# coding=utf-8 # !/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('..') from base.spider import Spider import json import requests import threading import time class Spider(Spider): def getName(self): return "哔哩哔哩" # 主页 def homeContent(self, filter): result = {} cateManual = { #"动态": "动态", "推荐": "推荐", "热门": "热门", "排行榜": "排行榜", #"历史记录": "历史记录", # "稍后再看":"稍后再看", #意义不大,隐藏该项 #"收藏": "收藏", "每周必看": "每周必看", "频道": "频道", "动画": "1", "音乐": "3", "舞蹈": "129", "游戏": "4", "鬼畜": "119", "知识": "36", "科技": "188", "运动": "234", "生活": "160", "美食": "211", "动物": "217", "汽车": "223", "时尚": "155", "娱乐": "5", "影视": "181", "入站必刷": "入站必刷", } classes = [] for k in cateManual: classes.append({ 'type_name': k, 'type_id': cateManual[k] }) result['class'] = classes if (filter): result['filters'] = self.config['filter'] return result # 用户cookies cookies = '' userid = '' csrf = '' def getCookie(self): import http.cookies # ----↓↓↓↓↓↓↓----在下方raw_cookie_line后的双引号内填写----↓↓↓↓↓↓↓---- raw_cookie_line = "" simple_cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(raw_cookie_line) cookie_jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() cookie_jar.update(simple_cookie) rsp = requests.session() rsp.cookies = cookie_jar url = 'http://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/nav' content = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=rsp.cookies) res = json.loads(content.text) if res["code"] == 0: self.cookies = rsp.cookies self.userid = res["data"].get('mid') self.csrf = rsp.cookies['bili_jct'] return cookie_jar def __init__(self): self.getCookie() url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/folder/created/list-all?up_mid=%s&jsonp=jsonp' % self.userid rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) fav_list = [] if jo['code'] == 0: for fav in jo['data'].get('list'): fav_dict = { 'n': fav['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"').strip(), 'v': fav['id']} fav_list.append(fav_dict) if self.config["filter"].get('收藏'): for i in self.config["filter"].get('收藏'): if i['key'] == 'mlid': i['value'] = fav_list def init(self, extend=""): print("============{0}============".format(extend)) pass def isVideoFormat(self, url): pass def manualVideoCheck(self): pass # 将超过10000的数字换成成以万和亿为单位 def zh(self, num): if int(num) >= 100000000: p = round(float(num) / float(100000000), 1) p = str(p) + '亿' else: if int(num) >= 10000: p = round(float(num) / float(10000), 1) p = str(p) + '万' else: p = str(num) return p # 将秒数转化为 时分秒的格式 def second_to_time(self, a): if a < 3600: return time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(a)) else: return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(a)) # 字符串时分秒以及分秒形式转换成秒 def str2sec(self, x): x = str(x) try: h, m, s = x.strip().split(':') # .split()函数将其通过':'分隔开,.strip()函数用来除去空格 return int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s) # int()函数转换成整数运算 except: m, s = x.strip().split(':') # .split()函数将其通过':'分隔开,.strip()函数用来除去空格 return int(m) * 60 + int(s) # int()函数转换成整数运算 # 按时间过滤 def filter_duration(self, vodlist, key): if key == '0': return vodlist else: vod_list_new = [i for i in vodlist if self.time_diff1[key][0] <= self.str2sec(str(i["vod_remarks"])) < self.time_diff1[key][1]] return vod_list_new time_diff1 = {'1': [0, 300], '2': [300, 900], '3': [900, 1800], '4': [1800, 3600], '5': [3600, 99999999999999999999999999999999] } time_diff = '0' dynamic_offset = '' def get_dynamic(self, pg): result = {} if str(pg) == '1': url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/all?timezone_offset=-480&type=video&page=%s' % pg else: # print('偏移',self.dynamic_offset) url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/all?timezone_offset=-480&type=video&offset=%s&page=%s' % (self.dynamic_offset, pg) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: