import { TestNetwork, TestOzone, ImageRef, RecordRef, SeedClient, basicSeed, ModeratorClient, } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { AtpAgent, ToolsOzoneModerationEmitEvent } from '@atproto/api' import { AtUri } from '@atproto/syntax' import { forSnapshot } from './_util' import { REASONMISLEADING, REASONOTHER, REASONSPAM, } from '../src/lexicon/types/com/atproto/moderation/defs' import { ModEventLabel, REVIEWCLOSED, REVIEWESCALATED, } from '../src/lexicon/types/tools/ozone/moderation/defs' import { EventReverser } from '../src' import { ImageInvalidator } from '../src/image-invalidator' import { TAKEDOWN_LABEL } from '../src/mod-service' import { ids } from '../src/lexicon/lexicons' describe('moderation', () => { let network: TestNetwork let ozone: TestOzone let mockInvalidator: MockInvalidator let agent: AtpAgent let bskyAgent: AtpAgent let pdsAgent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let modClient: ModeratorClient const repoSubject = (did: string) => ({ $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did, }) const recordSubject = (ref: RecordRef) => ({ $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: ref.uriStr, cid: ref.cidStr, }) const getLabel = async (uri: string, val: string, neg = false) => { return ozone.ctx.db.db .selectFrom('label') .selectAll() .where('uri', '=', uri) .where('val', '=', val) .where('neg', '=', neg) .executeTakeFirst() } beforeAll(async () => { mockInvalidator = new MockInvalidator() network = await TestNetwork.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'ozone_moderation', ozone: { imgInvalidator: mockInvalidator, cdnPaths: ['/path1/%s/%s', '/path2/%s/%s'], }, }) ozone = network.ozone agent = network.ozone.getClient() bskyAgent = network.bsky.getClient() pdsAgent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() modClient = network.ozone.getModClient() await basicSeed(sc) await network.processAll() }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) describe('reporting', () => { it('creates reports of a repo.', async () => { const reportA = await sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, }) const reportB = await sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONOTHER, reason: 'impersonation', subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), reportedBy: sc.dids.carol, }) expect(forSnapshot([reportA, reportB])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it("allows reporting a repo that doesn't exist.", async () => { const promise = sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: repoSubject('did:plc:unknown'), reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, }) await expect(promise).resolves.toBeDefined() }) it('creates reports of a record.', async () => { const postA = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref const postB = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][1].ref const reportA = await sc.createReport({ reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: recordSubject(postA), }) const reportB = await sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONOTHER, reason: 'defamation', subject: recordSubject(postB), reportedBy: sc.dids.carol, }) expect(forSnapshot([reportA, reportB])).toMatchSnapshot() }) it("allows reporting a record that doesn't exist.", async () => { const postA = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref const postB = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][1].ref const postUriBad = new AtUri(postA.uriStr) postUriBad.rkey = 'badrkey' const promiseA = sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: postUriBad.toString(), cid: postA.cidStr, }, reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, }) await expect(promiseA).resolves.toBeDefined() const promiseB = sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONOTHER, reason: 'defamation', subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: postB.uri.toString(), cid: postA.cidStr, // bad cid }, reportedBy: sc.dids.carol, }) await expect(promiseB).resolves.toBeDefined() }) it('creates reports of a DM chat.', async () => { const messageId1 = 'testmessageid1' const messageId2 = 'testmessageid2' const reportA = await sc.createReport({ reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: { $type: 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageRef', did: sc.dids.carol, messageId: messageId1, convoId: 'testconvoid1', }, }) const reportB = await sc.createReport({ reportedBy: sc.dids.carol, reasonType: REASONOTHER, reason: 'defamation', subject: { $type: 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageRef', did: sc.dids.carol, messageId: messageId2, // @TODO convoId intentionally missing, restore once this behavior is deprecated }, }) expect(forSnapshot([reportA, reportB])).toMatchSnapshot() const events = await ozone.ctx.db.db .selectFrom('moderation_event') .selectAll() .where('subjectMessageId', 'in', [messageId1, messageId2]) .where('action', '=', 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReport') .execute() expect(events.length).toBe(2) expect( events.every( (row) => row.subjectType === 'chat.bsky.convo.defs#messageRef', ), ).toBe(true) }) }) describe('actioning', () => { it('resolves reports on repos and records.', async () => { const post = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][1].ref await Promise.all([ sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, }), sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONOTHER, reason: 'defamation', subject: recordSubject(post), reportedBy: sc.dids.carol, }), ]) await modClient.performTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) const moderationStatusOnBobsAccount = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: sc.dids.bob, }) // Validate that subject status is set to review closed and takendown flag is on expect(moderationStatusOnBobsAccount.