#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File : cms.py # Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------ # Date : 2022/8/25 import json # import bs4 import requests import re import math import ujson from utils.web import * from utils.system import getHost from utils.config import playerConfig from utils.log import logger from utils.encode import base64Encode, base64Decode, fetch, post, request, getCryptoJS, getPreJs, buildUrl, getHome, \ atob, btoa from utils.encode import verifyCode, setDetail, join, urljoin2, parseText, requireCache, forceOrder, base64ToImage, \ encodeStr, decodeStr from utils.encode import md5 as mmd5 from utils.safePython import safePython from utils.parser import runPy, runJScode, JsObjectWrapper, PyJsObject, PyJsString from utils.htmlParser import jsoup from urllib.parse import urljoin, quote, unquote from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # 引入线程池 from flask import url_for, redirect, render_template_string from easydict import EasyDict as edict from controllers.service import storage_service def setItem(key, value): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key, PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) if isinstance(value, PyJsString): value = parseText(str(value)) return lsg.setItem(key, value) def getItem(key, value=''): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key, PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) if isinstance(value, PyJsString): value = parseText(str(value)) return lsg.getItem(key, value) def clearItem(key): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key, PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) return lsg.clearItem(key) def encodeUrl(url): # return base64Encode(quote(url)) # return base64Encode(url) # print(type(url)) if isinstance(url, PyJsString): # obj = obj.to_dict() url = parseText(str(url)) return quote(url) def stringify(obj): if isinstance(obj, PyJsObject): # obj = obj.to_dict() obj = parseText(str(obj)) return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False) def requireObj(url): if isinstance(url, PyJsString): url = parseText(str(url)) return requireCache(url) def md5(text): if isinstance(text, PyJsString): text = parseText(str(text)) return mmd5(text) py_ctx = { 'requests': requests, 'print': print, 'base64Encode': base64Encode, 'base64Decode': base64Decode, 'log': logger.info, 'fetch': fetch, 'post': post, 'request': request, 'getCryptoJS': getCryptoJS, 'buildUrl': buildUrl, 'getHome': getHome, 'setDetail': setDetail, 'join': join, 'urljoin2': urljoin2, 'PC_UA': PC_UA, 'MOBILE_UA': MOBILE_UA, 'UC_UA': UC_UA, 'UA': UA, 'IOS_UA': IOS_UA, 'setItem': setItem, 'getItem': getItem, 'clearItem': clearItem, 'stringify': stringify, 'encodeUrl': encodeUrl, 'requireObj': requireObj, 'md5': md5, 'atob': atob, 'btoa': btoa, 'base64ToImage': base64ToImage, 'encodeStr': encodeStr, 'decodeStr': decodeStr } # print(getCryptoJS()) class CMS: def __init__(self, rule, db=None, RuleClass=None, PlayParse=None, new_conf=None, ext=''): if new_conf is None: new_conf = {} self.lsg = storage_service() self.title = rule.get('title', '') self.id = rule.get('id', self.title) self.filter_url = rule.get('filter_url', '').replace('{{fl}}', '{{fl|safe}}') # python jinjia2禁用自动编码 cate_exclude = rule.get('cate_exclude', '') tab_exclude = rule.get('tab_exclude', '') self.lazy = rule.get('lazy', False) # self.play_disable = new_conf.get('PLAY_DISABLE',False) self.play_disable = self.lsg.getItem('PLAY_DISABLE', False) self.retry_count = new_conf.get('RETRY_CNT', 3) # self.lazy_mode = new_conf.get('LAZYPARSE_MODE') self.lazy_mode = self.lsg.getItem('LAZYPARSE_MODE', 2) self.ocr_api = new_conf.get('OCR_API') # self.cate_exclude = new_conf.get('CATE_EXCLUDE','') self.cate_exclude = self.lsg.getItem('CATE_EXCLUDE', '') # self.tab_exclude = new_conf.get('TAB_EXCLUDE','') self.tab_exclude = self.lsg.getItem('TAB_EXCLUDE', '') if cate_exclude: if not str(cate_exclude).startswith('|') and not str(self.cate_exclude).endswith('|'): self.cate_exclude = self.cate_exclude + '|' + cate_exclude else: self.cate_exclude += cate_exclude if tab_exclude: if not str(tab_exclude).startswith('|') and not str(self.tab_exclude).endswith('|'): self.tab_exclude = self.tab_exclude + '|' + tab_exclude else: self.tab_exclude += tab_exclude # print(self.cate_exclude) try: self.vod = redirect(url_for('vod')).headers['Location'] except: self.vod = '/vod' # if not self.play_disable and self.lazy: if not self.play_disable: self.play_parse = rule.get('play_parse', False) try: play_url = getHost(self.lazy_mode) except: play_url = getHost(1, 5705) # play_url = new_conf.get('PLAY_URL',getHost(2)) if not play_url.startswith('http'): play_url = 'http://' + play_url # print(play_url) if self.play_parse: # self.play_url = play_url + self.vod + '?play_url=' js0_password = self.lsg.getItem('JS0_PASSWORD') # print(f'js0密码:{js0_password}') js0_password = f'pwd={js0_password}&' if js0_password else '' self.play_url = f'{play_url}{self.vod}?