# coding=utf-8 # !/usr/bin/python import os.path import random import sys sys.path.append('..') try: # from base.spider import Spider as BaseSpider from base.spider import BaseSpider except ImportError: from t4.base.spider import BaseSpider import json import time import base64 import datetime import re from urllib import request, parse from pathlib import Path import urllib import urllib.request """ 配置示例: t4的配置里ext节点会自动变成api对应query参数extend,但t4的ext字符串不支持路径格式,比如./开头或者.json结尾 api里会自动含有ext参数是base64编码后的选中的筛选条件 错误示例,ext含有json: { "key":"hipy_cntv央视", "name":"cntv央视(hipy_t4)", "type":4, "api":"央视?api_ext={{host}}/txt/hipy/cntv央视.json", "searchable":1, "quickSearch":1, "filterable":0, "ext":"cntv央视.json" } 正确示例。同时存在ext和api_ext会优先取ext作为extend加载init { "key":"hipy_t4_cntv央视", "name":"cntv央视(hipy_t4)", "type":4, "api":"央视?api_ext={{host}}/txt/hipy/cntv央视.json", "searchable":1, "quickSearch":0, "filterable":1, "ext":"{{host}}/files/hipy/cntv央视.json" }, { "key": "hipy_t3_cntv央视", "name": "cntv央视(hipy_t3)", "type": 3, "api": "{{host}}/txt/hipy/cntv央视.py", "searchable": 1, "quickSearch": 0, "filterable": 1, "ext": "{{host}}/files/hipy/cntv央视.json" }, """ class Spider(BaseSpider): # 元类 默认的元类 type module = None def getDependence(self): return ['base_spider'] def getName(self): return "中央电视台" # 可搜索 def init_api_ext_file(self): ext_file = __file__.replace('.py', '.json') print(f'ext_file:{ext_file}') # 特别节目网页: https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65 # 特别节目分类筛选获取页面: https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/tbjm/index.shtml # 纪录片网页: https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65 # 纪录片分类筛选获取页面:https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/jlp/index.shtml # ==================== 获取特别节目的筛选条件 ====================== r = self.fetch('https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/tbjm/index.shtml') html = r.text html = self.html(html) filter_tbjm = [] lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="pindao"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datacd')), }) # print(li_value) filter_tbjm.append({ "key": "datapd-channel", "name": "频道", "value": li_value }) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="fenlei"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datalx')), }) # print(li_value) filter_tbjm.append({ "key": "datafl-sc", "name": "类型", "value": li_value }) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="zimu"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datazm')), }) # print(li_value) filter_tbjm.append({ "key": "dataszm-letter", "name": "首字母", "value": li_value }) print(filter_tbjm) # ==================== 纪录片筛选获取 ====================== r = self.fetch('https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/jlp/index.shtml') html = r.text html = self.html(html) filter_jlp = [] lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="pindao"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datacd')), }) # print(li_value) filter_jlp.append({ "key": "datapd-channel", "name": "频道", "value": li_value }) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="fenlei"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datalx')), }) # print(li_value) filter_jlp.append({ "key": "datafl-sc", "name": "类型", "value": li_value }) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="nianfen"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datanf')), }) # print(li_value) filter_jlp.append({ "key": "datanf-year", "name": "年份", "value": li_value }) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="zimu"]/li') li_value = [] for li in lis: li_value.append({ 'n': ''.join(li.xpath('./span//text()')), 'v': ''.join(li.xpath('@datazm')), }) # print(li_value) filter_jlp.append({ "key": "dataszm-letter", "name": "首字母", "value": li_value }) print(filter_jlp) ext_file_dict = { "特别节目": filter_tbjm, "纪录片": filter_jlp, } # print(json.dumps(ext_file_dict,ensure_ascii=False,indent=4)) with open(ext_file, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(json.dumps(ext_file_dict,ensure_ascii=False,indent=4)) f.write(json.dumps(ext_file_dict, ensure_ascii=False)) def init(self, extend=""): def init_file(ext_file): ext_file = Path(ext_file).as_posix() # print(f'ext_file:{ext_file}') if os.path.exists(ext_file): # print('存在扩展文件') with open(ext_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: try: ext_dict = json.loads(f.read()) # print(ext_dict) self.config['filter'].update(ext_dict) except Exception as e: print(f'更新扩展筛选条件发生错误:{e}') print("============依赖列表:{0}============".format(extend)) ext = self.extend print("============ext:{0}============".format(ext)) if isinstance(ext, str) and ext: if ext.startswith('./'): ext_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ext) init_file(ext_file) elif ext.startswith('http'): try: r = self.fetch(ext) self.config['filter'].update(r.json()) except Exception as e: print(f'更新扩展筛选条件发生错误:{e}') elif not ext.startswith('./') and not ext.startswith('http'): ext_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './' + ext + '.json') init_file(ext_file) # ==================== 栏目大全加载年月筛选 ====================== lanmu_list = self.config['filter']['栏目大全'] lanmu_keys_list = [lanmu['key'] for lanmu in lanmu_list] if 'year' not in lanmu_keys_list: currentYear = datetime.date.today().year yearList = [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}] for year in range(currentYear, currentYear - 10, -1): yearList.append({"n": year, "v": year}) yearDict = {"key": "year", "name": "年份", "value": yearList} lanmu_list.append(yearDict) if 'month' not in lanmu_keys_list: monthList = [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}] for month in range(1, 13): text = str(month).rjust(2, '0') monthList.append({"n": text, "v": text}) monthDict = {"key": "month", "name": "月份", "value": monthList} lanmu_list.append(monthDict) # 装载模块,这里只要一个就够了 if isinstance(extend, list): for lib in extend: if '.Spider' in str(type(lib)): self.module = lib break def isVideoFormat(self, url): pass def manualVideoCheck(self): pass def homeContent(self, filter): result = {} cateManual = { "4K专区": "4K专区", "栏目大全": "栏目大全", "特别节目": "特别节目", "纪录片": "纪录片", "电视剧": "电视剧", "动画片": "动画片", "频道直播": "频道直播", } classes = [] for k in cateManual: classes.append({ 'type_name': k, 'type_id': cateManual[k] }) result['class'] = classes if (filter): result['filters'] = self.config['filter'] return result def homeVideoContent(self): result = { 'list': [] } if self.module: result = self.module.homeVideoContent() return result def categoryContent(self, tid, pg, filter, extend): result = {} month = "" # 月 year = "" # 年 area = '' # 地区 channel = '' # 频道 datafl = '' # 类型 letter = '' # 字母 year_prefix = '' # 栏目大全的年月筛选过滤 pagecount = 24 if tid == '动画片': id = urllib.parse.quote(tid) if 'datadq-area' in extend.keys(): area = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datadq-area']) if 'dataszm-letter' in extend.keys(): letter = extend['dataszm-letter'] if 'datafl-sc' in extend.keys(): datafl = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datafl-sc']) url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/list/getVideoAlbumList?channelid=CHAL1460955899450127&area={0}&sc={4}&fc={1}&letter={2}&p={3}&n=24&serviceId=tvcctv&topv=1&t=json'.format( area, id, letter, pg, datafl) elif tid == '纪录片': id = urllib.parse.quote(tid) if 'datapd-channel' in extend.keys(): channel = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datapd-channel']) if 'datafl-sc' in extend.keys(): datafl = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datafl-sc']) if 'datanf-year' in