import assert from 'assert' import { XRPCError } from '@atproto/xrpc' import { AuthRequiredError } from '@atproto/xrpc-server' import { TID } from '@atproto/common' import { AtUri, AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { TestNetwork, TestFeedGen, SeedClient, RecordRef, basicSeed, } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { Handler as SkeletonHandler } from '../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/feed/getFeedSkeleton' import { ids } from '../src/lexicon/lexicons' import { FeedViewPost, SkeletonFeedPost, } from '../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/feed/defs' import { forSnapshot, paginateAll } from './_util' describe('feed generation', () => { let network: TestNetwork let agent: AtpAgent let pdsAgent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let gen: TestFeedGen let alice: string let feedUriAll: string let feedUriAllRef: RecordRef let feedUriEven: string let feedUriOdd: string // Unsupported by feed gen let feedUriBadPaginationLimit: string let feedUriBadPaginationCursor: string let feedUriPrime: string // Taken-down let feedUriPrimeRef: RecordRef let feedUriNeedsAuth: string let starterPackRef: { uri: string; cid: string } beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetwork.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'bsky_feed_generation', }) agent = network.bsky.getClient() pdsAgent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() await basicSeed(sc) await network.processAll() alice = sc.dids.alice const allUri = AtUri.make(alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'all') const feedUriBadPaginationLimit = AtUri.make( alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'bad-pagination-limit', ) const feedUriBadPaginationCursor = AtUri.make( alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'bad-pagination-cursor', ) const evenUri = AtUri.make(alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'even') const primeUri = AtUri.make(alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'prime') const needsAuthUri = AtUri.make( alice, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'needs-auth', ) gen = await network.createFeedGen({ [allUri.toString()]: feedGenHandler('all'), [evenUri.toString()]: feedGenHandler('even'), [feedUriBadPaginationLimit.toString()]: feedGenHandler( 'bad-pagination-limit', ), [feedUriBadPaginationCursor.toString()]: feedGenHandler( 'bad-pagination-cursor', ), [primeUri.toString()]: feedGenHandler('prime'), [needsAuthUri.toString()]: feedGenHandler('needs-auth'), }) const feedSuggestions = [ { uri: allUri.toString(), order: 1 }, { uri: evenUri.toString(), order: 2 }, { uri: feedUriBadPaginationLimit.toString(), order: 3 }, { uri: primeUri.toString(), order: 4 }, ] await network.bsky.db.db .insertInto('suggested_feed') .values(feedSuggestions) .execute() }) afterAll(async () => { await gen.close() await network.close() }) it('feed gen records can be created.', async () => { const all = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'all' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'All', description: 'Provides all feed candidates', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const even = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'even' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Even', description: 'Provides even-indexed feed candidates', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) // Unsupported by feed gen const odd = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'odd' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Temp', // updated in next test description: 'Temp', // updated in next test createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const badPaginationLimit = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'bad-pagination-limit' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Bad Pagination Limit', description: 'Provides all feed candidates, blindly ignoring pagination limit', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const badPaginationCursor = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'bad-pagination-cursor' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Bad Pagination Cursor', description: 'Echoes back the same cursor it received', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) // Taken-down const prime = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'prime' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Prime', description: 'Provides prime-indexed feed candidates', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const needsAuth = await { repo: alice, rkey: 'needs-auth' }, { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Needs Auth', description: 'Provides all feed candidates when authed', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) await network.processAll() await network.bsky.ctx.dataplane.takedownRecord({ recordUri: prime.uri, }) feedUriAll = all.uri feedUriAllRef = new RecordRef(all.uri, all.cid) feedUriEven = even.uri feedUriOdd = odd.uri feedUriBadPaginationLimit = badPaginationLimit.uri feedUriBadPaginationCursor = badPaginationCursor.uri feedUriPrime = prime.uri feedUriPrimeRef = new RecordRef(prime.uri, prime.cid) feedUriNeedsAuth = needsAuth.uri }) it('feed gen records can be updated', async () => { await { repo: alice, collection: ids.AppBskyFeedGenerator, rkey: 'odd', record: { did: gen.did, displayName: 'Odd', description: 'Provides odd-indexed feed candidates', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) await network.processAll() }) it('getActorFeeds fetches feed generators by actor.', async () => { // add some likes await, feedUriAllRef) await, feedUriAllRef) await network.processAll() const results = (results) => results.flatMap((res) => res.feeds) const paginator = async (cursor?: string) => { const res = await { actor: alice, cursor, limit: 2 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetActorFeeds, ), }, ) return } const paginatedAll = results(await paginateAll(paginator)) expect(paginatedAll.length).toEqual(6) expect(paginatedAll[0].uri).toEqual(feedUriOdd) expect(paginatedAll[1].uri).toEqual(feedUriNeedsAuth) expect(paginatedAll[2].uri).toEqual(feedUriBadPaginationCursor) expect(paginatedAll[3].uri).toEqual(feedUriBadPaginationLimit) expect(paginatedAll[4].uri).toEqual(feedUriEven) expect(paginatedAll[5].uri).toEqual(feedUriAll) expect( => fg.uri)).not.toContain(feedUriPrime) // taken-down expect(forSnapshot(paginatedAll)).