{js0_password}rule={self.id}&ext={ext}&play_url=' # logger.info(f'cms重定向链接:{self.play_url}') else: self.play_url = '' else: self.play_parse = False self.play_url = '' logger.info('播放免嗅地址: ' + self.play_url) self.db = db self.RuleClass = RuleClass self.PlayParse = PlayParse host = rule.get('host', '').rstrip('/') host = unquote(host) HOST = host hostJs = rule.get('hostJs', '') if hostJs: try: jsp = jsoup(HOST) py_ctx.update({ 'HOST': HOST, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'TYPE': 'init', }) ctx = py_ctx jscode = getPreJs() + hostJs.strip().replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) HOST = loader.eval('HOST') # print(vods) # 一般都是正常的str if isinstance(HOST, PyJsString): # JsObjectWrapper HOST = parseText(str(HOST)) host = HOST.rstrip('/') print('host:',host) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'执行{hostJs}获取host发生错误:{e}') timeout = rule.get('timeout', 5000) homeUrl = rule.get('homeUrl', '/') url = rule.get('url', '') detailUrl = rule.get('detailUrl', '') searchUrl = rule.get('searchUrl', '') default_headers = getHeaders(host) self_headers = rule.get('headers', {}) default_headers.update(self_headers) headers = default_headers cookie = self.getCookie() # print(f'{self.title}cookie:{cookie}') self.oheaders = self_headers if cookie: headers['cookie'] = cookie self.oheaders['cookie'] = cookie limit = rule.get('limit', 6) encoding = rule.get('编码', 'utf-8') search_encoding = rule.get('搜索编码', '') self.limit = min(limit, 30) keys = headers.keys() for k in headers.keys(): if str(k).lower() == 'user-agent': v = headers[k] if v == 'MOBILE_UA': headers[k] = MOBILE_UA elif v == 'PC_UA': headers[k] = PC_UA elif v == 'UC_UA': headers[k] = UC_UA elif v == 'IOS_UA': headers[k] = IOS_UA elif str(k).lower() == 'cookie': v = headers[k] if v and str(v).startswith('http'): try: ck = requests.get(v, timeout=timeout, verify=False) headers[k] = ck except Exception as e: logger.info(f'从{v}获取cookie发生错误:{e}') pass lower_keys = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), keys)) if not 'user-agent' in lower_keys: headers['User-Agent'] = UA if not 'referer' in lower_keys: headers['Referer'] = host self.headers = headers # print(headers) self.host = host self.homeUrl = urljoin(host, homeUrl) if host and homeUrl else homeUrl or host if url.find('[') > -1 and url.find(']') > -1: u1 = url.split('[')[0] u2 = url.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] self.url = urljoin(host, u1) + '[' + urljoin(host, u2) + ']' if host and url else url else: self.url = urljoin(host, url) if host and url else url self.detailUrl = urljoin(host, detailUrl) if host and detailUrl else detailUrl self.searchUrl = urljoin(host, searchUrl) if host and searchUrl else searchUrl self.class_name = rule.get('class_name', '') self.class_url = rule.get('class_url', '') self.class_parse = rule.get('class_parse', '') self.filter_name = rule.get('filter_name', '') self.filter_url = rule.get('filter_url', '') self.filter_parse = rule.get('filter_parse', '') self.double = rule.get('double', False) self.一级 = rule.get('一级', '') self.二级 = rule.get('二级', '') self.二级访问前 = rule.get('二级访问前', '') self.搜索 = rule.get('搜索', '') self.推荐 = rule.get('推荐', '') self.图片来源 = rule.get('图片来源', '') self.encoding = encoding self.search_encoding = search_encoding self.timeout = round(int(timeout) / 1000, 2) self.filter = rule.get('filter', []) self.filter_def = rule.get('filter_def', {}) self.play_json = rule['play_json'] if 'play_json' in rule else [] self.pagecount = rule['pagecount'] if 'pagecount' in rule else {} self.extend = rule.get('extend', []) self.d = self.getObject() def getName(self): return self.title def getObject(self): o = edict({ 'jsp': jsoup(self.url), 'getParse': self.getParse, 'saveParse': self.saveParse, 'oheaders': self.oheaders, 'headers': self.headers, # 通用免嗅需要 'encoding': self.encoding, 'name': self.title, 'timeout': self.timeout, }) return o def regexp(self, prule, text, pos=None): ret = re.search(prule, text).groups() if pos != None and isinstance(pos, int): return ret[pos] else: return ret def test(self, text, string): searchObj = re.search(rf'{text}', string, re.M | re.I) # print(searchObj) # global vflag if searchObj: # vflag = searchObj.group() pass return searchObj def blank(self): result = { 'list': [] } return result def blank_vod(self): return { "vod_id": "id", "vod_name": "片名", "vod_pic": "", # 图片 "type_name": "剧情", "vod_year": "年份", "vod_area": "地区", "vod_remarks": "更新信息", "vod_actor": "主演", "vod_director": "导演", "vod_content": "简介" } def jsoup(self): jsp = jsoup(self.url) pdfh = jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pd pjfh = jsp.pjfh pjfa = jsp.pjfa pj = jsp.pj pq = jsp.pq return pdfh, pdfa, pd, pq def getClasses(self): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return [] name = self.getName() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() # _logger.info('xxxxxx') if res: if not all([res.class_name, res.class_url]): return [] cls = res.class_name.split('&') cls2 = res.class_url.split('&') classes = [{'type_name': cls[i], 'type_id': cls2[i]} for i in range(len(cls))] # _logger.info(classes) logger.info(f"{self.getName()}使用缓存分类:{classes}") return classes else: return [] def getCookie(self): name = self.getName() if not self.db: msg = f'{name}未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return False res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() if res: return res.cookie or None else: return None def saveCookie(self, cookie): name = self.getName() if not self.db: msg = f'{name}未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return False res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() if res: res.cookie = cookie self.db.session.add(res) else: res = self.RuleClass(name=name, cookie=cookie) self.db.session.add(res) try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(f'{name}已保存cookie:{cookie}') except Exception as e: return f'保存cookie发生了错误:{e}' def saveClass(self, classes): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return