import * as os from 'node:os' import * as path from 'node:path' import assert from 'node:assert' import { decodeJwt } from 'jose' import * as plcLib from '@did-plc/lib' import { parseReqNsid } from '@atproto/xrpc-server' import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { Secp256k1Keypair, randomStr } from '@atproto/crypto' import { SeedClient, TestPds, TestPlc, mockResolvers } from '@atproto/dev-env' import * as pdsEntryway from '@atproto/pds-entryway' import * as ui8 from 'uint8arrays' import getPort from 'get-port' describe('entryway', () => { let plc: TestPlc let pds: TestPds let entryway: pdsEntryway.PDS let pdsAgent: AtpAgent let entrywayAgent: AtpAgent let alice: string let accessToken: string beforeAll(async () => { const jwtSigningKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create({ exportable: true }) const plcRotationKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create({ exportable: true }) const entrywayPort = await getPort() plc = await TestPlc.create({}) pds = await TestPds.create({ entrywayUrl: `http://localhost:${entrywayPort}`, entrywayDid: 'did:example:entryway', entrywayJwtVerifyKeyK256PublicKeyHex: getPublicHex(jwtSigningKey), entrywayPlcRotationKey: plcRotationKey.did(), adminPassword: 'admin-pass', serviceHandleDomains: [], didPlcUrl: plc.url, serviceDid: 'did:example:pds', inviteRequired: false, }) entryway = await createEntryway({ dbPostgresSchema: 'entryway', port: entrywayPort, adminPassword: 'admin-pass', jwtSigningKeyK256PrivateKeyHex: await getPrivateHex(jwtSigningKey), plcRotationKeyK256PrivateKeyHex: await getPrivateHex(plcRotationKey), inviteRequired: false, serviceDid: 'did:example:entryway', didPlcUrl: plc.url, }) mockResolvers(pds.ctx.idResolver, pds) mockResolvers(entryway.ctx.idResolver, pds) await entryway.ctx.db.db .insertInto('pds') .values({ did: pds.ctx.cfg.service.did, host: new URL(pds.ctx.cfg.service.publicUrl).host, weight: 1, }) .execute() pdsAgent = pds.getClient() entrywayAgent = new AtpAgent({ service: entryway.ctx.cfg.service.publicUrl, }) }) afterAll(async () => { await plc.close() await entryway.destroy() await pds.close() }) it('creates account.', async () => { const res = await{ email: '', handle: 'alice.test', password: 'test123', }) alice = accessToken = const account = await pds.ctx.accountManager.getAccount(alice) expect(account?.did).toEqual(alice) expect(account?.handle).toEqual('alice.test') }) it('auths with both services.', async () => { const entrywaySession = await, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(accessToken), }) const pdsSession = await undefined, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(accessToken) }, ) expect( }) it('updates handle from pds.', async () => { await { handle: 'alice2.test' }, { headers: SeedClient.getHeaders(accessToken), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) const doc = await pds.ctx.idResolver.did.resolve(alice) const handleToDid = await pds.ctx.idResolver.handle.resolve('alice2.test') const accountFromPds = await pds.ctx.accountManager.getAccount(alice) const accountFromEntryway = await .account(entryway.ctx.db) .getAccount(alice) expect(doc?.alsoKnownAs).toEqual(['at://alice2.test']) expect(handleToDid).toEqual(alice) expect(accountFromPds?.handle).toEqual('alice2.test') expect(accountFromEntryway?.handle).toEqual('alice2.test') }) it('updates handle from entryway.', async () => { await { handle: 'alice3.test' }, await pds.ctx.serviceAuthHeaders( alice, 'did:example:entryway', 'com.atproto.identity.updateHandle', ), ) const doc = await entryway.ctx.idResolver.did.resolve(alice) const handleToDid = await entryway.ctx.idResolver.handle.resolve('alice3.test') const accountFromPds = await pds.ctx.accountManager.getAccount(alice) const accountFromEntryway = await .account(entryway.ctx.db) .getAccount(alice) expect(doc?.alsoKnownAs).toEqual(['at://alice3.test']) expect(handleToDid).toEqual(alice) expect(accountFromPds?.handle).toEqual('alice3.test') expect(accountFromEntryway?.handle).toEqual('alice3.test') }) it('does not allow bringing own op to account creation.', async () => { const { data: { signingKey }, } = await{}) const rotationKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const plcCreate = await plcLib.createOp({ signingKey, rotationKeys: [rotationKey.did(), entryway.ctx.plcRotationKey.did()], handle: 'weirdalice.test', pds: pds.ctx.cfg.service.publicUrl, signer: rotationKey, }) const tryCreateAccount ={ did: plcCreate.did, plcOp: plcCreate.op, handle: 'weirdalice.test', }) await expect(tryCreateAccount).rejects.toThrow('invalid plc operation') }) }) const createEntryway = async ( config: pdsEntryway.ServerEnvironment & { adminPassword: string jwtSigningKeyK256PrivateKeyHex: string plcRotationKeyK256PrivateKeyHex: string }, ) => { const signingKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create({ exportable: true }) const recoveryKey = await Secp256k1Keypair.create({ exportable: true }) const env: pdsEntryway.ServerEnvironment = { isEntryway: true, recoveryDidKey: recoveryKey.did(), serviceHandleDomains: ['.test'], dbPostgresUrl: process.env.DB_POSTGRES_URL, blobstoreDiskLocation: path.join(os.tmpdir(), randomStr(8, 'base32')), bskyAppViewUrl: 'https://appview.invalid', bskyAppViewDid: 'did:example:invalid', bskyAppViewCdnUrlPattern: '', jwtSecret: randomStr(8, 'base32'), repoSigningKeyK256PrivateKeyHex: await getPrivateHex(signingKey), modServiceUrl: 'https://mod.invalid', modServiceDid: 'did:example:invalid', ...config, } const cfg = pdsEntryway.envToCfg(env) const secrets = pdsEntryway.envToSecrets(env) const server = await pdsEntryway.PDS.create(cfg, secrets) await server.ctx.db.migrateToLatestOrThrow() await server.start() // patch entryway access token verification to handle internal service auth pds -> entryway const origValidateAccessToken = server.ctx.authVerifier.validateAccessToken.bind(server.ctx.authVerifier) server.ctx.authVerifier.validateAccessToken = async (req, scopes) => { const jwt = req.headers.authorization?.replace('Bearer ', '') ?? '' const claims = decodeJwt(jwt) if (claims.aud === 'did:example:entryway') { assert(claims.lxm === parseReqNsid(req), 'bad lxm claim in service auth') assert(claims.aud, 'missing aud claim in service auth') assert(claims.iss, 'missing iss claim in service auth') return { artifacts: jwt, credentials: { type: 'access', scope: 'com.atproto.access' as any, audience: claims.aud, did: claims.iss, }, } } return origValidateAccessToken(req, scopes) } // @TODO temp hack because entryway teardown calls by mistake = server.ctx.signupActivator.destroy return server } const getPublicHex = (key: Secp256k1Keypair) => { return key.publicKeyStr('hex') } const getPrivateHex = async (key: Secp256k1Keypair) => { return ui8.toString(await key.export(), 'hex') }