import { safeFetchWrap } from '@atproto-labs/fetch-node' import { SimpleStore } from '@atproto-labs/simple-store' import { SimpleStoreMemory } from '@atproto-labs/simple-store-memory' import { Jwks, Keyset } from '@atproto/jwk' import { CLIENT_ASSERTION_TYPE_JWT_BEARER, OAuthAccessToken, OAuthAuthorizationCodeGrantTokenRequest, OAuthAuthorizationRequestJar, OAuthAuthorizationRequestPar, OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters, OAuthAuthorizationRequestQuery, OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata, OAuthClientCredentials, OAuthClientCredentialsNone, OAuthClientMetadata, OAuthIntrospectionResponse, OAuthParResponse, OAuthRefreshTokenGrantTokenRequest, OAuthTokenIdentification, OAuthTokenRequest, OAuthTokenResponse, OAuthTokenType, atprotoLoopbackClientMetadata, oauthAuthorizationRequestParSchema, oauthAuthorizationRequestParametersSchema, oauthAuthorizationRequestQuerySchema, oauthClientCredentialsSchema, oauthTokenIdentificationSchema, oauthTokenRequestSchema, } from '@atproto/oauth-types' import { mediaType } from '@hapi/accept' import createHttpError from 'http-errors' import type { Redis, RedisOptions } from 'ioredis' import z, { ZodError } from 'zod' import { AccessTokenType } from './access-token/access-token-type.js' import { AccountManager } from './account/account-manager.js' import { AccountStore, DeviceAccountInfo, SignInCredentials, asAccountStore, signInCredentialsSchema, } from './account/account-store.js' import { Account } from './account/account.js' import { authorizeAssetsMiddleware } from './assets/assets-middleware.js' import { ClientAuth, authJwkThumbprint } from './client/client-auth.js' import { ClientId, clientIdSchema } from './client/client-id.js' import { ClientManager, LoopbackMetadataGetter, } from './client/client-manager.js' import { ClientStore, ifClientStore } from './client/client-store.js' import { Client } from './client/client.js' import { AUTHENTICATION_MAX_AGE, TOKEN_MAX_AGE } from './constants.js' import { DeviceId } from './device/device-id.js' import { DeviceManager } from './device/device-manager.js' import { DeviceStore, asDeviceStore } from './device/device-store.js' import { AccessDeniedError } from './errors/access-denied-error.js' import { AccountSelectionRequiredError } from './errors/account-selection-required-error.js' import { ConsentRequiredError } from './errors/consent-required-error.js' import { InvalidClientError } from './errors/invalid-client-error.js' import { InvalidGrantError } from './errors/invalid-grant-error.js' import { InvalidParametersError } from './errors/invalid-parameters-error.js' import { InvalidRequestError } from './errors/invalid-request-error.js' import { LoginRequiredError } from './errors/login-required-error.js' import { OAuthError } from './errors/oauth-error.js' import { UnauthorizedClientError } from './errors/unauthorized-client-error.js' import { WWWAuthenticateError } from './errors/www-authenticate-error.js' import { Handler, IncomingMessage, Middleware, Router, ServerResponse, combineMiddlewares, parseHttpRequest, setupCsrfToken, staticJsonMiddleware, validateCsrfToken, validateFetchDest, validateFetchMode, validateFetchSite, validateReferer, validateSameOrigin, writeJson, } from './lib/http/index.js' import { dateToEpoch, dateToRelativeSeconds } from './lib/util/date.js' import { Override } from './lib/util/type.js' import { CustomMetadata, buildMetadata } from './metadata/build-metadata.js' import { OAuthHooks } from './oauth-hooks.js' import { OAuthVerifier, OAuthVerifierOptions } from './oauth-verifier.js' import { AuthorizationResultAuthorize } from './output/build-authorize-data.js' import { buildErrorPayload, buildErrorStatus, } from './output/build-error-payload.js' import { Customization } from './output/customization.js' import { OutputManager } from './output/output-manager.js' import { AuthorizationResultRedirect, sendAuthorizeRedirect, } from './output/send-authorize-redirect.js' import { ReplayStore, ifReplayStore } from './replay/replay-store.js' import { codeSchema } from './request/code.js' import { RequestInfo } from './request/request-info.js' import { RequestManager } from './request/request-manager.js' import { RequestStoreMemory } from './request/request-store-memory.js' import { RequestStoreRedis } from './request/request-store-redis.js' import { RequestStore, ifRequestStore } from './request/request-store.js' import { RequestUri, requestUriSchema } from './request/request-uri.js' import { isTokenId } from './token/token-id.js' import { TokenManager } from './token/token-manager.js' import { TokenStore, asTokenStore } from './token/token-store.js' import { VerifyTokenClaimsOptions } from './token/verify-token-claims.js' export type OAuthProviderStore = Partial< ClientStore & AccountStore & DeviceStore & TokenStore & RequestStore & ReplayStore > export { Keyset, type