2024-12-05 19:28:47 -06:00

453 lines
16 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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* []'''''ijk' & ''''
* TV
* TV
* https://t.me/fongmi_offical/
* https://github.com/FongMi/Release/tree/main/apk
* DMBox
* > >
* https://t.me/pipixiawerun
* vod_area:'bilidanmu'
* Cookie
* Cookie https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UndCover/PyramidStore/main/list.md
* Cookie1: DR-PY
* CMS > > > {"bili_cookie":"XXXXXXX","vmid":"XXXXXX"} >
* Cookie2: Cookie
* headers
* "Cookie":"$bili_cookie"
* "Cookie":"将获取的Cookie黏贴在这"
* Cookie:
* access_key,access_keyappkeydrpy
* .js线
* ?render=1&type=url&params=../json/.json@[]
* ?render=1&type=url&params=../json/.json@[]
var rule = {
title: '[]',
host: 'https://api.bilibili.com',
homeUrl: '/x/web-interface/ranking/v2?rid=0&type=origin',
// url:'/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword=fyclass&page=fypage',
url: '/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&fyfilter',
filter_url: 'keyword=fyclass{{fl.tid}}&page=fypage&duration={{fl.duration}}&order={{fl.order}}',
class_parse: $js.toString(() => {
// let html = request('{{host}}/files/json/哔哩教育.json');
log('rule.params:' + rule.params);
let html = request(rule.params);
let json = dealJson(html);
input = json.classes;
homeObj.filter = json.filter;
// log(input);
filterable: 1,
detailUrl: '/x/web-interface/view/detail?aid=fyid',
searchUrl: '/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword=**&page=fypage',
searchable: 2,
quickSearch: 0,
params: '哔哩大全.json',
// params: '?render=1&type=url&params=../json/哔哩教育.json@哔哩教育[官]',
// params: '?render=1&type=url&params=../json/哔哩大全.json@哔哩大全[官]',
headers: {
"User-Agent": "PC_UA",
"Referer": "https://www.bilibili.com",
"Cookie": "SESSDATA=01c79709%2C1711618905%2C244c3%2A91CjA9UUnRb_kJg03J5FqUbin76yMY90o1-ckJsM1ItQH21ns4hgcS6Le6oMR3SKtC18QSVmxSbGRhN3cyS3NReERsOHRfYVlhTWJKZjZyTF9wUWJXbjNfaF9qWklFMFpoeVg1ZUhFb0Q0MGFiN3FYd1N3UEFEY1oxX29IdmFSRVVLamcybGhhSkJnIIEC; bili_jct=e9d6e9df733afde2a03693d63a4e77dc; DedeUserID=186957646;"
timeout: 5000,
limit: 8,
play_parse: true,
double: false,
lazy: `js:
let ids = input.split('_');
let dan = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v1/dm/list.so?oid=' + ids[1];
let result = {};
let iurl = 'https://api.bilibili.com:443/x/player/playurl?avid=' + ids[0] + '&cid=' + ids[1] + '&qn=116';
let html = request(iurl);
let jRoot = JSON.parse(html);
let jo = jRoot.data;
let ja = jo.durl;
let maxSize = -1;
let position = -1;
ja.forEach(function(tmpJo, i) {
if (maxSize < Number(tmpJo.size)) {
maxSize = Number(tmpJo.size);
position = i
let purl = '';
if (ja.length > 0) {
if (position === -1) {
position = 0
purl = ja[position].url
result.parse = 0;
result.playUrl = '';
result.url = unescape(purl);
result.header = {
'Referer': 'https://live.bilibili.com',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36'
if (/\\.flv/.test(purl)) {
result.contentType = 'video/x-flv';
} else {
result.contentType = '';
result.danmaku = dan;
input = result
: `js:
function stripHtmlTag(src) {
return src.replace(/<\\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '').replace(/&.{1,5};/g, '').replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');
function turnDHM(duration) {
let min = '';
let sec = '';
try {
min = duration.split(':')[0];
sec = duration.split(':')[1];
} catch (e) {
min = Math.floor(duration / 60);
sec = duration % 60;
if (isNaN(parseInt(duration))) {
return '';
if (min == 0) {
return sec + ''
} else if (0 < min && min < 60) {
return min + ''
} else if (60 <= min && min < 1440) {
if (min % 60 == 0) {
let h = min / 60;
return h + ''
} else {
