import { TestNetworkNoAppView, SeedClient } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { AtpAgent, BlobRef } from '@atproto/api' import { ids } from '../src/lexicon/lexicons' import { AppContext } from '../src' describe('blob deletes', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let agent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let ctx: AppContext let alice: string let bob: string beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'blob_deletes', }) // @ts-expect-error Error due to circular dependency with the dev-env package ctx = network.pds.ctx agent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() await sc.createAccount('alice', { email: '', handle: 'alice.test', password: 'alice-pass', }) await sc.createAccount('bob', { email: '', handle: 'bob.test', password: 'bob-pass', }) alice = sc.dids.alice bob = sc.dids.bob }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) const getDbBlobsForDid = (did: string) => { return, (store) => store.db.db.selectFrom('blob').selectAll().execute(), ) } it('deletes blob when record is deleted', async () => { const img = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-portrait-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const post = await, 'test', undefined, [img]) await sc.deletePost(alice, post.ref.uri) await network.processAll() const dbBlobs = await getDbBlobsForDid(alice) expect(dbBlobs.length).toBe(0) const hasImg = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img.image.ref) expect(hasImg).toBeFalsy() }) it('deletes blob when blob-ref in record is updated', async () => { const img = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-portrait-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const img2 = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) await updateProfile(sc, alice, img.image, img.image) await updateProfile(sc, alice, img2.image, img2.image) await network.processAll() const dbBlobs = await getDbBlobsForDid(alice) expect(dbBlobs.length).toBe(1) expect(dbBlobs[0].cid).toEqual(img2.image.ref.toString()) const hasImg = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img.image.ref) expect(hasImg).toBeFalsy() const hasImg2 = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img2.image.ref) expect(hasImg2).toBeTruthy() // reset await updateProfile(sc, alice) }) it('does not delete blob when blob-ref in record is not updated', async () => { const img = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-portrait-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const img2 = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) await updateProfile(sc, alice, img.image, img.image) await updateProfile(sc, alice, img.image, img2.image) await network.processAll() const dbBlobs = await getDbBlobsForDid(alice) expect(dbBlobs.length).toBe(2) const hasImg = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img.image.ref) expect(hasImg).toBeTruthy() const hasImg2 = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img2.image.ref) expect(hasImg2).toBeTruthy() await updateProfile(sc, alice) }) it('does not delete blob when blob is reused by another record in same commit', async () => { const img = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-portrait-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const post = await, 'post', undefined, [img]) await { repo: alice, writes: [ { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.applyWrites#delete', collection: '', rkey: post.ref.uri.rkey, }, { $type: 'com.atproto.repo.applyWrites#create', collection: '', value: { text: 'post2', embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.images', images: [ { image: img.image, alt: 'alt', }, ], }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, }, ], }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice) }, ) await network.processAll() const dbBlobs = await getDbBlobsForDid(alice) expect(dbBlobs.length).toBe(1) const hasImg = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(img.image.ref) expect(hasImg).toBeTruthy() }) it('does delete blob from user blob store if another user is using it', async () => { const imgAlice = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const imgBob = await sc.uploadFile( bob, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const postAlice = await, 'post', undefined, [imgAlice]) await, 'post', undefined, [imgBob]) await sc.deletePost(alice, postAlice.ref.uri) await network.processAll() const hasImg = await ctx.blobstore(alice).hasStored(imgAlice.image.ref) expect(hasImg).toBeFalsy() }) }) async function updateProfile( sc: SeedClient, did: string, avatar?: BlobRef, banner?: BlobRef, ) { return await { repo: did, collection: ids.AppBskyActorProfile, rkey: 'self', record: { avatar: avatar, banner: banner, }, }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(did) }, ) }