extend.keys(): year = extend['datanf-year'] if 'dataszm-letter' in extend.keys(): letter = extend['dataszm-letter'] url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/list/getVideoAlbumList?channelid=CHAL1460955924871139&fc={0}&channel={1}&sc={2}&year={3}&letter={4}&p={5}&n=24&serviceId=tvcctv&topv=1&t=json'.format( id, channel, datafl, year, letter, pg) elif tid == '电视剧': id = urllib.parse.quote(tid) if 'datafl-sc' in extend.keys(): datafl = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datafl-sc']) if 'datanf-year' in extend.keys(): year = extend['datanf-year'] if 'dataszm-letter' in extend.keys(): letter = extend['dataszm-letter'] url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/list/getVideoAlbumList?channelid=CHAL1460955853485115&area={0}&sc={1}&fc={2}&year={3}&letter={4}&p={5}&n=24&serviceId=tvcctv&topv=1&t=json'.format( area, datafl, id, year, letter, pg) elif tid == '特别节目': id = urllib.parse.quote(tid) if 'datapd-channel' in extend.keys(): channel = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datapd-channel']) if 'datafl-sc' in extend.keys(): datafl = urllib.parse.quote(extend['datafl-sc']) if 'dataszm-letter' in extend.keys(): letter = extend['dataszm-letter'] url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/list/getVideoAlbumList?channelid=CHAL1460955953877151&channel={0}&sc={1}&fc={2}&bigday=&letter={3}&p={4}&n=24&serviceId=tvcctv&topv=1&t=json'.format( channel, datafl, id, letter, pg) elif tid == '栏目大全': cid = '' # 频道 if 'cid' in extend.keys(): cid = extend['cid'] fc = '' # 分类 if 'fc' in extend.keys(): fc = extend['fc'] fl = '' # 字母 if 'fl' in extend.keys(): fl = extend['fl'] year = extend.get('year') or '' month = extend.get('month') or '' if year: year_prefix = year + month url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/lanmu/columnSearch?&fl={0}&fc={1}&cid={2}&p={3}&n=20&serviceId=tvcctv&t=json&cb=ko'.format( fl, fc, cid, pg) pagecount = 20 elif tid == '4K专区': cid = 'CHAL1558416868484111' url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/NewVideo/getLastVideoList4K?serviceId=cctv4k&cid={0}&p={1}&n={2}&t=json&cb=ko'.format( cid, pg, pagecount ) elif tid == '频道直播': url = 'https://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml' else: url = 'https://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml' videos = [] htmlText = self.fetch(url).text if tid == '栏目大全': index = htmlText.rfind(');') if index > -1: htmlText = htmlText[3:index] videos = self.get_list1(html=htmlText, tid=tid, year_prefix=year_prefix) elif tid == '4K专区': index = htmlText.rfind(');') if index > -1: htmlText = htmlText[3:index] videos = self.get_list_4k(html=htmlText, tid=tid) elif tid == '频道直播': html = self.html(htmlText) lis = html.xpath('//*[@id="jiemudan01"]//div[contains(@class,"channel_con")]//ul/li') for li in lis: vid = ''.join(li.xpath('./img/@title')) pic = ''.join(li.xpath('./img/@src')) pic = self.urljoin('https://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml', pic) videos.append({ 'vod_id': '||'.join([tid, vid, f'https://tv.cctv.com/live/{vid}/', pic]), 'vod_name': vid, 'vod_pic': pic, 'vod_mark': '', }) else: videos = self.get_list(html=htmlText, tid=tid) # print(videos) result['list'] = videos result['page'] = pg result['pagecount'] = 9999 if len(videos) >= pagecount else pg result['limit'] = 90 result['total'] = 999999 return result def detailContent(self, array): result = {} year_prefix = '' did = array[0] if '$$$' in did: year_prefix = did.split('$$$')[0] did = did.split('$$$')[1] aid = did.split('||') tid = aid[0] title = aid[1] lastVideo = aid[2] logo = aid[3] if tid == '频道直播': vod = { "vod_id": did, "vod_name": title.replace(' ', ''), "vod_pic": logo, "vod_content": f'频道{title}正在直播中', "vod_play_from": '道长在线直播', "vod_play_url": f'在线观看${title}||{lastVideo}', } result = {'list': [vod]} return result id = aid[4] vod_year = aid[5] actors = aid[6] if len(aid) > 6 else '' brief = aid[7] if len(aid) > 7 else '' # get请求最长255,这个描述会有可能直接被干没了。 