msg name = self.getName() class_name = '&'.join([cl['type_name'] for cl in classes]) class_url = '&'.join([cl['type_id'] for cl in classes]) # data = RuleClass.query.filter(RuleClass.name == '555影视').all() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() # print(res) if res: res.class_name = class_name res.class_url = class_url self.db.session.add(res) msg = f'{self.getName()}修改成功:{res.id}' else: res = self.RuleClass(name=name, class_name=class_name, class_url=class_url) self.db.session.add(res) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() msg = f'{self.getName()}新增成功:{res.id}' try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(msg) except Exception as e: return f'发生了错误:{e}' def getParse(self, play_url): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return '' name = self.getName() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() # _logger.info('xxxxxx') if res: real_url = res.real_url logger.info(f"{name}使用缓存播放地址:{real_url}") return real_url else: return '' def dealJson(self, html): try: # res = re.search('.*?\{(.*)\}',html,re.M|re.I).groups()[0] res = re.search('.*?\{(.*)\}', html, re.M | re.S).groups()[0] html = '{' + res + '}' return html except: return html def checkHtml(self, r): r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if html.find('?btwaf=') > -1: btwaf = re.search('btwaf(.*?)"', html, re.M | re.I).groups()[0] url = r.url.split('#')[0] + '?btwaf' + btwaf # print(f'需要过宝塔验证:{url}') cookies_dict = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(r.cookies) cookie_str = ';'.join([f'{k}={cookies_dict[k]}' for k in cookies_dict]) self.headers['cookie'] = cookie_str r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if html.find('?btwaf=') < 0: self.saveCookie(cookie_str) # print(html) return html def saveParse(self, play_url, real_url): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return msg name = self.getName() # data = RuleClass.query.filter(RuleClass.name == '555影视').all() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() # print(res) if res: res.real_url = real_url self.db.session.add(res) msg = f'{name}服务端免嗅修改成功:{res.id}' else: res = self.PlayParse(play_url=play_url, real_url=real_url) self.db.session.add(res) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() msg = f'{name}服务端免嗅新增成功:{res.id}' try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(msg) except Exception as e: return f'{name}发生了错误:{e}' def homeContent(self, fypage=1): # yanaifei # https://yanetflix.com/vodtype/dianying.html t1 = time() result = {} classes = [] video_result = self.blank() if self.class_url and self.class_name: class_names = self.class_name.split('&') class_urls = self.class_url.split('&') cnt = min(len(class_urls), len(class_names)) for i in range(cnt): classes.append({ 'type_name': class_names[i], 'type_id': class_urls[i] }) # print(self.url) print(self.headers) has_cache = False # print(self.homeUrl) if self.homeUrl.startswith('http'): # print(self.class_parse) try: if self.class_parse: t2 = time() cache_classes = self.getClasses() logger.info(f'{self.getName()}读取缓存耗时:{get_interval(t2)}毫秒') if len(cache_classes) > 0: classes = cache_classes # print(cache_classes) has_cache = True # logger.info(f'是否有缓存分类:{has_cache}') if has_cache and not self.推荐: pass else: new_classes = [] r = requests.get(self.homeUrl, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) # print(html) # print(self.headers) if self.class_parse and not has_cache: p = self.class_parse.split(';') # print(p[0]) # print(html) jsp = jsoup(self.url) pdfh = jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pd items = pdfa(html, p[0]) # print(len(items)) # print(items) for item in items: title = pdfh(item, p[1]) # 过滤排除掉标题名称 if self.cate_exclude and jsp.test(self.cate_exclude, title): continue url = pd(item, p[2]) # print(url) tag = url if len(p) > 3 and p[3].strip(): try: tag = self.regexp(p[3].strip(), url, 0) except: logger.info(f'分类匹配错误:{title}对应的链接{url}无法匹配{p[3]}') continue new_classes.append({ 'type_name': title, 'type_id': tag }) if len(new_classes) > 0: classes.extend(new_classes) self.saveClass(classes) video_result = self.homeVideoContent(html, fypage) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'{self.getName()}主页发生错误:{e}') classes = list( filter(lambda x: not self.cate_exclude or not jsoup(self.url).test(self.cate_exclude, x['type_name']), classes)) result['class'] = classes if self.filter: if isinstance(self.filter, dict): result['filters'] = self.filter else: result['filters'] = playerConfig['filter'] result.update(video_result) # print(result) logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取首页总耗时(包含读取缓存):{get_interval(t1)}毫秒') return result def homeVideoContent(self, html, fypage=1): p = self.推荐 if not p: return self.blank() jsp = jsoup(self.homeUrl) result = {} videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).strip().startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(self.host) py_ctx.update({ 'input': self.homeUrl, 'HOST': self.host, 'TYPE': 'home', # 海阔js环境标志 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx jscode = getPreJs() + p.strip().replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) try: loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print(vods) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() except Exception as e: logger.info(f'首页推荐执行js获取列表出错:{e}') else: if p == '*' and self.一级: p = self.