21. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a></b><br>
<b>22. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a></b><br>
23. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
24. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
25. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reversing Blood Sacrifice Ritual</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
26. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
27. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
28. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
1. <a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR</a>, <a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel Ritual</a>, <a href="72.html">72 RTR</a>, <a href="Ritual_42.html">42 RTR</a><br>
The Final RTR is always to be combined with the destruction of the Tetragrammaton. <br>On the 20th, 21st, 22nd, it would be good if we could follow the War Room clock, because the enemy will do a TIMED attack, and we can strongly offset it with a coordinated response.
<font face="Verdana,Arial" size="5"><a href="../WarRoom.html">The War Room</a> </font><br>
You can amplify the power of a ritual by coordinating it with other Satanists using the War Room timer. Start the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR when the timer says 00:00:00. Other rituals can be done at 01:00:00.<br><br>All people looking at the timer will see the same time, and every 2 hours, we will have the ability to co-ordinate an attack against the enemy. This way, you know that always, when you do an RTR, other people, from all over the world, are doing it with you. Don't obsess over this timer, just follow it when you can. Every 24 hours, there are 12 intervals on which the RTR can be done. So no matter your timezone, you can participate and do an RTR.
<p><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="3"><a href="Reverse_Torah_Rituals.pdf">Important Information on How to Perform the Reverse Torah Rituals * This Link Is Obsolete - It's Only here for referrence</a>
<p>This is how it works: The enemy reads specific verses from their Torah on specific dates. This is done in synagogues all around the world on the same days and creates powerful astral energy that is used to enslave the world, create unimaginable wealth from the blood, labor and sacrifices of Gentiles, and to ensure success for the Jews and their escape from any justice. By reversing certain verses after they read them from their Torah, this works to destroy the energies they raised. We will wait one day and then go behind them, destroying this most evil energy.
<p>Please keep this and download all of the rituals. If anything should happen to the internet, it is very important to keep doing these!! No matter what!! Our workings ARE exposing and destroying them.
<p>Yom Kippur, the Highest Holy Day in Judaism. This is when they recite the Kol Nidrei &ldquo;prayer&rdquo; that absolves them from any of their grave injustices committed against Gentiles [and even their own, as they prey upon their own, being the parasites they are], and also clears them from having to keep promises and keep their word. It is a criminal working that needs to be reversed. Gentiles pay for this!!
<p>The dates change from year to year, but are pretty predictable and can easily be found online by typing in &ldquo;[year] Weekly Torah Readings.&rdquo; For example: &quot;2017 Weekly Torah Readings.
<p>The webpages have both the PDF and the Mp3 Audio links for download.
<BR> </a></Center>
<Center><p><a href="Final_RTR.html">- The Final - RTR - <BR> This Reverse Torah Ritual is the most powerful Ritual and is meant to <BR> fully and completely eradicate the enemy.
<BR> It is THE PRIORITY Torah Ritual.</a></Center><BR>
<Center><p><a href="FINAL/RTRFINAL/Rtrs/Final_RTR.html"> # Mirror 2 For The Final RTR <BR> Click here if first page not working. <BR>
<BR> </a></Center>
<Center><p><a href="SHITHEY.html">IMPORTANT ADDITION: Tetragrammaton Dead Final RTR</a></center>
<center>Final RTR Multilingual: <Br> *Special thanks to our translators and the creator of the paintable RTR's for their contribution</center>
<p><a href="../Russian_Final_RTR.pdf"> *Final RTR in Russian (RUS) </a></a></p>
<p><a href="Nihai_RTR.html"> *Final RTR in Turkish (TURKIYE) </a></a></p>
<p><a href="../paintable_espanol.html"> *Final RTR in Spanish (ESPANOL) </a></a></p>
<p><a href="../paintable_italiano.html"> *Final RTR in Italian (ITALIANO) </a></a></p>
<center>RTR PAINT ON SCREEN: <Br> You can do this RTR by painting this with your mouse or finger on your computer/tablet/phone <Br> and erase the letters that way <Br> *Special thanks to the creator of this great module!</center>
<p><a href="../paintable.html">Final RTR Paintable</a></p>
<p><a href="../paintableb.html">Final RTR Paintable [Dark Version]</a></p>
<p><a href="../tpaintable.html">Final RTR Paintable + Tetragrammaton RTR</a></p>
<p><a href="../tpaintableb.html">Final RTR Paintable + Tetragrammaton RTR [Dark Version]</a></p>
<center>General RTR Index:</center>
<p><a href="SHITHEY.html">Tetragrammaton Dead Final RTR</a>
<p><a href="Reverse_Shema_Prayer.html">Reverse Shema Prayer</a>
<p><a href="11_9_Ritual.html">Communications [Genesis 11: 9]</a>
<p><a href="CurseIsraelRitual.html">Curse Israel [Genesis 12: 2-3]</a>
<p><a href="Ritual_42.html">Cursing the 42 Letter (((Name of God))) [Exceptionally powerful and destructive against the enemy]</a>
<p><a href="2017_Solstice.html">Demonic Authority Ritual</a>
<p><a href="RabbiChrist.html">Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ Ritual</a>
<p><a href="21817.html">Destroying Jewish Rule &amp; Domination THREE PARTS [Reverse Bible Ritual]</a>
<p><a href="I5417.html">Disarming the Enemy: Restoring Justice [Isaiah 54:17]</a>
<p><a href="D723Ritual.html">Ending Confusion [Deuteronomy 7: 23]</a>
<p><a href="N1526.html">Holding the Enemy Accountable [Numbers 15: 26]</a>
<p><a href="KN.html">Kol Nidrei</a>
<p><a href="War1.html">Preventing Another Major War Ritual 1 </a>
<p><a href="War2.html">Preventing Another Major War Ritual 2</a>
<p><a href="War3.html">Preventing Another Major War Ritual 3</a>
<p><a href="Reverse195Ritual.html">Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual Genesis [9: 5]</a>
<p><a href="Lev_16_22.html">Reversing the Curse upon the Goat [Leviticus 16: 22]</a>
<p><a href="D724.html">Restoring Gentile Power and the Right to Rule Our Own Nations [Deuteronomy 7: 24]</a>
<p><a href="Reverse314Ritual.html">Serpent Ascending [Genesis 3: 24]</a>
<p><a href="E712.html">Serpent Empowerment for Gentiles [Exodus 7: 12]</a>
<p><a href="Reverse324Ritual.html">Serpent is Free [Genesis 3: 14]</a>
<p><a href="72_Stinks.html">72 Stinking Names Blotting Out RTR </a>
<p><a href="D298.html">Terminating Jewish Financial Control, Parts 1 and 2</a>
<p><a href="../RaceRitual.html">White Race Awakening Ritual</a>
<p><a href="../11-13-16_Ritual.pdf">Black Race Awakening Ritual</a>
<p><a href="../JOS_Protection.html">JoS Protection Ritual</a>
<p><a href="../JOS_Protection_Runes.html">JoS Protection Ritual [With Rune Images]</a>
<p><a href="../ProsperityRitual.html">Wealth And Prosperity Ritual</a>
<p><a href="../ProsperityRitualRunes.html">Wealth And Prosperity Ritual [With Rune Images]</a>
<p>_________________________________ </p>
<p><a href="../../"><img src="../../" border="0"></a>