
922 lines
34 KiB

Written By Yoji Inagaki
1996. 5. 1(WED)
extern void Na_SeFlagCheck(u8, f32 *, f32 *, u16 *);
extern void Na_SeFlagEntry(u32 , f32 *);
extern void Na_SeFlagFree(u8, u8);
extern void Na_SeBgmMuteOff(u8, u8);
extern f32 Na_SePan(f32, f32);
extern void Na_AllMusicCheck(void);
extern void Na_SeqSubVolumeTrans(u8, u8 , u8 , u16);
extern void Na_AllSeqSubVolumeTrans(u8, u8, u16);
extern void Na_SeqSubVolumeMove(u8 );
extern void Na_BgmFlagEntry(u8, u16 , u16);
extern void Na_BgmFlagFadeOut(u16, u16);
extern void Na_BgmFlagFree(u16);
extern void Na_AllBgmStackFlagFree(void);
extern u16 Na_GetPlayingBgmFlag(void);
extern void Na_Seq0TimerMuteCheck(void);
extern void Na_Seq1PlayingCheck(void);
extern void Na_SeTrackEntry(u8);
extern void Na_SeEnd(u32, f32 *);
extern void Na_ObjSeEnd(f32 *);
extern void Na_AllSeStop(u8);
extern void Na_AllSeCheck(void);
extern void Na_LevelSeAllStop(void);
extern void Na_SeqStart(u8, u8, u16);
extern void Na_SeqMixing(u8 ,u32 ,s8 );
extern void Na_SeqCrossFade(u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u16);
extern void Na_AddSeq(u8 , u8, u8, u16);
extern void Na_SubSeq(u16);
extern void Na_SoundFadeOut(u16);
extern u8 Na_Seq0MuteVolSet(u16);
extern void Na_SeqStop(u8, u16);
extern void Na_AllSeqStop(void);
extern void Na_PauseSet(u8);
extern void Na_SeInfoGet(u8, u8 *, u8 *, u8 *);
extern void Na_SeqVolRecover(u8, u16);
extern void Na_SeqVolMute(u8, u16, u8);
extern void Na_PortLock(u8, u16);
extern void Na_PortUnlock(u8, u16);
extern void Na_OutputMode(u8);
extern void Na_StageChange(u8);
extern void Na_SetObjSpeed(u8, u8);
extern void Na_MessageSound(u8);
extern void Na_HiScoreBgm(void);
extern void Na_NewStarAppearBgm(u8);
extern void Na_RaceFanfareBgm(void);
extern void Na_NazoClearBgm(void);
extern void Na_NewDoorMessageBgm(void);
extern void Na_kinopioAppearBgm(void);
extern void Na_ClearFanfare(void);
extern u8 Na_SubTrackMute(u8 , u8 , u8 );
extern f32 _zeroptr[3];
extern f32 _oneptr[3];
extern u32 NA_RANDOM;
extern u8 StageFeOfs;
Command Macro
1996. 5. 2(THU)
#define Na_FixSeFlagEntry(s) Na_SeFlagEntry(s, &_zeroptr[0])
#define Na_MarioJump(p) Na_SeFlagEntry(NA_VC1_NORMALJUMP+((NA_RANDOM % 0x03)<<16), p)
#define Na_MarioSpeed(s) Na_SetObjSpeed(_HN_PLAYER_L, s)
#define Na_MarioPant(p) Na_SeFlagEntry(NA_VC1_HARDBREATHE+((NA_RANDOM % 0x03)<<16), p)
#define Na_MarioHighJump(p) Na_SeFlagEntry(NA_VC1_HIGHJUMP+((NA_RANDOM % 0x05)<<16), p)
#define Na_RedCoinSe(c) Na_SeFlagEntry(NA_SYS_REDCOIN+(((u32)(c)-1)<<16), &_zeroptr[0])
#define Na_SecretPointSe(c) Na_SeFlagEntry(NA_SYS_SECRETPOINT+(((u32)(c-1))<<16), &_zeroptr[0])
#define Na_SystemTrgFixSeStart(s) Na_SeFlagEntry(s,&_zeroptr[0])
#define Na_LevelSound(stratp,flag) Na_SeFlagEntry(flag,&(stratp)->map.viewCoord[0])
#define Na_SeSeqStart() Na_SeqStart(NA_SE_HANDLE,_SE_SEQUENCE,0)
#define Na_EntryMusicFree(f) Na_BgmFlagFree(f);
#define Na_EntryMusicFadeOut(f,t) Na_BgmFlagFadeOut(f,t);
#define Na_MusicStart(h,a,t) Na_BgmFlagEntry(h,a,t)
#define Na_MusicStop(h,t) Na_SeqStop(h,t)
#define Na_MusicStart2(n) Na_SeqStart(NA_MUS_HANDLE,n,0)
#define Na_MusicFadein(n,t) Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE,t)
#define Na_MusicStop2() Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE,1)
#define Na_MusicFadeOut(t) Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE,t)
#define Na_MusicMuteOn() Na_SeqVolMute(NA_MUS_HANDLE, 60, NA_VIEWMODE_VOL)
#define Na_MusicMuteOff() Na_SeqVolRecover(NA_MUS_HANDLE, 60)
#define Na_MusicVolDown(h,t,v) Na_SeqVolMute(h, t, v)
#define Na_MusicVolRecover(h,t) Na_SeqVolRecover(h, t)
#define Na_KuppaBgmFadeOut() Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE, 1)
#define Na_StageBgmFadeOut() Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE, 480)
#define Na_BossBgmStop() Na_SeqStop(NA_MUS_HANDLE,1)
#define Na_WaterBgmFull() Na_AllSeqSubVolumeTrans(NA_MUS_HANDLE, 127, 1000)
#define Na_PauseStart() Na_PauseSet(1)
#define Na_PauseEnd() Na_PauseSet(0)
#define Na_PukkunBgmStart() Na_AddSeq(0x0b, NA_PUKKUN_VOL, 0xff, 1000) /*NA_VIEWMODE_VOL*/
#define Na_PukkunBgmEnd() Na_SubSeq(50)
#define Na_PukkunBgmAway() Na_SubSeq(500)