一级 self.double = False logger.info(f'首页推荐继承一级: {p}') p = p.strip().split(';') # 解析 if not self.double and len(p) < 5: return self.blank() if self.double and len(p) < 6: return self.blank() jsp = jsoup(self.homeUrl) pp = self.一级.split(';') def getPP(p, pn, pp, ppn): try: ps = pp[ppn] if p[pn] == '*' and len(pp) > ppn else p[pn] return ps except Exception as e: return '' p0 = getPP(p, 0, pp, 0) is_json = str(p0).startswith('json:') if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd # print(html) try: if self.double: items = pdfa(html, p0.replace('json:', '')) # print(p[0]) # print(items) # print(len(items)) p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 0) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 1) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 2) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 3) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 4) p6 = getPP(p, 6, pp, 5) for item in items: items2 = pdfa(item, p1) # print(len(items2)) for item2 in items2: try: title = pdfh(item2, p2) # print(title) try: img = pd(item2, p3) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item2, p4) except: desc = '' links = [pd(item2, _p5) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item2, _p5) for _p5 in p5.split('+')] vid = '$'.join(links) if len(p) > 6 and p[6]: content = pdfh(item2, p6) else: content = '' if self.二级 == '*': vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "no_use": { "vod_content": content, "type_id": 1, "type_name": "首页推荐", }, }) except: pass else: items = pdfa(html, p0.replace('json:', '')) # print(items) p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 1) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 2) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 3) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 4) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 5) for item in items: try: title = pdfh(item, p1) try: img = pd(item, p2) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item, p3) except: desc = '' # link = pd(item, p[4]) links = [pd(item, _p5) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, _p5) for _p5 in p4.split('+')] vid = '$'.join(links) if len(p) > 5 and p[5]: content = pdfh(item, p5) else: content = '' if self.二级 == '*': vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "no_use": { "vod_content": content, "type_id": 1, "type_name": "首页推荐", }, }) except: pass # result['list'] = videos[min((fypage-1)*self.limit,len(videos)-1):min(fypage*self.limit,len(videos))] except Exception as e: logger.info(f'首页内容获取失败:{e}') return self.blank() if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic', '') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" result['list'] = videos # print(videos) result['no_use'] = { 'code': 1, 'msg': '数据列表', 'page': fypage, 'pagecount': math.ceil(len(videos) / self.limit), 'limit': self.limit, 'total': len(videos), 'now_count': len(result['list']), } # print(result) return result def categoryContent(self, fyclass, fypage, fl=None): """ 一级带分类的数据返回 :param fyclass: 分类标识 :param fypage: 页码 :param fl: 筛选 :return: cms一级数据 """ if fl is None: fl = {} # print(f'fl:{fl}') if self.filter_def and isinstance(self.filter_def, dict): try: if self.filter_def.get(fyclass) and isinstance(self.filter_def[fyclass], dict): self_filter_def = self.filter_def[fyclass] filter_def = ujson.loads(ujson.dumps(self_filter_def)) filter_def.update(fl) fl = filter_def except Exception as e: print(f'合并不同分类对应的默认筛选出错:{e}') # print(fl) result = {} # urlParams = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] # urlParams = [""] * 12 # urlParams[0] = tid # urlParams[8] = str(pg) # for key in self.extend: # urlParams[int(key)] = self.extend[key] # params = '-'.join(urlParams) # print(params) # url = self.url + '/{0}.html'.format t1 = time() pg = str(fypage) url = self.url.replace('fyclass', fyclass) if fypage == 1 and self.test('[\[\]]', url): url = url.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] elif fypage > 1 and self.test('[\[\]]', url): url = url.split('[')[0] if self.filter_url: if not 'fyfilter' in url: # 第一种情况,默认不写fyfilter关键字,视为直接拼接在链接后面当参数 if not url.endswith('&') and not self.filter_url.startswith('&'): url += '&' url += self.filter_url else: # 第二种情况直接替换关键字为待拼接的结果后面渲染,适用于 ----fypage.html的情况 url = url.replace('fyfilter', self.filter_url) # print(f'url渲染:{url}') url = render_template_string(url, fl=fl) # fl_url = render_template_string(self.filter_url,fl=fl) # if not 'fyfilter' in url: # 第一种情况,默认不写fyfilter关键字,视为直接拼接在链接后面当参数 # if not url.endswith('&') and not fl_url.startswith('&'): # url += '&' # url += fl_url # else: # 第二种情况直接替换关键字为渲染后的结果,适用于 ----fypage.html的情况 # url = url.replace('fyfilter',fl_url) if url.find('fypage') > -1: if '(' in url and ')' in url: # url_rep = url[url.find('('):url.find(')')+1] # cnt_page = url.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].replace('fypage',pg) # print(url_rep) url_rep = re.search('.*?\((.*)\)', url, re.M | re.S).groups()[0] cnt_page = url_rep.replace('fypage', pg) # print(url_rep) # print(cnt_page) cnt_ctx = {} exec(f'cnt_pg={cnt_page}', cnt_ctx) cnt_pg = str(cnt_ctx['cnt_pg']) # 计算表达式的结果 url = url.replace(url_rep, str(cnt_pg)).replace('(', '').replace(')', '') # print(url) else: url = url.replace('fypage', pg) # print(url) logger.info(url) p = self.