上传文件至 js
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
* Jinja Templating for JavaScript v0.1.8
* https://github.com/sstur/jinja-js
* This is a slimmed-down Jinja2 implementation [http://jinja.pocoo.org/]
* In the interest of simplicity, it deviates from Jinja2 as follows:
* - Line statements, cycle, super, macro tags and block nesting are not implemented
* - auto escapes html by default (the filter is "html" not "e")
* - Only "html" and "safe" filters are built in
* - Filters are not valid in expressions; `foo|length > 1` is not valid
* - Expression Tests (`if num is odd`) not implemented (`is` translates to `==` and `isnot` to `!=`)
* Notes:
* - if property is not found, but method '_get' exists, it will be called with the property name (and cached)
* - `{% for n in obj %}` iterates the object's keys; get the value with `{% for n in obj %}{{ obj[n] }}{% endfor %}`
* - subscript notation `a[0]` takes literals or simple variables but not `a[item.key]`
* - `.2` is not a valid number literal; use `0.2`
/*global require, exports, module, define */
(function(global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.jinja = {}));
})(this, (function(jinja) {
"use strict";
var STRINGS = /'(\\.|[^'])*'|"(\\.|[^"'"])*"/g;
var IDENTS_AND_NUMS = /([$_a-z][$\w]*)|([+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)/g;
var NUMBER = /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
//non-primitive literals (array and object literals)
var NON_PRIMITIVES = /\[[@#~](,[@#~])*\]|\[\]|\{([@i]:[@#~])(,[@i]:[@#~])*\}|\{\}/g;
//bare identifiers such as variables and in object literals: {foo: 'value'}
var IDENTIFIERS = /[$_a-z][$\w]*/ig;
var VARIABLES = /i(\.i|\[[@#i]\])*/g;
var ACCESSOR = /(\.i|\[[@#i]\])/g;
var OPERATORS = /(===?|!==?|>=?|<=?|&&|\|\||[+\-\*\/%])/g;
//extended (english) operators
var EOPS = /(^|[^$\w])(and|or|not|is|isnot)([^$\w]|$)/g;
var LEADING_SPACE = /^\s+/;
var TRAILING_SPACE = /\s+$/;
var START_TOKEN = /\{\{\{|\{\{|\{%|\{#/;
var TAGS = {
'{{{': /^('(\\.|[^'])*'|"(\\.|[^"'"])*"|.)+?\}\}\}/,
'{{': /^('(\\.|[^'])*'|"(\\.|[^"'"])*"|.)+?\}\}/,
'{%': /^('(\\.|[^'])*'|"(\\.|[^"'"])*"|.)+?%\}/,
'{#': /^('(\\.|[^'])*'|"(\\.|[^"'"])*"|.)+?#\}/
var delimeters = {
'{%': 'directive',
'{{': 'output',
'{#': 'comment'
var operators = {
and: '&&',
or: '||',
not: '!',
is: '==',
isnot: '!='
var constants = {
'true': true,
'false': false,
'null': null
function Parser() {
this.nest = [];
this.compiled = [];
this.childBlocks = 0;
this.parentBlocks = 0;
this.isSilent = false;
Parser.prototype.push = function(line) {
if (!this.isSilent) {
Parser.prototype.parse = function(src) {
return this.compiled;
Parser.prototype.tokenize = function(src) {
var lastEnd = 0,
parser = this,
trimLeading = false;
matchAll(src, START_TOKEN, function(open, index, src) {
//here we match the rest of the src against a regex for this tag
var match = src.slice(index + open.length).match(TAGS[open]);
match = (match ? match[0] : '');
//here we sub out strings so we don't get false matches
var simplified = match.replace(STRINGS, '@');
//if we don't have a close tag or there is a nested open tag
if (!match || ~simplified.indexOf(open)) {
return index + 1;
var inner = match.slice(0, 0 - open.length);
//check for white-space collapse syntax
if (inner.charAt(0) === '-') var wsCollapseLeft = true;
if (inner.slice(-1) === '-') var wsCollapseRight = true;
inner = inner.replace(/^-|-$/g, '').trim();