#define Na_MerryBgmMin() Na_AddSeq(0x13, NA_MERRY_VOL00, NA_MERRY_VOL01, 200)
#define Na_MerryBgmMax() Na_AddSeq(0x13, NA_MERRY_VOL10, NA_MERRY_VOL11, 50)
#define Na_MerryBgmEnd() Na_SubSeq(300)
#define Na_MugenBgmStart() Na_AddSeq(0x18, 0, 0xff, 1000) /*NA_VIEWMODE_VOL*/
#define Na_MugenBgmEnd() Na_SubSeq(500)
#define Na_StarAppearBgm() Na_NewStarAppearBgm(1)
#define Na_Star100AppearBgm() Na_NewStarAppearBgm(1)
#define Na_StarAppearBgm() Na_NewStarAppearBgm(1)
#define Na_Star100AppearBgm() Na_NewStarAppearBgm(0)
#define Na_BlockSwitchBgm() Na_NazoClearBgm()
/*** seq handle define ***/
#define NA_MUS_HANDLE 0x00
#define NA_FANFARE_HANDLE 0x01
#define NA_SE_HANDLE 0x02
/*** sequence define ***/
#define _SE_SEQUENCE 0
/*** se handle define ***/
#define _HN_PLAYER_T 0
#define _HN_PLAYER_L 1
#define _HN_PLAYER_V 2
#define _HN_SCENE_T 3
#define _HN_SCENE_L 4
#define _HN_ENEMY_T 5
#define _HN_ENEMY_L 6
#define _HN_SYSTEM 7
/*** output mode ***/
#define NA_SOUT_WIDE 0
#define NA_SOUT_STEREO 2
#define NA_SOUT_MONO 3
1996. 3.20(WED)
b3:d4-d7 handle
d3 dist pitch flag
d2 priority distanse no check
d1 real time random pitch
d0 distanse volume no check
b2:d0-d7 number
b1:d0-d7 priority
b0:d7 0:trigger
d0 start flag
d5 no effect
d4 BGM mute
d1-d6 no use
/*** Mario Play Action Trigger ***/
#define NA_ON_GRND 0x00000000 /* On Ground */
#define NA_ON_GRAS 0x00010000 /* On Grass */
#define NA_ON_WATRSIDE 0x00020000 /* On Waterside */
#define NA_ON_CONC 0x00030000 /* On Concrete */
#define NA_ON_FLOOR 0x00040000 /* On Floor */
#define NA_ON_SNOW 0x00050000 /* On Snow */
#define NA_ON_ICE 0x00060000 /* On Ice */
#define NA_ON_SAND 0x00070000 /* On Sand */
#define NA_ON_MAGMA 0x00080000 /* On magma (kame slip only) */
#define NA_SE1_JUMP 0x04008081 /* Jumping */
#define NA_SE1_LAND 0x04088081 /* Landing */
#define NA_SE1_WALK 0x06108081 /* Walking */
#define NA_SE1_DOWN 0x04188081 /* Fall Down */
#define NA_SE1_SLOWWALK 0x06208081 /* Slow Walking */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_JUMP 0x04289081 /* metal mario jump */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_LAND 0x04299081 /* metal mario land */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_WALK 0x042a9081 /* metal mario walk */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_DOWN 0x042b9081 /* metal mario down */
#define NA_SE1_HANDRUB 0x062c0081 /* hand rub */
#define NA_SE1_UNTEI 0x042da081 /* untei move */
#define NA_SE1_DEEPSANDWALK 0x042e0081 /* walk on deep sand */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_SLOWWALK 0x042f9081 /* metal mario slowwalk */
#define NA_SE1_DIVE 0x0430C081 /* Dive into water! */
#define NA_SE1_FACEUP 0x04316081 /* face break the surface of water */
#define NA_SE1_WATJUMP 0x04328081 /* jump from water */
#define NA_SE1_SWIMHAND 0x04338081 /* Swimming with Hand */
#define NA_SE1_SWIMFOOT 0x04348081 /* Swimming with Foot */
#define NA_SE1_THROW 0x04358081 /* Throw an object */
#define NA_SE1_KICK 0x04369081 /* Kick an object */
#define NA_SE1_THROWUP 0x04368081 /* throw up key */
#define NA_SE1_JUMPROLL 0x04378081 /* Kick an object */
#define NA_SE1_KURU 0x04388081 /* Kurukuru Jump */
#define NA_SE1_CURVE 0x04398081 /* slip at slope 's curve */
#define NA_SE1_TREEUP 0x043a8081 /* Treeup */
#define NA_SE1_TREEDOWN 0x043b8081 /* Treedown */
#define NA_SE1_HIPATTACK 0x043c8081 /* Hip Attack */
#define NA_SE1_OFFCAP 0x043d8081 /* cap off */
#define NA_SE1_WEARCAP 0x043e8081 /* cap on */
#define NA_SE1_HITHIP 0x043f8081 /* hit hip */
#define NA_SE1_CATCH 0x043f8081 /* catch key */
#define NA_SE1_SCRATCH_HEAD 0x04408081 /* atama wo kaku */
#define NA_SE1_POLEUP 0x04418081 /* climb pole */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_HITWALL 0x04428081 /* hit wall on metal */
#define NA_SE1_GRD_ESCAPE 0x04438081 /* SHUPON !! */
#define NA_SE1_ATTACK_HIT 0x0444B081 /* boyoyon */
#define NA_SE1_CLEARWALL_HIT 0x0444C081 /* boyoyon */
#define NA_SE1_PIPEJUMP 0x0444A081 /* jump from pipe */
#define NA_SE1_HITWALL 0x0445A081 /* hit wall !! */
#define NA_SE1_INTO_BIRDCAGE 0x0446A081 /* into bird cage */
#define NA_SE1_SWIMHAND_FAST 0x0447A081 /* into bird cage */