一级 jsp = jsoup(self.url) videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'TYPE': 'cate', # 海阔js环境标志 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'MY_CATE': fyclass, # 分类id 'MY_FL': fl, # 筛选 'MY_PAGE': fypage, # 页数 'detailUrl': self.detailUrl or '', # 详情页链接 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print('vods:',vods) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() else: p = p.split(';') # 解析 # print(len(p)) # print(p) if len(p) < 5: return self.blank() is_json = str(p[0]).startswith('json:') pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:eq(1)&&Text')) # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:eq(0)')) # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:first')) items = [] try: r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) print(self.headers) # print(html) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) # else: # soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # html = soup.prettify() # print(html) # with open('1.html',mode='w+',encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(html) items = pdfa(html, p[0].replace('json:', '', 1)) except: pass # print(items) for item in items: # print(item) try: title = pdfh(item, p[1]) img = pd(item, p[2]) desc = pdfh(item, p[3]) links = [pd(item, p4) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, p4) for p4 in p[4].split('+')] link = '$'.join(links) content = '' if len(p) < 6 else pdfh(item, p[5]) # sid = self.regStr(sid, "/video/(\\S+).html") vod_id = f'{fyclass}${link}' if self.detailUrl else link # 分类,播放链接 if self.二级 == '*': vod_id = vod_id + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vod_id, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "vod_content": content, }) except Exception as e: print(f'发生了错误:{e}') pass if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic', '') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" print('videos:', videos) limit = 40 cnt = 9999 if len(videos) > 0 else 0 pagecount = 0 if self.pagecount and isinstance(self.pagecount, dict) and fyclass in self.pagecount: print(f'fyclass:{fyclass},self.pagecount:{self.pagecount}') pagecount = int(self.pagecount[fyclass]) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = fypage result['pagecount'] = pagecount or max(cnt, fypage) result['limit'] = limit result['total'] = cnt # print(result) # print(result['pagecount']) logger.info( f'{self.getName()}获取分类{fyclass}第{fypage}页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(result)) / 1000, 2)} kb') nodata = { 'list': [{'vod_name': '无数据,防无限请求', 'vod_id': 'no_data', 'vod_remarks': '不要点,会崩的', 'vod_pic': 'https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/404.jpg'}], 'total': 1, 'pagecount': 1, 'page': 1, 'limit': 1 } # return result return result if len(result['list']) > 0 else nodata def 二级渲染(self, parse_str: 'str|dict', **kwargs): # *args是不定长参数 列表 # ** args是不定长参数字典 p = parse_str # 二级传递解析表达式 js的obj json对象 detailUrl = kwargs.get('detailUrl', '') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页vod_id详情处理数据 orId = kwargs.get('orId', '') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页vod_id原始数据 url = kwargs.get('url', '') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页链接智能拼接数据 vod = kwargs.get('vod', self.blank_vod()) # 最终要返回的二级详情页数据 默认空 html = kwargs.get('html', '') # 不定长字典传递的源码(如果不传才会在下面程序中去获取) show_name = kwargs.get('show_name', '') # 是否显示来源(用于drpy区分) jsp = kwargs.get('jsp', '') # jsp = jsoup(self.url) 传递的jsp解析 fyclass = kwargs.get('fyclass', '') # 二级传递的分类名称,可以得知进去的类别 play_url = self.play_url vod_name = '片名' vod_pic = '' # print('二级url:',url) if self.二级 == '*': extra = orId.split('@@') vod_name = extra[1] if len(extra) > 1 else vod_name vod_pic = extra[2] if len(extra) > 2 else vod_pic if self.play_json: play_url = play_url.replace('&play_url=', '&type=json&play_url=') if p == '*': # 解析表达式为*默认一级直接变播放 vod['vod_play_from'] = '道长在线' vod['vod_remarks'] = detailUrl vod['vod_actor'] = '没有二级,只有一级链接直接嗅探播放' # vod['vod_content'] = url if not show_name else f'({self.id}) {url}' vod['vod_content'] = url vod['vod_id'] = orId vod['vod_name'] = vod_name vod['vod_pic'] = vod_pic vod['vod_play_url'] = '嗅探播放$' + play_url + url.split('@@')[0] elif not p or (not isinstance(p, dict) and not isinstance(p, str)) or ( isinstance(p, str) and not str(p).startswith('js:')): pass else: is_json = p.get('is_json', False) if isinstance(p, dict) else False # 二级里加is_json参数 pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd pq = jsp.pq vod['vod_id'] = orId if not html: # 没传递html参数接detailUrl下来智能获取 r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) tt1 = time() if p.get('title'): p1 = p['title'].split(';') vod['vod_name'] = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() vod['type_name'] = pdfh(html, p1[1]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 1 else '' if p.get('desc'): try: p1 = p['desc'].split(';') vod['vod_remarks'] = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replace('\n', '').strip() vod['vod_year'] = pdfh(html, p1[1]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 1 else '' vod['vod_area'] = pdfh(html, p1[2]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 2 else '' vod['vod_actor'] = pdfh(html, p1[3]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 3 else '' vod['vod_director'] = pdfh(html, p1[4]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 4 else '' except: pass if p.get('content'): p1 = p['content'].split(';') try: content = '\n'.join([pdfh(html, i).replace('\n', ' ') for i in p1]) vod['vod_content'] = content except: pass if p.get('img'): p1 = p['img'] try: img = pd(html, p1) vod['vod_pic'] = img except Exception as e: logger.info(f'二级图片定位失败,但不影响使用{e}') vod_play_from = '$$$' playFrom = [] init_flag = {'ctx': False} def