/* * @Author: samples jadehh@live.com * @Date: 2023-12-14 11:03:04 * @LastEditors: samples jadehh@live.com * @LastEditTime: 2023-12-14 11:03:04 * @FilePath: /lib/ali_object.js * @Description: 阿里云盘基础类 */ import {_} from "./cat.js"; const UA = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" const CLIENT_ID = "76917ccccd4441c39457a04f6084fb2f"; import * as Utils from "./utils.js"; // 引用会导致出错 // import qs from "qs"; // import axios from "axios"; // import https from "https"; function getHeader() { const params = {}; params["User-Agent"] = UA; params.Referer = "https://www.aliyundrive.com/"; return params; } class User { constructor() { this.driveId = ""; this.userId = ""; this.tokenType = ""; this.accessToken = ""; this.refreshToken = ""; } static objectFrom(json_str) { if (_.isEmpty(json_str)) { return new User(); } let resonse = JSON.parse(json_str), user = new User(); user.driveId = resonse.default_drive_id; user.userId = resonse.user_id; user.tokenType = resonse.token_type; user.accessToken = resonse.access_token; user.refreshToken = resonse.refresh_token; // 刷新Token记录原有的Token return user; } getDriveId() { return _.isEmpty(this.driveId) ? "" : this.driveId; } getUserId() { return _.isEmpty(this.userId) ? "" : this.userId; } getTokenType() { return _.isEmpty(this.tokenType) ? "" : this.tokenType; } getAccessToken() { return _.isEmpty(this.accessToken) ? "" : this.accessToken; } getRefreshToken() { return _.isEmpty(this.refreshToken) ? "" : this.refreshToken; } setRefreshToken(refresh_token) { this.refreshToken = refresh_token } getAuthorization() { return this.getTokenType() + " " + this.getAccessToken(); } isAuthed() { return this.getTokenType().length > 0 && this.getAccessToken().length > 0; } clean() { this.refreshToken = ""; this.accessToken = ""; return this; } async save() { await local.set("ali", "aliyundrive_user", this.toString()); return this; } toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.toDict()); } toDict() { return { default_drive_id: this.getDriveId(), user_id: this.getUserId(), token_type: this.getTokenType(), access_token: this.getAccessToken(), refresh_token: this.getRefreshToken() }; } } class OAuth { constructor() { this.tokenType = ""; this.accessToken = ""; this.refreshToken = ""; } static objectFrom(json_str) { if (_.isEmpty(json_str)) { return new OAuth(); } let oauth_json = JSON.parse(json_str), oAuth = new OAuth(); oAuth.tokenType = oauth_json.token_type; oAuth.accessToken = oauth_json.access_token; oAuth.refreshToken = oauth_json.refresh_token; return oAuth; } getTokenType() { return _.isEmpty(this.tokenType) ? "" : this.tokenType; } getAccessToken() { return _.isEmpty(this.accessToken) ? "" : this.accessToken; } getRefreshToken() { return _.isEmpty(this.refreshToken) ? "" : this.refreshToken; } getAuthorization() { return this.getTokenType() + " " + this.getAccessToken(); } clean() { this.refreshToken = ""; this.accessToken = ""; return this; } async save() { await local.set("ali", "aliyundrive_oauth", this.toString()); return this; } toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.toDict()); } toDict() { return { token_type: this.getTokenType(), access_token: this.getAccessToken(), refresh_token: this.getRefreshToken() }; } } class Drive { constructor() { this.defaultDriveId = ""; this.resourceDriveId = ""; this.backupDriveId = ""; } static objectFrom(json_str) { if (_.isEmpty(json_str)) { return new Drive(); } let obj = JSON.parse(json_str), drive = new Drive(); drive.defaultDriveId = obj.default_drive_id; drive.resourceDriveId = obj.resource_drive_id; drive.backupDriveId = obj.backup_drive_id; return drive; } getDefaultDriveId() { return _.isEmpty(this.defaultDriveId) ? "" : this.defaultDriveId; } getResourceDriveId() { return _.isEmpty(this.resourceDriveId) ? "" : this.resourceDriveId; } getBackupDriveId() { return _.isEmpty(this.backupDriveId) ? "" : this.backupDriveId; } clean() { this.defaultDriveId = ""; this.backupDriveId = ""; this.resourceDriveId = ""; return this; } async save() { await local.set("ali", "aliyundrive_drive", this.toString()); return this; } toString() { const params = { default_drive_id: this.getDefaultDriveId(), resource_drive_id: this.getResourceDriveId(), backup_drive_id: this.getBackupDriveId() }; return JSON.stringify(params); } } class Code { constructor() { this.redirectUri = ""; } static objectFrom(json_str) { if (_.isEmpty(json_str)) { return new Code(); } let code_json = JSON.parse(json_str), code = new Code(); code.redirectUri = code_json.redirectUri; return code; } getRedirectUri() { return _.isEmpty(this.redirectUri) ? "" : this.redirectUri; } getCode() { return this.getRedirectUri().split("code=")[1]; } } class Item { constructor(file_id) { this.items = []; this.nextMarker = ""; this.fileId = file_id; this.shareId = ""; this.name = ""; this.type = ""; this.fileExtension = ""; this.category = ""; this.size = ""; this.parent = ""; this.shareToken = ""; this.shareIndex = 0; } static objectFrom(json_str, shareToken,shareIndex) { if (_.isEmpty(json_str)) { return new Item(); } let item_json = JSON.parse(json_str), item = new Item(); item.nextMarker = typeof item_json.next_marker == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.next_marker; item.fileId = typeof item_json.file_id == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.file_id; item.shareId = typeof item_json.share_id == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.share_id; item.shareToken = shareToken item.name = typeof item_json.name == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.name; item.type = typeof item_json.type == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.type; item.fileExtension = typeof item_json.file_extension == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.file_extension; item.category = typeof item_json.category == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.category; item.size = typeof item_json.size == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.size; item.parent = typeof item_json.parent_file_id == "undefined" ? "" : item_json.parent_file_id; item.shareIndex = shareIndex typeof item.items != "undefined" && Array.isArray(item_json.items) && !