//if we're in raw mode and we are not looking at an "endraw" tag, move along
if (parser.rawMode && (open + inner) !== '{%endraw') {
return index + 1;
var text = src.slice(lastEnd, index);
lastEnd = index + open.length + match.length;
if (trimLeading) text = trimLeft(text);
if (wsCollapseLeft) text = trimRight(text);
if (wsCollapseRight) trimLeading = true;
if (open === '{{{') {
//liquid-style: make {{{x}}} => {{x|safe}}
open = '{{';
inner += '|safe';
parser.tokenHandler(open, inner);
var text = src.slice(lastEnd);
if (trimLeading) text = trimLeft(text);
Parser.prototype.textHandler = function(text) {
this.push('write(' + JSON.stringify(text) + ');');
Parser.prototype.tokenHandler = function(open, inner) {
var type = delimeters[open];
if (type === 'directive') {
} else if (type === 'output') {
var extracted = this.extractEnt(inner, STRINGS, '@');
//replace || operators with ~
extracted.src = extracted.src.replace(/\|\|/g, '~').split('|');
//put back || operators
extracted.src = extracted.src.map(function(part) {
return part.split('~').join('||');
var parts = this.injectEnt(extracted, '@');
if (parts.length > 1) {
var filters = parts.slice(1).map(this.parseFilter.bind(this));
this.push('filter(' + this.parseExpr(parts[0]) + ',' + filters.join(',') + ');');
} else {
this.push('filter(' + this.parseExpr(parts[0]) + ');');
Parser.prototype.compileTag = function(str) {
var directive = str.split(' ')[0];
var handler = tagHandlers[directive];
if (!handler) {
throw new Error('Invalid tag: ' + str);
handler.call(this, str.slice(directive.length).trim());
Parser.prototype.parseFilter = function(src) {
src = src.trim();
var match = src.match(/[:(]/);
var i = match ? match.index : -1;
if (i < 0) return JSON.stringify([src]);
var name = src.slice(0, i);
var args = src.charAt(i) === ':' ? src.slice(i + 1) : src.slice(i + 1, -1);
args = this.parseExpr(args, {
terms: true
return '[' + JSON.stringify(name) + ',' + args + ']';
Parser.prototype.extractEnt = function(src, regex, placeholder) {
var subs = [],
isFunc = typeof placeholder == 'function';
src = src.replace(regex, function(str) {
var replacement = isFunc ? placeholder(str) : placeholder;
if (replacement) {
return replacement;
return str;
return {
src: src,
subs: subs
Parser.prototype.injectEnt = function(extracted, placeholder) {
var src = extracted.src,
subs = extracted.subs,
isArr = Array.isArray(src);
var arr = (isArr) ? src : [src];
var re = new RegExp('[' + placeholder + ']', 'g'),
i = 0;
arr.forEach(function(src, index) {
arr[index] = src.replace(re, function() {
return subs[i++];
return isArr ? arr : arr[0];
//replace complex literals without mistaking subscript notation with array literals
Parser.prototype.replaceComplex = function(s) {
var parsed = this.extractEnt(s, /i(\.i|\[[@#i]\])+/g, 'v');
parsed.src = parsed.src.replace(NON_PRIMITIVES, '~');
return this.injectEnt(parsed, 'v');
//parse expression containing literals (including objects/arrays) and variables (including dot and subscript notation)
//valid expressions: `a + 1 > b.c or c == null`, `a and b[1] != c`, `(a < b) or (c < d and e)`, 'a || [1]`
Parser.prototype.parseExpr = function(src, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
//extract string literals -> @
var parsed1 = this.extractEnt(src, STRINGS, '@');
//note: this will catch {not: 1} and a.is; could we replace temporarily and then check adjacent chars?
