{ "lexicon": 1, "id": "app.bsky.unspecced.getSuggestionsSkeleton", "defs": { "main": { "type": "query", "description": "Get a skeleton of suggested actors. Intended to be called and then hydrated through app.bsky.actor.getSuggestions", "parameters": { "type": "params", "properties": { "viewer": { "type": "string", "format": "did", "description": "DID of the account making the request (not included for public/unauthenticated queries). Used to boost followed accounts in ranking." }, "limit": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 100, "default": 50 }, "cursor": { "type": "string" }, "relativeToDid": { "type": "string", "format": "did", "description": "DID of the account to get suggestions relative to. If not provided, suggestions will be based on the viewer." } } }, "output": { "encoding": "application/json", "schema": { "type": "object", "required": ["actors"], "properties": { "cursor": { "type": "string" }, "actors": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "ref", "ref": "app.bsky.unspecced.defs#skeletonSearchActor" } }, "relativeToDid": { "type": "string", "format": "did", "description": "DID of the account these suggestions are relative to. If this is returned undefined, suggestions are based on the viewer." }, "recId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Snowflake for this recommendation, use when submitting recommendation events." } } } } } } }