import { AtpAgent, ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount } from '@atproto/api' import { DAY } from '@atproto/common' import * as crypto from '@atproto/crypto' import { TestNetworkNoAppView } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { AppContext } from '../src' import { genInvCodes } from '../src/api/com/atproto/server/util' describe('account', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let ctx: AppContext let agent: AtpAgent beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'invite_codes', pds: { inviteRequired: true, inviteInterval: DAY, inviteEpoch: - 3 * DAY, }, }) // @ts-expect-error Error due to circular dependency with the dev-env package ctx = network.pds.ctx agent = network.pds.getClient() }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) it('describes the fact that invites are required', async () => { const res = await{}) expect( }) it('succeeds with a valid code', async () => { const code = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1) await createAccountWithInvite(agent, code) }) it('fails on bad invite code', async () => { const promise = createAccountWithInvite(agent, 'fake-invite') await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow( ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount.InvalidInviteCodeError, ) }) it('fails on invite code from takendown account', async () => { const account = await makeLoggedInAccount(network, agent) // assign an invite code to the user const code = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1, account.did) // takedown the user's account const subject = { $type: 'com.atproto.admin.defs#repoRef', did: account.did, } await { subject, takedown: { applied: true }, }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), }, ) // attempt to create account with the previously generated invite code const promise = createAccountWithInvite(agent, code) await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow( ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount.InvalidInviteCodeError, ) // double check that reversing the takedown action makes the invite code valid again await { subject, takedown: { applied: false }, }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), }, ) // attempt to create account with the previously generated invite code await createAccountWithInvite(agent, code) }) it('fails on used up invite code', async () => { const code = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 2) await createAccountsWithInvite(agent, code, 2) const promise = createAccountWithInvite(agent, code) await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow( ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount.InvalidInviteCodeError, ) }) it('handles racing invite code uses', async () => { const inviteCode = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1) const COUNT = 10 let successes = 0 let failures = 0 const promises: Promise[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { const attempt = async () => { try { await createAccountWithInvite(agent, inviteCode) successes++ } catch (err) { failures++ } } promises.push(attempt()) } await Promise.all(promises) expect(successes).toBe(1) expect(failures).toBe(9) }) it('allow users to get available user invites', async () => { const account = await makeLoggedInAccount(network, agent) // no codes available yet const res1 = await expect( // next, pretend account was made 2 days in the past const twoDaysAgo = new Date( - 2 * DAY).toISOString() await ctx.accountManager.db.db .updateTable('actor') .set({ createdAt: twoDaysAgo }) .where('did', '=', account.accountDid) .execute() const res2 = await expect( // use both invites and confirm we can't get any more for (const code of { await createAccountWithInvite(agent, code.code) } const res3 = await expect( }) it('admin gifted codes to not impact a users available codes', async () => { const account = await makeLoggedInAccount(network, agent) // again, pretend account was made 2 days ago const twoDaysAgo = new Date( - 2 * DAY).toISOString() await ctx.accountManager.db.db .updateTable('actor') .set({ createdAt: twoDaysAgo }) .where('did', '=', account.accountDid) .execute() await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1, account.accountDid) await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1, account.accountDid) await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1, account.accountDid) const res = await expect( const fromAdmin = (code) => code.createdBy === 'admin', ) expect(fromAdmin.length).toBe(3) const fromSelf = (code) => code.createdBy === account.accountDid, ) expect(fromSelf.length).toBe(2) }) it('creates invites based on epoch', async () => { const account = await makeLoggedInAccount(network, agent) // first, pretend account was made 2 days ago & get those two codes const twoDaysAgo = new Date( - 2 * DAY).toISOString() await ctx.accountManager.db.db .updateTable('actor') .set({ createdAt: twoDaysAgo }) .where('did', '=', account.accountDid) .execute() const res1 = await expect( // then pretend account was made ever so slightly over 10 days ago const tenDaysAgo = new Date( - 10.01 * DAY).toISOString() await ctx.accountManager.db.db .updateTable('actor') .set({ createdAt: tenDaysAgo }) .where('did', '=', account.accountDid) .execute() // we have a 3 day epoch so should still get 3 code const res2 = await expect( // use up these codes for (const code of { await createAccountWithInvite(agent, code.code) } // we pad their account with some additional unused codes from the past which should not allow them to generate anymore const inviteRows = genInvCodes(ctx.cfg, 10).map((code) => ({ code: code, availableUses: 1, disabled: 0 as const, forAccount: account.accountDid, createdBy: account.accountDid, createdAt: new Date( - 5 * DAY).toISOString(), })) await ctx.accountManager.db.db .insertInto('invite_code') .values(inviteRows) .execute() const res3 = await{ includeUsed: false, }) expect( // no we use the codes which should still not allow them to generate anymore await ctx.accountManager.db.db .insertInto('invite_code_use') .values( => ({ code: row.code, usedBy: 'did:example:test', usedAt: new Date().toISOString(), })), ) .execute() const res4 = await{ includeUsed: false, }) expect( }) it('prevents use of disabled codes', async () => { const first = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1) const account = await makeLoggedInAccount(network, agent) const second = await createInviteCode(network, agent, 1, account.accountDid) // disabled first by code & second by did await { codes: [first], accounts: [account.accountDid], }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) await expect(createAccountWithInvite(agent, first)).rejects.toThrow( ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount.InvalidInviteCodeError, ) await expect(createAccountWithInvite(agent, second)).rejects.toThrow( ComAtprotoServerCreateAccount.InvalidInviteCodeError, ) }) it('does not allow disabling all admin codes', async () => { const attempt = { accounts: ['admin'], }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow('cannot disable admin invite codes') }) it('creates many invite codes', async () => { const accounts = ['did:example:one', 'did:example:two', 'did:example:three'] const res = await { useCount: 2, codeCount: 2, forAccounts: accounts, }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) expect( const fromDb = await ctx.accountManager.db.db .selectFrom('invite_code') .selectAll() .where('forAccount', 'in', accounts) .execute() expect(fromDb.length).toBe(6) const dbCodesByUser = {} for (const row of fromDb) { expect(row.disabled).toBe(0) expect(row.availableUses).toBe(2) dbCodesByUser[row.forAccount] ??= [] dbCodesByUser[row.forAccount].push(row.code) } for (const { account, codes } of { expect(codes.length).toBe(2) expect(codes.sort()).toEqual(dbCodesByUser[account].sort()) } }) }) const createInviteCode = async ( network: TestNetworkNoAppView, agent: AtpAgent, uses: number, forAccount?: string, ): Promise => { const res = await { useCount: uses, forAccount }, { headers: network.pds.adminAuthHeaders(), encoding: 'application/json', }, ) return } const createAccountWithInvite = async (agent: AtpAgent, code: string) => { const name = crypto.randomStr(5, 'base32') const res = await{ email: `${name}`, handle: `${name}.test`, password: name, inviteCode: code, }) return {, password: name, } } const createAccountsWithInvite = async ( agent: AtpAgent, code: string, count = 0, ) => { for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { await createAccountWithInvite(agent, code) } } const makeLoggedInAccount = async ( network: TestNetworkNoAppView, inviterAgent: AtpAgent, ) => { const code = await createInviteCode(network, inviterAgent, 1) const account = await createAccountWithInvite(inviterAgent, code) const agent = network.pds.getClient() await agent.login({ identifier: account.handle, password: account.password, }) return agent }