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('embeds feed generator records in posts', async () => { const res = await { repo: sc.dids.bob }, { text: 'cool feed!', embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: feedUriAllRef.raw, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.bob), ) await network.processAll() const view = await { uris: [res.uri] }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPosts, ), }, ) expect( expect(forSnapshot([0])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('does not embed taken-down feed generator records in posts', async () => { const res = await { repo: sc.dids.bob }, { text: 'weird feed', embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: feedUriPrimeRef.raw, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.bob), ) await network.processAll() const view = await { uris: [res.uri] }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPosts, ), }, ) expect( expect(forSnapshot([0])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('embeds starter pack records in posts', async () => { const listRes = await { repo: sc.dids.alice, }, { name: 'awesome starter pack!', description: '', descriptionFacets: [], avatar: undefined, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), purpose: 'app.bsky.graph.defs#referencelist', }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.alice), ) const starterPackRes = await { repo: sc.dids.alice, }, { name: 'awesome starter pack!', description: '', descriptionFacets: [], feeds: [], list: listRes.uri, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.alice), ) starterPackRef = { uri: starterPackRes.uri, cid: starterPackRes.cid, } const res = await { repo: sc.dids.bob }, { text: 'sick starter pack!', embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: starterPackRef, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.bob), ) await network.processAll() const view = await { uris: [res.uri] }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPosts, ), }, ) expect( expect(forSnapshot([0])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('does not embed taken-down starter pack records in posts', async () => { await network.bsky.ctx.dataplane.takedownRecord({ recordUri: starterPackRef.uri, }) const res = await { repo: sc.dids.bob }, { text: 'annoying starter pack', embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: starterPackRef, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.bob), ) await network.processAll() const view = await { uris: [res.uri] }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetPosts, ), }, ) expect( expect(forSnapshot([0])).toMatchSnapshot() }) describe('getFeedGenerator', () => { it('describes a feed gen & returns online status', async () => { const resEven = await { feed: feedUriAll }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedGenerator, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( expect( expect( }) it('does not describe taken-down feed', async () => { const tryGetFeed = { feed: feedUriPrime }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedGenerator, ), }, ) await expect(tryGetFeed).rejects.toThrow('could not find feed') }) // @TODO temporarily skipping while external feedgens catch-up on describeFeedGenerator it.skip('handles an unsupported algo', async () => { const resOdd = await { feed: feedUriOdd }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedGenerator, ), }, ) expect( expect( }) // @TODO temporarily skipping while external feedgens catch-up on describeFeedGenerator it.skip('handles an offline feed', async () => { // make an invalid feed gen in bob's repo const allUriBob = AtUri.make( sc.dids.bob, 'app.bsky.feed.generator', 'all', ) const bobFg = await network.createFeedGen({ [allUriBob.toString()]: feedGenHandler('all'), }) await { repo: sc.dids.bob, rkey: 'all' }, { did: bobFg.did, displayName: 'All by bob', description: 'Provides all feed candidates - by bob', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(sc.dids.bob), ) await network.processAll() // now take it offline await bobFg.close() const res = await { feed: allUriBob.toString(), }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedGenerator, ), }, ) expect( expect( }) }) describe('getFeedGenerators', () => { it('describes multiple feed gens', async () => { const resEven = await { feeds: [feedUriEven, feedUriAll, feedUriPrime] }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedGenerators, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( expect( => fg.uri)).not.toContain(feedUriPrime) // taken-down }) }) describe('getSuggestedFeeds', () => { it('returns list of suggested feed generators', async () => { const resEven = await {}, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyFeedGetSuggestedFeeds, ), }, ) expect(forSnapshot( expect( => fg.uri)).not.toContain(feedUriPrime) // taken-down }) }) describe('getPopularFeedGenerators', () => { it('gets popular feed generators', async () => { const res = await {}, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyUnspeccedGetPopularFeedGenerators, ), }, ) expect( => f.uri)).not.toContain(feedUriPrime) // taken-down expect( => f.uri)).toEqual([ feedUriAll, feedUriEven, feedUriBadPaginationLimit, ]) }) it('searches feed generators', async () => { const res = await { query: 'all' }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyUnspeccedGetPopularFeedGenerators, ), }, ) expect( => f.uri)).toEqual([feedUriAll]) }) it('paginates', async () => { const resFull = await {}, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyUnspeccedGetPopularFeedGenerators, ), }, ) const resOne = await { limit: 2 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyUnspeccedGetPopularFeedGenerators, ), }, ) const resTwo = await { cursor: }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( sc.dids.bob, ids.AppBskyUnspeccedGetPopularFeedGenerators, ), }, ) expect([,]).toEqual(, ) }) }) describe('getFeed', () => { it('resolves basic feed contents.', async () => { const feed = await { feed: feedUriEven }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) expect( =>[ sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, sc.replies[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, ]) expect(forSnapshot( }) it('resolves basic feed contents without auth.', async () => { const feed = await{ feed: feedUriEven }) expect( =>[ sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, sc.replies[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, ]) expect(forSnapshot( }) it('paginates, handling replies and reposts.', async () => { const results = (results) => results.flatMap((res) => res.feed) const paginator = async (cursor?: string) => { const res = await { feed: feedUriAll, cursor, limit: 2 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) return } const paginatedAll: FeedViewPost[] = results(await paginateAll(paginator)) // Unknown post uri is omitted expect( =>[ sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, sc.replies[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.dan][1].ref.uriStr, ]) expect(forSnapshot(paginatedAll)).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('paginates, handling feed not respecting limit.', async () => { const res = await { feed: feedUriBadPaginationLimit, limit: 3 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) // refused to respect pagination limit, so it got cut short by appview but the cursor remains. expect( expect(parseInt( || '', 10)).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(3) expect( =>[ sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref.uriStr, sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr, ]) }) it('fails on unknown feed.', async () => { const tryGetFeed = { feed: feedUriOdd }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) await expect(tryGetFeed).rejects.toMatchObject({ error: 'UnknownFeed', }) }) it('returns empty cursor with feeds that echo back the same cursor from the param.', async () => { const res = await { feed: feedUriBadPaginationCursor, cursor: '1', limit: 2 }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) expect( expect( }) it('resolves contents of taken-down feed.', async () => { const tryGetFeed = { feed: feedUriPrime }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders(alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed), }, ) await expect(tryGetFeed).resolves.toBeDefined() }) it('receives proper auth details.', async () => { const feed = await { feed: feedUriEven }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedSkeleton, gen.did, ), }, ) expect(['$auth']?.['aud']).toEqual(gen.did) expect(['$auth']?.['iss']).toEqual(alice) expect(['$auth']?.['lxm']).toEqual( ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeedSkeleton, ) }) it('passes through auth error from feed.', async () => { const tryGetFeed ={ feed: feedUriNeedsAuth, }) const err = await tryGetFeed.catch((err) => err) assert(err instanceof XRPCError) expect(err.status).toBe(401) expect(err.message).toBe('This feed requires auth') }) it('provides timing info in server-timing header.', async () => { const result = await { feed: feedUriEven }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) expect(result.headers['server-timing']).toMatch( /^skele;dur=\d+, hydr;dur=\d+$/, ) }) it('returns an upstream failure error when the feed is down.', async () => { await gen.close() // @NOTE must be last test const tryGetFeed = { feed: feedUriEven }, { headers: await network.serviceHeaders( alice, ids.AppBskyFeedGetFeed, gen.did, ), }, ) await expect(tryGetFeed).rejects.toThrow('feed unavailable') }) }) const feedGenHandler = ( feedName: | 'even' | 'all' | 'prime' | 'bad-pagination-limit' | 'bad-pagination-cursor' | 'needs-auth', ): SkeletonHandler => async ({ req, params }) => { if (feedName === 'needs-auth' && !req.headers.authorization) { throw new AuthRequiredError('This feed requires auth') } const { limit, cursor } = params const candidates: SkeletonFeedPost[] = [ { post: sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref.uriStr }, { post: sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref.uriStr }, { post: sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr }, { post: `at://did:plc:unknown/${TID.nextStr()}` }, // Doesn't exist { post: sc.replies[sc.dids.carol][0].ref.uriStr }, // Reply // Repost (accurate) { post: sc.posts[sc.dids.dan][1].ref.uriStr, reason: { $type: 'app.bsky.feed.defs#skeletonReasonRepost', repost: sc.reposts[sc.dids.carol][0].uriStr, }, }, // Repost (inaccurate) { post: sc.posts[alice][1].ref.uriStr, reason: { $type: 'app.bsky.feed.defs#skeletonReasonRepost', repost: sc.reposts[sc.dids.carol][0].uriStr, }, }, ].map((item, i) => ({ ...item, feedContext: `item-${i}` })) // add a deterministic context to test passthrough const offset = cursor ? parseInt(cursor, 10) : 0 const fullFeed = candidates.filter((_, i) => { if (feedName === 'even') { return i % 2 === 0 } if (feedName === 'prime') { return [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13].includes(i) } return true }) const feedResults = feedName === 'bad-pagination-limit' ? fullFeed.slice(offset) // does not respect limit : fullFeed.slice(offset, offset + limit) const lastResult = const cursorResult = feedName === 'bad-pagination-cursor' ? cursor : lastResult ? (fullFeed.indexOf(lastResult) + 1).toString() : undefined return { encoding: 'application/json', body: { feed: feedResults, cursor: cursorResult, $auth: jwtBody(req.headers.authorization), // for testing purposes }, } } }) const jwtBody = (authHeader?: string): Record | undefined => { if (!authHeader?.startsWith('Bearer')) return undefined const jwt = authHeader.replace('Bearer ', '') const [, bodyb64] = jwt.split('.') const body = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(bodyb64, 'base64').toString()) if (!body || typeof body !== 'object') return undefined return body }