import util from 'node:util' import assert from 'node:assert' import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api' import { request } from 'undici' import { TestNetwork, SeedClient, RecordRef } from '@atproto/dev-env' import basicSeed from '../seeds/basic' import { ThreadViewPost } from '../../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/feed/defs' import { View as RecordEmbedView } from '../../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/embed/record' import { View as ExternalEmbedView } from '../../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/embed/external' import { View as ImagesEmbedView } from '../../src/lexicon/types/app/bsky/embed/images' describe('proxy read after write', () => { let network: TestNetwork let agent: AtpAgent let sc: SeedClient let alice: string let carol: string beforeAll(async () => { network = await TestNetwork.create({ dbPostgresSchema: 'proxy_read_after_write', }) agent = network.pds.getClient() sc = network.getSeedClient() await basicSeed(sc, { addModLabels: network.bsky }) await network.processAll() alice = sc.dids.alice carol = sc.dids.carol await network.bsky.sub.destroy() }) afterAll(async () => { await network.close() }) it('handles read after write on profiles', async () => { await sc.updateProfile(alice, { displayName: 'blah' }) const res = await { actor: alice }, { headers: { } }, ) expect('blah') expect( }) it('handles image formatting', async () => { assert(network.pds.ctx.cfg.bskyAppView) const blob = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) await sc.updateProfile(alice, { displayName: 'blah', avatar: blob.image }) const res = await { actor: alice }, { headers: { } }, ) expect( util.format( network.pds.ctx.cfg.bskyAppView.cdnUrlPattern, 'avatar', alice, blob.image.ref.toString(), ), ) }) it('handles read after write on getAuthorFeed', async () => { const res = await { actor: alice }, { headers: { } }, ) for (const item of { if ( === alice) { expect('blah') } } }) let replyRef1: RecordRef let replyRef2: RecordRef it('handles read after write on threads', async () => { const reply1 = await sc.reply( alice, sc.posts[alice][0].ref, sc.posts[alice][0].ref, 'another reply', ) const reply2 = await sc.reply( alice, sc.posts[alice][0].ref, reply1.ref, 'another another reply', ) replyRef1 = reply1.ref replyRef2 = reply2.ref const res = await { uri: sc.posts[alice][0].ref.uriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) const thread = as ThreadViewPost const layerOne = thread.replies as ThreadViewPost[] expect(layerOne.length).toBe(1) expect(layerOne[0].post.uri).toEqual(reply1.ref.uriStr) const layerTwo = layerOne[0].replies as ThreadViewPost[] expect(layerTwo.length).toBe(1) expect(layerTwo[0].post.uri).toEqual(reply2.ref.uriStr) const aliceHandle = sc.accounts[alice].handle const handleUriStr =, aliceHandle) expect(handleUriStr).not.toEqual( const handleRes = await { uri: handleUriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) expect( }) it('handles read after write on a thread that is not found on appview', async () => { const res = await { uri: replyRef1.uriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) const thread = as ThreadViewPost expect( expect((thread.parent as ThreadViewPost).post.uri).toEqual( sc.posts[alice][0].ref.uriStr, ) expect(thread.replies?.length).toEqual(1) expect((thread.replies?.at(0) as ThreadViewPost).post.uri).toEqual( replyRef2.uriStr, ) const aliceHandle = sc.accounts[alice].handle const handleUriStr =, aliceHandle) expect(handleUriStr).not.toEqual( const handleRes = await { uri: handleUriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) expect( }) it('handles read after write on threads with record embeds', async () => { assert(network.pds.ctx.cfg.bskyAppView) const img = await sc.uploadFile( alice, '../dev-env/assets/key-landscape-small.jpg', 'image/jpeg', ) const replyRes1 = await { repo: alice }, { text: 'images test', reply: { root: sc.posts[alice][2].ref.raw, parent: sc.posts[alice][2].ref.raw, }, embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.images', images: [ { image: img.image, aspectRatio: { height: 2, width: 1 }, alt: 'alt text', }, ], }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const replyRes2 = await { repo: alice }, { text: 'external test', reply: { root: sc.posts[alice][2].ref.raw, parent: { uri: replyRes1.uri, cid: replyRes1.cid, }, }, embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.external', external: { uri: '', title: 'TestImage', description: 'testLink', thumb: img.image, }, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const res = await { uri: sc.posts[alice][2].ref.uriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) const replies = as ThreadViewPost[] expect(replies.length).toBe(1) expect(replies[0].post.uri).toEqual(replyRes1.uri) const imgs = replies[0].post.embed as ImagesEmbedView expect(imgs.images[0].fullsize).toEqual( util.format( network.pds.ctx.cfg.bskyAppView.cdnUrlPattern, 'feed_fullsize', alice, img.image.ref.toString(), ), ) expect(imgs.images[0].aspectRatio).toEqual({ height: 2, width: 1 }) expect(imgs.images[0].alt).toBe('alt text') expect(replies[0].replies?.length).toBe(1) // @ts-ignore expect(replies[0].replies[0].post.uri).toEqual(replyRes2.uri) // @ts-ignore const external = replies[0].replies[0].post.embed as ExternalEmbedView expect(external.external.title).toEqual('TestImage') expect(external.external.thumb).toEqual( util.format( network.pds.ctx.cfg.bskyAppView.cdnUrlPattern, 'feed_thumbnail', alice, img.image.ref.toString(), ), ) }) it('handles read after write on threads with record embeds', async () => { const replyRes = await { repo: alice }, { text: 'blah', reply: { root: sc.posts[carol][0].ref.raw, parent: sc.posts[carol][0].ref.raw, }, embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: sc.posts[alice][0].ref.raw, }, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const res = await { uri: sc.posts[carol][0].ref.uriStr }, { headers: { } }, ) const replies = as ThreadViewPost[] expect(replies.length).toBe(1) expect(replies[0].post.uri).toEqual(replyRes.uri) const embed = replies[0].post.embed as RecordEmbedView expect(embed.record.uri).toEqual(sc.posts[alice][0].ref.uriStr) }) it('handles read after write on getTimeline', async () => { const postRes = await { repo: alice }, { text: 'poast', createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, sc.getHeaders(alice), ) const res = await {}, { headers: { } }, ) expect([0].post.uri).toEqual(postRes.uri) }) it('returns lag headers', async () => { const res = await {}, { headers: { } }, ) const lag = res.headers['atproto-upstream-lag'] expect(lag).toBeDefined() const parsed = parseInt(lag) expect(parsed > 0).toBe(true) }) it('negotiates encoding', async () => { const identity = await {}, { headers: {, 'accept-encoding': 'identity' } }, ) expect(identity.headers['content-encoding']).toBeUndefined() const gzip = await {}, { headers: {, 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, *;q=0' }, }, ) expect(gzip.headers['content-encoding']).toBe('gzip') }) it('defaults to identity encoding', async () => { // Not using the "agent" because "fetch()" will add "accept-encoding: gzip, // deflate" if not "accept-encoding" header is provided const res = await request( new URL(`/xrpc/app.bsky.feed.getTimeline`, agent.dispatchUrl), { headers: { }, }, ) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(res.headers['content-encoding']).toBeUndefined() }) it('falls back to identity encoding', async () => { const invalid = await {}, { headers: {, 'accept-encoding': 'invalid' } }, ) expect(invalid.headers['content-encoding']).toBeUndefined() }) it('errors when failing to negotiate encoding', async () => { await expect( {}, { headers: {, 'accept-encoding': 'invalid, *;q=0', }, }, ), ).rejects.toThrow( expect.objectContaining({ status: 406, message: 'this service does not support any of the requested encodings', }), ) }) it('errors on invalid content-encoding format', async () => { await expect( {}, { headers: {, 'accept-encoding': ';q=1', }, }, ), ).rejects.toThrow( expect.objectContaining({ status: 400, message: 'Invalid accept-encoding: ";q=1"', }), ) }) })