import { sql } from 'kysely' import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid' import { cidForCbor, TID } from '@atproto/common' import { repoPrepare } from '@atproto/pds' import { WriteOpAction } from '@atproto/repo' import { AtUri } from '@atproto/syntax' import { AppBskyActorProfile, AppBskyFeedPost, AppBskyFeedLike, AppBskyFeedRepost, AppBskyGraphFollow, AtpAgent, } from '@atproto/api' import { TestNetwork, SeedClient, usersSeed, basicSeed } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { forSnapshot } from '../_util' import { ids } from '../../src/lexicon/lexicons' import { Database } from '../../src/data-plane/server/db' describe('indexing', () => { let network: TestNetwork let agent: AtpAgent let pdsAgent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let db: Database beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetwork.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'bsky_indexing', }) agent = network.bsky.getClient() pdsAgent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() db = network.bsky.db await usersSeed(sc) // Data in tests is not processed from subscription await network.processAll() await network.bsky.sub.destroy() }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) it('indexes posts.', async () => { const createdAt = new Date().toISOString() const createRecord = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, text: '@bob.test how are you?', facets: [ { index: { byteStart: 0, byteEnd: 9 }, features: [ { $type: `${ids.AppBskyRichtextFacet}#mention`, did: sc.dids.bob, }, ], }, ], createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedPost.Record, }) const [uri] = createRecord const updateRecord = await prepareUpdate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, rkey: uri.rkey, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, text: '@carol.test how are you?', facets: [ { index: { byteStart: 0, byteEnd: 11 }, features: [ { $type: `${ids.AppBskyRichtextFacet}#mention`, did: sc.dids.carol, }, ], }, ], createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedPost.Record, }) const deleteRecord = prepareDelete({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, rkey: uri.rkey, }) // Create await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...createRecord) const getAfterCreate = await { uri: uri.toString() }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPostThread, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( const createNotifications = await getNotifications(db, uri) // Update await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...updateRecord) const getAfterUpdate = await { uri: uri.toString() }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPostThread, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( const updateNotifications = await getNotifications(db, uri) // Delete await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...deleteRecord) const getAfterDelete = { uri: uri.toString() }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPostThread, ), }, ) await expect(getAfterDelete).rejects.toThrow(/Post not found:/) const deleteNotifications = await getNotifications(db, uri) expect( forSnapshot({ createNotifications, updateNotifications, deleteNotifications, }), ).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('indexes profiles.', async () => { const createRecord = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.dan, collection: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, rkey: 'self', record: { $type: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, displayName: 'dan', } as AppBskyActorProfile.Record, }) const [uri] = createRecord const updateRecord = await prepareUpdate({ did: sc.dids.dan, collection: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, rkey: uri.rkey, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, displayName: 'danny', } as AppBskyActorProfile.Record, }) const deleteRecord = prepareDelete({ did: sc.dids.dan, collection: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, rkey: uri.rkey, }) // Create await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...createRecord) const getAfterCreate = await { actor: sc.dids.dan }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( // Update await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...updateRecord) const getAfterUpdate = await { actor: sc.dids.dan }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( // Delete await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...deleteRecord) const getAfterDelete = await { actor: sc.dids.dan }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( }) it('handles post aggregations out of order.', async () => { const createdAt = new Date().toISOString() const originalPost = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, text: 'original post', createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedPost.Record, }) const originalPostRef = { uri: originalPost[0].toString(), cid: originalPost[1].toString(), } const reply = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, text: 'reply post', reply: { root: originalPostRef, parent: originalPostRef, }, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedPost.Record, }) const like = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedLike.Record, }) const repost = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedRepost.Record, }) // reply, like, and repost indexed orior to the original post await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...reply) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord( await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...repost) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...originalPost) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() const agg = await db.db .selectFrom('post_agg') .selectAll() .where('uri', '=', originalPostRef.uri) .executeTakeFirst() expect(agg).toEqual({ uri: