
466 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
const (
// numGuesses is the maximum number of guesses you can make.
numGuesses = 6
// numChars is the word size in characters.
numChars = 5
type model struct {
score int
word [numChars]byte
gameOver bool
errors []error
keyStates map[byte]keyState
status string
statusPending int
height int
width int
grid [numGuesses][numChars]byte
gridRow int
gridCol int
var _ tea.Model = (*model)(nil)
func (m *model) Init() tea.Cmd {
m.keyStates = make(map[byte]keyState, 26)
return m.withDb(func(db *db) {
m.score = db.score()
func (m *model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case msgResetStatus:
// If there is more than one pending status message, that means
// something else is currently displaying a status message, so we don't
// want to overwrite it.
if m.statusPending == 0 {
return m, nil
case tea.KeyMsg:
// If any key is pressed, reset the status message.
switch msg.Type {
case tea.KeyCtrlC:
return m, m.doExit()
case tea.KeyCtrlR:
return m, nil
case tea.KeyBackspace:
return m, m.doDeleteChar()
case tea.KeyEnter:
if m.gameOver {
return m, nil
return m, m.doAcceptWord()
case tea.KeyRunes:
if len(msg.Runes) == 1 {
return m, m.doAcceptChar(msg.Runes[0])
// If the window is resized, store its new dimensions.
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
return m, m.doResize(msg)
return m, nil
func (m *model) View() string {
status := m.viewStatus()
grid := m.viewGrid()
keyboard := m.viewKeyboard()
// Truncate the status if it is too long.
if len(status) > m.width && m.width > 3 {
status = status[:m.width-3] + "..."
// Drop the keyboard if it doesn't fit.
height := lipgloss.Height(status) + lipgloss.Height(grid) + lipgloss.Height(keyboard)
width := lipgloss.Width(keyboard)
if width < lipgloss.Width(status) || width < lipgloss.Width(grid) {
width = 0
if m.height < height || m.width < width {
keyboard = ""
game := lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Center, status, grid, keyboard, _controls)
return lipgloss.Place(m.width, m.height, lipgloss.Center, lipgloss.Center, game)
func (m *model) reset() {
// Unlock and reset the grid.
m.gameOver = false
m.gridCol = 0
m.gridRow = 0
// Clear the key state.
for k := range m.keyStates {
delete(m.keyStates, k)
// Set the puzzle word.
word := getWord()
copy(m.word[:], word)
// Reset the status message.
// setStatus sets the status message, and returns a tea.Cmd that restores the
// default status message after a delay.
func (m *model) setStatus(msg string, duration time.Duration) tea.Cmd {
m.status = msg
if duration > 0 {
return tea.Tick(duration, func(time.Time) tea.Msg {
return msgResetStatus{}
return nil
// resetStatus immediately resets the status message to its default value.
func (m *model) resetStatus() {
m.status = fmt.Sprintf("Score: %d", m.score)
// doAcceptWord accepts the current word.
func (m *model) doAcceptWord() tea.Cmd {
if m.gameOver {
return nil
// Only accept a word if it is complete.
if m.gridCol != numChars {
return m.setStatus("Your guess must be a 5-letter word.", 1*time.Second)
// Check if the input word is valid.
word := m.grid[m.gridRow]
if !isWord(string(word[:])) {
return m.setStatus("That's not a valid word.", 1*time.Second)
// Update the state of the used letters.
success := true
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
key := word[i]
keyStatus := keyStateAbsent
if key == m.word[i] {
keyStatus = keyStateCorrect
} else {
success = false
if bytes.IndexByte(m.word[:], key) != -1 {
keyStatus = keyStatePresent
if m.keyStates[key] < keyStatus {
m.keyStates[key] = keyStatus
// Move to the next row.
m.gridCol = 0
// Check if the game is over.
if success {
return m.doWin()
} else if m.gridRow == numGuesses {
return m.doLoss()
return nil
// doAcceptChar adds one input character to the current word.
func (m *model) doAcceptChar(ch rune) tea.Cmd {
// Only accept a character if the current word is incomplete.
if m.gameOver || !(m.gridRow < numGuesses && m.gridCol < numChars) {
return nil
ch = toAsciiUpper(ch)
if isAsciiUpper(ch) {
m.grid[m.gridRow][m.gridCol] = byte(ch)
return nil
// doDeleteChar deletes the last character in the current word.
func (m *model) doDeleteChar() tea.Cmd {
if !m.gameOver && m.gridCol > 0 {
return nil
// doExit exits the program.
func (*model) doExit() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Quit
// doResize updates the size of the window.
func (m *model) doResize(msg tea.WindowSizeMsg) tea.Cmd {
m.height = msg.Height
m.width = msg.Width
return nil
// doWin is called when the user has guessed the word correctly.
func (m *model) doWin() tea.Cmd {
m.gameOver = true
return tea.Sequentially(
m.withDb(func(db *db) {
m.score = db.score()
m.setStatus("You win!", 0),
// doLoss is called when the user has used up all their guesses.
func (m *model) doLoss() tea.Cmd {
m.gameOver = true
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The word was %s. Better luck next time!", string(m.word[:]))
return tea.Sequentially(
m.withDb(func(db *db) {
m.score = db.score()
m.setStatus(msg, 0),
// viewStatus renders the status line.
func (m *model) viewStatus() string {
return lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(colorPrimary).Render(m.status)
// viewGrid renders the grid.
func (m *model) viewGrid() string {
var rows [numGuesses]string
for i := 0; i < numGuesses; i++ {
if i < m.gridRow {
rows[i] = m.viewGridRowFilled(m.grid[i])
} else if i == m.gridRow && !m.gameOver {
rows[i] = m.viewGridRowCurrent(m.grid[i], m.gridCol)
} else {
rows[i] = m.viewGridRowEmpty()
return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, rows[:]...)