let h = min / 60;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
return h + '' + m + '';
} else if (min >= 1440) {
let d = min / 60 / 24;
d = (d + '').split('.')[0];
let h = min / 60 % 24;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
let dhm = '';
if (d > 0) {
dhm = d + ''
if (h >= 1) {
dhm = dhm + h + ''
if (m > 0) {
dhm = dhm + m + ''
return dhm
return null
function ConvertNum(num) {
let _ws = Math.pow(10, 1);
let _b = 1e4;
if (num < _b) {
return num.toString();
let _r = '';
let _strArg = ['', '', '亿', '亿'];
let _i = Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.log(_b));
if (_i > 3) {
_i = 3;
_r = Math.floor(num / Math.pow(_b, _i) * _ws) / _ws + _strArg[_i];
return _r;
let html = request(input);
let vodList = JSON.parse(html).data.list;
let videos = [];
vodList.forEach(function(vod) {
let aid = vod.aid;
let title = stripHtmlTag(vod.title);
let img = vod.pic;
if (img.startsWith('//')) {
img = 'https:' + img;
let remark = turnDHM(vod.duration) + ' ' + ConvertNum(vod.stat.view) + ' 🆙' + vod.owner.name;
vod_id: aid,
vod_name: title,
vod_pic: img,
vod_remarks: remark
VODS = videos
: `js:
if (cateObj.tid.endsWith('_clicklink')) {
cateObj.tid = cateObj.tid.split('_')[0];
input = HOST + '/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=video&keyword=' + cateObj.tid + '&page=' + MY_PAGE;
function stripHtmlTag(src) {
return src.replace(/<\\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '').replace(/&.{1,5};/g, '').replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');
function turnDHM(duration) {
let min = '';
let sec = '';
try {
min = duration.split(':')[0];
sec = duration.split(':')[1];
} catch (e) {
min = Math.floor(duration / 60);
sec = duration % 60;
if (isNaN(parseInt(duration))) {
return '';
if (min == 0) {
return sec + ''
} else if (0 < min && min < 60) {
return min + ''
} else if (60 <= min && min < 1440) {
if (min % 60 == 0) {
let h = min / 60;
return h + ''
} else {
let h = min / 60;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
return h + '' + m + '';
} else if (min >= 1440) {
let d = min / 60 / 24;
d = (d + '').split('.')[0];
let h = min / 60 % 24;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
let dhm = '';
if (d > 0) {
dhm = d + ''
if (h >= 1) {
dhm = dhm + h + ''
if (m > 0) {
dhm = dhm + m + ''
return dhm
return null
function ConvertNum(num) {
let _ws = Math.pow(10, 1);
let _b = 1e4;
if (num < _b) {
return num.toString();
let _r = '';
let _strArg = ['', '', '亿', '亿'];
let _i = Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.log(_b));
if (_i > 3) {
_i = 3;
_r = Math.floor(num / Math.pow(_b, _i) * _ws) / _ws + _strArg[_i];
return _r;
let data = [];
let vodList = [];
if (MY_CATE === '') {
input = HOST + '/x/web-interface/index/top/rcmd?ps=14&fresh_idx=' + MY_PAGE + '&fresh_idx_1h=' + MY_PAGE;
data = JSON.parse(request(input)).data;
vodList = data.item;
} else if (MY_CATE === '') {
input = HOST + '/x/v2/history?pn=' + MY_PAGE;
data = JSON.parse(request(input)).data;
vodList = data;
} else {
data = JSON.parse(request(input)).data;
vodList = data.result;
let videos = [];
vodList.forEach(function(vod) {
let aid = vod.aid?vod.aid:vod.id;
let title = stripHtmlTag(vod.title);
let img = vod.pic;
if (img.startsWith('//')) {
img = 'https:' + img;
let play = '';
let danmaku = '';
if (MY_CATE === '') {
play = ConvertNum(vod.stat.view);
danmaku = vod.stat.danmaku;
} else if (MY_CATE === '') {
play = ConvertNum(vod.stat.view);
danmaku = vod.stat.danmaku;
} else {
play = ConvertNum(vod.play);
danmaku = vod.video_review;
let remark = turnDHM(vod.duration) + ' ' + play + ' 💬' + danmaku;
vod_id: aid,
vod_name: title,
vod_pic: img,
vod_remarks: remark