CustomMetadata, type Customization, type Handler, type OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata, } export type RouterOptions< Req extends IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage, Res extends ServerResponse = ServerResponse, > = { onError?: (req: Req, res: Res, err: unknown, message: string) => void } export type OAuthProviderOptions = Override< OAuthVerifierOptions & OAuthHooks, { /** * Maximum age a device/account session can be before requiring * re-authentication. */ authenticationMaxAge?: number /** * Maximum age access & id tokens can be before requiring a refresh. */ tokenMaxAge?: number /** * Additional metadata to be included in the discovery document. */ metadata?: CustomMetadata /** * UI customizations */ customization?: Customization /** * A custom fetch function that can be used to fetch the client metadata from * the internet. By default, the fetch function is a safeFetchWrap() function * that protects against SSRF attacks, large responses & known bad domains. If * you want to disable all protections, you can provide `globalThis.fetch` as * fetch function. */ safeFetch?: typeof globalThis.fetch /** * A redis instance to use for replay protection. If not provided, replay * protection will use memory storage. */ redis?: Redis | RedisOptions | string /** * This will be used as the default store for all the stores. If a store is * not provided, this store will be used instead. If the `store` does not * implement a specific store, a runtime error will be thrown. Make sure that * this store implements all the interfaces not provided in the other * `Store` options. */ store?: OAuthProviderStore accountStore?: AccountStore deviceStore?: DeviceStore clientStore?: ClientStore replayStore?: ReplayStore requestStore?: RequestStore tokenStore?: TokenStore /** * In order to speed up the client fetching process, you can provide a cache * to store HTTP responses. * * @note the cached entries should automatically expire after a certain time (typically 10 minutes) */ clientJwksCache?: SimpleStore /** * In order to speed up the client fetching process, you can provide a cache * to store HTTP responses. * * @note the cached entries should automatically expire after a certain time (typically 10 minutes) */ clientMetadataCache?: SimpleStore /** * In order to enable loopback clients, you can provide a function that * returns the client metadata for a given loopback URL. This is useful for * development and testing purposes. This function is not called for internet * clients. * * @default is as specified by ATPROTO */ loopbackMetadata?: null | false | LoopbackMetadataGetter } > export class OAuthProvider extends OAuthVerifier { public readonly metadata: OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata public readonly customization?: Customization public readonly authenticationMaxAge: number public readonly accountManager: AccountManager public readonly deviceStore: DeviceStore public readonly clientManager: ClientManager public readonly requestManager: RequestManager public readonly tokenManager: TokenManager public constructor({ metadata, customization = undefined, authenticationMaxAge = AUTHENTICATION_MAX_AGE, tokenMaxAge = TOKEN_MAX_AGE, safeFetch = safeFetchWrap(), redis, store, // compound store implementation // Requires stores accountStore = asAccountStore(store), deviceStore = asDeviceStore(store), tokenStore = asTokenStore(store), // These are optional clientStore = ifClientStore(store), replayStore = ifReplayStore(store), requestStore = ifRequestStore(store), clientJwksCache = new SimpleStoreMemory({ maxSize: 50_000_000, ttl: 600e3, }), clientMetadataCache = new SimpleStoreMemory({ maxSize: 50_000_000, ttl: 600e3, }), loopbackMetadata = atprotoLoopbackClientMetadata, // OAuthHooks & OAuthVerifierOptions }: OAuthProviderOptions) { super({ replayStore, redis, }) requestStore ??= redis ? new RequestStoreRedis({ redis }) : new RequestStoreMemory() this.authenticationMaxAge = authenticationMaxAge this.metadata = buildMetadata(this.issuer, this.keyset, metadata) this.customization = customization this.deviceStore = deviceStore this.accountManager = new AccountManager(accountStore) this.clientManager = new ClientManager( this.metadata, this.keyset, rest, clientStore || null, loopbackMetadata || null, safeFetch, clientJwksCache, clientMetadataCache, ) this.requestManager = new RequestManager( requestStore, this.signer, this.metadata, rest, ) this.tokenManager = new TokenManager( tokenStore, this.signer, rest, this.accessTokenType, tokenMaxAge, ) } get jwks() { return this.keyset.publicJwks } protected loginRequired( client: Client, parameters: OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters, info: DeviceAccountInfo, ) { /** in seconds */ const authAge = ( - info.authenticatedAt.getTime()) / 1e3 // Fool-proof (invalid date, or suspiciously in the future) if (!Number.isFinite(authAge) || authAge < 0) { return true } return authAge >= this.authenticationMaxAge } protected async authenticateClient( credentials: OAuthClientCredentials, ): Promise<[Client, ClientAuth]> { const client = await this.clientManager.getClient(credentials.client_id) const { clientAuth, nonce } = await client.verifyCredentials(credentials, { audience: this.issuer, }) if ( client.metadata.application_type === 'native' && clientAuth.method !