
486 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Esprima.Ast;
using Jint;
using Jint.Native;
using Jint.Runtime;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NSoup.Nodes;
using NSoup;
using NSoup.Select;
using Document = NSoup.Nodes.Document;
using RestSharp;
using System.Web;
using System.Net.Mime;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NSoup.Helper;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using System.Buffers.Text;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
namespace Peach.DataAccess
public class HtmlParser
RestClient client;
public HtmlParser()
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
var options = new RestClientOptions()
RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = (a, c, d, v) => true,
MaxTimeout = 100000,
ThrowOnAnyError = true, //设置不然不会报异常
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
client = new RestClient(options);
//client.AddDefaultHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//client.AddDefaultHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7");
/// <summary>
/// okhttp封装的html请求给js调用http请求的
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url"></param>
/// <param name="opt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object Request(string url, JsValue arguments)
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
string Host = uri.Host;
var method = arguments.AsObject()["method"]?.ToString();
var _headers = arguments.AsObject()["headers"].AsObject();
var Referer = _headers["Referer"]?.ToString();
var UserAgent = _headers["User-Agent"]?.ToString();
var Cookie = _headers["Cookie"]?.ToString();
var ContentType = _headers["Content-Type"]?.ToString();
var Data = arguments.AsObject()["data"]?.ToString();
var Body = arguments.AsObject()["body"]?.ToString();
var Buffer = arguments.AsObject()["buffer"]?.ToString();
String charset = "utf-8";
if (ContentType != null && ContentType.Split("charset=").Length > 1)
charset = ContentType.Split("charset=")[1];
var request = new RestRequest(url);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data) && !Data.Equals("undefined"))
// 序列化JSON数据
string post_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Data);
// 将JSON参数添加至请求中
request.AddParameter("application/json", post_data, ParameterType.RequestBody);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Body) && !Body.Equals("undefined"))
String[] queryS = Body.Split("&");
foreach (String query in queryS)
//String query = queryS[i];
int tmp = query.IndexOf("=");
String key;
String value;
if (tmp != -1)
key = query.Substring(0, tmp);
value = query[(tmp + 1)..];
key = query;
value = "";
request.AddParameter(key, value);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserAgent))
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; M2007J3SC Build/RKQ1.200826.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/77.0.3865.120 MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/045714 Mobile Safari/537.36";
request.AddHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Referer))
request.AddHeader("Referer", Referer);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cookie) && !Cookie.Equals("undefined"))
client.AddDefaultHeader("Cookie", Cookie);
string rContent = "";
JsObject header = new (_headers.Engine);
var client = new RestClient(url);
RestResponse? response;
if (method?.ToLower() == "post")
response = client.Post(request);
response = client.Get(request);
//rContent = response.Content;
rContent = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(response.RawBytes == null ? Array.Empty<byte>() : response.RawBytes,
if (response.Headers != null)
foreach (var item in response.Headers)
header.Set(item.Name, item.Value == null ? "" : item.Value.ToString());
if (Buffer == "1")
return new { headers = header, content = response.RawBytes };
else if (Buffer == "2")
return new { headers = header, content = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rContent)) };
return new { headers = header, content = rContent };
catch (Exception)
{ }
return new { headers = header, content = "" };
private static readonly Regex p = new ("url\\((.*?)\\)", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
private static readonly Regex NOAdd_INDEX = new (":eq|:lt|:gt|:first|:last|^body$|^#");
private static readonly Regex URLJOIN_ATTR = new ("(url|src|href|-original|-src|-play|-url|style)$", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private static readonly Regex SPECIAL_URL = new ("^(ftp|magnet|thunder|ws):", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private static String pdfh_html = "";
private static String pdfa_html = "";
private static Document? pdfh_doc = null;
private static Document? pdfa_doc = null;
public static string JoinUrl(string parent, string child)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parent))
return child;
Uri url;
string q = parent;
url = new Uri(new Uri(parent), child);
q = url.ToString();
catch (Exception)
// if (q.Contains("#")) {
// q = q.ReplaceAll("^(.+?)#.*?$", "$1");
// }
return q;
public class Painfo
public string? nparse_rule;
public int nparse_index;
public List<string>? excludes;
private static Painfo GetParseInfo(string nparse)
根据传入的单规则获取 parse规则索引位置,排除列表 -- 可以用于剔除元素,支持多个按标签剔除按id剔除等操作
:param nparse:
Painfo painfo = new Painfo();
//List<string> excludes = new ArrayList<>(); //定义排除列表默认值为空
//int nparse_index; //定义位置索引默认值为0