#define NA_SE1_SINK 0x04488081 /* sink ground */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_JUMP_W 0x04509081 /* metal mario jump in water */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_LAND_W 0x04519081 /* metal mario land in water */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_WALK_W 0x04529081 /* metal mario walk in water */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_DOWN_W 0x04539081 /* metal mario down in water */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_SLOWWALK_W 0x04549081 /* metal mario slowwalk in water */
#define NA_SE1_GO_UP_WIND 0x04568081 /* flying mario goes up */
#define NA_SE1_JUGEM_ACCEL_1 0x04568081 /* opening jugem acceleration 1 */
#define NA_SE1_TELEPORT 0x0457C081 /* flying mario goes up */
#define NA_SE1_METAL_REBOUND 0x0458A081 /* flying mario goes up */
#define NA_SE1_STEP_HIT 0x0459B081 /* flying mario goes up */
#define NA_SE1_SIDEJUMP_ROLL 0x045A8081 /* flying mario goes up */
#define NA_SE1_KANBAN_READ 0x045Bff81 /* kanban read trigger */
#define NA_SE1_PUTKEY 0x045C8081 /* put key */
#define NA_SE1_JUGEM_ACCEL_2 0x045E8081 /* opening jugem acceleration 2 */
#define NA_SE1_JUGEM_ACCEL_3 0x045F8081 /* opening jugem acceleration 3 */
#define NA_SE1_HIPATTACK2 0x04608081 /* Hip Attack new */
/*** Mario Play Action LEVEL ***/
#define NA_LSE1_SLIP 0x14000001
#define NA_LSE1_SMOKE 0x14100001 /* hip fired! */
#define NA_LSE1_POLEDOWN 0x14110001 /* get off pole */
#define NA_LSE1_TREEDOWN 0x14128001 /* Treedown */
#define NA_LSE1_LONGFALL 0x14130001 /* long fall */
#define NA_LSE1_SANDSINK 0x14140001 /* into sand */
#define NA_LSE1_FLYING 0x14150001 /* fly in the sky */
#define NA_LSE1_SPARK 0x14160001 /* denki biribiri */
#define NA_LSE1_FLY 0x14170001 /* flying */
#define NA_LSE1_ALARM 0x1C180001 /* flying */
#define NA_LSE1_TAIHOU_AIM 0x1D192001 /* flying */
#define NA_LSE1_KOURA_SLIP 0x14200001 /* nokonoko slide */
#define NA_LSE1_KOURA_SLIP_MAGMA 0x14280001 /* nokonoko slide */
/*** Mario Voice Trigger ***/
#define NA_VC1_NORMALJUMP 0x24008081
/* Hop!
One of them which are from 0x00 to 0x02
selected randomly.
Please use "Na_PlayerJump()" for it.
#define NA_VC1_SECONDJUMP 0x24038081 /* Step! */
#define NA_VC1_SPINJUMP 0x24048081 /* Jump! */
#define NA_VC1_SPECIALJUMP 0x24048081 /* Jump! */
#define NA_VC1_FALL 0x24058081 /* Fall from above to bottom */
#define NA_VC1_LIFT 0x24068081 /* Lift up an object */
#define NA_VC1_THROW 0x24078081 /* Throw an object */
#define NA_VC1_HANG 0x2408C081 /* Hook hands above player */
#define NA_VC1_CLIMB 0x24098081 /* Climbing */
#define NA_VC1_DAMAGE 0x240aff81 /* Damaged */
#define NA_VC1_TUMBLE 0x240bD081 /* Fall on bottom */
#define NA_VC1_CAUGHT 0x240b8081 /* Fall on bottom */
#define NA_VC1_NO 0x240b8081 /* Tubusare */
#define NA_VC1_YEEAH 0x240c8081 /* Get Coin */
#define NA_VC1_JOY 0x240c8081 /* Get Coin */
#define NA_VC1_YAWN 0x240d8081 /* Akubi */
#define NA_VC1_ZZZ_IN 0x240e8081 /* Sleep breathe in */
#define NA_VC1_ZZZ_OUT 0x240f8081 /* Sleep breathe out */
#define NA_VC1_DOWN 0x2410C081 /* Player KnockDown */
#define NA_VC1_INVOLVED 0x2410C081 /* involved by storm */
#define NA_VC1_SPARK 0x2410C081 /* spark */
#define NA_VC1_LAND 0x24118081 /* High Jump Landing */
#define NA_VC1_LONGFALL_DIVE 0x2411f081 /* High fall diving */
#define NA_VC1_HARDBREATHE 0x24188081 /* HP<=4 */
#define NA_VC1_LONGJUMPLAND 0x24138081 /* long jump land */
#define NA_VC1_CLIMB2 0x2413D081 /* jump climb */
#define NA_VC1_FIREONBUTT 0x2414A081 /* fire on butt */
#define NA_VC1_DEATH 0x2415FF81 /* hp 0 death */
#define NA_VC1_FREEZE 0x24168081 /* freeze */
#define NA_VC1_COUGH 0x24178081 /* cough */
#define NA_VC1_COUGH0 0x241B8081 /* cough 0 */
#define NA_VC1_COUGH1 0x241C8081 /* cough 1 */
#define NA_VC1_COUGH2 0x241D8081 /* cough 2 */
#define NA_VC1_PUNCH 0x241E8081 /* punch */
#define NA_VC1_KICK 0x241F8081 /* kick */
#define NA_VC1_MAMMA 0x24208081 /* manmamia */
#define NA_VC1_OKEYDOKEY 0x24218081 /* okeydokey */
#define NA_VC1_HIPATTACK 0x24228081 /* hip attack */
#define NA_VC1_DEATH_IN_WATER 0x2423F081 /* death in water */