== 'none' ) { // // // > Except when using a mechanism like Dynamic Client Registration // > [RFC7591] to provision per-instance secrets, native apps are // > classified as public clients, as defined by Section 2.1 of OAuth 2.0 // > [RFC6749]; they MUST be registered with the authorization server as // > such. Authorization servers MUST record the client type in the client // > registration details in order to identify and process requests // > accordingly. throw new InvalidGrantError( 'Native clients must authenticate using "none" method', ) } if (nonce != null) { const unique = await this.replayManager.uniqueAuth(nonce, if (!unique) { throw new InvalidGrantError(`${clientAuth.method} jti reused`) } } return [client, clientAuth] } protected async decodeJAR( client: Client, input: OAuthAuthorizationRequestJar, ): Promise< | { payload: OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters } | { payload: OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters protectedHeader: { kid: string; alg: string } jkt: string } > { const result = await client.decodeRequestObject(input.request) const payload = oauthAuthorizationRequestParametersSchema.parse( result.payload, ) if (!result.payload.jti) { throw new InvalidParametersError( payload, 'Request object must contain a jti claim', ) } if (!(await this.replayManager.uniqueJar(result.payload.jti, { throw new InvalidParametersError( payload, 'Request object jti is not unique', ) } if ('protectedHeader' in result) { if (!result.protectedHeader.kid) { throw new InvalidParametersError(payload, 'Missing "kid" in header') } return { jkt: await authJwkThumbprint(result.key), payload, protectedHeader: result.protectedHeader as { alg: string kid: string }, } } if ('header' in result) { return { payload, } } // Should never happen throw new Error('Invalid request object') } /** * @see {@link} */ protected async pushedAuthorizationRequest( credentials: OAuthClientCredentials, authorizationRequest: OAuthAuthorizationRequestPar, dpopJkt: null | string, ): Promise { try { const [client, clientAuth] = await this.authenticateClient(credentials) const { payload: parameters } = 'request' in authorizationRequest // Handle JAR ? await this.decodeJAR(client, authorizationRequest) : { payload: authorizationRequest } const { uri, expiresAt } = await this.requestManager.createAuthorizationRequest( client, clientAuth, parameters, null, dpopJkt, ) return { request_uri: uri, expires_in: dateToRelativeSeconds(expiresAt), } } catch (err) { // // > Since initial processing of the pushed authorization request does not // > involve resource owner interaction, error codes related to user // > interaction, such as consent_required defined by [OIDC], are never // > returned. if (err instanceof AccessDeniedError) { throw new InvalidRequestError(err.error_description, err) } throw err } } private async processAuthorizationRequest( client: Client, deviceId: DeviceId, query: OAuthAuthorizationRequestQuery, ): Promise { if ('request_uri' in query) { const requestUri = await requestUriSchema .parseAsync(query.request_uri, { path: ['query', 'request_uri'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) return this.requestManager.get(requestUri,, deviceId) } if ('request' in query) { const requestObject = await this.decodeJAR(client, query) if ('protectedHeader' in requestObject && requestObject.protectedHeader) { // Allow using signed JAR during "/authorize" as client authentication. // This allows clients to skip PAR to initiate trusted sessions. const clientAuth: ClientAuth = { method: CLIENT_ASSERTION_TYPE_JWT_BEARER, kid: requestObject.protectedHeader.kid, alg: requestObject.protectedHeader.alg, jkt: requestObject.jkt, } return this.requestManager.createAuthorizationRequest( client, clientAuth, requestObject.payload, deviceId, null, ) } return this.requestManager.createAuthorizationRequest( client, { method: 'none' }, requestObject.payload, deviceId, null, ) } return this.requestManager.createAuthorizationRequest( client, { method: 'none' }, query, deviceId, null, ) } private async deleteRequest( uri: RequestUri, parameters: OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters, ) { try { await this.requestManager.delete(uri) } catch (err) { throw AccessDeniedError.from(parameters, err) } } /** * @see {@link} */ protected async authorize( deviceId: DeviceId, credentials: OAuthClientCredentialsNone, query: OAuthAuthorizationRequestQuery, ): Promise { const { issuer } = this // If there is a chance to redirect the user to the client, let's do // it by wrapping the error in an AccessDeniedError. const accessDeniedCatcher = 'redirect_uri' in query ? (err: unknown): never => { // throw AccessDeniedError.from(query, err, 'invalid_request') } : null const client = await this.clientManager .getClient(credentials.client_id) .catch(accessDeniedCatcher) const { clientAuth, parameters, uri } = await this.processAuthorizationRequest(client, deviceId, query).catch( accessDeniedCatcher, ) try { const sessions = await this.getSessions( client, clientAuth, deviceId, parameters, ) if (parameters.prompt === 'none') { const ssoSessions = sessions.filter((s) => s.matchesHint) if (ssoSessions.length > 1) { throw new AccountSelectionRequiredError(parameters) } if (ssoSessions.length < 1) { throw new LoginRequiredError(parameters) } const ssoSession = ssoSessions[0]! if (ssoSession.loginRequired) { throw new LoginRequiredError(parameters) } if (ssoSession.consentRequired) { throw new ConsentRequiredError(parameters) } const code = await this.requestManager.setAuthorized( client, uri, deviceId, ssoSession.account, ) return { issuer, client, parameters, redirect: { code } } } // Automatic SSO when a did was provided if (parameters.prompt == null && parameters.login_hint != null) { const ssoSessions = sessions.filter((s) => s.matchesHint) if (ssoSessions.length === 1) { const ssoSession = ssoSessions[0]! if (!ssoSession.loginRequired && !ssoSession.consentRequired) { const code = await this.requestManager.setAuthorized( client, uri, deviceId, ssoSession.account, ) return { issuer, client, parameters, redirect: { code } } } } } return { issuer, client, parameters, authorize: { uri, sessions, scopeDetails: parameters.scope ?.split(/\s+/) .filter(Boolean) .sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) .map((scope) => ({ scope, // @TODO Allow to customize the scope descriptions (e.g. // using a hook) description: undefined, })), }, } } catch (err) { await this.deleteRequest(uri, parameters) // Not using accessDeniedCatcher here because "parameters" will most // likely contain the redirect_uri (using the client default). throw AccessDeniedError.from(parameters, err) } } protected async getSessions( client: Client, clientAuth: ClientAuth, deviceId: DeviceId, parameters: OAuthAuthorizationRequestParameters, ): Promise< { account: Account info: DeviceAccountInfo selected: boolean loginRequired: boolean consentRequired: boolean matchesHint: boolean }[] > { const accounts = await this.accountManager.list(deviceId) const hint = parameters.login_hint const matchesHint = (account: Account): boolean => (!!account.sub && account.sub === hint) || (!!account.preferred_username && account.preferred_username === hint) return{ account, info }) => ({ account, info, selected: parameters.prompt !== 'select_account' && matchesHint(account) && // If an account uses the sub of another account as preferred_username, // there might be multiple accounts matching the hint. In that case, // selecting the account automatically may have unexpected results (i.e. // not able to login using desired account). accounts.reduce( (acc, a) => acc + (matchesHint(a.account) ? 1 : 0), 0, ) === 1, loginRequired: parameters.prompt === 'login' || this.loginRequired(client, parameters, info), consentRequired: parameters.prompt === 'consent' || // @TODO the "authorizedClients" should also include the scopes that // were already authorized for the client. Otherwise a client could // use silent authentication to get additional scopes without consent. !info.authorizedClients.includes(, matchesHint: hint == null || matchesHint(account), })) } protected async signIn( deviceId: DeviceId, uri: RequestUri, clientId: ClientId, credentials: SignInCredentials, ): Promise<{ account: Account consentRequired: boolean }> { const client = await this.clientManager.getClient(clientId) // Ensure the request is still valid (and update the request expiration) // @TODO use the returned scopes to determine if consent is required await this.requestManager.get(uri, clientId, deviceId) const { account, info } = await this.accountManager.signIn( credentials, deviceId, ) return { account, consentRequired: ? false : // @TODO: the "authorizedClients" should also include the scopes that // were already authorized for the client. Otherwise a client could // use silent authentication to get additional scopes without consent. !info.authorizedClients.includes(, } } protected async acceptRequest( deviceId: DeviceId, uri: RequestUri, clientId: ClientId, sub: string, ): Promise { const { issuer } = this const client = await this.clientManager.getClient(clientId) const { parameters, clientAuth } = await this.requestManager.get( uri, clientId, deviceId, ) try { const { account, info } = await this.accountManager.get(deviceId, sub) // The user is trying to authorize without