[mpp.terrium.net](http://mpp.terrium.net) (MPT) is a clone of [ourworldofpixels.com/piano](http://ourworldofpixels.com/piano) (OWOPP/WOPP), which is a clone of [www.multiplayerpiano.com](http://www.multiplayerpiano.com) (MPP). It was started because OWOPP's websocket server stopped being hosted, and there were no other active clones left. The client files are hosted by GitHub Pages (from this repository) and the [websocket server](https://github.com/nagalun/multiplayerpiano-server) is hosted on the ts.terrium.net server, which is an extra VPS that Eric gave me to play with. (you could say this is sponsored by Terrium, so [check it out](https://terrium.net)) Feel free to fork this repository and add your modifications. After you commit, your fork will also be hosted by GitHub Pages so you can run your client at https://_your\_name_.github.io/_repository\_name_. When you're ready, open a pull request to merge your contributions to this repository. If everyone were to contribute their modifications, this could become the ultimate community edition of MPP!