#define NA_VC1_PUNCH2 0x24248081 /* punch 2 */
#define NA_VC1_HIGHJUMP 0x242B8081 /* randomhigh jump */
#define NA_VC1_DUUUN 0x24308081 /* duuuun */
#define NA_VC1_GAMEOVER 0x2431FF81 /* game over */
#define NA_VC1_HELLO 0x2432FF81 /* hello */
#define NA_VC1_PRESS_START 0x2433FFA1 /* press start */
#define NA_VC1_POIN 0x24348081 /* poin */
#define NA_VC1_SLEEPINGTALK 0x2435FF81 /* sleeping talk */
#define NA_VC1_SO_LONG 0x24368081 /* so long bowser */
#define NA_VC1_TIRED 0x24378081 /* I'm tired */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_LETTER 0x2428FF81 /* peach letter message */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_1 0x2438FF81 /* peach ENDING message 1 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_2 0x2439FF81 /* peach ENDING message 2 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_3 0x243AFF81 /* peach ENDING message 3 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_4 0x243BFF81 /* peach ENDING message 4 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_5 0x243CFF81 /* peach ENDING message 5 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_6 0x243DFF81 /* peach ENDING message 6 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_7 0x243EFF81 /* peach ENDING message 7 */
#define NA_VC1_PEACH_END_8 0x243FFF81 /* peach ENDING message 8 */
#define NA_VC1_SILENT 0x2028FF91 /* dummy silent SE for fanfare */
#define NA_VC1_SILENT2 0x2029FF91 /* dummy silent SE for fanfare */
#define NA_VC1_SILENT3 0x202AFF91 /* dummy silent SE for fanfare */
/*** Scene Trigger ***/
#define NA_DOOR_WOOD 0x00000000 /* Wood Door */
#define NA_DOOR_METAL 0x00020000 /* Metal Door */
#define NA_IN_CASTLE 0x00000000
#define NA_IN_OUTDOOR 0x00010000
#define NA_IN_WATER 0x00020000
#define NA_SE2_BIGSWITCH 0x30008081 /* BIG SWITCH */
#define NA_SE2_FLOORCRUMBLE 0x30008081 /* big world top floor */
#define NA_SE2_BIGJUMP 0x30018081 /* JUMP STEPBOARD */
#define NA_SE2_PIPEWARP 0x31028081 /* WARP TO ANOTHER WORLD */
#define NA_SE2_FIRE_GO_OUT 0x30038081 /* hi ga kieru */
/** DOORKNOB is removed. **/
#define NA_SE2_WOODOPEN 0x3004c081
#define NA_SE2_WOODCLOSE 0x3005c081
#define NA_SE2_METALOPEN 0x3006c081
#define NA_SE2_METALCLOSE 0x3007c081
#define NA_SE2_BUBBLE 0x30080081 /* Water Bubble PokoPoko */
#define NA_SE2_FISH 0x30090081 /* Fish Swiming */
#define NA_SE2_BIGBUBBLE 0x300b0081 /* Water Boko! */
#define NA_SE2_VOLCANO 0x300c8081
#define NA_SE2_MAGMAAWA 0x300d0081 /* Magma bokoboko */
#define NA_SE2_OTOSHIANA 0x300e8081 /* Trap */
#define NA_SE2_WALLCRASH 0x300F0081 /* wall crush using taihou */
#define NA_SE2_WALLCRUMBLE 0x300F0081 /* wall crush using taihou */
#define NA_SE2_GATECRUMBLE 0x300F0081 /* wall crush using taihou */
#define NA_SE2_STAR_ROLL 0x30160091 /* small furiko in castle */
#define NA_SE2_FURIKO_S 0x30170081 /* small furiko in castle */
#define NA_SE2_WOODBOX_BOUND 0x32240081 /* log rolling */
#define NA_SE2_LOGROLL 0x32250081 /* log rolling */
#define NA_SE2_SHELL_OPEN 0x30264081 /* shell open */
#define NA_SE2_SHELL_CLOSE 0x30274081 /* shell close */
#define NA_SE2_MARIO 0x39280081 /* Enter the mario picture */
#define NA_SE3_OWL 0x300a0081 /* Shark Swiming */
#define NA_SE3_BIRDFLAP 0x300a0081 /* Hawk flap */
#define NA_SE2_SELECT 0x302b0081
#define NA_SE2_SET NA_SYS_SET /* 0x302cF081*/
#define NA_SE2_BRIDGEFALL 0x302d8081
#define NA_SE2_FLOOR_BURST 0x302e2081 /* athletic floor burst */
#define NA_SE2_KIRAI 0x302e0081
#define NA_SE2_KUPABOMB 0x312f0081
#define NA_SE2_KUPPABOMB 0x312f0081
#define NA_SE2_COINFLY 0x38302081
#define NA_SE2_WATERBOMB 0x30310081
#define NA_SE2_WATERRING 0x30320081
#define NA_SE2_BOYOYONJUMP 0x30330081
#define NA_SE2_BRIDGEUP 0x30344081
#define NA_SE2_BRIDGEDOWN 0x30354081
#define NA_SE2_SEESAW_MOVE 0x30354081
#define NA_SE2_COINBOUND 0x30364081
#define NA_SE2_KEYGET 0x38370081
#define NA_SE2_KEYBOUND 0x38378081
#define NA_SE2_FURIKO 0x30380081
#define NA_SE2_WANWAN_WALK 0x30390081
#define NA_SE2_WANWAN_ATTACK 0x303A0081
#define NA_SE2_UNLOCK 0x303B0081
#define NA_SE2_SNOWBALLBROKEN 0x303C0081
#define NA_SE2_WOODHIT 0x303D0081
#define NA_SE2_WOODPOLE_BOUND 0x303D8081