a fresh login if (this.loginRequired(client, parameters, info)) { throw new LoginRequiredError( parameters, 'Account authentication required.', ) } const code = await this.requestManager.setAuthorized( client, uri, deviceId, account, ) await this.accountManager.addAuthorizedClient( deviceId, account, client, clientAuth, ) return { issuer, parameters, redirect: { code } } } catch (err) { await this.deleteRequest(uri, parameters) throw AccessDeniedError.from(parameters, err) } } protected async rejectRequest( deviceId: DeviceId, uri: RequestUri, clientId: ClientId, ): Promise { const { parameters } = await this.requestManager.get( uri, clientId, deviceId, ) await this.deleteRequest(uri, parameters) return { issuer: this.issuer, parameters: parameters, redirect: { error: 'access_denied', error_description: 'Access denied', }, } } protected async token( credentials: OAuthClientCredentials, request: OAuthTokenRequest, dpopJkt: null | string, ): Promise { const [client, clientAuth] = await this.authenticateClient(credentials) if (!this.metadata.grant_types_supported?.includes(request.grant_type)) { throw new InvalidGrantError( `Grant type "${request.grant_type}" is not supported by the server`, ) } if (!client.metadata.grant_types.includes(request.grant_type)) { throw new InvalidGrantError( `"${request.grant_type}" grant type is not allowed for this client`, ) } if (request.grant_type === 'authorization_code') { return this.codeGrant(client, clientAuth, request, dpopJkt) } if (request.grant_type === 'refresh_token') { return this.refreshTokenGrant(client, clientAuth, request, dpopJkt) } throw new InvalidGrantError( `Grant type "${request.grant_type}" not supported`, ) } protected async codeGrant( client: Client, clientAuth: ClientAuth, input: OAuthAuthorizationCodeGrantTokenRequest, dpopJkt: null | string, ): Promise { try { const code = codeSchema.parse(input.code) const { sub, deviceId, parameters } = await this.requestManager.findCode( client, clientAuth, code, ) // the following check prevents re-use of PKCE challenges, enforcing the // clients to generate a new challenge for each authorization request. The // replay manager typically prevents replay over a certain time frame, // which might not cover the entire lifetime of the token (depending on // the implementation of the replay store). For this reason, we should // ideally ensure that the code_challenge was not already used by any // existing token or any other pending request. // // The current implementation will cause client devs not issuing a new // code challenge for each authorization request to fail, which should be // a good enough incentive to follow the best practices, until we have a // better implementation. // // @TODO: Use tokenManager to ensure uniqueness of code_challenge if (parameters.code_challenge) { const unique = await this.replayManager.uniqueCodeChallenge( parameters.code_challenge, ) if (!unique) { throw new InvalidGrantError( 'code_challenge', 'Code challenge already used', ) } } const { account, info } = await this.accountManager.get(deviceId, sub) return await this.tokenManager.create( client, clientAuth, account, { id: deviceId, info }, parameters, input, dpopJkt, ) } catch (err) { // If a token is replayed, requestManager.findCode will throw. In that // case, we need to revoke any token that was issued for this code. await this.tokenManager.revoke(input.code) // @TODO (?) in order to protect the user, we should maybe also mark the // account-device association as expired ? throw err } } async refreshTokenGrant( client: Client, clientAuth: ClientAuth, input: OAuthRefreshTokenGrantTokenRequest, dpopJkt: null | string, ): Promise { return this.tokenManager.refresh(client, clientAuth, input, dpopJkt) } /** * @see {@link rfc7009} */ protected async revoke({ token }: OAuthTokenIdentification) { // @TODO this should also remove the account-device association (or, at // least, mark it as expired) await this.tokenManager.revoke(token) } /** * @see {@link rfc7662} */ protected async introspect( credentials: OAuthClientCredentials, { token }: OAuthTokenIdentification, ): Promise { const [client, clientAuth] = await this.authenticateClient(credentials) // RFC7662 states the following: // // > To prevent token scanning attacks, the endpoint MUST also require some // > form of authorization to access this endpoint, such as client // > authentication as described in OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] or a separate OAuth // > 2.0 access token such as the bearer token described in OAuth 2.0 Bearer // > Token Usage [RFC6750]. The methods of managing and validating these // > authentication credentials are out of scope of this specification. if (clientAuth.method === 'none') { throw new UnauthorizedClientError('Client authentication required') } const start = try { const tokenInfo = await this.tokenManager.clientTokenInfo( client, clientAuth, token, ) return { active: true, scope:, client_id:, username: tokenInfo.account.preferred_username, token_type: ? 