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ reviewState: REVIEWCLOSED, takendown: true, subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) // Cleanup await modClient.performReverseTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) }) it('supports escalating a subject', async () => { const alicesPostRef = sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref const alicesPostSubject = { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: alicesPostRef.uri.toString(), cid: alicesPostRef.cid.toString(), } await modClient.emitEvent( { event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventEscalate', comment: 'Y', }, subject: alicesPostSubject, createdBy: 'did:example:admin', }, 'triage', ) const alicesPostStatus = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: alicesPostRef.uri.toString(), }) expect(alicesPostStatus.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ reviewState: REVIEWESCALATED, takendown: false, subject: alicesPostSubject, }) }) it('adds persistent comment on subject through comment event', async () => { const alicesPostRef = sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref const alicesPostSubject = { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: alicesPostRef.uri.toString(), cid: alicesPostRef.cid.toString(), } await modClient.emitEvent( { event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventComment', sticky: true, comment: 'This is a persistent note', }, subject: alicesPostSubject, createdBy: 'did:example:admin', }, 'triage', ) const alicesPostStatus = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: alicesPostRef.uri.toString(), }) expect(alicesPostStatus.subjectStatuses[0].comment).toEqual( 'This is a persistent note', ) }) it('reverses status when revert event is triggered.', async () => { const alicesPostRef = sc.posts[sc.dids.alice][0].ref const emitModEvent = async ( event: ToolsOzoneModerationEmitEvent.InputSchema['event'], overwrites: Partial = {}, ) => { const baseAction = { subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: alicesPostRef.uriStr, cid: alicesPostRef.cidStr, }, createdBy: 'did:example:admin', } return modClient.emitEvent({ event, ...baseAction, ...overwrites, }) } // Validate that subject status is marked as escalated await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReport', reportType: REASONSPAM, }) await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReport', reportType: REASONMISLEADING, }) await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventEscalate', }) const alicesPostStatusAfterEscalation = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: alicesPostRef.uriStr, }) expect( alicesPostStatusAfterEscalation.subjectStatuses[0].reviewState, ).toEqual(REVIEWESCALATED) // Validate that subject status is marked as takendown await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventLabel', createLabelVals: ['nsfw'], negateLabelVals: [], }) await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventTakedown', }) const alicesPostStatusAfterTakedown = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: alicesPostRef.uriStr, }) expect(alicesPostStatusAfterTakedown.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ reviewState: REVIEWCLOSED, takendown: true, }) await emitModEvent({ $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReverseTakedown', }) const alicesPostStatusAfterRevert = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: alicesPostRef.uriStr, }) // Validate that after reverting, the status of the subject is reverted to the last status changing event expect(alicesPostStatusAfterRevert.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ reviewState: REVIEWCLOSED, takendown: false, }) // Validate that after reverting, the last review date of the subject // DOES NOT update to the the last status changing event expect( new Date( alicesPostStatusAfterEscalation.subjectStatuses[0] .lastReviewedAt as string, ) < new Date( alicesPostStatusAfterRevert.subjectStatuses[0] .lastReviewedAt as string, ), ).toBeTruthy() }) it('negates an existing label.', async () => { const { ctx } = ozone const post = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref const bobsPostSubject = { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: post.uriStr, cid: post.cidStr, } const modService = ctx.modService(ctx.db) await modService.formatAndCreateLabels(post.uriStr, post.cidStr, { create: ['kittens'], }) await emitLabelEvent({ negateLabelVals: ['kittens'], createLabelVals: [], subject: bobsPostSubject, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual([]) await emitLabelEvent({ createLabelVals: ['kittens'], negateLabelVals: [], subject: bobsPostSubject, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual(['kittens']) // Cleanup await modService.formatAndCreateLabels(post.uriStr, post.cidStr, { negate: ['kittens'], }) }) it('no-ops when negating an already-negated label and reverses.', async () => { const { ctx } = ozone const post = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref const modService = ctx.modService(ctx.db) await emitLabelEvent({ negateLabelVals: ['bears'], createLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: post.uriStr, cid: post.cidStr, }, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual([]) await emitLabelEvent({ createLabelVals: ['bears'], negateLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: post.uriStr, cid: post.cidStr, }, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual(['bears']) // Cleanup await modService.formatAndCreateLabels(post.uriStr, post.cidStr, { negate: ['bears'], }) }) it('creates non-existing labels and reverses.', async () => { const post = sc.posts[sc.dids.bob][0].ref await emitLabelEvent({ createLabelVals: ['puppies', 'doggies'], negateLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: post.uriStr, cid: post.cidStr, }, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual([ 'puppies', 'doggies', ]) await emitLabelEvent({ negateLabelVals: ['puppies', 'doggies'], createLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri: post.uriStr, cid: post.cidStr, }, }) await expect(getRecordLabels(post.uriStr)).resolves.toEqual([]) }) it('creates labels on a repo and reverses.', async () => { await emitLabelEvent({ createLabelVals: ['puppies', 'doggies'], negateLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) await expect(getRepoLabels(sc.dids.bob)).resolves.toEqual([ 'puppies', 'doggies', ]) await emitLabelEvent({ negateLabelVals: ['puppies', 'doggies'], createLabelVals: [], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) await expect(getRepoLabels(sc.dids.bob)).resolves.toEqual([]) }) it('creates and negates labels on a repo and reverses.', async () => { const { ctx } = ozone const modService = ctx.modService(ctx.db) await modService.formatAndCreateLabels(sc.dids.bob, null, { create: ['kittens'], }) await emitLabelEvent({ createLabelVals: ['puppies'], negateLabelVals: ['kittens'], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) await expect(getRepoLabels(sc.dids.bob)).resolves.toEqual(['puppies']) await emitLabelEvent({ negateLabelVals: ['puppies'], createLabelVals: ['kittens'], subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) await expect(getRepoLabels(sc.dids.bob)).resolves.toEqual(['kittens']) }) it('does not allow triage moderators to label.', async () => { const attemptLabel = modClient.emitEvent( { event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventLabel', negateLabelVals: ['a'], createLabelVals: ['b', 'c'], }, createdBy: 'did:example:moderator', reason: 'Y', subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }, 'triage', ) await expect(attemptLabel).rejects.toThrow( 'Must be a full moderator to label content', ) }) it('does not allow take down event on takendown post or reverse takedown on available post.', async () => { await modClient.performTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) await expect( modClient.performTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }), ).rejects.toThrow('Subject is already taken down') // Cleanup await modClient.performReverseTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) await expect( modClient.performReverseTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }), ).rejects.toThrow('Subject is not taken down') }) it('fans out repo takedowns', async () => { await modClient.performTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) await ozone.processAll() const pdsRes1 = await { did: sc.dids.bob, }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( const bskyRes1 = await { did: sc.dids.bob, }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( const takedownLabel1 = await getLabel(sc.dids.bob, TAKEDOWN_LABEL) expect(takedownLabel1).toBeDefined() // cleanup await modClient.performReverseTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), }) await ozone.processAll() const pdsRes2 = await { did: sc.dids.bob, }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( const bskyRes2 = await { did: sc.dids.bob, }, { headers: network.bsky.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( const takedownLabel2 = await getLabel(sc.dids.bob, TAKEDOWN_LABEL) expect(takedownLabel2).toBeUndefined() }) it('allows full moderators to takedown.', async () => { await modClient.emitEvent( { event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventTakedown', }, createdBy: 'did:example:moderator', subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }, 'moderator', ) // cleanup await reverse({ subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }) }) it('does not allow non-full moderators to takedown.', async () => { const attemptTakedownTriage = modClient.emitEvent( { event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventTakedown', }, createdBy: 'did:example:moderator', subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: sc.dids.bob, }, }, 'triage', ) await expect(attemptTakedownTriage).rejects.toThrow( 'Must be a full moderator to take this type of action', ) }) it('automatically reverses actions marked with duration', async () => { await sc.createReport({ reasonType: REASONSPAM, subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), reportedBy: sc.dids.alice, }) const action = await modClient.performTakedown({ subject: repoSubject(sc.dids.bob), // Use negative value to set the expiry time in the past so that the action is automatically reversed // right away without having to wait n number of hours for a successful assertion durationInHours: -1, }) await ozone.processAll() const statusesAfterTakedown = await modClient.queryStatuses( { subject: sc.dids.bob }, 'moderator', ) expect(statusesAfterTakedown.