self.dynamic_offset = jo['data'].get('offset') videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['items'] for vod in vodList: up = vod['modules']["module_author"]['name'] ivod = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive'] aid = str(ivod['aid']).strip() title = ivod['title'].strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") img = ivod['cover'].strip() # remark = str(ivod['duration_text']).strip() remark = str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(ivod['duration_text']))).strip() + ' ' + str( up).strip() # 显示分钟数+up主名字 videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_hot(self, pg): result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular?ps=10&pn={0}&ps=9'.format(pg) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") img = vod['pic'].strip() reason=vod['rcmd_reason']['content'].strip() if reason == '': reason= '' else: reason= ' ' + reason remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark + reason }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_rcmd(self, pg): result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/index/top/feed/rcmd?y_num={0}&fresh_type=3&feed_version=SEO_VIDEO&fresh_idx_1h=1&fetch_row=1&fresh_idx=1&brush=0&homepage_ver=1&ps=10'.format( pg) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['item'] for vod in vodList: if vod['duration'] > 0: aid = str(vod['id']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") img = vod['pic'].strip() if 'content' in vod['rcmd_reason']: reason= ' ' + vod['rcmd_reason']['content'].strip() else: reason= '' remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark + reason }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_rank(self, pg): ps=9 pg_max= int(pg) * ps pg_min= pg_max - ps result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/ranking/v2?rid=0&type=all' rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] pc = int(len(vodList) / ps) + 1 vodList = vodList[pg_min:pg_max] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") img = vod['pic'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = pc result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_history(self, pg): result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/history?pn=%s&ps=10' % pg rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) # 解析api接口,转化成json数据对象 if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data'] for vod in vodList: if vod['duration'] > 0: # 筛选掉非视频的历史记录 aid = str(vod["aid"]).strip() if 'redirect_url' in vod: if 'bangumi' in vod['redirect_url']: redirect_url = str(vod['redirect_url']).strip() ep_id = redirect_url.split(r"/")[-1] aid = ep_id.split(r"?")[0] title = vod["title"].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') img = vod["pic"].strip() # 获取已观看时间 if str(vod['progress']) == '-1': process = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() else: process = str(self.second_to_time(vod['progress'])).strip() # 获取视频总时长 total_time = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() # 组合 已观看时间 / 总时长 ,赋值给 remark remark = process + ' / ' + total_time # 视频类型 type = str(vod["type"]).