parsed1.src = parsed1.src.replace(EOPS, function(s, before, op, after) {
return (op in operators) ? before + operators[op] + after : s;
//sub out non-string literals (numbers/true/false/null) -> #
// the distinction is necessary because @ can be object identifiers, # cannot
var parsed2 = this.extractEnt(parsed1.src, IDENTS_AND_NUMS, function(s) {
return (s in constants || NUMBER.test(s)) ? '#' : null;
//sub out object/variable identifiers -> i
var parsed3 = this.extractEnt(parsed2.src, IDENTIFIERS, 'i');
//remove white-space
parsed3.src = parsed3.src.replace(/\s+/g, '');
//the rest of this is simply to boil the expression down and check validity
var simplified = parsed3.src;
//sub out complex literals (objects/arrays) -> ~
// the distinction is necessary because @ and # can be subscripts but ~ cannot
while (simplified !== (simplified = this.replaceComplex(simplified)));
//now @ represents strings, # represents other primitives and ~ represents non-primitives
//replace complex variables (those with dot/subscript accessors) -> v
while (simplified !== (simplified = simplified.replace(/i(\.i|\[[@#i]\])+/, 'v')));
//empty subscript or complex variables in subscript, are not permitted
simplified = simplified.replace(/[iv]\[v?\]/g, 'x');
//sub in "i" for @ and # and ~ and v (now "i" represents all literals, variables and identifiers)
simplified = simplified.replace(/[@#~v]/g, 'i');
//sub out operators
simplified = simplified.replace(OPERATORS, '%');
//allow 'not' unary operator
simplified = simplified.replace(/!+[i]/g, 'i');
var terms = opts.terms ? simplified.split(',') : [simplified];
terms.forEach(function(term) {
//simplify logical grouping
while (term !== (term = term.replace(/\(i(%i)*\)/g, 'i')));
if (!term.match(/^i(%i)*/)) {
throw new Error('Invalid expression: ' + src + " " + term);
parsed3.src = parsed3.src.replace(VARIABLES, this.parseVar.bind(this));
parsed2.src = this.injectEnt(parsed3, 'i');
parsed1.src = this.injectEnt(parsed2, '#');
return this.injectEnt(parsed1, '@');
Parser.prototype.parseVar = function(src) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var str = args.pop(),
index = args.pop();
//quote bare object identifiers (might be a reserved word like {while: 1})
if (src === 'i' && str.charAt(index + 1) === ':') {
return '"i"';
var parts = ['"i"'];
src.replace(ACCESSOR, function(part) {
if (part === '.i') {
} else if (part === '[i]') {
} else {
parts.push(part.slice(1, -1));
return 'get(' + parts.join(',') + ')';
//escapes a name to be used as a javascript identifier
Parser.prototype.escName = function(str) {
return str.replace(/\W/g, function(s) {
return '$' + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
Parser.prototype.parseQuoted = function(str) {
if (str.charAt(0) === "'") {
str = str.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\.|"/, function(s) {
if (s === "\\'") return "'";
return s.charAt(0) === '\\' ? s : ('\\' + s);
str = '"' + str + '"';
//todo: try/catch or deal with invalid characters (linebreaks, control characters)
return JSON.parse(str);
//the context 'this' inside tagHandlers is the parser instance
var tagHandlers = {
'if': function(expr) {
this.push('if (' + this.parseExpr(expr) + ') {');
'else': function() {
if (this.nest[0] === 'for') {
this.push('}, function() {');
} else {
this.push('} else {');
'elseif': function(expr) {
this.push('} else if (' + this.parseExpr(expr) + ') {');
'endif': function() {
'for': function(str) {
var i = str.indexOf(' in ');
var name = str.slice(0, i).trim();
var expr = str.slice(i + 4).trim();
this.push('each(' + this.parseExpr(expr) + ',' + JSON.stringify(name) + ',function() {');
'endfor': function() {
'raw': function() {
this.rawMode = true;
'endraw': function() {
this.rawMode = false;
'set': function(stmt) {
var i = stmt.indexOf('=');
var name = stmt.slice(0, i).trim();
var expr = stmt.slice(i + 1).trim();
this.push('set(' + JSON.stringify(name) + ',' + this.parseExpr(expr) + ');');
'block': function(name) {
if (this.isParent) {
var blockName = 'block_' + (this.escName(name) || this.parentBlocks);
this.push('block(typeof ' + blockName + ' == "function" ? ' + blockName + ' : function() {');
} else if (this.hasParent) {
this.isSilent = false;
blockName = 'block_' + (this.escName(name) || this.childBlocks);
this.push('function ' + blockName + '() {');
'endblock': function() {
if (this.isParent) {
} else if (this.hasParent) {
this.isSilent = true;
'extends': function(name) {
name = this.parseQuoted(name);
var parentSrc = this.readTemplateFile(name);
this.isParent = true;
this.isParent = false;
this.hasParent = true;
//silence output until we enter a child block
this.isSilent = true;
'include': function(name) {
name = this.parseQuoted(name);