_.isEmpty(item_json.items) && item_json.items.forEach(function (x) { let new_item = Item.objectFrom(JSON.stringify((x)), shareToken,shareIndex) item.items.push(new_item); }); return item; } getItems() { return _.isEmpty(this.items) ? [] : this.items; } getNextMarker() { return _.isEmpty(this.nextMarker) ? "" : this.nextMarker; } getFileId() { return _.isEmpty(this.fileId) ? "" : this.fileId; } getShareId() { return _.isEmpty(this.shareId) ? "" : this.shareId; } getFileExtension() { return _.isEmpty(this.fileExtension) ? "" : this.fileExtension; } getName() { return _.isEmpty(this.name) ? "" : this.name; } getType() { return _.isEmpty(this.type) ? "" : this.type; } getExt() { return _.isEmpty(this.fileExtension) ? "" : this.fileExtension; } getCategory() { return _.isEmpty(this.category) ? "" : this.category; } getSize() { return this.size === 0 ? "" : "[" + Utils.getSize(this.size) + "]"; } getParent() { return _.isEmpty(this.parent) ? "" : "[" + this.parent + "]"; } getShareIndex(){ return this.shareIndex } parentFunc(item) { this.parent = item; return this; } getDisplayName(type_name) { let name = this.getName(); name = name.replaceAll("玩偶哥 q 频道:【神秘的哥哥们】", "") if (type_name === "电视剧") { let replaceNameList = ["4k", "4K"] name = name.replaceAll("." + this.getFileExtension(), "") name = name.replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll(" ", "") for (const replaceName of replaceNameList) { name = name.replaceAll(replaceName, "") } name = Utils.getStrByRegexDefault(/\.S01E(.*?)\./, name) const numbers = name.match(/\d+/g); if (!_.isEmpty(numbers) && numbers.length > 0) { name = numbers[0] } } return name + " " + this.getParent() + " " + this.getSize(); } getEpisodeUrl(type_name){ return this.getDisplayName(type_name) + "$" + this.getFileId() + "+" + this.shareId + "+" + this.shareToken } } class Sub { constructor() { this.url = ""; this.name = ""; this.lang = ""; this.format = ""; } static create() { return new Sub(); } setName(name) { this.name = name; return this; } setUrl(url) { this.url = url; return this; } setLang(lang) { this.lang = lang; return this; } setFormat(format) { this.format = format; return this; } setExt(ext) { switch (ext) { case "vtt": return this.setFormat("text/vtt"); case "ass": case "ssa": return this.setFormat("text/x-ssa"); default: return this.setFormat("application/x-subrip"); } } } async function getUserCache() { return await local.get("ali", "aliyundrive_user"); } async function getOAuthCache() { return await local.get("ali", "aliyundrive_oauth"); } function getShareId(share_url) { let patternAli = /https:\/\/www\.alipan\.com\/s\/([^\\/]+)(\/folder\/([^\\/]+))?|https:\/\/www\.aliyundrive\.com\/s\/([^\\/]+)(\/folder\/([^\\/]+))?/ let matches = patternAli.exec(share_url) const filteredArr = matches.filter(item => item !== undefined); if (filteredArr.length > 1) { return matches[1] } else { return "" } } async function ali_request(url, opt) { let resp; let data; try { data = opt ? opt.data || null : null; const postType = opt ? opt.postType || null : null; const returnBuffer = opt ? opt.buffer || 0 : 0; const timeout = opt ? opt.timeout || 5000 : 5000; const headers = opt ? opt.headers || {} : {}; if (postType === 'form') { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; if (data != null) { data = qs.stringify(data, {encode: false}); } } let respType = returnBuffer === 1 || returnBuffer === 2 ? 'arraybuffer' : undefined; resp = await axios(url, { responseType: respType, method: opt ? opt.method || 'get' : 'get', headers: headers, data: data, timeout: timeout, httpsAgent: https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, }), }); data = resp.data; const resHeader = {}; for (const hks of resp.headers) { const v = hks[1]; resHeader[hks[0]] = Array.isArray(v) ? (v.length === 1 ? v[0] : v) : v; } if (!returnBuffer) { if (typeof data === 'object') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } } else if (returnBuffer === 1) { return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data}; } else if (returnBuffer === 2) { return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data.toString('base64')}; } return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data}; } catch (error) { // await Utils.log(`请求失败,URL为:${url},失败原因为:${error}`) resp = error.response try { return {code: resp.status, headers: resp.headers, content: JSON.stringify(resp.data)}; } catch (err) { return {headers: {}, content: ''}; } } } async function post(url, params) { url = url.startsWith("https") ? url : "https://api.aliyundrive.com/" + url; let response = await postJson(url, params, getHeader()); return response.content; } async function postJson(url, params, headers) { params["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; return await req(url, { headers: headers, method: "post", data: params }); } export { UA, CLIENT_ID, OAuth, Code, Sub, User, Item, Drive, getHeader, getShareId, getOAuthCache, getUserCache, post, postJson };