#define NA_SE2_RAFTSWITCH 0x303E0081
#define NA_SE2_PLATESWITCH 0x303E0081
#define NA_SE2_METAL_GATE 0x303Fa081
#define NA_SE2_M_BALL_BOUND 0x30400081
#define NA_SE2_RAFT_COLLISION 0x30404081
#define NA_SE2_BLOCK_BURST 0x3041C081
#define NA_SE2_KEY_SET 0x30420081
#define NA_SE2_WALL_MOVE_DOWN 0x30430081
#define NA_SE2_WALL_HIT 0x30440081
#define NA_SE2_PILLAR_BOUND 0x30440081
#define NA_SE2_WALL_UP 0x30450081
#define NA_SE2_METALBOX_ROLL 0x30468081
#define NA_SE2_TAIHOUCAP_OPEN 0x30478081
#define NA_SE2_ROCKBOUND 0x30480081
#define NA_SE2_ROLLER_ROLL 0x30482081
#define NA_SE2_BIG_SBALL_BROKEN 0x30490081
#define NA_SE2_PYRAMID_SHAKING 0x304BE081
#define NA_SE2_PYRAMID_EXPLODE 0x304CF081
#define NA_SE2_READY_GO_SHOT 0x314D4081
#define NA_SE2_AUTO_DOOR_OPEN 0x304EC081
#define NA_SE2_AUTO_DOOR_CLOSE 0x304FC081
#define NA_SE2_PILLAR_MOVE 0x30560081
#define NA_SE2_STAR_APPEAR 0x3057FF91
#define NA_SE2_STAR_FINISH 0x3057FF91
#define NA_SE2_ONEUP 0x3058FF81
#define NA_SE2_CHAIR_DOWN 0x30590081
#define NA_SE2_ROLLBOX_START 0x30590081
#define NA_SE2_COFFIN_UP 0x315A0081
#define NA_SE2_WOODPOLE_SWING 0x315A4081
#define NA_SE2_COFFIN_DOWN 0x315B0081
#define NA_SE2_CHAIR_ROLL 0x315C0081
#define NA_SE2_CHAIR_FALL 0x305D0081
#define NA_SE2_OBJECT_BOUND 0x305E0081
#define NA_SE2_CHAIR_SHAKE 0x305F0081
#define NA_SE2_KUPPA_DISAPPEAR 0x30600081
#define NA_SE2_KUPPA_KEY_FALL 0x30610081
#define NA_SE2_STAGE_CRUMBLE 0x31628081
#define NA_SE2_ONEUP_APPEAR 0x3063D081
#define NA_SE2_HEART_TOUCH 0x3064C081
#define NA_SE2_PILE_HIT 0x3065C081
#define NA_SE2_WATERLEVEL_SWITCH 0x30668081
#define NA_SE2_STONE_SWITCH 0x3067A081
#define NA_SE2_GET_ALLREDCOIN 0x38689081
#define NA_SE2_BIRD_FLY 0x30690081
#define NA_SE2_CORRECT_CHIME 0x306A8081
#define NA_SE2_LIFT_STOP 0x306B8081
#define NA_SE2_BOXJUMP_S 0x306C4081
#define NA_SE2_BOXJUMP_B 0x306D4081
#define NA_SE2_FLOG_JUMP 0x306D2081
#define NA_SE2_YOSSY_WALK 0x306E2081
#define NA_SE2_YOSSY_JUMP 0x306F3081
#define NA_SE2_YOSSY_MESSAGE 0x30703081
#define NA_SE2_FLOG_DOWN 0x30713081
#define NA_SE2_JUGEMU_APPEAR 0x30750081
#define NA_SE2_BIGSTAR_MOVE 0x30730081
#define NA_SE2_BIGSTAR_BOUND 0x30740081
#define NA_SE2_SHIP_ROW 0x30750081
#define NA_SE2_FLOG_APPEAR 0x30762081
#define NA_SE2_OPENDOOR 0x3004C081
#define NA_SE2_CLOSEDOOR 0x3005C081
#define NA_SE2_COIN 0x38108081
#define NA_SE2_BLOCK 0x30188081
#define NA_SE2_BOXOPEN 0x31208081
/*** Scene Level ***/
#define NA_LSE2_RIVER 0x40000001 /* River stream */
#define NA_LSE2_FALL 0x40010001 /* Water fall */
#define NA_LSE2_MOVE 0x40020001 /* Motor Floor */
#define NA_LSE2_LIFT 0x40020001 /* Motor Floor */
#define NA_LSE2_MAGMA 0x41030001 /* Magma stream */
#define NA_LSE2_KIRAKIRA 0x40040001 /* Kirakira Star */
#define NA_LSE2_SANDSTORM 0x40050001 /* storm */
#define NA_LSE2_SWIRL 0x40060001 /* arijigoku */
#define NA_LSE2_STANDSLOPE 0x40070001 /* stand slope */
#define NA_LSE2_CONVEYOR 0x40080001 /* belt conveyor */
#define NA_LSE2_STAND_APPEAR 0x40080001 /* stand appear */
#define NA_LSE2_RAFT_MOVE 0x40080001 /* raft move or mounatain*/
#define NA_LSE2_WATERTORNADO 0x40090001 /* water tornado */
#define NA_LSE2_ROCKROLL 0x400A0001 /* rock roll */
#define NA_LSE2_ROCKSLIDE 0x400A0001 /* rock slide */
#define NA_LSE2_BRIDGESLOPE 0x400B0001
#define NA_LSE2_SHIPSLOPE 0x400B0001
#define NA_LSE2_LIFTROLLER 0x400C0001
#define NA_LSE2_WOODLIFT 0x400D0001
#define NA_LSE2_RACK_SLIDE 0x410D0001 /* book rack slide */
#define NA_LSE2_SANDFALL 0x400E0001 /* sand fall */
#define NA_LSE2_TURNTABLE 0x400F4001 /* wood turn table */
#define NA_LSE2_BLOWUP_WIND 0x40108001 /* blow up wind */
#define NA_LSE2_CLOCKHAND 0x40120001 /* clock hand move */
#define NA_LSE2_BOXSLIDE_S 0x40130001 /* small box slide */
#define NA_LSE2_STAR_MOVE 0x40140011 /* small box slide */
#define NA_LSE2_STAGE_SLOPE 0x41150001 /* stage slope */
#define NA_LSE2_WATERLEVEL_UP 0x41160001 /* water level up */
#define NA_LSE2_WATERLEVEL_DOWN 0x41160001 /* water level down */
#define NA_LSE2_CUBE_SLIDE 0x40178001 /* water level down */
#define NA_LSE2_TRIANGLE_SLIDE 0x40188001 /* water level down */
/*** Enemy Trigger ***/