js_pre(): headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'html': html, 'TYPE': 'detail', # 海阔js环境标志 'MY_CATE': fyclass, # 分类id 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, 'play_url': play_url }) init_flag['ctx'] = True if p.get('重定向') and str(p['重定向']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) rcode = p['重定向'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行二级重定向代码:{rcode}') html = loader.eval('html') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): html = str(html) if p.get('tabs'): vodHeader = [] if str(p['tabs']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx rcode = p['tabs'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行tabs代码:{rcode}') vHeader = loader.eval('TABS') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): vHeader = vHeader.to_list() vodHeader = vHeader else: tab_parse = p['tabs'].split(';')[0] # print('tab_parse:',tab_parse) vHeader = pdfa(html, tab_parse) # print(vHeader) print(f'二级线路定位列表数:{len((vHeader))}') # print(vHeader[0].outerHtml()) # print(vHeader[0].toString()) # from lxml import etree # print(str(etree.tostring(vHeader[0], pretty_print=True), 'utf-8')) from lxml.html import tostring as html2str # print(html2str(vHeader[0].root).decode('utf-8')) tab_text = p.get('tab_text', '') or 'body&&Text' # print('tab_text:'+tab_text) if not is_json: for v in vHeader: # 过滤排除掉线路标题 # v_title = pq(v).text() v_title = pdfh(v, tab_text).strip() # print(v_title) if self.tab_exclude and jsp.test(self.tab_exclude, v_title): continue vodHeader.append(v_title) else: vodHeader = vHeader print(f'过滤后真实线路列表数:{len((vodHeader))} {vodHeader}') else: vodHeader = ['道长在线'] # print(vodHeader) # print(vod) new_map = {} for v in vodHeader: if not v in new_map: new_map[v] = 1 else: new_map[v] += 1 if new_map[v] > 1: v = f'{v}{new_map[v] - 1}' playFrom.append(v) vod_play_from = vod_play_from.join(playFrom) vod_play_url = '$$$' vod_tab_list = [] if p.get('lists'): if str(p['lists']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx ctx['TABS'] = vodHeader # 把选集列表传过去 rcode = p['lists'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行lists代码:{rcode}') vlists = loader.eval('LISTS') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): vlists = vlists.to_list() # [['第1集$http://1.mp4','第2集$http://2.mp4'],['第3集$http://1.mp4','第4集$http://2.mp4']] for i in range(len(vlists)): try: vlists[i] = list(map(lambda x: '$'.join(x.split('$')[:2]), vlists[i])) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'LISTS格式化发生错误:{e}') vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join(list(map(lambda x: '#'.join(x), vlists))) else: list_text = p.get('list_text', '') or 'body&&Text' list_url = p.get('list_url', '') or 'a&&href' print('list_text:' + list_text) print('list_url:' + list_url) is_tab_js = p['tabs'].strip().startswith('js:') for i in range(len(vodHeader)): tab_name = str(vodHeader[i]) # print(tab_name) tab_ext = p['tabs'].split(';')[1] if len(p['tabs'].split(';')) > 1 and not is_tab_js else '' p1 = p['lists'].replace('#idv', tab_name).replace('#id', str(i)) tab_ext = tab_ext.replace('#idv', tab_name).replace('#id', str(i)) # print(p1) vodList = pdfa(html, p1) # 1条线路的选集列表 # print(vodList) # vodList = [pq(i).text()+'$'+pd(i,'a&&href') for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 # pq(i).text() if self.play_parse: # 自动base64编码 vodList = [(pdfh(html, tab_ext) if tab_ext else tab_name) + '$' + play_url + encodeUrl(i) for i in vodList] if is_json else \ [pdfh(i, list_text) + '$' + play_url + encodeUrl(pd(i, list_url)) for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 else: vodList = [(pdfh(html, tab_ext) if tab_ext else tab_name) + '$' + play_url + i for i in vodList] if is_json else \ [pdfh(i, list_text) + '$' + play_url + pd(i, list_url) for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 # print(vodList) vodList = forceOrder(vodList, option=lambda x: x.split('$')[0]) # print(vodList) vlist = '#'.join(vodList) # 拼多个选集 # print(vlist) vod_tab_list.append(vlist) vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join(vod_tab_list) vod_play_url_str = vod_play_url[:min(len(vod_play_url), 500)] print(vod_play_url_str) vod['vod_play_from'] = vod_play_from # print(vod_play_from) vod['vod_play_url'] = vod_play_url logger.info( f'{self.getName()}仅二级渲染{len(vod_play_url.split("$$$")[0].split("$"))}集耗时:{get_interval(tt1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(vod)) / 1000, 2)} kb') if show_name: vod['vod_content'] = f'({self.id}){vod.get("vod_content", "")}' return vod def detailOneVod(self, id, fyclass='', show_name=False): vod = self.blank_vod() orId = str(id) orUrl = orId if fyclass: orUrl = f'{fyclass}${orId}' detailUrl = orId.split('@@')[0] # print(detailUrl) if not detailUrl.startswith('http') and not '/' in detailUrl: url = self.detailUrl.replace('fyid', detailUrl).replace('fyclass', fyclass) # print(url) elif '/' in detailUrl: url = urljoin(self.homeUrl, detailUrl) else: url = detailUrl if self.二级访问前: logger.info(f'尝试在二级访问前执行代码: {self.二级访问前}') py_ctx.update({ 'MY_URL': url, 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, }) ctx = py_ctx jscode = getPreJs() + self.二级访问前.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) try: MY_URL = loader.eval('MY_URL') if isinstance(MY_URL, JsObjectWrapper): MY_URL = str(MY_URL) if MY_URL: url = MY_URL except Exception as e: logger.info(f'执行二级访问前发生错误: {e}') logger.info(f'进入详情页: {url}') try: p = self.