painfo.nparse_rule = nparse; //定义规则默认值为本身
if (nparse.Contains(":eq"))
painfo.nparse_rule = nparse.Split(":")[0];
string nparse_pos = nparse.Split(":")[1];
if (painfo.nparse_rule.Contains("--"))
string[] rules = painfo.nparse_rule.Split("--");
painfo.excludes = rules.ToList();// new(Arrays.asList(rules));
painfo.nparse_rule = rules[0];
else if (nparse_pos.Contains("--"))
string[] rules = nparse_pos.Split("--");
painfo.excludes = rules.ToList();// new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rules));
nparse_pos = rules[0];
painfo.nparse_index = int.Parse(nparse_pos.Replace("eq(", "").Replace(")", ""));
catch (Exception)
painfo.nparse_index = 0;
if (nparse.Contains("--"))
string[] rules = painfo.nparse_rule.Split("--");
painfo.excludes = rules.ToList();// new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rules));
painfo.nparse_rule = rules[0];
return painfo;
public string ParseDomForUrl(string html, string rule)
return ParseDom(html, rule, "");
public string ParseDom(string html, string rule, string Add_url)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(html)) return "";
if (!pdfh_html.Equals(html))
pdfh_html = html;
pdfh_doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
Document? doc = pdfh_doc;
//Document doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
if (rule.Equals("body&&Text") || rule.Equals("Text"))
return doc.Text();
else if (rule.Equals("body&&Html") || rule.Equals("Html"))
return doc.Html();
string option = "";
if (rule.Contains("&&"))
string[] rs = rule.Split("&&");
option = rs[rs.Length - 1];
List<string> excludes = rs.ToList();// new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rs));
excludes.RemoveAt(rs.Length - 1);
rule = string.Join("&&", excludes);// TextUtils.join("&&", excludes);
rule = parseHikerToJq(rule, true);
string[]? parses = rule.Split(" ");
Elements ret = new ();
foreach (string nparse in parses)
ret = parseOneRule(doc, nparse, ret);
if (ret.IsEmpty || ret.Count <= 0) return "";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option))
return ret.OuterHtml();
if (option.Equals("Text"))
return ret.First.Text();
else if (option.Equals("Html"))
return ret.Html();
else //(JSUtils.isNotEmpty(option))
string? result = ret.Attr(option);
if (option.ToLower().Contains("style") && result.Contains("url("))
Match m = p.Match(result);
if (m.Success)
result = m.Groups[1]?.Value;
result = Regex.Replace(result, "^['|\"](.*)['|\"]$", "$1");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Add_url))// (JSUtils.isNotEmpty(result) && JSUtils.isNotEmpty(Add_url))
// 需要自动urljoin的属性
Match m = URLJOIN_ATTR.Match(option);
Match n = SPECIAL_URL.Match(result);
//if (isUrl(option)) {
if (m.Success && !n.Success)
if (result.Contains("http"))
result = result[result.IndexOf("http")..];
result = JoinUrl(Add_url, result);
return result;
public String[] ParseDomForArray(string html, string rule)
if (!pdfa_html.Equals(html))
pdfa_html = html;
pdfa_doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
Document? doc = pdfa_doc;
List<string>? eleHtml = new();
//Document doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
rule = parseHikerToJq(rule, false);
string[]? parses = rule.Split(" ");
Elements ret = new ();
foreach (var pars in parses)
ret = parseOneRule(doc, pars, ret);
if (ret.IsEmpty) return eleHtml.ToArray();
foreach (Element it in ret)
return eleHtml.ToArray();
public String[] ParseDomForList(string html, string rule, string list_text, string list_url, string urlKey)
if (!pdfa_html.Equals(html))
pdfa_html = html;
pdfa_doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
Document? doc = pdfa_doc;
//Document doc = NSoupClient.Parse(html);
List<string>? new_vod_list = new();
rule = parseHikerToJq(rule, false);
string[]? parses = rule.Split(" ");
Elements ret = new ();
foreach (string pars in parses)
ret = parseOneRule(doc, pars, ret);
if (ret.IsEmpty) return new_vod_list.ToArray();
foreach (Element it in ret)
new_vod_list.Add(ParseDom(it.OuterHtml(), list_text, "").Trim() + '$' + ParseDom(it.OuterHtml(), list_url, urlKey));
return new_vod_list.ToArray();
private string parseHikerToJq(string parse, bool first)
:param parse:
:param first:
// 不自动加eq下标索引
if (parse.Contains("&&"))
string[]? parses = parse.Split("&&"); //带&&的重新拼接
List<string>? new_parses = new(); //构造新的解析表达式列表
for (int i = 0; i < parses.Length; i++)
string[]? pss = parses[i].Split(" ");
string? ps = pss[pss.Length - 1]; //如果分割&&后带空格就取最后一个元素
Match? m = NOAdd_INDEX.Match(ps); // Matcher m = NOAdd_INDEX.matcher(ps);
//if (!isIndex(ps)) {
if (!m.Success)
if (!first && i >= parses.Length - 1)
{ //不传first且遇到最后一个,不用补eq(0)
new_parses.Add(parses[i] + ":eq(0)");
parse = string.Join(" ", new_parses);// TextUtils.join(" ", new_parses);
string[]? pss = parse.Split(" ");
string? ps = pss[pss.Length - 1]; //如果分割&&后带空格就取最后一个元素
//Matcher m = NOAdd_INDEX.matcher(ps);
Match? m = NOAdd_INDEX.Match(ps);
//if (!isIndex(ps) && first) {
if (!m.Success && first)
parse += ":eq(0)";
return parse;
private Elements parseOneRule(Document doc, string parse, Elements ret)
Painfo? info = GetParseInfo(parse);
if (ret.IsEmpty)
ret = doc.Select(info.nparse_rule);
ret = ret.Select(info.nparse_rule);
if (parse.Contains(":eq"))
if (info.nparse_index < 0)
ret = ret.Eq(ret.Count + info.nparse_index);
ret = ret.Eq(info.nparse_index);
if (info.excludes != null && !ret.IsEmpty)
foreach (var exclude in info.excludes)
return ret;