fromId = 'CCTV' if tid == "栏目大全": lastUrl = 'https://api.cntv.cn/video/videoinfoByGuid?guid={0}&serviceId=tvcctv'.format(id) # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=lastUrl, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(lastUrl).text topicId = json.loads(htmlTxt)['ctid'] url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/NewVideo/getVideoListByColumn' # params = { # 'p': '1', # 'n': '100', # 't': 'json', # 'mode': '0', # 'sort': 'desc', # 'serviceId': 'tvcctv', # 'd': year_prefix, # 'id': topicId # } # htmlTxt = self.fetch(url,data=params).text Url = "{0}?id={1}&d=&p=1&n=100&sort=desc&mode=0&serviceId=tvcctv&t=json&d={2}".format( url, topicId, year_prefix) elif tid == "4K专区": Url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/NewVideo/getVideoListByAlbumIdNew?id={0}&serviceId=cctv4k&p=1&n=100&mode=0&pub=1'.format( id) print(Url) else: Url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/NewVideo/getVideoListByAlbumIdNew?id={0}&serviceId=tvcctv&p=1&n=100&mode=0&pub=1'.format( id) jRoot = '' videoList = [] try: if tid == "搜索": fromId = '中央台' videoList = [title + "$" + lastVideo] else: # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=Url, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(Url).text jRoot = json.loads(htmlTxt) data = jRoot['data'] jsonList = data['list'] videoList = self.get_EpisodesList(jsonList=jsonList) if len(videoList) < 1: # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=lastVideo, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(lastVideo).text if tid == "电视剧" or tid == "纪录片" or tid == "4K专区": patternTxt = r"'title':\s*'(?P<title>.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'brief':\s*'(.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'img':\s*'(.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'url':\s*'(?P<url>.+?)'" elif tid == "特别节目": patternTxt = r'class="tp1"><a\s*href="(?P<url>https://.+?)"\s*target="_blank"\s*title="(?P<title>.+?)"></a></div>' elif tid == "动画片": patternTxt = r"'title':\s*'(?P<title>.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'img':\s*'(.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'brief':\s*'(.+?)',\n{0,1}\s*'url':\s*'(?P<url>.+?)'" elif tid == "栏目大全": patternTxt = r'href="(?P<url>.+?)" target="_blank" alt="(?P<title>.+?)" title=".+?">' videoList = self.get_EpisodesList_re(htmlTxt=htmlTxt, patternTxt=patternTxt) fromId = '央视' except: pass if len(videoList) == 0: return {} vod = { "vod_id": did, "vod_name": title.replace(' ', ''), "vod_pic": logo, "type_name": tid, "vod_year": vod_year, "vod_area": "", "vod_remarks": '', "vod_actor": actors, "vod_director": '', "vod_content": brief } vod['vod_play_from'] = fromId vod['vod_play_url'] = "#".join(videoList) result = { 'list': [ vod ] } return result def get_lineList(self, Txt, mark, after): circuit = [] origin = Txt.find(mark) while origin > 8: end = Txt.find(after, origin) circuit.append(Txt[origin:end]) origin = Txt.find(mark, end) return circuit def get_RegexGetTextLine(self, Text, RegexText, Index): returnTxt = [] pattern = re.compile(RegexText, re.M | re.S) ListRe = pattern.findall(Text) if len(ListRe) < 1: return returnTxt for value in ListRe: returnTxt.append(value) return returnTxt def searchContent(self, key, quick, pg=1): key = urllib.parse.quote(key) Url = 'https://search.cctv.com/ifsearch.php?page=1&qtext={0}&sort=relevance&pageSize=20&type=video&vtime=-1&datepid=1&channel=&pageflag=0&qtext_str={0}'.format( key) # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=Url, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(Url).text videos = self.get_list_search(html=htmlTxt, tid='搜索') result = { 'list': videos } return result def playerContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): result = {} url = '' parse = 0 headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' } if flag == 'CCTV': url = self.get_m3u8(urlTxt=id) elif flag == '道长在线直播': # _url = id title = id.split('||')[0] # 获取标题 _url = f'https://vdn.live.cntv.cn/api2/liveHtml5.do?channel=pc://cctv_p2p_hd{title}&channel_id={title}' htmlTxt = self.fetch(_url).text # print(htmlTxt) vdata = self.regStr(htmlTxt, "var .