2022-12-04 22:27:02 -05:00

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Ultra 64 MARIO Brothers
mario ending demo put off hat animation data
Copyright 1995 Nintendo co., ltd. All rights reserved
April 19, 1996
#include "../headers.h"
#include "../include/anime.h"
static short mario_demo_B_6_putoff_prm[]={
0, 170, 170, 169, 169, 168, 168, 167,
167, 166, 166, 166, 166, 167, 167, 167,
167, 168, 168, 168, 169, 169, 169, 169,
170, 170, 170, 170,16383, 0, 0, -1,
-4, -10, -19, -33, -51, -74, -104, -141,
-185, -239, -301, -373, -456, -551, -658, -777,
-18378,-18540, 0, 713, 2546, 5039, 7730,10161,
6897, 3155, 0, -192, 516, 1365, 2293, 3241,
4150, 4960, 5612, 6047, 6205, 0, 63, 236,
491, 802, 1142, 1485, 1797, 2226, 3016, 4815,
6975, 7800, 6657, 4511, 2059, 0, -356, -230,
-63, 130, 334, 535, 718, 867, 967, 1004,
-3620,-1562, -505, -166, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-13540,-12707,-11940,-11308,-10878,-10720, 1355, 1153,
613, -167,-1089,-2054,-2965,-3722,-4139,-4469,
-5337,-6248,-6082,-4458,-2097, 477, 2737, 4159,
4230, 3288, 2081, 1355, 1276, 1428, 1687, 1933,
2042,11222,10946,10205, 9133, 7861, 6523, 5250,
4176, 3223, 2842, 3411, 4372, 5249, 5889, 6476,
7045, 7627, 8256, 9027, 9895,10686,11222,11468,
-13060,-13066,-12621,-12117,-11647,-11299,-11163, 0,
0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4,
5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208,
-208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208,
-208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208, -208,
-208, -208, -208, -208, -208,-13864,-13878,-13917,
7754, 7800, 7925, 8105, 8319, 8544, 8758, 8938,
9063, 9109, 9096, 9058, 8998, 8920, 8827, 8722,
8609, 8491, 8372, 8254, 8141, 8036, 7943, 7865,
7805, 7767, 7754, 6921, 6908, 6875, 6827, 6769,
6709, 6652, 6603, 6570, 6558, 6561, 6571, 6588,
6608, 6633, 6661, 6692, 6723, 6755, 6787, 6817,
6845, 6870, 6891, 6907, 6917, 6921, 4420, 4440,
4492, 4567, 4656, 4750, 4839, 4915, 4966, 4986,
4980, 4964, 4939, 4907, 4868, 4824, 4777, 4728,
4678, 4629, 4582, 4538, 4500, 4467, 4442, 4426,
-16665,-16641,-16620,-16602,-16588,-16579,-16576, 9527,
9573, 9698, 9878,10092,10317,10531,10711,10836,
10264,10145,10027, 9914, 9810, 9717, 9638, 9579,
9540, 9527,-10678,-10668,-10641,-10603,-10558,-10510,
-32767,16753,-16545, 0, -166, -576,-1093,-1580,
-1304,-1149, -998, -851, -710, -578, -455, -344,
-245, -161, -93, -42, -10, 0, 0, 121,
412, 767, 1078, 1382, 1672, 1775, 1647, 1406,
1121, 861, 697, 606, 521, 441, 368, 300,
239, 185, 137, 96, 61, 35, 15, 3,
0, -926, -205, 1485, 3434, 4932, 5873, 6433,
6321, 5469, 4187, 2757, 1461, 581, 5, -561,
-4352,-4531,-4643,-4681, 0, -146, -469, -792,
-938, -933, -916, -891, -856, -815, -767, -714,
-656, -595, -533, -469, -405, -342, -282, -224,
-171, -123, -81, -47, -21, -5, 0, 2180,
2416, 2932, 3436, 3640, 3584, 3507, 3409, 3295,
3166, 3024, 2873, 2714, 2550, 2383, 2215, 2050,
1889, 1735, 1590, 1456, 1337, 1233, 1149, 1086,
1046, 1032,16545
static short mario_demo_B_6_putoff_tbl[]={
1, 0, /* chn14_1translate x */
27, 1, /* chn14_1 translate y */
1, 0, /* chn14_1 translate z */
1, 0, /* chn14_1 rotate x */
1, 28, /* chn14_1 rotate y */
1, 0, /* chn14_1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1 rotate y */
1, 874, /* <m_waist>1 rotate z */
27, 820, /* <m_body>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_body>1 rotate y */
27, 847, /* <m_body>1 rotate z */
27, 739, /* m_head rotate x */
27, 766, /* m_head rotate y */
27, 793, /* m_head rotate z */
1, 735, /* chn6 rotate x */
1, 736, /* chn6 rotate y */
1, 737, /* chn6 rotate z */
27, 137, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate x */
27, 164, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate y */
27, 191, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1_1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1_1 rotate y */
27, 110, /* <m_larmB>1_1 rotate z */
27, 29, /* <m_lhand>1_1 rotate x */
27, 56, /* <m_lhand>1_1 rotate y */
27, 83, /* <m_lhand>1_1 rotate z */
1, 731, /* chn10 rotate x */
1, 732, /* chn10 rotate y */
1, 733, /* chn10 rotate z */
27, 326, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate x */
27, 353, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate y */
27, 380, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate y */
27, 299, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate z */
27, 218, /* <m_rhand>1_1 rotate x */
27, 245, /* <m_rhand>1_1 rotate y */
27, 272, /* <m_rhand>1_1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn15 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn15 rotate y */
1, 734, /* chn15 rotate z */
27, 650, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate x */
27, 677, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate y */
27, 704, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate y */
27, 623, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate y */
27, 596, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn17 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn17 rotate y */
1, 738, /* chn17 rotate z */
27, 515, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate x */
27, 542, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate y */
27, 569, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate y */
27, 488, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate z */
27, 407, /* <m_rtoot>1 rotate x */
27, 434, /* <m_rtoot>1 rotate y */
27, 461, /* <m_rtoot>1 rotate z */
AnimeRecord animMarioEndingPutOff = {
MAP_ANIM_ONETIME, /* attribute */
0, /* syncro */
0, /* start frame */
0, /* loop frame */
27, /* number of frames */
20, /* number of joints */