import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { Secp256k1Keypair } from '@atproto/crypto' import { SeedClient, TestNetworkNoAppView, basicSeed } from '@atproto/dev-env' import * as plc from '@did-plc/lib' import assert from 'assert' import { once } from 'events' import Mail from 'nodemailer/lib/mailer' import { EventEmitter } from 'stream' import { AppContext } from '../src' import { check } from '@atproto/common' describe('plc operations', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let ctx: AppContext let agent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient const mailCatcher = new EventEmitter() let _origSendMail let alice: string let sampleKey: string beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'plc_operations', }) // @ts-expect-error Error due to circular dependency with the dev-env package ctx = network.pds.ctx const mailer = ctx.mailer sc = network.getSeedClient() agent = network.pds.getClient() await basicSeed(sc) alice = sc.dids.alice await network.processAll() sampleKey = (await Secp256k1Keypair.create()).did() // Catch emails for use in tests _origSendMail = mailer.transporter.sendMail mailer.transporter.sendMail = async (opts) => { const result = await, opts) mailCatcher.emit('mail', opts) return result } }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) const getMailFrom = async (promise): Promise => { const result = await Promise.all([once(mailCatcher, 'mail'), promise]) return result[0][0] } const getTokenFromMail = (mail: Mail.Options) => mail.html?.toString().match(/>([a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{5})) => { const lastOp = await ctx.plcClient.getLastOp(did) if (, plc.def.tombstone)) { throw new Error('Did is tombstoned') } return plc.createUpdateOp(lastOp, ctx.plcRotationKey, (lastOp) => ({ ...lastOp, rotationKeys: op.rotationKeys ?? lastOp.rotationKeys, alsoKnownAs: op.alsoKnownAs ?? lastOp.alsoKnownAs, verificationMethods: op.verificationMethods ?? lastOp.verificationMethods, services: ??, })) } const expectFailedOp = async ( did: string, op: Partial, expectedErr?: string, ) => { const operation = await signOp(did, op) const attempt = { operation }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow(expectedErr) } it("prevents submitting an operation that removes the server's rotation key", async () => { await expectFailedOp( alice, { rotationKeys: [sampleKey] }, "Rotation keys do not include server's rotation key", ) }) it('prevents submitting an operation that incorrectly sets the signing key', async () => { await expectFailedOp( alice, { verificationMethods: { atproto: sampleKey, }, }, 'Incorrect signing key', ) }) it('prevents submitting an operation that incorrectly sets the handle', async () => { await expectFailedOp( alice, { alsoKnownAs: ['at://new-alice.test'], }, 'Incorrect handle in alsoKnownAs', ) }) it('prevents submitting an operation that incorrectly sets the pds endpoint', async () => { await expectFailedOp( alice, { services: { atproto_pds: { type: 'AtprotoPersonalDataServer', endpoint: '', }, }, }, 'Incorrect endpoint on atproto_pds service', ) }) it('prevents submitting an operation that incorrectly sets the pds service type', async () => { await expectFailedOp( alice, { services: { atproto_pds: { type: 'NotAPersonalDataServer', endpoint: ctx.cfg.service.publicUrl, }, }, }, 'Incorrect type on atproto_pds service', ) }) it('does not allow signing plc operation without a token', async () => { const attempt = { rotationKeys: [sampleKey], }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice) }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow( 'email confirmation token required to sign PLC operations', ) }) let token: string it('requests a plc signature', async () => { const mail = await getMailFrom(, { headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), }), ) expect([alice].email) expect(mail.html).toContain('PLC update requested') const gotToken = getTokenFromMail(mail) assert(gotToken) token = gotToken }) it('does not sign a plc operation with a bad token', async () => { const attempt = { token: '123456', rotationKeys: [sampleKey], }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice) }, ) await expect(attempt).rejects.toThrow('Token is invalid') }) let operation: any it('signs a plc operation with a valid token', async () => { const res = await { token, rotationKeys: [sampleKey, ctx.plcRotationKey.did()], }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice) }, ) const currData = await ctx.plcClient.getDocumentData(alice) expect(['alsoKnownAs']).toEqual(currData.alsoKnownAs) expect(['verificationMethods']).toEqual( currData.verificationMethods, ) expect(['services']).toEqual( expect(['rotationKeys']).toEqual([ sampleKey, ctx.plcRotationKey.did(), ]) operation = }) it('submits a valid operation', async () => { await { operation }, { encoding: 'application/json', headers: sc.getHeaders(alice), }, ) const didData = await ctx.plcClient.getDocumentData(alice) expect(didData.rotationKeys).toEqual([sampleKey, ctx.plcRotationKey.did()]) }) it('emits an identity event after a valid operation', async () => { const lastEvt = await ctx.sequencer.db.db .selectFrom('repo_seq') .selectAll() .orderBy('repo_seq.seq', 'desc') .limit(1) .executeTakeFirst() assert(lastEvt) expect(lastEvt.did).toBe(alice) expect(lastEvt.eventType).toBe('identity') }) })