*?=.*?'(.*?)';") vdata = self.str2json(vdata) print(vdata) url = vdata['hls_url']['hls1'] print(url) url = self.fixm3u8_url(url) else: try: # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=id, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(id).text guid = self.get_RegexGetText(Text=htmlTxt, RegexText=r'var\sguid\s*=\s*"(.+?)";', Index=1) url = self.get_m3u8(urlTxt=guid) except: url = id parse = 1 if url.find('https:') < 0: url = id parse = 1 result["parse"] = parse # 1=嗅探,0=播放 result["playUrl"] = '' result["url"] = url result["header"] = headers return result # 分类抓取地址: # 栏目大全:https://tv.cctv.com/lm/index.shtml?spm=C28340.Pu9TN9YUsfNZ.E2PQtIunpEaz.24 # 电视剧:https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65#datacid=dsj&datafl=&datadq=&fc=%E7%94%B5%E8%A7%86%E5%89%A7&datanf=&dataszm= # 动画片:https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65#datacid=dhp&datafl=&datadq=&fc=%E5%8A%A8%E7%94%BB%E7%89%87&dataszm= # 记录片:https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65#datacid=jlp&datapd=&datafl=&fc=%E7%BA%AA%E5%BD%95%E7%89%87&datanf=&dataszm= # 特别节目:https://tv.cctv.com/yxg/index.shtml?spm=C28340.PlFTqGe6Zk8M.E2PQtIunpEaz.65#datacid=tbjm&datapd=&datafl=&fc=%E7%89%B9%E5%88%AB%E8%8A%82%E7%9B%AE&datajr=&dataszm= config = { "player": {}, "filter": { "电视剧": [ {"key": "datafl-sc", "name": "类型", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "谍战", "v": "谍战"}, {"n": "悬疑", "v": "悬疑"}, {"n": "刑侦", "v": "刑侦"}, {"n": "历史", "v": "历史"}, {"n": "古装", "v": "古装"}, {"n": "武侠", "v": "武侠"}, {"n": "军旅", "v": "军旅"}, {"n": "战争", "v": "战争"}, {"n": "喜剧", "v": "喜剧"}, {"n": "青春", "v": "青春"}, {"n": "言情", "v": "言情"}, {"n": "偶像", "v": "偶像"}, {"n": "家庭", "v": "家庭"}, {"n": "年代", "v": "年代"}, {"n": "革命", "v": "革命"}, {"n": "农村", "v": "农村"}, {"n": "都市", "v": "都市"}, {"n": "其他", "v": "其他"}]}, {"key": "datadq-area", "name": "地区", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "中国大陆", "v": "中国大陆"}, {"n": "中国香港", "v": "香港"}, {"n": "美国", "v": "美国"}, {"n": "欧洲", "v": "欧洲"}, {"n": "泰国", "v": "泰国"}]}, {"key": "datanf-year", "name": "年份", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "2024", "v": "2024"}, {"n": "2023", "v": "2023"}, {"n": "2022", "v": "2022"}, {"n": "2021", "v": "2021"}, {"n": "2020", "v": "2020"}, {"n": "2019", "v": "2019"}, {"n": "2018", "v": "2018"}, {"n": "2017", "v": "2017"}, {"n": "2016", "v": "2016"}, {"n": "2015", "v": "2015"}, {"n": "2014", "v": "2014"}, {"n": "2013", "v": "2013"}, {"n": "2012", "v": "2012"}, {"n": "2011", "v": "2011"}, {"n": "2010", "v": "2010"}, {"n": "2009", "v": "2009"}, {"n": "2008", "v": "2008"}, {"n": "2007", "v": "2007"}, {"n": "2006", "v": "2006"}, {"n": "2005", "v": 