
79 lines
3.4 KiB

global.commands = {};
commands.help = {
aliases: ["robot", "commands"],
usage: "[command name]",
description: "Shows command list or details on a command.",
execute: function (message, args, txt) {
if (args[1]) {
const commandName = args[1];
const command = commands[commandName];
if (!command) return message.react('❓');
const str =
'`!' + (commandName + ' ' + (command.usage || '')).trim() + '`\n'
+ (command.hasOwnProperty('aliases') ? `**Aliases:** \`${command.aliases.join(', ')}\`` : '')
+ '\n\n'
+ (command.description || '(no description)');
} else {
let str =
"**About Terrium Bot**\n" +
"The Terrium Discord Bot is the official bot of the Terrium Community Discord Server.\n" +
"Below are the available commands. Use `!help <command>` for more information on a command, for example, `!help color`.\n" +
"Commands can be used in a direct message.";
const commandArray = [];
const modCommandArray = [];
for (const commandName in commands) {
const command = commands[commandName];
if (command.hidden) continue;
if (!command.hasOwnProperty('restrictedTo')) commandArray.push(`!${commandName}`);
else if (command.restrictedTo >= 2) modCommandArray.push(`!${commandName}`);
if (commandArray.length > 0) str += `\n\n**General Commands**\n${commandArray.join(', ')}`
if (hasPermission(message.member, 2) && modCommandArray.length > 0) str += `\n\n**Moderator Commands**\n${modCommandArray.join(', ')}`
client.on("message", function(message){
if (!message.content.startsWith("!")) return;
const args = message.content.split(' ');
const cmd = args[0].slice(1).toLowerCase();
const txt = i => {return args.slice(i).join(' ')};
message.args = args;
message.cmd = cmd;
message.txt = i => {return this.args.slice(i).join(' ')};
for (const commandName in commands) {
const command = commands[commandName];
if (cmd === commandName || (command.aliases && command.aliases.includes(cmd))) {
if (command.guildOnly && !message.guild) return message.reply('🚫 **This command cannot be used in a DM.**');
if (!message.guild) message.guild = client.guilds.cache.get(config.guild);
if (!message.member) message.member = client.guilds.cache.get(config.guild).members.cache.get(message.author.id);
if (command.op && message.author.id != config.op) return message.react('🚫');
if (command.hasOwnProperty('restrictedTo')) { //todo deprecate
if (!hasPermission(message.member, command.restrictedTo)) return message.react('🚫');
if (command.hasOwnProperty('require')) {
for (let flag of command.require) {
if (!message.member.hasPermission(flag)) return message.react('🚫');
try {
command.execute(message, args, txt);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('💥 **An error has been encountered while processing your command.** 💥');