var https = require("https"); var lastPlayers; (function check(){ https.get("", function(res) { var body = ""; res.on("data", x => body += x); res.on("end", () => { try { var status = JSON.parse(body); var players = status.players; if (!lastPlayers) return lastPlayers = players; for (let player of players) { if (!lastPlayers.includes(player)) { // player joined send(`**${player}** joined 😄`); } } for (let lastPlayer of lastPlayers) { if (!players.includes(lastPlayer)) { // player left send(`**${lastPlayer}** left 😦`); } } lastPlayers = players; } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); } function send(content) { content = content.replace(/@/g, "@\u2063"); var payload = JSON.stringify({content, embeds:[{ color: 65280, /*fields: [ { "name": t(`${status.players.length} players online now:`, 256), "value": t( => status.authenticated[status.players.indexOf(x)] ? `**${x}**` : x).join(', ') || '👻', 1024) }, { "name": t(`Servers Online (${status.serverCount}):`, 256), "value": t( => `\`${server.serverName}\`: **${server.playerCount}** players playing **${server.currentLevelType}** in **${server.currentLevelName}**`).join('\n') || '👻', 1024) } ],*/ description: (status.players.length ? `**${status.playerCount}/${status.players.length} player${status.players.length == 1 ? " is" : "s are"} now playing:**\n${ => status.authenticated[status.players.indexOf(p)] ? p : `~~${p}~~`).join(", ")}` : `No more players online 😭`) + '\n\n' + status.servers.filter(s => s.playerCount > 0).map(s => `**${s.playerCount}** player${s.playerCount == 1 ? " is" : "s are"} playing **${s.currentLevelName}** in \`${s.serverName}\``).join('\n') //footer: {text: t(status.motd, 2048)} }]}); var req = https.request("redacted webhook url", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", //"Content-Length": payload.length } }, function(res) { var body = ""; res.on("data", x => body += x); res.on("end", () => { if (!String(res.statusCode).startsWith('2')) console.error(res.statusCode, body); }); }); req.on("error", error => console.error(error.message)); req.write(payload); req.end(); } }); }).on("error", error => console.error(error.message)); setTimeout(check, 10000); })(); function t(x,n) { if (x.length > n) { return x = x.substr(n - 1) + '…'; } else return x }