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"v": "科教"}, {"n": "戏曲", "v": "戏曲"}, {"n": "青少", "v": "青少"}, {"n": "音乐", "v": "音乐"}, {"n": "社会", "v": "社会"}, {"n": "公益", "v": "公益"}, {"n": "其他", "v": "其他"}]}, {"key": "dataszm-letter", "name": "字母", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "A", "v": "A"}, {"n": "C", "v": "C"}, {"n": "E", "v": "E"}, {"n": "F", "v": "F"}, {"n": "G", "v": "G"}, {"n": "H", "v": "H"}, {"n": "I", "v": "I"}, {"n": "J", "v": "J"}, {"n": "K", "v": "K"}, {"n": "L", "v": "L"}, {"n": "M", "v": "M"}, {"n": "N", "v": "N"}, {"n": "O", "v": "O"}, {"n": "P", "v": "P"}, {"n": "Q", "v": "Q"}, {"n": "R", "v": "R"}, {"n": "S", "v": "S"}, {"n": "T", "v": "T"}, {"n": "U", "v": "U"}, {"n": "V", "v": "V"}, {"n": "W", "v": "W"}, {"n": "X", "v": "X"}, {"n": "Y", "v": "Y"}, {"n": "Z", "v": "Z"}, {"n": "0-9", "v": "0-9"}]} ], "栏目大全": [{"key": "cid", "name": "频道", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "CCTV-1综合", "v": "EPGC1386744804340101"}, {"n": "CCTV-2财经", "v": "EPGC1386744804340102"}, {"n": "CCTV-3综艺", "v": "EPGC1386744804340103"}, {"n": "CCTV-4中文国际", "v": "EPGC1386744804340104"}, {"n": "CCTV-5体育", "v": "EPGC1386744804340107"}, {"n": "CCTV-6电影", "v": "EPGC1386744804340108"}, {"n": "CCTV-7国防军事", "v": "EPGC1386744804340109"}, {"n": "CCTV-8电视剧", "v": "EPGC1386744804340110"}, {"n": "CCTV-9纪录", "v": "EPGC1386744804340112"}, {"n": "CCTV-10科教", "v": "EPGC1386744804340113"}, {"n": "CCTV-11戏曲", "v": "EPGC1386744804340114"}, {"n": "CCTV-12社会与法", "v": "EPGC1386744804340115"}, {"n": "CCTV-13新闻", "v": "EPGC1386744804340116"}, {"n": "CCTV-14少儿", "v": "EPGC1386744804340117"}, {"n": "CCTV-15音乐", "v": "EPGC1386744804340118"}, {"n": "CCTV-16奥林匹克", "v": "EPGC1634630207058998"}, {"n": "CCTV-17农业农村", "v": "EPGC1563932742616872"}, {"n": "CCTV-5+体育赛事", "v": "EPGC1468294755566101"}]}, {"key": "fc", "name": "分类", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "新闻", "v": "新闻"}, {"n": "体育", "v": "体育"}, {"n": "综艺", "v": "综艺"}, {"n": "健康", "v": "健康"}, {"n": "生活", "v": "生活"}, {"n": "科教", "v": "科教"}, {"n": "经济", "v": "经济"}, {"n": "农业", "v": "农业"}, {"n": "法治", "v": "法治"}, {"n": "军事", "v": "军事"}, {"n": "少儿", "v": "少儿"}, {"n": "动画", "v": "动画"}, {"n": "纪实", "v": "纪实"}, {"n": "戏曲", "v": "戏曲"}, {"n": "音乐", "v": "音乐"}, {"n": "影视", "v": "影视"}]}, {"key": "fl", "name": "字母", "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": ""}, {"n": "A", "v": "A"}, {"n": "B", "v": "B"}, {"n": "C", "v": "C"}, {"n": "D", "v": "D"}, {"n": "E", "v": "E"}, {"n": "F", "v": "F"}, {"n": "G", "v": "G"}, {"n": "H", "v": "H"}, {"n": "I", "v": "I"}, {"n": "J", "v": "J"}, {"n": "K", "v": "K"}, {"n": "L", "v": "L"}, {"n": "M", "v": "M"}, {"n": "N", "v": "N"}, {"n": "O", "v": "O"}, {"n": "P", "v": "P"}, {"n": "Q", "v": "Q"}, {"n": "R", "v": "R"}, {"n": "S", "v": "S"}, {"n": "T", "v": "T"}, {"n": "U", "v": "U"}, {"n": "V", "v": "V"}, {"n": "W", "v": "W"}, {"n": "X", "v": "X"}, {"n": "Y", "v": "Y"}, {"n": "Z", "v": "Z"}]}, ] } } header = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "Host": "tv.cctv.com", "Referer": "https://tv.cctv.com/" } def localProxy(self, params): return [200, "video/MP2T", ""] # -----------------------------------------------自定义函数----------------------------------------------- # 访问网页 def webReadFile(self, urlStr, header): html = '' req = urllib.request.Request(url=urlStr) # ,headers=header with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: html = response.read().decode('utf-8') return html # 判断网络地址是否存在 def TestWebPage(self, urlStr, header): html = '' req = urllib.request.Request(url=urlStr, method='HEAD') # ,headers=header with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: html = response.getcode() return html # 正则取文本 def get_RegexGetText(self, Text, RegexText, Index): returnTxt = "" Regex = re.search(RegexText, Text, re.M | re.S) if Regex is None: returnTxt = "" else: returnTxt = Regex.group(Index) return returnTxt # 取集数 def get_EpisodesList(self, jsonList): videos = [] for vod in jsonList: url = vod['guid'] title = vod['title'] if len(url) == 0: continue videos.append(title + "$" + url) return videos # 取集数 def get_EpisodesList_re(self, htmlTxt, patternTxt): ListRe = re.finditer(patternTxt, htmlTxt, re.M | re.S) videos = [] for vod in ListRe: url = vod.group('url') title = vod.group('title') if len(url) == 0: continue videos.append(title + "$" + url) return