2022-12-04 22:27:02 -05:00

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Ultra 64 MARIO Brothers
mario junmping step 2 animation data
Copyright 1995 Nintendo co., ltd. All rights reserved
August 25, 1995
#include "../headers.h"
static short mario_2step_jump_end_prm[]={
0, 172, 145, 116, 110, 119, 129, 135,
141, 146, 151, 154, 158, 162, 165, 167,
170, 171, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,16383, -5, -2,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-10074,-10612,-10960,-11084, 2131, 3190, 3650, 3587,
3444, 3233, 2968, 2661, 2323, 1969, 1609, 1257,
925, 625, 370, 172, 45, 0, 500, 175,
0, -46, -79, -102, -114, -118, -114, -105,
-92, -76, -59, -41, -25, -12, -3, 0,
12865, 9113, 5939, 3490, 1914, 1355,16250,20345,
15907,11404, 6877, 2473,-1658,-5370,-8515,-10945,
-12511,-13066, 2052, 2422, 2503, 2303, 1743, 2483,
2322, 2113, 1869, 1601, 1321, 1040, 771, 524,
312, 146, 38, 0, 541, 511, 382, 345,
227, 155, 120, 82, 42, 1, -38, -76,
-112, -143, -170, -190, -203, -208,-18337,-21522,
15036,13882,12731,11621,10585, 9659, 8878, 8277,
7890, 7754, 3332, 2854, 2422, 2090, 1845, 2104,
2527, 3003, 3516, 4047, 4580, 5098, 5583, 6019,
6388, 6672, 6856, 6921, 3181, 4571, 5768, 6116,
6086, 5880, 5744, 5594, 5436, 5274, 5113, 4958,
4814, 4685, 4576, 4493, 4439, 4420,-20507,-23655,
-184, -312, -414, -387, 0, 54, 53, 50,
44, 38, 31, 23, 16, 10, 4, 1,
0, 0, 237, 386, 472, 170, 0, 574,
561, 524, 469, 401, 326, 248, 172, 104,
50, 13, 0, 0,-15393,-18030,-20279,-20819,
13676,12599,11616,10771,10110, 9680, 9527, 9527,
-16545,-16545,-16545,32767,32767,16753,-16545, 127,
116, 100, 81, 27, -18, -23, -25, -25,
-24, -21, -18, -14, -9, -6, -2, 0,
0, 455, 398, 343, 303, 314, 330, 305,
275, 242, 206, 169, 132, 97, 66, 39,
18, 4, 0, 982, 980, 1075, 1423, 3056,
4340, 4096, 3717, 3234, 2676, 2073, 1455, 850,
289, -198, -583, -835, -926, 74, 145, 203,
228, 226, 217, 203, 185, 164, 140, 116,
91, 67, 46, 27, 12, 3, 0, -162,
-154, -145, -135, -126, -115, -103, -90, -77,
-64, -52, -40, -29, -19, -11, -5, -1,
0, 5950, 6480, 6818, 6865, 6681, 6409, 6064,
5663, 5222, 4759, 4288, 3827, 3392, 2999, 2665,
2406, 2239, 2180,16790,18025,18631,18681,18662,
static short mario_2step_jump_end_tbl[]={
1, 0, /* chn14translate x */
18, 1, /* chn14 translate y */
18, 19, /* chn14 translate z */
1, 0, /* chn14 rotate x */
1, 37, /* chn14 rotate y */
1, 0, /* chn14 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1_3 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1_3 rotate y */
18, 675, /* <m_waist>1_3 rotate z */
18, 621, /* <m_body>1 rotate x */
18, 639, /* <m_body>1 rotate y */
18, 657, /* <m_body>1 rotate z */
18, 567, /* <m_head>2 rotate x */
18, 585, /* <m_head>2 rotate y */
18, 603, /* <m_head>2 rotate z */
1, 563, /* chn6 rotate x */
1, 564, /* chn6 rotate y */
1, 565, /* chn6 rotate z */
18, 110, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate x */
18, 128, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate y */
18, 146, /* <m_larmA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1 rotate y */
18, 92, /* <m_larmB>1 rotate z */
18, 38, /* <m_lhand>1 rotate x */
18, 56, /* <m_lhand>1 rotate y */
18, 74, /* <m_lhand>1 rotate z */
1, 542, /* chn10 rotate x */
1, 543, /* chn10 rotate y */
1, 544, /* chn10 rotate z */
18, 236, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate x */
18, 254, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate y */
18, 272, /* <m_rarmA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate y */
18, 218, /* <m_rarmB>1 rotate z */
18, 164, /* <m_rhand>1 rotate x */
18, 182, /* <m_rhand>1 rotate y */
18, 200, /* <m_rhand>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn15 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn15 rotate y */
18, 545, /* chn15 rotate z */
18, 488, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate x */
18, 506, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate y */
18, 524, /* <m_llegA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate y */
18, 470, /* <m_llegB>1 rotate z */
18, 416, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate x */
18, 434, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate y */
18, 452, /* <m_ltoot>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn17 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn17 rotate y */
1, 566, /* chn17 rotate z */
18, 362, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate x */
18, 380, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate y */
18, 398, /* <m_rlegA>1 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate y */
18, 344, /* <m_rlegB>1 rotate z */
18, 290, /* <m_rfoot>1 rotate x */
18, 308, /* <m_rfoot>1 rotate y */
18, 326, /* <m_rfoot>1 rotate z */
AnimeRecord animMarioJumpEnd2 = {
MAP_ANIM_ONETIME, /* attribute */
0, /* syncro */
0, /* start frame */
0, /* loop frame */
18, /* number of frames */
20, /* number of joints */