#define NA_SE2_SHARK 0x50008081 /** fukurou **/
#define NA_SE3_RABBITJUMP 0x50010081 /** **/
#define NA_SE3_EYESHOT 0x50010081 /** eye shot **/
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINWALK 0x50020081 /** penguin **/
#define NA_SE3_KUPAWALK 0x50030081
#define NA_SE3_KUPAGAO 0x50040081
#define NA_SE3_KUPADAMAGE 0x50050081
#define NA_SE3_KUPADOWN 0x50060081
#define NA_SE3_KUPABUUN 0x50070081
#define NA_SE3_KUPABREATH 0x50080081
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINOYA 0x50098081 /** BIG penguin **/
#define NA_SE3_TERECRASH 0x500A0081
#define NA_SE3_TEREAWAY 0x500B0081
#define NA_SE3_STONE 0x500CA081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOS_APPEAR_B 0x500CA081
#define NA_SE3_TAIHOUSET0 0x500DF081
#define NA_SE3_TAIHOUSET1 0x500EF081
#define NA_SE3_TAIHOUSET2 0x500FF081
#define NA_SE3_FLOWERVOICE 0x50105081
#define NA_SE3_FLOWERDOWN 0x50116081
#define NA_SE3_FISHSPLASH 0x50120081
#define NA_SE3_OSIDASI 0x50130081
#define NA_SE3_ENEMYDOWN 0x50140081
#define NA_SE3_NURIWALK 0x50155081
#define NA_SE3_KATSUGI_WALK 0x50158081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBKING_BOUND 0x50168081
#define NA_SE3_NURIPRESS 0x50166081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOSATTACK 0x50178081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOSFALL 0x5118A081
#define NA_SE3_PUZZLE 0x50192081
#define NA_SE3_TAIHOU 0x501a5081 /* Taihou Bomb! */
#define NA_SE3_MOTOSWALK 0x501b3081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOS_HIT_S 0x501c0081
#define NA_SE3_CATCH_B 0x501d8081
#define NA_SE3_THROW_B 0x501eA081
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINJUMP 0x501f4081 /** penguin **/
#define NA_SE3_BOMBHEI_WALK 0x50270081 /** bombhei **/
#define NA_SE3_MONKEYVOICE0 0x50210081
#define NA_SE3_THROW_S 0x50222081
#define NA_SE3_MOGURA_THROW 0x50220081
#define NA_SE3_MOGURA_HIT 0x50244081
#define NA_SE3_BOMB_TAIHOU 0x50254081
#define NA_SE3_KURIOBOU_DOWN 0x50268081
#define NA_SE3_KURIOBOU_WALK 0x50200081
#define NA_SE3_WATERBOMB_FALL 0x50288081
#define NA_SE3_WATERBOMB_SPLASH 0x5029A081
#define NA_SE3_SNOWMAN_DOWN 0x502A0081
#define NA_SE3_SNOWMAN_LAND 0x502A0081
#define NA_SE3_SNOWMAN_APPEAR 0x502B0081
#define NA_SE3_DISAPPEAR 0x502C8081
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINVOICE 0x502D0081
#define NA_SE3_WATERBOMB_BOUND 0x502E8081
#define NA_SE3_BOUND_S 0x502F0081
#define NA_SE3_KURIBOU_JUMP 0x502F0081
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_JUMP 0x502F6081
#define NA_SE3_KURIBOU_SMASH 0x50308081
#define NA_SE3_ENEMY_SMASH 0x50308081
#define NA_SE3_BATFLAP 0x50310081
#define NA_SE3_DIVE 0x50324081
#define NA_SE3_PUKKEN_DISAPPEAR 0x50334081
#define NA_SE3_NOKONOKO_WALK_B 0x50342081
#define NA_SE3_NOKONOKO_WALK_S 0x50350081
#define NA_SE3_BIGMOTOSWALK 0x50366081
#define NA_SE3_NESSIE_VOICE 0x50376081
#define NA_SE3_KUPPA_MESSAGE 0x50388081
#define NA_SE3_MONKEYVOICE1 0x50390081
#define NA_SE3_MONKEYVOICE2 0x503A0081
#define NA_SE3_MONKEYRUNNING 0x503B0081
#define NA_SE3_MONKEYSCRATCH 0x503C0081
#define NA_SE3_NOKONOKO_CRY_B 0x503DA081
#define NA_SE3_NOKONOKO_CRY_S 0x503EA081
#define NA_SE3_EAGLE_ATTACK 0x503F4081
#define NA_SE3_EAGLE_DAMAGE 0x50406081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBKING_MESSAGE 0x50410081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBKING_DAMAGE 0x50424081
#define NA_SE3_KUMO_WALK 0x50434081
#define NA_SE3_KUMO_JUMP 0x50444081
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINVOICE_S 0x50450081
#define NA_SE3_ENEMY_JUMP 0x50468081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBKING_DOWN 0x5147C081
#define NA_SE3_ENEMY_DOWN 0x5147C081
#define NA_SE3_TERESA_MESSAGE 0x50480081
#define NA_SE3_TERESA_APPEAR 0x50480081
#define NA_SE3_BAT_VOICE 0x50490081
#define NA_SE3_UTSUBO_VOICE 0x524A0081
#define NA_SE3_FINGER 0x524B0081
#define NA_SE3_SNOWMAN_JUMP 0x504C0081
#define NA_SE3_HEIHOSHOT 0x504D0081
#define NA_SE3_AMENBO_WALK_G 0x504E0081
#define NA_SE3_AMENBO_WALK_W 0x504F0081
#define NA_SE3_PUKKUN_APPEAR 0x50542081
#define NA_SE3_PUKKUN_FIRE 0x50558081
#define NA_SE3_KUPPA_F_SHOT 0x50558081
#define NA_SE3_FIREBALL_SHOT 0x50558081
