import * as jose from 'jose' import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { SeedClient, TestNetworkNoAppView } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { createRefreshToken } from '../src/account-manager/helpers/auth' describe('auth', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let agent: AtpAgent beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'auth', }) agent = network.pds.getClient() }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) const createAccount = async (info) => { const { data } = await return data } const getSession = async (jwt) => { const { data } = await {}, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(jwt), }, ) return data } const createSession = async (info) => { const { data } = await return data } const deleteSession = async (jwt) => { await, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(jwt), }) } const refreshSession = async (jwt: string) => { const { data } = await, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(jwt), }) return data } it('provides valid access and refresh token on account creation.', async () => { const email = '' const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'alice.test', email, password: 'password', }) // Valid access token const sessionInfo = await getSession(account.accessJwt) expect(sessionInfo).toEqual({ did: account.did, handle: account.handle, email, emailConfirmed: false, active: true, }) // Valid refresh token const nextSession = await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) expect(nextSession).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ did: account.did, handle: account.handle, }), ) }) it('provides valid access and refresh token on session creation.', async () => { const email = '' await createAccount({ handle: 'bob.test', email, password: 'password', }) const session = await createSession({ identifier: 'bob.test', password: 'password', }) // Valid access token const sessionInfo = await getSession(session.accessJwt) expect(sessionInfo).toEqual({ did: session.did, handle: session.handle, email, emailConfirmed: false, active: true, }) // Valid refresh token const nextSession = await refreshSession(session.refreshJwt) expect(nextSession).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ did: session.did, handle: session.handle, }), ) }) it('allows session creation using email address.', async () => { const session = await createSession({ identifier: '', password: 'password', }) expect(session.handle).toEqual('bob.test') }) it('fails on session creation with a bad password.', async () => { const sessionPromise = createSession({ identifier: 'bob.test', password: 'wrong-pass', }) await expect(sessionPromise).rejects.toThrow( 'Invalid identifier or password', ) }) it('provides valid access and refresh token on session refresh.', async () => { const email = '' const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'carol.test', password: 'password', email, }) const session = await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) // Valid access token const sessionInfo = await getSession(session.accessJwt) expect(sessionInfo).toEqual({ did: session.did, handle: session.handle, email, emailConfirmed: false, active: true, }) // Valid refresh token const nextSession = await refreshSession(session.refreshJwt) expect(nextSession).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ did: session.did, handle: session.handle, }), ) }) it('handles racing refreshes', async () => { const email = '' const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'dan.test', password: 'password', email, }) const tokenIdPromises: Promise[] = [] const doRefresh = async () => { const res = await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) const decoded = jose.decodeJwt(res.refreshJwt) if (!decoded?.jti) { throw new Error('undefined jti on refresh token') } return decoded.jti } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tokenIdPromises.push(doRefresh()) } const tokenIds = await Promise.all(tokenIdPromises) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { expect(tokenIds[i]).toEqual(tokenIds[0]) } }) it('refresh token provides new token with same id on multiple uses during grace period.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'eve.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) const refresh1 = await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) const refresh2 = await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) const token0 = jose.decodeJwt(account.refreshJwt) const token1 = jose.decodeJwt(refresh1.refreshJwt) const token2 = jose.decodeJwt(refresh2.refreshJwt) expect(typeof token1?.jti).toEqual('string') expect(token1?.jti).toEqual(token2?.jti) expect(token1?.jti).not.toEqual(token0?.jti) expect(token2?.jti).not.toEqual(token0?.jti) }) it('refresh token is revoked after grace period completes.', async () => { const { db } = network.pds.ctx.accountManager const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'evan.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) await refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) const token = jose.decodeJwt(account.refreshJwt) // Update expiration (i.e. grace period) to end immediately const refreshUpdated = await db.db .updateTable('refresh_token') .set({ expiresAt: new Date().toISOString() }) .where('id', '=', token?.jti ?? '') .executeTakeFirst() expect(Number(refreshUpdated.numUpdatedRows)).toEqual(1) // Token can no longer be used const refreshAgain = refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) await expect(refreshAgain).rejects.toThrow('Token has been revoked') // Ensure that token was cleaned-up const refreshInfo = await db.db .selectFrom('refresh_token') .selectAll() .where('id', '=', token?.jti ?? '') .executeTakeFirst() expect(refreshInfo).toBeUndefined() }) it('refresh token is revoked when session is deleted.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'finn.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) await deleteSession(account.refreshJwt) const refreshDeleted = refreshSession(account.refreshJwt) await expect(refreshDeleted).rejects.toThrow('Token has been revoked') await deleteSession(account.refreshJwt) // No problem double-revoking a token }) it('access token cannot be used to refresh a session.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'gordon.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) const refreshWithAccess = refreshSession(account.accessJwt) await expect(refreshWithAccess).rejects.toThrow('Invalid token type') }) it('expired refresh token cannot be used to refresh a session.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'holga.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) const refreshJwt = await createRefreshToken({ did: account.did, jwtKey: network.pds.jwtSecretKey(), serviceDid: network.pds.ctx.cfg.service.did, expiresIn: -1, }) const refreshExpired = refreshSession(refreshJwt) await expect(refreshExpired).rejects.toThrow('Token has expired') await deleteSession(refreshJwt) // No problem revoking an expired token }) it('actor takedown disallows fresh session.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'iris.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) await { subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: account.did, }, takedown: { applied: true }, }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: { authorization: network.pds.adminAuth() }, }, ) await expect( createSession({ identifier: 'iris.test', password: 'password' }), ).rejects.toMatchObject({ error: 'AccountTakedown', }) }) it('actor takedown disallows refresh session.', async () => { const account = await createAccount({ handle: 'jared.test', email: '', password: 'password', }) await { subject: { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: account.did, }, takedown: { applied: true }, }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: { authorization: network.pds.adminAuth() }, }, ) await expect(refreshSession(account.refreshJwt)).rejects.toMatchObject({ error: 'AccountTakedown', }) }) })