videos # 取剧集区 def get_lineList(self, Txt, mark, after): circuit = [] origin = Txt.find(mark) while origin > 8: end = Txt.find(after, origin) circuit.append(Txt[origin:end]) origin = Txt.find(mark, end) return circuit # 正则取文本,返回数组 def get_RegexGetTextLine(self, Text, RegexText, Index): returnTxt = [] pattern = re.compile(RegexText, re.M | re.S) ListRe = pattern.findall(Text) if len(ListRe) < 1: return returnTxt for value in ListRe: returnTxt.append(value) return returnTxt # 删除html标签 def removeHtml(self, txt): soup = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>', re.S) txt = soup.sub('', txt) return txt.replace(" ", " ") def hookM3u8(self, url): """ https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-1932358-1-1.html JavaScript:$.ajaxSettings.async = false; var s = ""; let a = $.get(vodh5player.playerList[0].ads.contentSrc); for (var m = 0; m < a.responseText.match(/asp.*?m3u8/g).length; m++) { s = s + "https://hls.cntv.myalicdn.com//asp" + a.responseText.match(/asp.*?m3u8/g)[m].slice(7) + "\n\n" }; var blob = new Blob([s], { type: "text/plain" }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); window.open(url); @param url: @return: """ url = url or '' hook1 = lambda x: x.replace('asp/', 'asp//', 1) hook2 = lambda x: x.replace('hls/', 'hls//', 1) hook3 = lambda x: x.replace('https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com', 'https://hls.cntv.myalicdn.com/', 1) hooks = [hook1, hook2, hook3] hook = random.choice(hooks) return hook(url) # 取m3u8 def get_m3u8(self, urlTxt): """ https://blog.csdn.net/panwang666/article/details/135347859 JavaScript:jQuery.getJSON("https://vdn.apps.cntv.cn/api/getHttpVideoInfo.do?pid="+guid,function(result){document.writeln(result.hls_url.link(result.hls_url));}); https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com/asp/hls/main/0303000a/3/default/3628bb15af644f588dc91ec68425b9ac/main.m3u8?maxbr=2048 @param urlTxt: @return: """ url = "https://vdn.apps.cntv.cn/api/getHttpVideoInfo.do?pid={0}".format(urlTxt) # htmlTxt = self.webReadFile(urlStr=url, header=self.header) htmlTxt = self.fetch(url).text jo = json.loads(htmlTxt) link = jo['hls_url'].strip() # print('hls_url:',link) # 获取域名前缀 urlPrefix = self.get_RegexGetText(Text=link, RegexText='(http[s]?://[a-zA-z0-9.]+)/', Index=1) # 域名前缀指定替换,然后可以获取到更高质量的视频列表 # /asp/h5e/hls/2000/0303000a/3/default/3628bb15af644f588dc91ec68425b9ac/2000.m3u8 new_link = link.replace(f'{urlPrefix}/asp/hls/', 'https://dh5.cntv.qcloudcdn.com/asp/h5e/hls/').split('?')[0] # print('new_link:',new_link) html = self.webReadFile(urlStr=new_link, header=self.header) content = html.strip() arr = content.split('\n') subUrl = arr[-1].split('/') # hdUrl = urlPrefix + arr[-1] # subUrl[3] = '2000' # subUrl[-1] = '2000.m3u8' # hdUrl = urlPrefix + '/'.join(subUrl) maxVideo = subUrl[-1].replace('.m3u8', '') hdUrl = link.replace('main', maxVideo) hdUrl = hdUrl.replace(urlPrefix, 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com') hdRsp = self.TestWebPage(urlStr=hdUrl, header=self.header) if hdRsp == 200: url = hdUrl.split('?')[0] url = self.hookM3u8(url) self.log(f'视频链接: {url}') else: url = '' return url def fixm3u8_url(self, url): # 获取域名前缀 urlPrefix = self.get_RegexGetText(Text=url, RegexText='(http[s]?://[a-zA-z0-9.]+)/', Index=1) # 域名前缀指定替换,然后可以获取到更高质量的视频列表 new_link = url.split('?')[0] # print(new_link) html = self.webReadFile(urlStr=new_link, header=self.header) content = html.strip() # print(content) arr = content.split('\n') subUrl = arr[3] if 'EXT-X-VERSION' in content else arr[2] hdUrl = self.urljoin(new_link, subUrl).split('?')