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_fav(self, pg, order, extend): mlid = '' fav_config = self.config["filter"].get('收藏') # 默认显示第一个收藏内容 if fav_config: for i in fav_config: if i['key'] == 'mlid': if len(i['value']) > 0: mlid = i['value'][0]['v'] # print(self.config["filter"].get('收藏')) if 'mlid' in extend: mlid = extend['mlid'] if mlid: return self.get_fav_detail(pg=pg, mlid=mlid, order=order) else: return {} def get_fav_detail(self, pg, mlid, order): result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/resource/list?media_id=%s&order=%s&pn=%s&ps=10&platform=web&type=0' % (mlid, order, pg) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['medias'] for vod in vodList: # print(vod) # 只展示类型为 视频的条目 # 过滤去掉收藏中的 已失效视频;如果不喜欢可以去掉这个 if条件 if vod.get('type') in [2] and vod.get('title') != '已失效视频': aid = str(vod['id']).strip() title = vod['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') img = vod['cover'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['cnt_info']['play']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid + '_mlid' + str(mlid), "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) # videos=self.filter_duration(videos, duration_diff) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_up_info(self, mid, info): url = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/card?mid={0}".format(mid) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) jRoot = json.loads(rsp.text) jo = jRoot['data']['card'] info['mid'] = mid info['name'] = jo['name'].replace("", "").replace("", "") info['face'] = jo['face'] info['fans'] = self.zh(jo['fans']) info['like_num'] = self.zh(jRoot['data']['like_num']) info['vod_count'] = str(jRoot['data']['archive_count']).strip() info['desc'] = jo['Official']['desc'] + " " + jo['Official']['title'] if jRoot['data']['following'] == True: info['following'] = '已关注' info['followAct'] = 2 info['followActName'] = '取消关注' else: info['following'] = '未关注' info['followAct'] = 1 info['followActName'] = '关注' def get_zone(self, tid, pg): ps=9 pg_max= int(pg) * ps pg_min= pg_max - ps result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/ranking/v2?rid={0}&type=all'.format(tid) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] pc = int(len(vodList) / ps) + 1 vodList = vodList[pg_min:pg_max] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") img = vod['pic'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = pc result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_weekly(self, pg): ps=9 pg_max= int(pg) * ps pg_min= pg_max - ps result = {} url1 = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular/series/list' rsp1 = self.fetch(url1, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content1 = rsp1.text jo1 = json.loads(content1) number = jo1['data']['list'][0]['number'] url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular/series/one?number=' + str(number) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] pc = int(len(vodList) / ps) + 1 vodList = vodList[pg_min:pg_max] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip() img = vod['pic'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = pc result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_must_watch(self, pg): ps=9 pg_max= int(pg) * ps pg_min= pg_max - ps result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular/precious?page_size={0}&page={1}'.format(ps, pg) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] pc = int(len(vodList) / ps) + 1 vodList = vodList[pg_min:pg_max] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].strip() img = vod['pic'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + " " + str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = pc result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def get_toview(self, pg): ps=9 pg_max= int(pg) * ps pg_min= pg_max - ps result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/history/toview' rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) # 解析api接口,转化成json数据对象 if jo['code'] == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['list'] pc = int(len(vodList) / ps) + 1 vodList = vodList[pg_min:pg_max] for vod in vodList: if vod['duration'] > 0: aid = str(vod["aid"]).strip() title = vod["title"].