#define NA_SE3_PIANO_RAMPAGE 0x52564081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOS_HIT_B 0x50570081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBHEI_R_MESSAGE 0x50584081
#define NA_SE3_TOGEZOU_BOUND 0x50591081
#define NA_SE3_HAND_DAMAGE 0x525A0081
#define NA_SE3_HAND_DOWN 0x525B0081
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_WALK 0x505c4081
#define NA_SE3_THROWUP 0x505d4081 /* houri nage */
#define NA_SE3_KUPPA_MESSAGE_MUTE 0x505F8091
#define NA_SE3_KURIBOU_S_DOWN 0x5060B081 /* kuribou down */
#define NA_SE3_FURAFURA_DOWN 0x5060B081 /* furahura down */
#define NA_SE3_KURIBOU_B_DOWN 0x5061B081 /* kuribou down */
#define NA_SE3_BAT_DOWN 0x5062B081 /* bat down */
#define NA_SE3_NOKONOKO_S_DOWN 0x5063B081 /* nokonoko down */
#define NA_SE3_SANBO_DOWN 0x5063C081 /* sanbo down */
#define NA_SE3_HEIHO_DOWN 0x5063B081 /* heiho down */
#define NA_SE3_KUMO_DOWN 0x5063B081 /* kumo down */
#define NA_SE3_SNOWBODY_JUMP 0x5064C081
#define NA_SE3_SNOWBODY_LAND 0x5065D081
#define NA_SE3_TEREPORT 0x50668081
#define NA_SE3_MOGURA_APPEAR 0x50678081
#define NA_SE3_HAND_BOUND 0x50684081
#define NA_SE3_BATTANKING_VOICE 0x50694081
#define NA_SE3_USAGI_JUMP_F 0x506A0081 /** usagi **/
#define NA_SE3_EYEROLL 0x506B0081
#define NA_SE3_USAGI_JUMP_W 0x506C0081 /** usagi **/
#define NA_SE3_HAND_MOVE 0x506D0081 /** hand start to move **/
#define NA_SE3_KATSUGINAGE_DOWN 0x516E0081 /** katsugi nage down **/
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_MESSAGE 0x506F0081 /** hanachan message **/
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_DAMAGE 0x50706081 /** hanachan down **/
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_SLOWWALK 0x50712081 /** hanachan slow walk **/
#define NA_SE3_HANACHAN_DOWN 0x5072C081 /** hanachan DOWN **/
#define NA_SE3_BIGPUKUPUKU_BITE 0x50734081 /** hanachan DOWN **/
#define NA_SE3_DOWN_TO_SMALL 0x50744081 /** small DOWN **/
/*** Enemy Level ***/
#define NA_LSE3_KUPAFIRE 0x60000001
#define NA_LSE3_TAIHOUSET3 NA_LSE1_TAIHOU_AIM /*0x6001ff01*/
#define NA_LSE3_JUGEMU_FLY 0x60028001
#define NA_LSE3_SPARK 0x60034001
#define NA_LSE3_SNOWMAN_BREATH 0x60044001
#define NA_LSE3_BURNER 0x60048001
#define NA_LSE3_PENGUIN_SLIDE 0x60050001
#define NA_LSE3_BOXSLIDE 0x60050001 /* box slide */
#define NA_LSE3_THROWUP_MOVE 0x60064001 /* houri nage */
#define NA_LSE3_FURAFURA_MOVE 0x60070001 /* furafura */
#define NA_LSE3_BOMBHEI_STEAM 0x60086001 /* steam */
#define NA_LSE3_GHOST_WIND 0x60098001 /* steam */
#define NA_LSE3_KATSUGINAGE_MOVE 0x600A4001 /* katugi nage */
#define NA_LSE2_PEACH_STAR 0x600B4001 /*end demo peach kirakira */
/*** system Trigger ***/
#define NA_SYS_CURSOR 0x7000F881
#define NA_SYS_ENTER 0x70010081
#define NA_SYS_PAUSE_ON 0x7002FF81
#define NA_SYS_PAUSE_OFF 0x7003FF81
#define NA_SYS_WIN_OPEN 0x70040081
#define NA_SYS_WIN_CLOSE 0x70050081
#define NA_SYS_ZOOM_IN 0x70060081
#define NA_SYS_ZOOM_OUT 0x70070081
#define NA_SYS_PICK 0x70080081
#define NA_SYS_TREMBLE 0x70090081
#define NA_SYS_HAND_A 0x700a0081
#define NA_SYS_HAND_D 0x700b0081
#define NA_SYS_HAND_F 0x700c0081
#define NA_SYS_RECOVER 0x700d0081
#define NA_SYS_BUZZER 0x700e0081
#define NA_SYS_LOOK 0x700f4081
#define NA_SYS_STOP00 0x70100081
#define NA_SYS_CAMERAMOVE 0x700f0081
#define NA_SYS_CLICK 0x70110081
#define NA_SYS_ALRIGHT 0x70120081
#define NA_SYS_MESSAGEPASS 0x70130081
#define NA_SYS_CREDIT 0x70140081
#define NA_SYS_COUNTUP 0x70150081
#define NA_SE2_PIPEWARP 0x70160081 /* WARP TO ANOTHER WORLD */
#define NA_SYS_DOKAN_IN 0x7016A081 /* */
#define NA_SYS_POWER_UP 0x7017A081 /* */
#define NA_SYS_KUPPA_LAUGH 0x70188081 /* mario down wipe */
#define NA_SYS_PIPEWARP 0x71198081
#define NA_SYS_CAMERA_SHUTTER 0x701A8081 /* camera mode change */
#define NA_SYS_DOKAN_APPEAR 0x701B8081 /* opening dokan out */
#define NA_SYS_DOKAN_DISAPPEAR 0x701C8081 /* opening dokan in */
#define NA_SYS_RETURN_CASTLE 0x701DB081 /* return to castle */
#define NA_SYS_SET 0x701EFF81 /* system kirari */
#define NA_SYS_END_MESSAGE 0x701FFF81 /* system kirari */
#define NA_SYS_KANBAN_OPEN 0x70202081 /* kanban open */
#define NA_SYS_KANBAN_CLOSE 0x70212081 /* kanban close */