[0] # hdUrl = hdUrl.replace(urlPrefix, 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com') hdRsp = self.TestWebPage(urlStr=hdUrl, header=self.header) if hdRsp == 200: url = hdUrl self.log(f'视频链接: {url}') else: url = '' return url # 搜索 def get_list_search(self, html, tid): jRoot = json.loads(html) jsonList = jRoot['list'] videos = [] for vod in jsonList: url = vod['urllink'] title = self.removeHtml(txt=vod['title']) img = vod['imglink'] id = vod['id'] brief = vod['channel'] year = vod['uploadtime'] if len(url) == 0: continue guids = [tid, title, url, img, id, year, '', brief] guid = "||".join(guids) videos.append({ "vod_id": guid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": year }) return videos def get_list1(self, html, tid, year_prefix=None): jRoot = json.loads(html) videos = [] data = jRoot['response'] if data is None: return [] jsonList = data['docs'] for vod in jsonList: id = vod['lastVIDE']['videoSharedCode'] desc = vod['lastVIDE']['videoTitle'] title = vod['column_name'] url = vod['column_website'] img = vod['column_logo'] year = vod['column_playdate'] brief = vod['column_brief'] actors = '' if len(url) == 0: continue guids = [tid, title, url, img, id, year, actors, brief] guid = "||".join(guids) # print(vod_id) videos.append({ "vod_id": year_prefix + '$$$' + guid if year_prefix else guid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc.split('》')[1].strip() if '》' in desc else desc.strip() }) # print(videos) return videos # 分类取结果 def get_list(self, html, tid): jRoot = json.loads(html) videos = [] data = jRoot['data'] if data is None: return [] jsonList = data['list'] for vod in jsonList: url = vod['url'] title = vod['title'] img = vod['image'] id = vod['id'] try: brief = vod['brief'] except: brief = '' try: year = vod['year'] except: year = '' try: actors = vod['actors'] except: actors = '' if len(url) == 0: continue guids = [tid, title, url, img, id, year, actors, brief] guid = "||".join(guids) # print(vod_id) videos.append({ "vod_id": guid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": '' }) return videos # 4k分类取结果 def get_list_4k(self, html, tid): jRoot = json.loads(html) videos = [] data = jRoot['data'] if data is None: return [] jsonList = data['list'] for vod in jsonList: vod_remarks = vod['title'] id = vod['id'] vod = vod['last_video'] img = vod['image'] url = vod['url'] title = vod['title'] brief = vod.get('brief') or '' year = vod.get('year') or '' actors = vod.get('actors') or '' if len(url) == 0: continue guids = [tid, title, url, img, id, year, actors, brief] guid = "||".join(guids) # print(vod_id) videos.append({ "vod_id": guid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": vod_remarks }) return videos if __name__ == '__main__': from t4.core.loader import t4_spider_init spider = Spider() t4_spider_init(spider) # print(spider.homeContent(True)) # print(spider.homeVideoContent()) # spider.init_api_ext_file() # url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/lanmu/columnSearch?&fl=&fc=%E6%96%B0%E9%97%BB&cid=&p=1&n=20&serviceId=tvcctv&t=jsonp&cb=Callback' # url = 'https://api.cntv.cn/lanmu/columnSearch?&fl=&fc=&cid=&p=1&n=20&serviceId=tvcctv&t=json&cb=ko' # r = spider.fetch(url) # print(r.text) # home_content = spider.homeContent(None) # print(home_content) cate_content = spider.categoryContent('栏目大全', 1, {'cid': 'n'}, {}) # cate_content = spider.categoryContent('频道直播', 1, None, None) print(cate_content) vid = cate_content['list'][0]['vod_id'] print(vid) detail_content = spider.detailContent([vid]) print(detail_content) # # vod_play_from = detail_content['list'][0]['vod_play_from'] vod_play_url = detail_content['list'][0]['vod_play_url'] print(vod_play_from, vod_play_url) _url = vod_play_url.split('#')[0].split('$')[1] print(_url) print('vod_play_from:', vod_play_from, ' vod_play_url:', _url) play = spider.playerContent(vod_play_from, _url, None) print(play) # play = spider.playerContent('道长在线直播', 'cctv1||https://tv.cctv.com/live/cctv1/', None) # print(play)