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') img = vod["pic"].strip() if str(vod['progress']) == '-1': process = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() else: process = str(self.second_to_time(vod['progress'])).strip() # 获取视频总时长 total_time = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() # 组合 已观看时间 / 总时长 ,赋值给 remark remark = process + ' / ' + total_time videos.append({ "vod_id": aid + '&toview', "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = pc result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result chanel_offset = '' def get_channel(self, pg, cid, extend, order, duration_diff): result = {} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword={0}&page={1}&duration={2}&order={3}&page_size=10'.format( cid, pg, duration_diff, order) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo.get('code') == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['result'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['play']) + "  " + str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(vod['duration']))).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) # videos=self.filter_duration(videos, duration_diff) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def homeVideoContent(self): result = {} videos = self.get_rank(pg=1)['list'][0:3] result['list'] = videos return result def categoryContent(self, tid, pg, filter, extend): result = {} if len(self.cookies) <= 0: self.getCookie() if tid == "动态": return self.get_dynamic(pg=pg) elif tid == "热门": return self.get_hot(pg=pg) elif tid == '推荐': return self.get_rcmd(pg=pg) elif tid == "排行榜": return self.get_rank(pg=pg) elif tid == '历史记录': return self.get_history(pg=pg) elif tid == "每周必看": return self.get_weekly(pg=pg) elif tid == "入站必刷": return self.get_must_watch(pg=pg) elif tid == '稍后再看': return self.get_toview(pg=pg) elif tid in ("1", "3", "129", "4", "119", "36", "188", "234", "160", "211", "217", "223", "155", "5", "181"): return self.get_zone(tid=tid, pg=pg) elif tid == "收藏": order = 'mtime' if 'order' in extend: order = extend['order'] return self.get_fav(pg=pg, order=order, extend=extend) elif tid == '频道': cid = '搞笑' if 'cid' in extend: cid = extend['cid'] duration_diff = '0' if 'duration' in extend: duration_diff = extend['duration'] order = 'totalrank' if 'order' in extend: order = extend['order'] return self.get_channel(pg=pg, cid=cid, extend=extend, order=order, duration_diff=duration_diff) else: duration_diff = '0' if 'duration' in extend: duration_diff = extend['duration'] order = 'totalrank' if 'order' in extend: order = extend['order'] url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword={0}&page={1}&duration={2}&order={3}&page_size=10'.format( tid, pg, duration_diff, order) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo.get('code') == 0: videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['result'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip() # remark = str(vod['duration']).strip() remark = "观看:" + self.zh(vod['play']) + "  " + str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(vod['duration']))).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) # videos=self.filter_duration(videos, duration_diff) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 result['limit'] = 2 result['total'] = 999999 return result def cleanSpace(self, str): return str.