var incSrc = this.readTemplateFile(name);
this.isInclude = true;
this.isInclude = false;
//liquid style
tagHandlers.assign = tagHandlers.set;
//python/django style
tagHandlers.elif = tagHandlers.elseif;
var getRuntime = function runtime(data, opts) {
var defaults = {
autoEscape: 'toJson'
var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var getKeys = Object.keys || function(obj) {
var keys = [];
for (var n in obj)
if (_hasOwnProperty.call(obj, n)) keys.push(n);
return keys;
var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
return _toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';
var create = Object.create || function(obj) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = obj;
return new F();
var toString = function(val) {
if (val == null) return '';
return (typeof val.toString == 'function') ? val.toString() : _toString.call(val);
var extend = function(dest, src) {
var keys = getKeys(src);
for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
dest[key] = src[key];
return dest;
//get a value, lexically, starting in current context; a.b -> get("a","b")
var get = function() {
var val, n = arguments[0],
c = stack.length;
while (c--) {
val = stack[c][n];
if (typeof val != 'undefined') break;
for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
if (val == null) continue;
n = arguments[i];
val = (_hasOwnProperty.call(val, n)) ? val[n] : (typeof val._get == 'function' ? (val[n] = val._get(n)) : null);
return (val == null) ? '' : val;
var set = function(n, val) {
stack[stack.length - 1][n] = val;
var push = function(ctx) {
stack.push(ctx || {});
var pop = function() {
var write = function(str) {
var filter = function(val) {
for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
var arr = arguments[i],
name = arr[0],
filter = filters[name];
if (filter) {
arr[0] = val;
//now arr looks like [val, arg1, arg2]
val = filter.apply(data, arr);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid filter: ' + name);
if (opts.autoEscape && name !== opts.autoEscape && name !== 'safe') {
//auto escape if not explicitly safe or already escaped
val = filters[opts.autoEscape].call(data, val);
var each = function(obj, loopvar, fn1, fn2) {
if (obj == null) return;
var arr = isArray(obj) ? obj : getKeys(obj),
len = arr.length;
var ctx = {
loop: {
length: len,
first: arr[0],
last: arr[len - 1]
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
extend(ctx.loop, {
index: i + 1,
index0: i
fn1(ctx[loopvar] = arr[i]);
if (len === 0 && fn2) fn2();
var block = function(fn) {
var render = function() {
return output.join('');
data = data || {};
opts = extend(defaults, opts || {});
var filters = extend({
html: function(val) {
return toString(val)
safe: function(val) {
return val;
toJson: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'object') {
return JSON.stringify(val);
return toString(val);
}, opts.filters || {});
var stack = [create(data || {})],
output = [];
return {
get: get,
set: set,
push: push,
pop: pop,
write: write,
filter: filter,
each: each,
block: block,
render: render
var runtime;
jinja.compile = function(markup, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var parser = new Parser();
parser.readTemplateFile = this.readTemplateFile;
var code = [];
code.push('function render($) {');
code.push('var get = $.get, set = $.set, push = $.push, pop = $.pop, write = $.write, filter = $.filter, each = $.each, block = $.block;');
code.push.apply(code, parser.parse(markup));
code.push('return $.render();');
code = code.join('\n');
if (opts.runtime === false) {
var fn = new Function('data', 'options', 'return (' + code + ')(runtime(data, options))');
} else {
runtime = runtime || (runtime = getRuntime.toString());
fn = new Function('data', 'options', 'return (' + code + ')((' + runtime + ')(data, options))');
return {
render: fn
jinja.render = function(markup, data, opts) {
var tmpl = jinja.compile(markup);
return tmpl.render(data, opts);
jinja.templateFiles = [];
jinja.readTemplateFile = function(name) {
var templateFiles = this.templateFiles || [];
var templateFile = templateFiles[name];
if (templateFile == null) {
throw new Error('Template file not found: ' + name);
return templateFile;
* Helpers
function trimLeft(str) {
return str.replace(LEADING_SPACE, '');
function trimRight(str) {
return str.replace(TRAILING_SPACE, '');
function matchAll(str, reg, fn) {
//copy as global
reg = new RegExp(reg.source, 'g' + (reg.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (reg.multiline ? 'm' : ''));
var match;
while ((match = reg.exec(str))) {
var result = fn(match[0], match.index, str);
if (typeof result == 'number') {
reg.lastIndex = result;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user