originalPostRef.uri, replyCount: 1, repostCount: 1, likeCount: 1, quoteCount: 0, }) // Cleanup const del = (uri: AtUri) => { return prepareDelete({ did:, collection: uri.collection, rkey: uri.rkey, }) } await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(reply[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(like[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(repost[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(originalPost[0])) }) it('does not notify user of own like or repost', async () => { const createdAt = new Date().toISOString() const originalPost = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, text: 'original post', createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedPost.Record, }) const originalPostRef = { uri: originalPost[0].toString(), cid: originalPost[1].toString(), } // own actions const ownLike = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedLike.Record, }) const ownRepost = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedRepost.Record, }) // other actions const aliceLike = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedLike, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedLike.Record, }) const aliceRepost = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyFeedRepost, subject: originalPostRef, createdAt, } as AppBskyFeedRepost.Record, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...originalPost) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...ownLike) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...ownRepost) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...aliceLike) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...aliceRepost) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() const { data: { notifications }, } = await {}, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyNotificationListNotifications, ), }, ) expect(notifications).toHaveLength(2) expect( notifications.every((n) => { return !== sc.dids.bob }), ).toBeTruthy() // Cleanup const del = (uri: AtUri) => { return prepareDelete({ did:, collection: uri.collection, rkey: uri.rkey, }) } await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(ownLike[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(ownRepost[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(aliceLike[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(aliceRepost[0])) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(originalPost[0])) }) it('handles profile aggregations out of order.', async () => { const createdAt = new Date().toISOString() const unknownDid = 'did:example:unknown' const follow = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyGraphFollow, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyGraphFollow, subject: unknownDid, createdAt, } as AppBskyGraphFollow.Record, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...follow) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() const agg = await db.db .selectFrom('profile_agg') .select(['did', 'followersCount']) .where('did', '=', unknownDid) .executeTakeFirst() expect(agg).toEqual({ did: unknownDid, followersCount: 1, }) // Cleanup const del = (uri: AtUri) => { return prepareDelete({ did:, collection: uri.collection, rkey: uri.rkey, }) } await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteRecord(...del(follow[0])) }) describe('indexRepo', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await network.bsky.sub.restart() await basicSeed(sc, false) await network.processAll() await network.bsky.sub.destroy() await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() }) it('preserves indexes when no record changes.', async () => { // Mark originals const { data: origProfile } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) const { data: origFeed } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetAuthorFeed, ), }, ) const { data: origFollows } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyGraphGetFollows, ), }, ) // Index const { data: commit } = await{ did: sc.dids.alice, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRepo(sc.dids.alice, commit.cid) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() // Check const { data: profile } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) const { data: feed } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetAuthorFeed, ), }, ) const { data: follows } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyGraphGetFollows, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot([origProfile, origFeed, origFollows])).toEqual( forSnapshot([profile, feed, follows]), ) }) it('updates indexes when records change.', async () => { // Update profile await { repo: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, rkey: 'self', record: { description: 'freshening things up' }, }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) // Add post const newPost = await, 'fresh post!') // Remove a follow const removedFollow = sc.follows[sc.dids.alice][sc.dids.carol] await { repo: sc.dids.alice, rkey: removedFollow.uri.rkey }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.alice), ) // Index const { data: commit } = await{ did: sc.dids.alice, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRepo(sc.dids.alice, commit.cid) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() // Check const { data: profile } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) const { data: feed } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetAuthorFeed, ), }, ) const { data: follows } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyGraphGetFollows, ), }, ) expect(profile.description).toEqual('freshening things up') expect(feed.feed[0].post.uri).toEqual(newPost.ref.uriStr) expect(feed.feed[0].post.cid).toEqual(newPost.ref.cidStr) expect({ did }) => did)).not.toContain(sc.dids.carol) expect(forSnapshot([profile, feed, follows])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('skips invalid records.', async () => { const { accountManager } = network.pds.ctx // const { db: pdsDb, services: pdsServices } = network.pds.ctx // Create a good and a bad post record const writes = await Promise.all([ repoPrepare.prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { text: 'valid', createdAt: new Date().toISOString() }, }), repoPrepare.prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedPost, record: { text: 0 }, validate: false, }), ]) const writeCommit = await network.pds.ctx.actorStore.transact( sc.dids.alice, (store) => store.repo.processWrites(writes), ) await accountManager.updateRepoRoot( sc.dids.alice, writeCommit.cid, writeCommit.rev, ) await network.pds.ctx.sequencer.sequenceCommit( sc.dids.alice, writeCommit, writes, ) // Index const { data: commit } = await{ did: sc.dids.alice, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRepo(sc.dids.alice, commit.cid) // Check const getGoodPost = { uri: writes[0].uri.toString(), depth: 0 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPostThread, ), }, ) await expect(getGoodPost).resolves.toBeDefined() const getBadPost = { uri: writes[1].uri.toString(), depth: 0 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPostThread, ), }, ) await expect(getBadPost).rejects.toThrow('Post not found') }) }) describe('indexHandle', () => { const getIndexedHandle = async (did) => { const res = await { actor: did }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) return } it('indexes handle for a fresh did', async () => { const now = new Date().toISOString() const sessionAgent = new AtpAgent({ service: network.pds.url }) const { data: { did }, } = await sessionAgent.createAccount({ email: '', handle: 'did1.test', password: 'password', }) await expect(getIndexedHandle(did)).rejects.toThrow('Profile not found') await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexHandle(did, now) await expect(getIndexedHandle(did)).resolves.toEqual('did1.test') }) it('reindexes handle for existing did when forced', async () => { const now = new Date().toISOString() const sessionAgent = network.pds.getClient() const { data: { did }, } = await sessionAgent.createAccount({ email: '', handle: 'did2.test', password: 'password', }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexHandle(did, now) await expect(getIndexedHandle(did)).resolves.toEqual('did2.test') await{ handle: 'did2-updated.test', }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexHandle(did, now) await expect(getIndexedHandle(did)).resolves.toEqual('did2.test') // Didn't update, not forced await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexHandle(did, now, true) await expect(getIndexedHandle(did)).resolves.toEqual('did2-updated.test') }) it('handles profile aggregations out of order', async () => { const now = new Date().toISOString() const agent = network.pds.getClient() await agent.createAccount({ email: '', handle: 'did3.test', password: 'password', }) const did = agent.accountDid const follow = await prepareCreate({ did: sc.dids.bob, collection: ids.AppBskyGraphFollow, record: { $type: ids.AppBskyGraphFollow, subject: did, createdAt: now, } as AppBskyGraphFollow.Record, }) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexRecord(...follow) await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.indexHandle(did, now) await network.bsky.sub.background.processAll() const agg = await db.db .selectFrom('profile_agg') .select(['did', 'followersCount']) .where('did', '=', did) .executeTakeFirst() expect(agg).toEqual({ did, followersCount: 1, }) }) }) describe('deleteActor', () => { it('does not unindex actor when they are still being hosted by their pds', async () => { const { data: profileBefore } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) // Attempt indexing tombstone await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteActor(sc.dids.alice) const { data: profileAfter } = await { actor: sc.dids.alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) expect(profileAfter).toEqual(profileBefore) }) it('unindexes actor when they are no longer hosted by their pds', async () => { const { alice } = sc.dids const getProfileBefore = { actor: alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) await expect(getProfileBefore).resolves.toBeDefined() // Delete account on pds const token = await network.pds.ctx.accountManager.createEmailToken( alice, 'delete_account', ) await{ token, did: alice, password: sc.accounts[alice].password, }) await network.pds.ctx.backgroundQueue.processAll() // Index tombstone await network.bsky.sub.indexingSvc.deleteActor(alice) const getProfileAfter = { actor: alice }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyActorGetProfile, ), }, ) await expect(getProfileAfter).rejects.toThrow('Profile not found') }) }) async function getNotifications(db: Database, uri: AtUri) { return await db.db .selectFrom('notification') .selectAll() .select(sql`0`.as('id')) // Ignore notification ids in comparisons .where('recordUri', '=', uri.toString()) .orderBy('sortAt') .execute() } }) async function prepareCreate(opts: { did: string collection: string rkey?: string record: unknown timestamp?: string }): Promise<[AtUri, CID, unknown, WriteOpAction.Create, string]> { const rkey = opts.rkey ?? TID.nextStr() return [ AtUri.make(opts.did, opts.collection, rkey), await cidForCbor(opts.record), opts.record, WriteOpAction.Create, opts.timestamp ?? new Date().toISOString(), ] } async function prepareUpdate(opts: { did: string collection: string rkey: string record: unknown timestamp?: string }): Promise<[AtUri, CID, unknown, WriteOpAction.Update, string]> { return [ AtUri.make(opts.did, opts.collection, opts.rkey), await cidForCbor(opts.record), opts.record, WriteOpAction.Update, opts.timestamp ?? new Date().toISOString(), ] } function prepareDelete(opts: { did: string collection: string rkey: string }): [AtUri] { return [AtUri.make(opts.did, opts.collection, opts.rkey)] }