// viewGridRowFilled renders a filled-in grid row. It chooses the appropriate
// color for each key.
func (m *model) viewGridRowFilled(word [numChars]byte) string {
var keyStates [numChars]keyState
letters := m.word
// Mark keyStatusAbsent.
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
keyStates[i] = keyStateAbsent
// Mark keyStatusCorrect.
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
if word[i] == m.word[i] {
keyStates[i] = keyStateCorrect
letters[i] = 0
// Mark keyStatusPresent.
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
if keyStates[i] == keyStateCorrect {
if foundIdx := bytes.IndexByte(letters[:], word[i]); foundIdx != -1 {
keyStates[i] = keyStatePresent
letters[foundIdx] = 0
// Render keys.
var keys [numChars]string
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
keys[i] = m.viewKey(string(word[i]), keyStates[i].color())
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Bottom, keys[:]...)
// viewGridRowCurrent renders the current grid row. It renders an "_" character
// for the letter being currently input.
func (m *model) viewGridRowCurrent(row [numChars]byte, rowIdx int) string {
var keys [numChars]string
for i := 0; i < numChars; i++ {
var key string
if i < rowIdx {
key = string(row[i])
} else if i == rowIdx {
key = "_"
} else {
key = " "
keys[i] = m.viewKey(key, colorPrimary)
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Bottom, keys[:]...)
// viewGridRowEmpty renders an empty grid row. If the grid is locked, the keys
// are grayed out.
func (m *model) viewGridRowEmpty() string {
keyState := keyStateUnselected
if m.gameOver {
keyState = keyStateAbsent
key := m.viewKey(" ", keyState.color())
keys := [numChars]string{key, key, key, key, key}
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Bottom, keys[:]...)
// viewKeyboard renders the entire keyboard, including a border. It chooses the
// appropriate color for keys that have been guessed before.
func (m *model) viewKeyboard() string {
topRow := m.viewKeyboardRow([]string{"Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P"})
midRow := m.viewKeyboardRow([]string{"A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L"})
botRow := m.viewKeyboardRow([]string{"ENTER", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", "DELETE"})
keys := lipgloss.JoinVertical(
lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(0, 2).Render(topRow),
lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(0, 4).Render(midRow),
return lipgloss.NewStyle().
Padding(0, 1).
// viewKeyboardRow renders a single row of the keyboard. It chooses the
// appropriate color for keys that have been guessed before.
func (m *model) viewKeyboardRow(keys []string) string {
keysRendered := make([]string, len(keys))
for _, key := range keys {
status := keyStateUnselected
if len(key) == 1 {
key := key[0]
status = m.keyStates[key]
keysRendered = append(keysRendered, m.viewKey(key, status.color()))
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Bottom, keysRendered...)
// viewKey renders a key with the given name and color.
func (*model) viewKey(key string, color lipgloss.TerminalColor) string {
return lipgloss.NewStyle().
Padding(0, 1).
// withDb runs a function in the context of the database. The database is
// automatically saved at the end.
func (m *model) withDb(f func(db *db)) tea.Cmd {
db, err := loadDb()
if err != nil {
return m.reportError(err, "Error loading database.")
if err := db.save(); err != nil {
return m.reportError(err, "Error saving database.")
return nil
// reportError stores the given error and prints a message to the status line.
func (m *model) reportError(err error, msg string) tea.Cmd {
m.errors = append(m.errors, err)
return m.setStatus(msg, 3*time.Second)
// msgResetStatus is sent when the status line should be reset.
type msgResetStatus struct{}
const (
colorPrimary = lipgloss.Color("#d7dadc")
colorSecondary = lipgloss.Color("#626262")
colorSeparator = lipgloss.Color("#9c9c9c")
colorYellow = lipgloss.Color("#b59f3b")
colorGreen = lipgloss.Color("#538d4e")
// keyState represents the state of a key.
type keyState int
const (
keyStateUnselected keyState = iota
// color returns the appropriate dark mode color for the given key state.
func (s keyState) color() lipgloss.Color {
switch s {
case keyStateUnselected:
return colorPrimary
case keyStateAbsent:
return colorSecondary
case keyStatePresent:
return colorYellow
case keyStateCorrect:
return colorGreen
panic("invalid key status")
var _controls = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s",
// isAsciiUpper checks if a rune is between A-Z.
func isAsciiUpper(r rune) bool {
return 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z'
// toAsciiUpper converts a rune to uppercase if it is between A-Z.
func toAsciiUpper(r rune) rune {
if 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' {
r -= 'a' - 'A'
return r