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '') up_mid = '' def detailContent(self, array): aid = array[0] if not aid.isdigit() and not 'mlid' in aid: return self.ysContent(array) mlid = '' if 'mlid' in aid: aid = aid.split('_') mlid = aid[1].replace('mlid', '') aid = aid[0] url = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?aid={0}".format(aid) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) jRoot = json.loads(rsp.text) jo = jRoot['data'] if 'redirect_url' in jo: if 'bangumi' in jo['redirect_url']: redirect_url = str(jo['redirect_url']).strip() ep_id = redirect_url.split(r"/")[-1] ep_id = ep_id.split(r"?")[0] new_array = [] for i in array: new_array.append(i) new_array[0] = ep_id return self.ysContent(new_array) self.up_mid = str(jo['owner']['mid']) info = {} self.get_up_info(self.up_mid, info) title = jo['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "") pic = jo['pic'] up_name = jo['owner']['name'] if not up_name in title: title += '【' + up_name + "】" desc = jo['desc'] typeName = jo['tname'] date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(jo['pubdate'])) # 投稿时间本地年月日表示 stat = jo['stat'] # 演员项展示视频状态,包括以下内容: status = "播放: " + self.zh(stat['view']) + " 弹幕: " + self.zh(stat['danmaku']) + " 点赞: " + self.zh(stat['like']) + " 收藏: " + self.zh(stat['favorite']) + " 投币: " + self.zh(stat['coin']) remark = str(jo['duration']).strip() vod = { "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": pic, "type_name": typeName, "vod_year": date, "vod_area": "bilidanmu", "vod_remarks": remark, # 不会显示 'vod_tags': 'mv', # 不会显示 "vod_actor": status, 'vod_director': up_name + ' ' + info['following'], "vod_content": desc, 'vod_play_from': 'B站$$$做点什么' #'vod_play_from': 'B站' } ja = jo['pages'] playUrl = '' for tmpJo in ja: cid = tmpJo['cid'] part = tmpJo['part'].replace("#", "-") playUrl += '{0}${1}_{2}#'.format(part, aid, cid) follow = '关注UP$' + str(self.up_mid) + '_1_notplay_follow' unfollow = '取消关注$' + str(self.up_mid) + '_2_notplay_follow' like = '点赞$' + str(aid) + '_1_notplay_like' unlike = '取消点赞$' + str(aid) + '_2_notplay_like' coin1 = '投1币并点赞$' + str(aid) + '_1_notplay_coin' coin2 = '投2币并点赞$' + str(aid) + '_2_notplay_coin' fav = '收藏$' + str(aid) + '_0_notplay_fav' triple = '一键三连$' + str(aid) + '_notplay_triple' secondPList = [triple, like, coin1, coin2, fav, unlike] if mlid: favdel = '取消收藏$' + str(aid) + '_'+ str(mlid) + '_notplay_fav' secondPList.append(favdel) secondP = '#'.join(secondPList) vod['vod_play_url'] = playUrl + '$$$' + secondP #vod['vod_play_url'] = playUrl if 'ugc_season' in jRoot['data']: season_title = jRoot['data']['ugc_season']['title'].replace("#", "-") sections = jRoot['data']['ugc_season']['sections'] sec_len = len(sections) for section in sections: episodes = section['episodes'] playUrl = '' for episode in episodes: aid = episode['aid'] cid = episode['cid'] ep_title = episode['title'].replace("#", "-") playUrl += '{0}${1}_{2}#'.format(ep_title, aid, cid) if sec_len > 1: sec_title = season_title + section['title'].replace("#", "-") else: sec_title = season_title vod['vod_play_from'] += '$$$' + sec_title vod['vod_play_url'] += '$$$' + playUrl result = { 'list': [ vod ] } return result con = threading.Condition() def get_season(self, n, nList, fromList, urlList, season_id, season_title): url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/view/web/season?season_id={0}'.format(season_id) try: rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) season = json.loads(rsp.text) except: with self.con: nList.remove(n) self.con.notifyAll() return episode = season['result']['episodes'] if len(episode) == 0: with self.con: nList.remove(n) self.con.notifyAll() return playUrl = '' for tmpJo in episode: aid = tmpJo['aid'] cid = tmpJo['cid'] part = tmpJo['title'].replace("#", "-") if tmpJo['badge'] != '': part += '【' + tmpJo['badge'].replace("#", "-") + '】' part += tmpJo['long_title'].replace("#", "-") playUrl += '{0}${1}_{2}_bangumi#'.format(part, aid, cid) with self.con: while True: if n == nList[0]: fromList.append(season_title) urlList.append(playUrl) nList.remove(n) self.con.notifyAll() break else: self.con.wait() def ysContent(self, array): aid = array[0] if 'ep' in aid: aid = 'ep_id=' + aid.replace('ep', '') elif 'ss' in aid: aid = 'season_id=' + aid.replace('ss', '') else: aid = 'season_id=' + aid url = "https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/view/web/season?