#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File : encode.py # Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------ # Date : 2022/8/29 import base64 import math import re from urllib.parse import urljoin,quote,unquote from js2py.base import PyJsString import requests,warnings # 关闭警告 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() import requests.utils import hashlib from time import sleep import os from utils.web import UC_UA,PC_UA from ast import literal_eval from utils.log import logger import quickjs def getPreJs(): base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # 上级目 lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'libs/pre.js') with open(lib_path,encoding='utf-8') as f: code = f.read() return code def getCryptoJS(): base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # 上级目 os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_path, f'libs'), exist_ok=True) lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'libs/crypto-hiker.js') # print('加密库地址:', lib_path) if not os.path.exists(lib_path): return 'undefiend' with open(lib_path,encoding='utf-8') as f: code = f.read() return code def md5(str): return hashlib.md5(str.encode(encoding='UTF-8')).hexdigest() def getLib(js): base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # 上级目录 lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'libs/{js}') if not os.path.exists(lib_path): return '' with open(lib_path,encoding='utf-8') as f: return f.read() # def atob(text): # if isinstance(text,PyJsString): # text = parseText(str(text)) # qjs = quickjs.Context() # print(text) # js = getLib('atob.js') # print(js) # ret = qjs.eval(f'{js};atob("{text}")') # print(ret) def atob(text): """ 解码 :param text: :return: """ if isinstance(text,PyJsString): text = parseText(str(text)) return base64.b64decode(text.encode("utf8")).decode("latin1") def btoa(text): """ 编码 :param text: :return: """ if isinstance(text,PyJsString): text = parseText(str(text)) return base64.b64encode(text.encode("latin1")).decode("utf8") def requireCache(lib:str): base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # 上级目 os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_path, f'libs'), exist_ok=True) logger.info(f'开始加载:{lib}') code = 'undefiend' if not lib.startswith('http'): lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'libs/{lib}') if not os.path.exists(lib_path): pass else: with open(lib_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: code = f.read() else: lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'libs/{md5(lib)}.js') if not os.path.exists(lib_path): try: r = requests.get(lib,headers={ 'Referer': lib, 'User-Agent': UC_UA, },timeout=5,verify=False) with open(lib_path,mode='wb+') as f: f.write(r.content) code = r.text except Exception as e: print(f'获取远程依赖失败:{e}') else: with open(lib_path,encoding='utf-8') as f: code = f.read() # print(code) return code def getHome(url): # http://www.baidu.com:9000/323 urls = url.split('//') homeUrl = urls[0] + '//' + urls[1].split('/')[0] return homeUrl class OcrApi: def __init__(self,api): self.api = api def classification(self,img): try: # code = requests.post(self.api,data=img,headers={'user-agent':PC_UA},verify=False).text code = requests.post(self.api,data=base64.b64encode(img).decode(),headers={'user-agent':PC_UA},verify=False).text except Exception as e: print(f'ocr识别发生错误:{e}') code = '' return code def verifyCode(url,headers,timeout=5,total_cnt=3,api=None): if not api: # api = '' api = 'https://api.nn.ci/ocr/b64/text' lower_keys = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), headers.keys())) host = getHome(url) if not 'referer' in lower_keys: headers['Referer'] = host print(f'开始自动过验证,请求头:{headers}') cnt = 0 ocr = OcrApi(api) while cnt < total_cnt: s = requests.session() try: img = s.get(url=f"{host}/index.php/verify/index.html", headers=headers,timeout=timeout,verify=False).content code = ocr.classification(img) print(f'第{cnt+1}次验证码识别结果:{code}') res = s.post( url=f"{host}/index.php/ajax/verify_check?type=search&verify={code}", headers=headers).json() if res["msg"] == "ok": cookies_dict = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(s.cookies) cookie_str = ';'.join([f'{k}={cookies_dict[k]}' for k in cookies_dict]) # return cookies_dict return cookie_str except: print(f'第{cnt+1}次验证码提交失败') pass cnt += 1 sleep(1) return '' def base64Encode(text): if isinstance(text,PyJsString): text = str(text).replace("'","").replace('"','') return base64.b64encode(text.encode("utf8")).decode("utf-8") #base64编码 def base64Decode(text): if isinstance(text,PyJsString): text = parseText(str(text)) # print(text) return base64.b64decode(text).decode("utf-8") #base64解码 def encodeStr(input, encoding='GBK'): """ 指定字符串编码 :param input: :param encoding: :return: """ if isinstance(input,PyJsString): input = parseText(str(input)) if isinstance(encoding,PyJsString): encoding = parseText(str(input)) return quote(input.encode(encoding, 'ignore')) def decodeStr(input, encoding='GBK'): """ 指定字符串解码 :param input: :param encoding: :return: """ if isinstance(input,PyJsString): input = parseText(str(input)) if isinstance(encoding,PyJsString): encoding = parseText(str(input)) return unquote(input,encoding) def parseText(text:str): text = text.replace('false','False').replace('true','True').replace('null','None') # print(text) return literal_eval(text) def setDetail(title:str,img:str,desc:str,content:str,tabs:list=None,lists:list=None): vod = { "vod_name": title.split('/n')[0], "vod_pic": img, "type_name": title, "vod_year": "", "vod_area": "", "vod_remarks": desc, "vod_actor": "", "vod_director": "", "vod_content": content } return vod def urljoin2(a,b): a = str(a).replace("'",'').replace('"','') b = str(b).replace("'",'').replace('"','') # print(type(a),a) # print(type(b),b) ret = urljoin(a,b) return ret def join(lists,string): """ 残废函数,没法使用 :param lists: :param string: :return: """ # FIXME lists1 = lists.to_list() string1 = str(string) print(type(lists1),lists1) print(type(string1),string1) try: ret = string1.join(lists1) print(ret) return ret except Exception as e: print(e) return '' def dealObj(obj=None): if not obj: obj = {} encoding = obj.get('encoding') or 'utf-8' encoding = str(encoding).replace("'", "") # encoding = parseText(str(encoding)) method = obj.get('method') or 'get' method = str(method).replace("'", "") # method = parseText(str(method)) withHeaders = obj.get('withHeaders') or '' withHeaders = str(withHeaders).replace("'", "") # withHeaders = parseText(str(withHeaders)) # print(type(url),url) # headers = dict(obj.get('headers')) if obj.get('headers') else {} # headers = obj.get('headers').to_dict() if obj.get('headers') else {} headers = obj.get('headers') if obj.get('headers') else {} new_headers = {} # print(type(headers),headers) for i in headers: new_headers[str(i).replace("'", "")] = str(headers[i]).replace("'", "") # print(type(new_headers), new_headers) timeout = float(obj.get('timeout').to_int()) if obj.get('timeout') else None # print(type(timeout), timeout) body = obj.get('body') if obj.get('body') else {} # print(body) # print(type(body)) if isinstance(body,PyJsString): body = parseText(str(body)) new_dict = {} new_tmp = body.split('&') for i in new_tmp: new_dict[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] body = new_dict new_body = {} for i in body: new_body[str(i).replace("'", "")] = str(body[i]).replace("'", "") return { 'encoding':encoding, 'headers':new_headers, 'timeout':timeout, 'body': new_body, 'method':method, 'withHeaders':withHeaders } def coverDict2form(data:dict): forms = [] for k,v in data.items(): forms.append(f'{k}={v}') return '&'.join(forms) def base_request(url,obj): # verify=False 关闭证书验证 # print(obj) url = str(url).replace("'", "") method = obj.get('method') or '' withHeaders = obj.get('withHeaders') or '' # print(f'withHeaders:{withHeaders}') if not method: method = 'get' obj['method'] = 'method' # print(obj) print(f"{method}:{url}:{obj['headers']}:{obj.get('body','')},请求超时:{obj['timeout']}") try: # r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=body, timeout=timeout) if method.lower() == 'get': r = requests.get(url, headers=obj['headers'], params=obj['body'], timeout=obj['timeout'],verify=False) else: # if isinstance(obj['body'],dict): # obj['body'] = coverDict2form(obj['body']) # print(obj['body']) # 亲测不需要转换data 格式的dict 为 form都正常 (gaze规则和奇优搜索) r = requests.post(url, headers=obj['headers'], data=obj['body'], timeout=obj['timeout'],verify=False) # r = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout) # r = requests.get(url) # print(encoding) r.encoding = obj['encoding'] # print(f'源码:{r.text}') if withHeaders: backObj = { 'url':r.url, 'body':r.text, 'headers':r.headers } return backObj else: return r.text except Exception as e: print(f'{method}请求发生错误:{e}') return {} if withHeaders else '' def fetch(url,obj): # print('fetch') obj = dealObj(obj) if not obj.get('headers') or not any([obj['headers'].get('User-Agent'),obj['headers'].get('user-agent')]): obj['headers']['User-Agent'] = obj['headers'].get('user-agent',PC_UA) return base_request(url,obj) def post(url,obj): obj = dealObj(obj) obj['method'] = 'post' return base_request(url,obj) def request(url,obj): obj = dealObj(obj) # print(f'{method}:{url}') if not obj.get('headers') or not any([obj['headers'].get('User-Agent'),obj['headers'].get('user-agent')]): obj['headers']['User-Agent'] = obj['headers'].get('user-agent',UC_UA) return base_request(url, obj) def redx(text): """ 修正js2py交互的字符串自动加前后引号问题 :param text: :return: """ # return text.replace("'", "").replace('"', "") text = str(text) if text.startswith("'") and text.endswith("'"): text = text[1:-1] return text def buildUrl(url,obj=None): # url = str(url).replace("'", "") url = redx(url) if not obj: obj = {} new_obj = {} for i in obj: # new_obj[str(i).replace("'", "")] = str(obj[i]).replace("'", "") new_obj[redx(i)] = redx(obj[i]) if str(url).find('?') < 0: url = str(url) + '?' param_list = [f'{i}={new_obj[i]}' for i in new_obj] # print(param_list) prs = '&'.join(param_list) if len(new_obj) > 0 and not str(url).endswith('?'): url += '&' # url = (url + prs).replace('"','').replace("'",'') url = url + prs # print(url) return url def forceOrder(lists:list,key:str=None,option=None): """ 强制正序 :param lists: :param key: :return: """ start = math.floor(len(lists)/2) end = min(len(lists)-1,start+1) if start >= end: return lists first = lists[start] second = lists[end] if key: try: first = first[key] second = second[key] except: pass if option and hasattr(option, '__call__'): try: first = option(first) second = option(second) # print(f'first:{first},second:{second}') except Exception as e: print(f'强制排序执行option发生了错误:{e}') first = str(first) second = str(second) if re.search(r'(\d+)',first) and re.search(r'(\d+)',second): num1 = int(re.search(r'(\d+)',first).groups()[0]) num2 = int(re.search(r'(\d+)',second).groups()[0]) if num1 > num2: lists.reverse() return lists def base64ToImage(image_base64:str): if isinstance(image_base64,PyJsString): image_base64 = parseText(str(image_base64)) if ',' in image_base64: image_base64 = image_base64.split(',')[1] img_data = base64.b64decode(image_base64) return img_data