'DPoP' : 'Bearer', authorization_details: ?? undefined, aud: tokenInfo.account.aud, exp: dateToEpoch(, iat: dateToEpoch(, iss: this.signer.issuer, jti:, sub: tokenInfo.account.sub, } } catch (err) { // Prevent brute force & timing attack (only for inactive tokens) await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 750 - ( - start))) return { active: false, } } } protected override async authenticateToken( tokenType: OAuthTokenType, token: OAuthAccessToken, dpopJkt: string | null, verifyOptions?: VerifyTokenClaimsOptions, ) { if (isTokenId(token)) { this.assertTokenTypeAllowed(tokenType, return this.tokenManager.authenticateTokenId( tokenType, token, dpopJkt, verifyOptions, ) } return super.authenticateToken(tokenType, token, dpopJkt, verifyOptions) } /** * @returns An http request handler that can be used with node's http server * or as a middleware with express / connect. */ public httpHandler< T = void, Req extends IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage, Res extends ServerResponse = ServerResponse, >(options?: RouterOptions): Handler { const router = this.buildRouter(options) return router.buildHandler() } public buildRouter< T = void, Req extends IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage, Res extends ServerResponse = ServerResponse, >(options?: RouterOptions) { const deviceManager = new DeviceManager(this.deviceStore) const outputManager = new OutputManager(this.customization) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const server = this const issuerUrl = new URL(server.issuer) const issuerOrigin = issuerUrl.origin const router = new Router(issuerUrl) // Utils const csrfCookie = (uri: RequestUri) => `csrf-${uri}` const onError = options?.onError ?? (process.env['NODE_ENV'] === 'development' ? (req, res, err, msg): void => console.error(`OAuthProvider error (${msg}):`, err) : undefined) /** * Creates a middleware that will serve static JSON content. */ const staticJson = (json: unknown): Middleware => combineMiddlewares([ function (req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*') res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=300') next() }, staticJsonMiddleware(json), ]) /** * Wrap an OAuth endpoint in a middleware that will set the appropriate * response headers and format the response as JSON. */ const jsonHandler = ( buildJson: (this: T, req: TReq, res: TRes) => Json | Promise, status?: number, ): Handler => async function (req, res) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*') // res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store') res.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') // const dpopNonce = server.nextDpopNonce() if (dpopNonce) { const name = 'DPoP-Nonce' res.setHeader(name, dpopNonce) res.appendHeader('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', name) } try { // Ensure we can agree on a content encoding & type before starting to // build the JSON response. if (!mediaType(req.headers['accept'], ['application/json'])) { throw createHttpError(406, 'Unsupported media type') } const result = await, req, res) if (result !== undefined) { writeJson(res, result, { status }) } else if (!res.headersSent) { res.writeHead(status ?? 204).end() } } catch (err) { if (!res.headersSent) { if (err instanceof WWWAuthenticateError) { const name = 'WWW-Authenticate' res.setHeader(name, err.wwwAuthenticateHeader) res.appendHeader('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', name) } const payload = buildErrorPayload(err) const status = buildErrorStatus(err) writeJson(res, payload, { status }) } else { res.destroy() } // OAuthError are used to build expected responses, so we don't log // them as errors. if (!(err instanceof OAuthError) || err.statusCode >= 500) { onError?.(req, res, err, 'Unexpected error') } } } const navigationHandler = ( handler: (this: T, req: TReq, res: TRes) => void | Promise, ): Handler => async function (req, res) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*') res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store') res.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') try { validateFetchMode(req, res, ['navigate']) validateFetchDest(req, res, ['document']) validateSameOrigin(req, res, issuerOrigin) await, req, res) } catch (err) { onError?.( req, res, err, `Failed to handle navigation request to "${req.url}"`, ) if (!res.headersSent) { await outputManager.sendErrorPage(res, err) } } } /** * Provides a better UX when a request is denied by redirecting to the * client with the error details. This will also log any error that caused * the access to be denied (such as system errors). */ const accessDeniedToRedirectCatcher = ( req: Req, res: Res, err: unknown, ): AuthorizationResultRedirect => { if (err instanceof AccessDeniedError && err.parameters.redirect_uri) { const { cause } = err if (cause) onError?.