import AtpAgent from '@atproto/api' import { Keypair } from '@atproto/crypto' import { TestNetworkNoAppView } from '@atproto/dev-env' import { LexiconDoc } from '@atproto/lexicon' import * as plc from '@did-plc/lib' import express from 'express' import { once } from 'node:events' import http from 'node:http' import { AddressInfo } from 'node:net' import { setTimeout as sleep } from 'node:timers/promises' const lexicons = [ { lexicon: 1, id: 'com.example.ok', defs: { main: { type: 'query', output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string' } } }, }, }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'com.example.slow', defs: { main: { type: 'query', output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string' } } }, }, }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'com.example.abort', defs: { main: { type: 'query', output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string' } } }, }, }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'com.example.error', defs: { main: { type: 'query', output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string' } } }, }, }, }, }, ] as const satisfies LexiconDoc[] describe('proxy header', () => { let network: TestNetworkNoAppView let alice: AtpAgent let proxyServer: ProxyServer beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetworkNoAppView.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'proxy_catchall', }) const serviceId = 'proxy_test' proxyServer = await ProxyServer.create( network.pds.ctx.plcClient, network.pds.ctx.plcRotationKey, serviceId, ) alice = network.pds.getClient().withProxy(serviceId, proxyServer.did) for (const lex of lexicons) alice.lex.add(lex) await alice.createAccount({ email: '', handle: 'alice.test', password: 'alice-pass', }) await network.processAll() }) afterAll(async () => { await proxyServer?.close() await network?.close() }) it('rejects when upstream unavailable', async () => { const serviceId = 'foo_bar' const proxyServer = await ProxyServer.create( network.pds.ctx.plcClient, network.pds.ctx.plcRotationKey, serviceId, ) // Make sure the service is not available await proxyServer.close() const client = alice.withProxy(serviceId, proxyServer.did) for (const lex of lexicons) client.lex.add(lex) await expect('com.example.ok')).rejects.toThrow( 'Upstream service unreachable', ) }) it('successfully proxies requests', async () => { await expect('com.example.ok')).resolves.toMatchObject({ data: { foo: 'ok' }, success: true, }) }) it('handles cancelled upstream requests', async () => { await expect('com.example.abort')).rejects.toThrow('terminated') }) it('handles failing upstream requests', async () => { await expect('com.example.error')).rejects.toThrowError( expect.objectContaining({ status: 502, error: 'FooBar', message: 'My message', }), ) }) it('handles cancelled downstream requests', async () => { const ac = new AbortController() setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 20) await expect('com.example.slow', {}, undefined, { signal: ac.signal }), ).rejects.toThrow('This operation was aborted') await expect('com.example.slow')).resolves.toMatchObject({ data: { foo: 'slow' }, success: true, }) }) }) class ProxyServer { constructor( private server: http.Server, public did: string, ) {} static async create( plcClient: plc.Client, keypair: Keypair, serviceId: string, ): Promise { const app = express() app.get('/xrpc/com.example.ok', (req, res) => { res.status(200) res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json') res.send('{"foo":"ok"}') }) app.get('/xrpc/com.example.slow', async (req, res) => { const wait = async (ms: number) => { if (res.destroyed) return const ac = new AbortController() const abort = () => ac.abort() res.on('close', abort) try { await sleep(ms, undefined, { signal: ac.signal }) } finally {'close', abort) } } await wait(50) res.status(200) res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json') res.flushHeaders() await wait(50) for (const char of '{"foo":"slow"}') { res.write(char) await wait(10) } res.end() }) app.get('/xrpc/com.example.abort', async (req, res) => { res.status(200) res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json') res.write('{"foo"') await sleep(50) res.destroy(new Error('abort')) }) app.get('/xrpc/com.example.error', async (req, res) => { res.status(500).json({ error: 'FooBar', message: 'My message' }) }) const server = app.listen(0) server.keepAliveTimeout = 30 * 1000 server.headersTimeout = 35 * 1000 await once(server, 'listening') const { port } = server.address() as AddressInfo const plcOp = await plc.signOperation( { type: 'plc_operation', rotationKeys: [keypair.did()], alsoKnownAs: [], verificationMethods: {}, services: { [serviceId]: { type: 'TestAtprotoService', endpoint: `http://localhost:${port}`, }, }, prev: null, }, keypair, ) const did = await plc.didForCreateOp(plcOp) await plcClient.sendOperation(did, plcOp) return new ProxyServer(server, did) } async close() { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.server.close((err) => { if (err) reject(err) else resolve() }) }) } }