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ takendown: true, }) // In the actual app, this will be instantiated and run on server startup const reverser = new EventReverser( network.ozone.ctx.db, // @ts-expect-error Error due to circular dependency with the dev-env package network.ozone.ctx.modService, ) await reverser.findAndRevertDueActions() await ozone.processAll() const [eventList, statuses] = await Promise.all([ modClient.queryEvents({ subject: sc.dids.bob }, 'moderator'), modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: sc.dids.bob }, 'moderator'), ]) expect(statuses.subjectStatuses[0]).toMatchObject({ takendown: false, reviewState: REVIEWCLOSED, }) // Verify that the automatic reversal is attributed to the original moderator of the temporary action // and that the reason is set to indicate that the action was automatically reversed. expect([0]).toMatchObject({ createdBy: action.createdBy, event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReverseTakedown', comment: '[SCHEDULED_REVERSAL] Reverting action as originally scheduled', }, }) }) async function emitLabelEvent( opts: Partial & { subject: ToolsOzoneModerationEmitEvent.InputSchema['subject'] createLabelVals: ModEventLabel['createLabelVals'] negateLabelVals: ModEventLabel['negateLabelVals'] }, ) { const { createLabelVals, negateLabelVals } = opts const result = await modClient.emitEvent({ event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventLabel', createLabelVals, negateLabelVals, }, createdBy: 'did:example:admin', reason: 'Y', ...opts, }) return } async function reverse( opts: Partial & { subject: ToolsOzoneModerationEmitEvent.InputSchema['subject'] }, ) { await modClient.emitEvent({ event: { $type: 'tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEventReverseTakedown', }, createdBy: 'did:example:admin', reason: 'Y', ...opts, }) } async function getRecordLabels(uri: string) { const result = await { uri }, { headers: await network.ozone.modHeaders( ids.ToolsOzoneModerationGetRecord, ), }, ) const labels = ?? [] return => l.val) } async function getRepoLabels(did: string) { const result = await { did }, { headers: await network.ozone.modHeaders( ids.ToolsOzoneModerationGetRepo, ), }, ) const labels = ?? [] return => l.val) } }) describe('blob takedown', () => { let post: { ref: RecordRef; images: ImageRef[] } let blob: ImageRef let imageUri: string beforeAll(async () => { const { ctx } = network.bsky post = sc.posts[sc.dids.carol][0] blob = post.images[1] imageUri = ctx.views.imgUriBuilder .getPresetUri( 'feed_thumbnail', sc.dids.carol, blob.image.ref.toString(), ) .replace(ctx.cfg.publicUrl || '', network.bsky.url) // Warm image server cache await fetch(imageUri) const cached = await fetch(imageUri) expect(cached.headers.get('x-cache')).toEqual('hit') await modClient.performTakedown({ subject: recordSubject(post.ref), subjectBlobCids: [blob.image.ref.toString()], }) await ozone.processAll() }) it('sets blobCids in moderation status', async () => { const { subjectStatuses } = await modClient.queryStatuses({ subject: post.ref.uriStr, }) expect(subjectStatuses[0].subjectBlobCids).toEqual([ blob.image.ref.toString(), ]) }) it('prevents resolution of blob', async () => { const blobPath = `/blob/${sc.dids.carol}/${blob.image.ref.toString()}` const resolveBlob = await fetch(`${network.bsky.url}${blobPath}`) expect(resolveBlob.status).toEqual(404) expect(await resolveBlob.json()).toEqual({ error: 'NotFoundError', message: 'Blob not found', }) }) // @TODO add back in with image invalidation, see bluesky-social/atproto#2087 it.skip('prevents image blob from being served, even when cached.', async () => { const fetchImage = await fetch(imageUri) expect(fetchImage.status).toEqual(404) expect(await fetchImage.json()).toMatchObject({ message: 'Blob not found', }) }) it('invalidates the image in the cdn', async () => { const blobCid = blob.image.ref.toString() expect(mockInvalidator.invalidated.length).toBe(1) expect( expect( `/path1/${sc.dids.carol}/${blobCid}`, ) expect( `/path2/${sc.dids.carol}/${blobCid}`, ) }) it('fans takedown out to pds', async () => { const res = await { did: sc.dids.carol, blob: blob.image.ref.toString(), }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( }) it('restores blob when action is reversed.', async () => { await modClient.performReverseTakedown({ subject: recordSubject(post.ref), subjectBlobCids: [blob.image.ref.toString()], }) await ozone.processAll() // Can resolve blob const blobPath = `/blob/${sc.dids.carol}/${blob.image.ref.toString()}` const resolveBlob = await fetch(`${network.bsky.url}${blobPath}`) expect(resolveBlob.status).toEqual(200) // Can fetch through image server const fetchImage = await fetch(imageUri) expect(fetchImage.status).toEqual(200) const size = Number(fetchImage.headers.get('content-length')) expect(size).toBeGreaterThan(9000) }) it('fans reversal out to pds', async () => { const res = await { did: sc.dids.carol, blob: blob.image.ref.toString(), }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders() }, ) expect( }) }) }) class MockInvalidator implements ImageInvalidator { invalidated: { subject: string; paths: string[] }[] = [] async invalidate(subject: string, paths: string[]) { this.invalidated.push({ subject, paths }) } }