#define NA_SYS_HIGH_SCORE 0x70222081 /* kanban close */
#define NA_SYS_FILE_SELECT 0x7023FF81 /* file select */
#define NA_SYS_LETS_GO 0x7024FF81 /* into wall */
#define NA_SYS_REDCOIN 0x78289081 /* get red coin */
#define NA_SYS_SECRETPOINT 0x70302081 /* get red coin */
#define NA_SE3_HIT 0x501b0081 /* Taihou Bomb! */
/*** bird chirp at main map ***/
#define NA_ENV_BIRD0 0x60104001 /* bird03*/
#define NA_ENV_BIRD1 0x90524001 /* bird02*/
#define NA_ENV_BIRD2 0x80504001 /* bird00*/
#define NA_ENV_BIRD3 0x50514001 /* bird01*/
#define NA_ENV_TIME_SLOW 0x8054F011 /* time slow */
#define NA_ENV_TIME_FAST 0x8055F011 /* time slow */
#define NA_SE1_KICK NA_VC1_KICK /* Kick an object */
#define NA_SE2_KIRAI 0x802e2081
#define NA_SE2_PLATESWITCH 0x803EC081
#define NA_SE2_PYRAMID_SHAKING 0x814BE081
#define NA_SE2_PYRAMID_EXPLODE 0x814CF081
#define NA_SE2_ROLLBOX_END 0x80400081
#define NA_SE2_STAR_APPEAR 0x8057FF91
#define NA_SE2_ROLLBOX_START 0x80590081
#define NA_SE2_KUPPA_DISAPPEAR 0x80600081
#define NA_SE2_KUPPA_KEY_FALL 0x80610081
#define NA_SE2_ROLLER_ROLL 0x80482081
#define NA_SE2_ONEUP_APPEAR 0x8063D081
//#define NA_SE2_GET_ALLREDCOIN 0x8068A081
#define NA_SE2_CORRECT_CHIME 0x806AA081
#define NA_SE3_FLOWERVOICE 0x90105081
#define NA_SE3_FLOWERDOWN 0x90116081
#define NA_SE3_KUPAGAO 0x90040081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOS_HIT_S 0x901c0081
#define NA_SE3_MOTOS_HIT_B 0x90570081
#define NA_SE3_PUZZLE 0x90192081
#define NA_SE3_BOMBKING_DAMAGE 0x91424081
#define NA_SE3_KUMO_WALK 0x90434081
#define NA_SE3_KUMO_JUMP 0x90444081
#define NA_SE3_PENGUINVOICE_S 0x90450081
#define NA_SE3_BATVOICE 0x90490081
#define NA_SE3_HAND_DAMAGE 0x935A0081
#define NA_SE3_HAND_DOWN 0x925B0081
#define NA_SE3_TEREPORT 0x90668081
#define NA_SE3_MOGURA_APPEAR 0x90678081
#define NA_SE3_EYEROLL 0x906B0081 /** usagi **/
#define NA_SE3_BATTANKING_VOICE 0x90694081
/* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */
#define NA_VIEWMODE_VOL 40
#define MESSAGE_MUTE_SPEED 50 /* 0 */
#define NA_ENDING_SPEC 7
#define NA_PUKKUN_VOL 0
#define NA_MERRY_VOL00 45
#define NA_MERRY_VOL01 20
#define NA_MERRY_VOL10 0
#define NA_MERRY_VOL11 78
#define Na_LockSe() Na_PortLock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x037a)
#define Na_UnlockSe() Na_PortUnlock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x037a)
#define Na_Title_LockSe() Na_PortLock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x017f)
#define Na_Title_UnlockSe() Na_PortUnlock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x017f)
#define Na_Ending_LockSe() Na_PortLock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x03ff)
#define Na_Ending_UnlockSe() Na_PortUnlock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x03ff)
#define Na_Opening_LockSe() Na_PortLock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x0330)
#define Na_Opening_UnlockSe() Na_PortUnlock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x0330)
#define Na_Enddemo_LockSe() Na_PortLock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x03f0)
#define Na_Enddemo_UnlockSe() Na_PortUnlock(NA_SE_HANDLE, 0x03f0)
function extern define
1996. 1.12(FRI)
extern void interface_init(void);
extern void Nas_InitAudio(void);
extern RSPTask *Nas_AudioMain(void);
#define Na_interface_init() interface_init()
#define InitAudio() Nas_InitAudio()
#define AudioMain() Nas_AudioMain()
function extern define
for old entry.m
1996. 1.18(THU)
extern void Na_PicMorphParam(u16);
extern void Na_WritePort(u8, u8, u8, u8);
#define Na_EnvLevelStop() Na_SeStop(NA_SE_HANDLE,NA_ENV_LEVEL,NA_PORT_LEVEL1)
#define Na_SeStop(h, n, m) Na_AllSeStop(n)
#define Na_Se1Start(h, s, n, v) Na_SeFlagEntry(n, &_zeroptr[0])
#define Na_PicMorphStart() Na_WritePort(NA_SE_HANDLE, NA_PIC_MORPH, NA_PORT_TRIG1,1)
#define Na_PicMorphEnd() Na_WritePort(NA_SE_HANDLE, NA_PIC_MORPH, NA_PORT_TRIG1+4, 255)
/* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */
#define NA_PORT_TRIG1 0x00 /* Single SE Mode */
#define NA_PORT_LEVEL1 0x00
/* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */
#define NA_ENV_TRIG 0x03
#define NA_ENV_LEVEL 0x04
#define NA_PIC_MORPH 0x08