import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { EXAMPLE_LABELER, TestNetwork } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { DisconnectError, Subscription } from '@atproto/xrpc-server' import { ids, lexicons } from '../src/lexicon/lexicons' import { Label } from '../src/lexicon/types/com/atproto/label/defs' import { Secp256k1Keypair, verifySignature } from '@atproto/crypto' import { cborEncode } from '@atproto/common' import { ModerationService } from '../src/mod-service' import { OutputSchema as LabelMessage, isLabels, } from '../src/lexicon/types/com/atproto/label/subscribeLabels' import { getSigningKeyId } from '../src/util' describe('ozone query labels', () => { let network: TestNetwork let agent: AtpAgent let labels: Label[] beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetwork.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'ozone_query_labels', }) agent = network.ozone.getClient() const toCreate = [ { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'did:example:blah', val: 'spam', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'did:example:blah', val: 'impersonation', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'at://did:example:blah/', val: 'spam', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'at://did:example:blah/', val: 'spam', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'at://did:example:blah/', val: 'spam', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, { src: EXAMPLE_LABELER, uri: 'did:example:thing', val: 'spam', cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, ] const modService = network.ozone.ctx.modService(network.ozone.ctx.db) labels = await modService.createLabels(toCreate) }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) it('returns all labels', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['*'], }) expect( }) it('returns all labels even when an additional pattern is supplied', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['*', 'did:example:blah'], }) expect( }) it('returns all labels that match an exact uri pattern', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['did:example:blah'], }) expect(, 2)) }) it('returns all labels that match one of multiple exact uris', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: [ 'at://did:example:blah/', 'at://did:example:blah/', ], }) expect(, 5)) }) it('returns all labels that match one of multiple uris, exact & glob', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['at://did:example:blah/app.bsky*', 'did:example:blah'], }) expect(, 5)) }) it('paginates', async () => { const res1 = await{ uriPatterns: ['at://did:example:blah/app.bsky*', 'did:example:blah'], limit: 3, }) const res2 = await{ uriPatterns: ['at://did:example:blah/app.bsky*', 'did:example:blah'], limit: 3, cursor:, }) expect([,]).toEqual( labels.slice(0, 5), ) }) it('returns validly signed labels', async () => { const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['*'], }) const signingKey = network.ozone.ctx.signingKey.did() for (const label of { const { sig, } = label if (!sig) { throw new Error('Missing signature') } const encodedLabel = cborEncode(rest) const isValid = await verifySignature(signingKey, encodedLabel, sig) expect(isValid).toBe(true) } }) it('resigns labels if the signingKey changes', async () => { // mock changing the signing key for the service const ctx = network.ozone.ctx const origModServiceFn = ctx.modService const modSrvc = ctx.modService(ctx.db) const newSigningKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const newSigningKeyId = await getSigningKeyId(ctx.db, newSigningKey.did()) ctx.devOverride({ // @ts-ignore modService: ModerationService.creator( newSigningKey, newSigningKeyId, ctx.cfg, modSrvc.backgroundQueue, ctx.idResolver, // @ts-ignore modSrvc.eventPusher, modSrvc.appviewAgent, ctx.serviceAuthHeaders, ), }) const res = await{ uriPatterns: ['*'], }) for (const label of { const { sig, } = label if (!sig) { throw new Error('Missing signature') } const encodedLabel = cborEncode(rest) const isValid = await verifySignature( newSigningKey.did(), encodedLabel, sig, ) expect(isValid).toBe(true) } await network.ozone.processAll() const fromDb = await ctx.db.db.selectFrom('label').selectAll().execute() expect(fromDb.every((row) => row.signingKeyId === newSigningKeyId)).toBe( true, ) ctx.devOverride({ modService: origModServiceFn, }) }) describe('subscribeLabels', () => { it('streams all labels from initial cursor.', async () => { const ac = new AbortController() let doneTimer: NodeJS.Timeout const resetDoneTimer = () => { clearTimeout(doneTimer) doneTimer = setTimeout(() => ac.abort(new DisconnectError()), 100) } const sub = new Subscription({ signal: ac.signal, service: agent.service.origin.replace('http://', 'ws://'), method: ids.ComAtprotoLabelSubscribeLabels, getParams() { return { cursor: 0 } }, validate(obj) { return lexicons.assertValidXrpcMessage( ids.ComAtprotoLabelSubscribeLabels, obj, ) }, }) const streamedLabels: Label[] = [] for await (const message of sub) { resetDoneTimer() if (isLabels(message)) { for (const label of message.labels) { // sigs are currently parsed as a Buffer which is a Uint8Array under the hood, but fails our equality test so we cast to Uint8Array streamedLabels.push({ ...label, sig: label.sig ? new Uint8Array(label.sig) : undefined, }) } } } expect(streamedLabels).toEqual(labels) }) }) })