{0}".format(aid) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) jRoot = json.loads(rsp.text) jo = jRoot['result'] id = jo['season_id'] title = jo['title'] s_title = jo['season_title'] pic = jo['cover'] # areas = jo['areas']['name'] 改bilidanmu显示弹幕 typeName = jo['share_sub_title'] date = jo['publish']['pub_time'][0:4] dec = jo['evaluate'] remark = jo['new_ep']['desc'] stat = jo['stat'] # 演员和导演框展示视频状态,包括以下内容: status = "弹幕: " + self.zh(stat['danmakus']) + " 点赞: " + self.zh(stat['likes']) + " 投币: " + self.zh( stat['coins']) + " 追番追剧: " + self.zh(stat['favorites']) if 'rating' in jo: score = "评分: " + str(jo['rating']['score']) + ' ' + jo['subtitle'] else: score = "暂无评分" + ' ' + jo['subtitle'] vod = { "vod_id": id, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": pic, "type_name": typeName, "vod_year": date, "vod_area": "bilidanmu", "vod_remarks": remark, "vod_actor": status, "vod_director": score, "vod_content": dec } playUrl = '' for tmpJo in jo['episodes']: aid = tmpJo['aid'] cid = tmpJo['cid'] part = tmpJo['title'].replace("#", "-") if tmpJo['badge'] != '': part += '【' + tmpJo['badge'].replace("#", "-") + '】' part += tmpJo['long_title'].replace("#", "-") playUrl += '{0}${1}_{2}_bangumi#'.format(part, aid, cid) fromList = [] urlList = [] if playUrl != '': fromList.append(s_title) urlList.append(playUrl) nList = [] if len(jo['seasons']) > 1: n = 0 for season in jo['seasons']: season_id = season['season_id'] season_title = season['season_title'] if season_id == id and len(fromList) > 0: isHere = fromList.index(s_title) fromList[isHere] = season_title continue n +=1 nList.append(n) t = threading.Thread(target=self.get_season, args=(n, nList, fromList, urlList, season_id, season_title, )) t.start() while True: _count = threading.active_count() #计算线程数,不出结果就调大,结果少了就调小 if _count <= 2: break fromList.insert(1, '追番剧/不追') urlList.insert(1, '追番剧$' + str(id) + '_add_zhui#取消追番剧$' + str(id) + '_del_zhui') vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(fromList) vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(urlList) result = { 'list': [ vod ] } return result def searchContent(self, key, quick): url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword={0}&page=1'.format(key) rsp = self.fetch(url, cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.header) content = rsp.text jo = json.loads(content) if jo['code'] != 0: rspRetry = self.fetch(url, cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.header) content = rspRetry.text jo = json.loads(content) videos = [] vodList = jo['data']['result'] for vod in vodList: aid = str(vod['aid']).strip() title = vod['title'].replace("", "").replace("", "").replace(""", '"') + '[' + key + ']' img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip() remark = str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(vod['duration']))).strip() videos.append({ "vod_id": aid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img + '@672w_378h_1c.jpg', "vod_remarks": remark }) result = { 'list': videos } return result def post_history(self, aid, cid): data= {'aid': str(aid), 'cid': str(cid), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'http://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/history/report' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_follow(self, mid, act): data= {'fid': str(mid), 