二级 # 解析 jsp = jsoup(url) if url.startswith('http') else jsoup(self.url) is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) play_url = self.play_url if self.play_json: play_url = play_url.replace('&play_url=', '&type=json&play_url=') py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'TYPE': 'detail', # 海阔js环境标志 # 'VID': id, # 传递的vod_id '二级': self.二级渲染, # 二级解析函数,可以解析dict 'MY_CATE': fyclass, # 分类id 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, 'play_url': play_url }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vod = loader.eval('VOD') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): vod = vod.to_dict() if show_name: vod['vod_content'] = f'({self.id}){vod.get("vod_content", "")}' else: vod = self.blank_vod() else: vod = self.二级渲染(p, detailUrl=detailUrl, orId=orUrl, url=url, vod=vod, show_name=show_name, jsp=jsp, fyclass=fyclass) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取单个详情页{detailUrl}出错{e}') if self.图片来源: if vod.get('vod_pic', '') and str(vod['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): vod['vod_pic'] = f"{vod['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" if not vod.get('vod_id') or ('$' in orUrl and vod['vod_id'] != orUrl): vod['vod_id'] = orUrl # print(vod) return vod def detailContent(self, fypage, array, show_name=False): """ cms二级数据 :param array: :return: """ # print('进入二级') t1 = time() array = array if len(array) <= self.limit else array[ (fypage - 1) * self.limit:min(self.limit * fypage, len(array))] thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(min(self.limit, len(array))) # 定义线程池来启动多线程执行此任务 obj_list = [] try: for vod_url in array: print(vod_url) vod_class = '' if vod_url.find('$') > -1: tmp = vod_url.split('$') vod_class = tmp[0] vod_url = tmp[1] obj = thread_pool.submit(self.detailOneVod, vod_url, vod_class, show_name) obj_list.append(obj) thread_pool.shutdown(wait=True) # 等待所有子线程并行完毕 vod_list = [obj.result() for obj in obj_list] result = { 'list': vod_list } logger.info( f'{self.getName()}获取详情页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(result)) / 1000, 2)} kb') except Exception as e: result = { 'list': [] } logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取详情页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,发生错误:{e}') # print(result) return result def searchContent(self, key, fypage=1, show_name=False): if self.search_encoding: if str(self.search_encoding).lower() != 'utf-8': key = encodeStr(key, self.search_encoding) elif self.encoding and str(self.encoding).startswith('gb'): # key = quote(key.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8').encode(self.encoding,'ignore')) key = encodeStr(key, self.encoding) # print(key) pg = str(fypage) if not self.searchUrl: return self.blank() url = self.searchUrl.replace('**', key).replace('fypage', pg) logger.info(f'{self.getName()}搜索链接:{url}') if not self.搜索: return self.blank() # p = self.一级.split(';') if self.搜索 == '*' and self.一级 else self.搜索.split(';') # 解析 p = self.一级 if self.搜索 == '*' and self.一级 else self.搜索 pp = self.一级.split(';') jsp = jsoup(url) if url.startswith('http') else jsoup(self.url) videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js def getPP(p, pn, pp, ppn): try: ps = pp[ppn] if p[pn] == '*' and len(pp) > ppn else p[pn] return ps except: return '' if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'MY_PAGE': fypage, 'KEY': key, # 搜索关键字 'TYPE': 'search', # 海阔js环境标志 'detailUrl': self.detailUrl or '', # 详情页链接 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print(len(vods),type(vods)) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() # print(videos) else: p = p.split(';') if len(p) < 5: return self.blank() is_json = str(p[0]).startswith('json:') pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd pq = jsp.pq try: req_method = url.split(';')[1].lower() if len(url.split(';')) > 1 else 'get' if req_method == 'post': rurls = url.split(';')[0].split('#') rurl = rurls[0] params = rurls[1] if len(rurls) > 1 else '' # params = quote(params) print(f'rurl:{rurl},params:{params}') new_dict = {} new_tmp = params.split('&') # print(new_tmp) for i in new_tmp: new_dict[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] # data = ujson.dumps(new_dict) data = new_dict # print(data) logger.info(self.headers) r = requests.post(rurl, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) elif req_method == 'postjson': rurls = url.split(';')[0].split('#') rurl = rurls[0] params = rurls[1] if len(rurls) > 1 else '{}' headers_cp = self.headers.copy() headers_cp.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) try: params = ujson.dumps(ujson.loads(params)) except: params = '{}' # params = params.encode() logger.info(headers_cp) logger.info(params) r = requests.post(rurl, headers=headers_cp, data=params, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) else: r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) # if not is_json and html.find('输入验证码') > -1: if not is_json and re.search('系统安全验证|输入验证码', html, re.M | re.S): cookie = verifyCode(url, self.headers, self.timeout, self.retry_count, self.ocr_api) # cookie = '' if not cookie: return { 'list': videos } self.saveCookie(cookie) self.headers['cookie'] = cookie r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if not show_name and not str(html).find(key) > -1: logger.info('搜索结果源码未包含关键字,疑似搜索失败,正为您打印结果源码') print(html) p0 = getPP(p, 0, pp, 0) items = pdfa(html, p0.replace('json:', '', 1)) # print(len(items),items) videos = [] p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 1) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 2) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 3) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 4) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 5) for item in items: # print(item) try: # title = pdfh(item, p[1]) title = ''.join([pdfh(item, i) for i in p1.split('||')]) try: img = pd(item, p2) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item, p3) except: desc = '' if len(p) > 5 and p[5]: content = pdfh(item, p5) else: content = '' # link = '$'.join([pd(item, p4) for p4 in p[4].split('+')]) links = [pd(item, _p4) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, _p4) for _p4 in p4.split('+')] link = '$'.join(links) # print(content) # sid = self.regStr(sid, "/video/(\\S+).html") vod_id = link if self.