(req, res, cause, 'Access denied') return { issuer: server.issuer, parameters: err.parameters, redirect: err.toJSON(), } } throw err } //- Public OAuth endpoints router.get( '/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server', staticJson(server.metadata), ) // CORS preflight const corsPreflight: Middleware = function (req, res, _next) { res .writeHead(204, { // // // > For requests without credentials, the literal value "*" can be // > specified as a wildcard; the value tells browsers to allow // > requesting code from any origin to access the resource. // > Attempting to use the wildcard with credentials results in an // > error. // // A "*" is safer to use than reflecting the request origin. 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', // // > The value "*" only counts as a special wildcard value for // > requests without credentials (requests without HTTP cookies or // > HTTP authentication information). In requests with credentials, // > it is treated as the literal method name "*" without special // > semantics. 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type,Authorization,DPoP', 'Access-Control-Max-Age': '86400', // 1 day }) .end() } router.get('/oauth/jwks', staticJson(server.jwks)) router.options('/oauth/par', corsPreflight) '/oauth/par', jsonHandler(async function (req, _res) { const payload = await parseHttpRequest(req, ['json', 'urlencoded']) const credentials = await oauthClientCredentialsSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) const authorizationRequest = await oauthAuthorizationRequestParSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) const dpopJkt = await server.checkDpopProof( req.headers['dpop'], req.method!, this.url, ) return server.pushedAuthorizationRequest( credentials, authorizationRequest, dpopJkt, ) }, 201), ) // // > If the request did not use the POST method, the authorization server // > responds with an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) status code. router.options('/oauth/par', corsPreflight) router.all('/oauth/par', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(405).end() }) router.options('/oauth/token', corsPreflight) '/oauth/token', jsonHandler(async function (req, _res) { const payload = await parseHttpRequest(req, ['json', 'urlencoded']) const credentials = await oauthClientCredentialsSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidClient) const tokenRequest = await oauthTokenRequestSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidGrant) const dpopJkt = await server.checkDpopProof( req.headers['dpop'], req.method!, this.url, ) return server.token(credentials, tokenRequest, dpopJkt) }), ) router.options('/oauth/revoke', corsPreflight) '/oauth/revoke', jsonHandler(async function (req, res) { const payload = await parseHttpRequest(req, ['json', 'urlencoded']) const tokenIdentification = await oauthTokenIdentificationSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) try { await server.revoke(tokenIdentification) } catch (err) { onError?.(req, res, err, 'Failed to revoke token') } }), ) router.options('/oauth/revoke', corsPreflight) router.get( '/oauth/revoke', navigationHandler(async function (req, res) { const query = Object.fromEntries(this.url.searchParams) const tokenIdentification = await oauthTokenIdentificationSchema .parseAsync(query, { path: ['query'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) try { await server.revoke(tokenIdentification) } catch (err) { onError?.(req, res, err, 'Failed to revoke token') } // Same as POST + redirect to callback URL // todo: generate JSONP response (if "callback" is provided) throw new Error( 'You are successfully logged out. Redirect not implemented', ) }), ) '/oauth/introspect', jsonHandler(async function (req, _res) { const payload = await parseHttpRequest(req, ['json', 'urlencoded']) const credentials = await oauthClientCredentialsSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) const tokenIdentification = await oauthTokenIdentificationSchema .parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) return server.introspect(credentials, tokenIdentification) }), ) //- Private authorization endpoints router.use(authorizeAssetsMiddleware()) router.get( '/oauth/authorize', navigationHandler(async function (req, res) { validateFetchSite(req, res, ['cross-site', 'none']) const query = Object.fromEntries(this.url.searchParams) const credentials = await oauthClientCredentialsSchema .parseAsync(query, { path: ['body'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) if ('client_secret' in credentials) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Client secret must not be provided') } const authorizationRequest = await oauthAuthorizationRequestQuerySchema .parseAsync(query, { path: ['query'] }) .catch(throwInvalidRequest) const { deviceId } = await deviceManager.load(req, res) const data = await server .authorize(deviceId, credentials, authorizationRequest) .catch((err) => accessDeniedToRedirectCatcher(req, res, err)) switch (true) { case 'redirect' in data: { return sendAuthorizeRedirect(res, data) } case 'authorize' in data: { await setupCsrfToken(req, res, csrfCookie(data.authorize.uri)) return outputManager.sendAuthorizePage(res, data) } default: { // Should never happen throw new Error('Unexpected authorization result') } } }), ) const signInPayloadSchema = z.object({ csrf_token: z.string(), request_uri: requestUriSchema, client_id: clientIdSchema, credentials: signInCredentialsSchema, }) router.options('/oauth/authorize/sign-in', corsPreflight) '/oauth/authorize/sign-in', jsonHandler(async function (req, res) { validateFetchMode(req, res, ['same-origin']) validateFetchSite(req, res, ['same-origin']) validateSameOrigin(req, res, issuerOrigin) const payload = await parseHttpRequest(req, ['json']) const input = await signInPayloadSchema.parseAsync(payload, { path: ['body'], }) validateReferer(req, res, { origin: issuerOrigin, pathname: '/oauth/authorize', }) validateCsrfToken( req, res, input.csrf_token, csrfCookie(input.request_uri), ) const { deviceId } = await deviceManager.load(req, res, true) return server.signIn( deviceId, input.request_uri, input.client_id, input.credentials, ) }), ) const acceptQuerySchema = z.object({ csrf_token: z.string(), request_uri: requestUriSchema, client_id: clientIdSchema, account_sub: z.string(), }) // Though this is a "no-cors" request, meaning that the browser will allow // any cross-origin request, with credentials, to be sent, the handler will // 1) validate the request origin, // 2) validate the CSRF token, // 3) validate the referer, // 4) validate the sec-fetch-site header, // 4) validate the sec-fetch-mode header, // 5) validate the sec-fetch-dest header (see navigationHandler). // And will error if any of these checks fail. router.get( '/oauth/authorize/accept', navigationHandler(async function (req, res) { validateFetchSite(req, res, ['same-origin']) const query = Object.fromEntries(this.url.searchParams) const input = await acceptQuerySchema.parseAsync(query, { path: ['query'], }) validateReferer(req, res, { origin: issuerOrigin, pathname: '/oauth/authorize', searchParams: [ ['request_uri', input.request_uri], ['client_id', input.client_id], ], }) validateCsrfToken( req, res, input.csrf_token, csrfCookie(input.request_uri), true, ) const { deviceId } = await deviceManager.load(req, res) const data = await server .acceptRequest( deviceId, input.request_uri, input.client_id, input.account_sub, ) .catch((err) => accessDeniedToRedirectCatcher(req, res, err)) return await sendAuthorizeRedirect(res, data) }), ) const rejectQuerySchema = z.object({ csrf_token: z.string(), request_uri: requestUriSchema, client_id: clientIdSchema, }) // Though this is a "no-cors" request, meaning that the browser will allow // any cross-origin request, with credentials, to be sent, the handler will // 1) validate the request origin, // 2) validate the CSRF token, // 3) validate the referer, // 4) validate the sec-fetch-site header, // 4) validate the sec-fetch-mode header, // 5) validate the sec-fetch-dest header (see navigationHandler). // And will error if any of these checks fail. router.get( '/oauth/authorize/reject', navigationHandler(async function (req, res) { validateFetchSite(req, res, ['same-origin']) const query = Object.fromEntries(this.url.searchParams) const input = await rejectQuerySchema.parseAsync(query, { path: ['query'], }) validateReferer(req, res, { origin: issuerOrigin, pathname: '/oauth/authorize', searchParams: [ ['request_uri', input.request_uri], ['client_id', input.client_id], ], }) validateCsrfToken( req, res, input.csrf_token, csrfCookie(input.request_uri), true, ) const { deviceId } = await deviceManager.load(req, res) const data = await server .rejectRequest(deviceId, input.request_uri, input.client_id) .catch((err) => accessDeniedToRedirectCatcher(req, res, err)) return await sendAuthorizeRedirect(res, data) }), ) return router } } function throwInvalidGrant(err: unknown): never { throw new InvalidGrantError( extractZodErrorMessage(err) || 'Invalid grant', err, ) } function throwInvalidClient(err: unknown): never { throw new InvalidClientError( extractZodErrorMessage(err) || 'Client authentication failed', err, ) } function throwInvalidRequest(err: unknown): never { throw new InvalidRequestError( extractZodErrorMessage(err) || 'Input validation error', err, ) } function extractZodErrorMessage(err: unknown): string | undefined { if (err instanceof ZodError) { const issue = err.issues[0] if (issue?.path.length) { // "part" will typically be "body" or "query" const [part, ...path] = issue.path return `Validation of "${path.join('.')}" ${part} parameter failed: ${issue.message}` } } return undefined }