'act': str(act), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/modify' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_like(self, aid, act): data= {'aid': str(aid), 'like': str(act), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/archive/like' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_coin(self, aid, coin_num): data= {'aid': str(aid), 'multiply': str(coin_num), 'select_like': '1', 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/coin/add' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_fav(self, aid, act): data= {'rid': str(aid), 'type': '2', 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} if str(act) == '0': data['add_media_ids'] = '0' else: data['del_media_ids'] = str(act) url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/resource/deal' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_triple(self, aid): data= {'aid': str(aid), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/archive/like/triple' self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def do_zhui(self, season_id, act): data= {'season_id': str(season_id), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)} url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/web/follow/{0}'.format(act) self.post(url=url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies, data=data) def playerContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): if len(self.cookies) <= 0: self.getCookie() result = {} ids = id.split("_") if len(ids) < 2: return result elif len(ids) >= 2: aid = ids[0] cid = ids[1] if 'zhui' in ids: self.do_zhui(aid, cid) return result if 'follow' in ids: self.do_follow(aid, cid) return result if 'notplay' in ids: if 'like' in ids: self.do_like(aid, cid) elif 'coin' in ids: self.do_coin(aid, cid) elif 'fav' in ids: self.do_fav(aid, cid) elif 'do_triple' in ids: self.do_dislike(aid) return result if cid == 'cid': url = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?aid=%s" % str(aid) rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=self.cookies) jRoot = json.loads(rsp.text) cid = jRoot['data']['cid'] url = 'https://api.bilibili.com:443/x/player/playurl?avid={0}&cid={1}&qn=116'.format(aid, cid) if 'bangumi' in ids: url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl?aid={0}&cid={1}&qn=116'.format(aid, cid) self.post_history(aid, cid) # 回传播放历史记录 rsp = self.fetch(url, cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.header) jRoot = json.loads(rsp.text) if jRoot['code'] == 0: if 'data' in jRoot: jo = jRoot['data'] elif 'result' in jRoot: jo = jRoot['result'] else: return result else: return result ja = jo['durl'] maxSize = -1 position = -1 for i in range(len(ja)): tmpJo = ja[i] if maxSize < int(tmpJo['size']): maxSize = int(tmpJo['size']) position = i url = '' if len(ja) > 0: if position == -1: position = 0 url = ja[position]['url'] result["parse"] = 0 result["playUrl"] = '' result["url"] = url result["header"] = { "Referer": "https://www.bilibili.com", "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36' } result["contentType"] = 'video/x-flv' return result config = { "player": {}, "filter": { "关注": [{ "key": "order", "name": "排序", "value": [ { "n": "最常访问", "v": "attention" }, { "n": "最近添加", "v": "" } ] }], "UP": [{ "key": "order", "name": "排序", "value": [ { "n": "最新发布", "v": "pubdate" }, { "n": "最多播放", "v": "click" }, { "n": "最多收藏", "v": "stow" }, { "n": "最早发布", "v": "oldest" } ] }], "收藏": [{ "key": "order", "name": "排序", "value": [ { "n": "收藏时间", "v": "mtime" }, { "n": "播放量", "v": "view" }, { "n": "投稿时间", "v": "pubtime" } ] }, { "key": "mlid", "name": "收藏分区", "value": [] }], "频道": [{ "key": "order", "name": "排序", "value": [ { "n": "综合排序", "v": "totalrank" }, { "n": "最新发布", "v": "pubdate" }, { "n": "最多点击", "v": "click" }, { "n": "最多收藏", "v": "stow" }, { "n": "最多弹幕", "v": "dm" }, ] }, { "key": "duration", "name": "时长", "value": [{ "n": "全部", "v": "0" }, { "n": "60分钟以上", "v": "4" }, { "n": "30~60分钟", "v": "3" }, { "n": "5~30分钟", "v": "2" }, { "n": "5分钟以下", "v": "1" } ] }, {"key": "cid", "name": "分类", "value": [{'n': '搞笑', 'v': '搞笑'}, {'n': '美食', 'v': '美食'}, {'n': '鬼畜', 'v': '鬼畜'}, {'n': '美妆', 'v': '美妆'}, {'n': 'mmd', 'v': 'mmd'}, {'n': '科普', 'v': '科普'}, {'n': 'COSPLAY', 'v': 'COSPLAY'}, {'n': '漫展', 'v': '漫展'}, {'n': 'MAD', 'v': 'MAD'}, {'n': '手书', 'v': '手书'}, {'n': '穿搭', 'v': '穿搭'}, {'n': '发型', 'v': '发型'}, {'n': '化妆教程', 'v': '化妆教程'}, {'n': '电音', 'v': '电音'}, {'n': '欧美音乐', 'v': '欧美音乐'}, {'n': '中文翻唱', 'v': '中文翻唱'}, {'n': '洛天依', 'v': '洛天依'}, {'n': '翻唱', 'v': '翻唱'}, {'n': '日文翻唱', 'v': '日文翻唱'}, {'n': '科普', 'v': '科普'}, {'n': '技术宅', 'v': '技术宅'}, {'n': '历史', 'v': '历史'}, {'n': '科学', 'v': '科学'}, {'n': '人文', 'v': '人文'}, {'n': '科幻', 'v': '科幻'}, {'n': '手机', 'v': '手机'}, {'n': '手机评测', 'v': '手机评测'}, {'n': '电脑', 'v': '电脑'}, {'n': '摄影', 'v': '摄影'}, {'n': '笔记本', 'v': '笔记本'}, {'n': '装机', 'v': '装机'}, {'n': '课堂教育', 'v': '课堂教育'}, {'n': '公开课', 'v': '公开课'}, {'n': '演讲', 'v': '演讲'}, {'n': 'PS教程', 'v': 'PS教程'}, {'n': '编程', 'v': '编程'}, {'n': '英语学习', 'v': '英语学习'}, {'n': '喵星人', 'v': '喵星人'}, {'n': '萌宠', 'v': '萌宠'}, {'n': '汪星人', 'v': '汪星人'}, {'n': '大熊猫', 'v': '大熊猫'}, {'n': '柴犬', 'v': '柴犬'}, {'n': '田园犬', 'v': '田园犬'}, {'n': '吱星人', 'v': '吱星人'}, {'n': '美食', 'v': '美食'}, {'n': '甜点', 'v': '甜点'}, {'n': '吃货', 'v': '吃货'}, {'n': '厨艺', 'v': '厨艺'}, {'n': '烘焙', 'v': '烘焙'}, {'n': '街头美食', 'v': '街头美食'}, {'n': 'A.I.Channel', 'v': 'A.I.Channel'}, {'n': '虚拟UP主', 'v': '虚拟UP主'}, {'n': '神楽めあ', 'v': '神楽めあ'}, {'n': '白上吹雪', 'v': '白上吹雪'}, {'n': '婺源', 'v': '婺源'}, {'n': 'hololive', 'v': 'hololive'}, {'n': 'EXO', 'v': 'EXO'}, {'n': '防弹少年团', 'v': '防弹少年团'}, {'n': '肖战', 'v': '肖战'}, {'n': '王一博', 'v': '王一博'}, {'n': '易烊千玺', 'v': '易烊千玺'}, {'n': '赵今麦', 'v': '赵今麦'}, {'n': '宅舞', 'v': '宅舞'}, {'n': '街舞', 'v': '街舞'}, {'n': '舞蹈教学', 'v': '舞蹈教学'}, {'n': '明星舞蹈', 'v': '明星舞蹈'}, {'n': '韩舞', 'v': '韩舞'}, {'n': '古典舞', 'v': '古典舞'}, {'n': '旅游', 'v': '旅游'}, {'n': '绘画', 'v': '绘画'}, {'n': '手工', 'v': '手工'}, {'n': 'vlog', 'v': 'vlog'}, {'n': 'DIY', 'v': 'DIY'}, {'n': '手绘', 'v': '手绘'}, {'n': '综艺', 'v': '综艺'}, {'n': '国家宝藏', 'v': '国家宝藏'}, {'n': '脱口秀', 'v': '脱口秀'}, {'n': '日本综艺', 'v': '日本综艺'}, {'n': '国内综艺', 'v': '国内综艺'}, {'n': '人类观察', 'v': '人类观察'}, {'n': '影评', 'v': '影评'}, {'n': '电影解说', 'v': '电影解说'}, {'n': '影视混剪', 'v': '影视混剪'}, {'n': '影视剪辑', 'v': '影视剪辑'}, {'n': '漫威', 'v': '漫威'}, {'n': '超级英雄', 'v': '超级英雄'}, {'n': '影视混剪', 'v': '影视混剪'}, {'n': '影视剪辑', 'v': '影视剪辑'}, {'n': '诸葛亮', 'v': '诸葛亮'}, {'n': '韩剧', 'v': '韩剧'}, {'n': '王司徒', 'v': '王司徒'}, {'n': '泰剧', 'v': '泰剧'}, {'n': '郭德纲', 'v': '郭德纲'}, {'n': '相声', 'v': '相声'}, {'n': '张云雷', 'v': '张云雷'}, {'n': '秦霄贤', 'v': '秦霄贤'}, {'n': '孟鹤堂', 'v': '孟鹤堂'}, {'n': '岳云鹏', 'v': '岳云鹏'}, {'n': '假面骑士', 'v': '假面骑士'}, {'n': '特摄', 'v': '特摄'}, {'n': '奥特曼', 'v': '奥特曼'}, {'n': '迪迦奥特曼', 'v': '迪迦奥特曼'}, {'n': '超级战队', 'v': '超级战队'}, {'n': '铠甲勇士', 'v': '铠甲勇士'}, {'n': '健身', 'v': '健身'}, {'n': '篮球', 'v': '篮球'}, {'n': '体育', 'v': '体育'}, {'n': '帕梅拉', 'v': '帕梅拉'}, {'n': '极限运动', 'v': '极限运动'}, {'n': '足球', 'v': '足球'}, {'n': '星海', 'v': '星海'}, {'n': '张召忠', 'v': '张召忠'}, {'n': '航母', 'v': '航母'}, {'n': '航天', 'v': '航天'}, {'n': '导弹', 'v': '导弹'}, {'n': '战斗机', 'v': '战斗机'}] } ], } } header = { "Referer": "https://www.bilibili.com", "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36' } def localProxy(self, param): return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""]