import { TestNetworkNoAppView, SeedClient } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { IdResolver } from '@atproto/identity' import basicSeed from './seeds/basic' import { AppContext } from '../src' // outside of suite so they can be used in mock let alice: string let bob: string jest.mock('dns/promises', () => { return { resolveTxt: (domain: string) => { if (domain === '_atproto.alice.external') { return [[`did=${alice}`]] } if (domain === '_atproto.bob.external') { return [[`did=${bob}`]] } return [] }, } }) describe('handles', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let agent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let ctx: AppContext let idResolver: IdResolver const newHandle = 'alice2.test' beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'handles', }) // @ts-expect-error Error due to circular dependency with the dev-env package ctx = network.pds.ctx idResolver = new IdResolver({ plcUrl: ctx.cfg.identity.plcUrl }) agent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() await basicSeed(sc) alice = sc.dids.alice bob = sc.dids.bob }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) const getHandleFromDb = async (did: string): Promise => { const res = await ctx.accountManager.getAccount(did) return res?.handle ?? undefined } it('resolves handles', async () => { const res = await{ handle: 'alice.test', }) expect( }) it('resolves non-normalize handles', async () => { const res = await{ handle: 'aLicE.tEst', }) expect( }) it('allows a user to change their handle', async () => { await { handle: newHandle }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) const attemptOld ={ handle: 'alice.test', }) await expect(attemptOld).rejects.toThrow('Unable to resolve handle') const attemptNew = await{ handle: newHandle, }) expect( }) it('updates their did document', async () => { const data = await idResolver.did.resolveAtprotoData(alice) expect(data.handle).toBe(newHandle) }) it('allows a user to login with their new handle', async () => { const res = await{ identifier: newHandle, password: sc.accounts[alice].password, }) sc.accounts[alice].accessJwt = sc.accounts[alice].refreshJwt = }) it('does not allow taking a handle that already exists', async () => { const attempt = { handle: 'Bob.test' }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow('Handle already taken: bob.test') }) it('handle updates are idempotent', async () => { await { handle: 'Bob.test' }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(bob), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) }) it('if handle update fails, it does not update their did document', async () => { const data = await idResolver.did.resolveAtprotoData(alice) expect(data.handle).toBe(newHandle) }) it('disallows improperly formatted handles', async () => { const tryHandle = async (handle: string) => { await { handle }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) } await expect(tryHandle('did:john')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('')).rejects.toThrow( 'External handle did not resolve to DID', ) await expect(tryHandle('j.test')).rejects.toThrow('Handle too short') await expect(tryHandle('jayromy-johnber12345678910.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Handle too long', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo_hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo!hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo%hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo&hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo*hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo|hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo:hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('jo/hn.test')).rejects.toThrow( 'Input/handle must be a valid handle', ) await expect(tryHandle('about.test')).rejects.toThrow('Reserved handle') await expect(tryHandle('atp.test')).rejects.toThrow('Reserved handle') }) it('allows updating to a dns handles', async () => { await { handle: 'alice.external', }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) const dbHandle = await getHandleFromDb(alice) expect(dbHandle).toBe('alice.external') const data = await idResolver.did.resolveAtprotoData(alice) expect(data.handle).toBe('alice.external') }) it('does not allow updating to an invalid dns handle', async () => { const attempt = { handle: 'bob.external', }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow( 'External handle did not resolve to DID', ) const attempt2 = { handle: 'noexist.external', }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), encoding: 'application/json' }, ) await expect(attempt2).rejects.toThrow( 'External handle did not resolve to DID', ) const dbHandle = await getHandleFromDb(alice) expect(dbHandle).toBe('alice.external') }) it('allows admin overrules of service domains', async () => { await { did: bob, handle: 'bob-alt.test', }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) const dbHandle = await getHandleFromDb(bob) expect(dbHandle).toBe('bob-alt.test') }) it('allows admin override of reserved domains', async () => { await { did: bob, handle: 'dril.test', }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) const dbHandle = await getHandleFromDb(bob) expect(dbHandle).toBe('dril.test') }) it('requires admin auth', async () => { const attempt = { did: bob, handle: 'bob-alt.test', }, { headers: sc.getHeaders(bob), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow('Authentication Required') const attempt2 ={ did: bob, handle: 'bob-alt.test', }) await expect(attempt2).rejects.toThrow('Authentication Required') }) })