二级 == '*': vod_id = vod_id + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vod_id, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "vod_content": content, # 无用参数 }) except Exception as e: print(f'搜索列表解析发生错误:{e}') pass # print(videos) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'搜索{self.getName()}发生错误:{e}') if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic', '') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" if show_name and len(videos) > 0: for video in videos: video['vod_name'] = self.id + ' ' + video['vod_name'] video['vod_rule'] = self.id video['vod_id'] = video['vod_id'] + '#' + self.id result = { 'list': videos } return result def playContent(self, play_url, jxs=None, flag=None): # flag参数只有类型为4的时候才有,可以忽略 # logger.info('播放免嗅地址: ' + self.play_url) # 注意:全局flags里的视频没法执行免嗅代码,因为会自动拦截去调用解析: url=yoursite:5705/vod?play_url=xxxx if not jxs: jxs = [] # print(play_url) if play_url.find('http') == -1: # 字符串看起来被编码的 try: play_url = base64Decode(play_url) # 自动base64解码 except: pass # print(unquote(play_url)) play_url = unquote(play_url) origin_play_url = play_url print(origin_play_url) if self.lazy: print(f'{play_url}->开始执行免嗅代码{type(self.lazy)}->{self.lazy}') t1 = time() try: if type(self.lazy) == JsObjectWrapper: logger.info(f'lazy非纯文本免嗅失败耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{play_url}') elif str(self.lazy).startswith('py:'): pycode = runPy(self.lazy) if pycode: # print(pycode) pos = pycode.find('def lazyParse') if pos < 0: return play_url pyenv = safePython(self.lazy, pycode[pos:]) lazy_url = pyenv.action_task_exec('lazyParse', [play_url, self.d]) logger.info(f'py免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{lazy_url}') if isinstance(lazy_url, str) and lazy_url.startswith('http'): play_url = lazy_url else: jscode = str(self.lazy).strip().replace('js:', '', 1) if str(self.lazy).startswith( 'js:') else js_code jsp = jsoup(self.url) # jscode = f'var input={play_url};{jscode}' # print(jscode) headers['Referer'] = getHome(play_url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': play_url, 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'jxs': jxs, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'pdfh': self.d.jsp.pdfh, 'pdfa': self.d.jsp.pdfa, 'pd': self.d.jsp.pd, 'play_url': self.play_url }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + jscode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) play_url = loader.eval('input') if isinstance(play_url, JsObjectWrapper): play_url = play_url.to_dict() # print(type(play_url)) # print(play_url) logger.info(f'js免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{play_url}') if not play_url and play_url != '' and play_url != {}: play_url = origin_play_url # if play_url == {}: # play_url = None except Exception as e: logger.info(f'免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,并发生错误:{e}') # return play_url else: logger.info(f'播放重定向到:{play_url}') # return play_url if self.play_json: # 如果传了 play_json 参数并且是个大于0的列表的话 if isinstance(self.play_json, list) and len(self.play_json) > 0: # 获取播放链接 web_url = play_url if isinstance(play_url, str) else play_url.get('url') for pjson in self.play_json: if pjson.get('re') and (pjson['re'] == '*' or re.search(pjson['re'], web_url, re.S | re.M)): if pjson.get('json') and isinstance(pjson['json'], dict): if isinstance(play_url, str): base_json = pjson['json'] base_json['url'] = web_url play_url = base_json elif isinstance(play_url, dict): base_json = pjson['json'] play_url.update(base_json) # 不管有没有效,匹配到了就跑??? (当然不行了,要不然写来干嘛) break else: # 没有指定列表默认表示需要解析,解析播放 (如果不要解析,我想也是没人会去写这个参数) base_json = { 'jx': 1, # 解析开 'parse': 1, # 嗅探 关 pluto这个标识有问题 只好双1了 } if isinstance(play_url, str): base_json['url'] = play_url play_url = base_json elif isinstance(play_url, dict): play_url.update(base_json) logger.info(f'最终返回play_url:{play_url}') return play_url if __name__ == '__main__': print(urljoin('https://api.web.360kan.com/v1/f', '//0img.hitv.com/preview/sp_images/2022/01/28/202201281528074643023.jpg')) # exit() from utils import parser # js_path = f'js/玩偶姐姐.js' # js_path = f'js/555影视.js' with open('../js/模板.js', encoding='utf-8') as f: before = f.read().split('export')[0] js_path = f'js/360影视.js' ctx, js_code = parser.runJs(js_path, before=before) ruleDict = ctx.rule.to_dict() # lazy = ctx.eval('lazy') # print(lazy) # ruleDict['id'] = rule # 把路由请求的id装到字典里,后面播放嗅探才能用 cms = CMS(ruleDict) print(cms.title) print(cms.homeContent()) # print(cms.categoryContent('5',1)) # print(cms.categoryContent('latest',1)) # print(cms.detailContent(['https://www.2345ka.com/v/45499.html'])) # print(cms.detailContent(1,['https://cokemv.me/voddetail/40573.html'])) # cms.categoryContent('dianying',1) # print(cms.detailContent(['67391'])) # print(cms.searchContent('斗罗大陆')) print(cms.searchContent('独行月球'))