VODS = videos
: `js:
function stripHtmlTag(src) {
return src.replace(/<\\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '').replace(/&.{1,5};/g, '').replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');
let html = request(input);
let jo = JSON.parse(html).data.View;
// 历史记录
let cookies = rule_fetch_params.headers.Cookie.split(';');
let bili_jct = '';
cookies.forEach(cookie => {
if (cookie.includes('bili_jct')) {
bili_jct = cookie.split('=')[1];
if (bili_jct !== '') {
let historyReport = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/history/report';
let dataPost = {
aid: jo.aid,
cid: jo.cid,
csrf: bili_jct,
post(historyReport, dataPost, 'form');
let stat = jo.stat;
let up_info = JSON.parse(html).data.Card;
let relation = up_info.following ? '' : '';
let aid = jo.aid;
let title = stripHtmlTag(jo.title);
let pic = jo.pic;
let desc = jo.desc;
let date = new Date(jo.pubdate * 1000);
let yy = date.getFullYear().toString();
let mm = date.getMonth()+1;
mm = mm < 10 ? ('0' + mm) : mm;
let dd = date.getDate();
dd = dd < 10 ? ('0' + dd) : dd;
let up_name = jo.owner.name;
let typeName = jo.tname;
// let remark = jo.duration;
let vod = {
vod_id: aid,
vod_name: title,
vod_pic: pic,
type_name: typeName,
vod_year: yy+mm+dd,
vod_area: 'bilidanmu',
// vod_remarks: remark,
vod_tags: 'mv',
// vod_director: '🆙 ' + up_name + ' 👥 ' + up_info.follower + ' ' + relation,
vod_director: '🆙 ' + '[a=cr:' + JSON.stringify({'id':up_name + '_clicklink','name':up_name}) + '/]' + up_name + '[/a]' + ' 👥 ' + up_info.follower + ' ' + relation,
vod_actor: '' + stat.view + ' ' + '💬' + stat.danmaku + ' ' + '👍' + stat.like + ' ' + '💰' + stat.coin + ' ' + '' + stat.favorite,
vod_content: desc
let ja = jo.pages;
let treeMap = {};
let playurls = [];
ja.forEach(function(tmpJo) {
let cid = tmpJo.cid;
let part = tmpJo.part.replaceAll('#', '').replaceAll('$', '');
part + '$' + aid + '_' + cid
treeMap['B'] = playurls.join('#');
let relatedData = JSON.parse(html).data.Related;
playurls = [];
relatedData.forEach(function(rd) {
let ccid = rd.cid;
let title = rd.title.replaceAll('#', '').replaceAll('$', '');
let aaid = rd.aid;
title + '$' + aaid + '_' + ccid
treeMap[''] = playurls.join('#');
vod.vod_play_from = Object.keys(treeMap).join("$$$");
vod.vod_play_url = Object.values(treeMap).join("$$$");
VOD = vod;
: `js:
let html = request(input);
function stripHtmlTag(src) {
return src.replace(/<\\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '').replace(/&.{1,5};/g, '').replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');
function turnDHM(duration) {
let min = '';
let sec = '';
try {
min = duration.split(':')[0];
sec = duration.split(':')[1];
} catch (e) {
min = Math.floor(duration / 60);
sec = duration % 60;
if (isNaN(parseInt(duration))) {
return '';
if (min == 0) {
return sec + ''
} else if (0 < min && min < 60) {
return min + ''
} else if (60 <= min && min < 1440) {
if (min % 60 == 0) {
let h = min / 60;
return h + ''
} else {
let h = min / 60;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
return h + '' + m + '';
} else if (min >= 1440) {
let d = min / 60 / 24;
d = (d + '').split('.')[0];
let h = min / 60 % 24;
h = (h + '').split('.')[0];
let m = min % 60;
let dhm = '';
if (d > 0) {
dhm = d + ''
if (h >= 1) {
dhm = dhm + h + ''
if (m > 0) {
dhm = dhm + m + ''
return dhm
return null
let videos = [];
let vodList = JSON.parse(html).data.result;
vodList.forEach(function(vod) {
let aid = vod.aid;
let title = stripHtmlTag(vod.title);
let img = vod.pic;
if (img.startsWith('//')) {
img = 'https:' + img;
let remark = turnDHM(vod.duration);
vod_id: aid,
vod_name: title,
vod_pic: img,
vod_remarks: remark
VODS = videos