import { CID } from 'multiformats' import { Fanout, MemoryBlockstore, MST, NodeEntry } from '../src' import * as util from '../tests/_util' import fs from 'fs' type BenchmarkData = { fanout: number size: number addTime: string saveTime: string walkTime: string depth: number maxWidth: number blockstoreSize: number largestProofSize: number avgProofSize: number widths: Record } describe('MST Benchmarks', () => { let mapping: Record let shuffled: [string, CID][] const size = 500000 beforeAll(async () => { mapping = await util.generateBulkDataKeys(size) shuffled = util.shuffle(Object.entries(mapping)) }) // const fanouts: Fanout[] = [8, 16, 32] const fanouts: Fanout[] = [16, 32] it('benchmarks various fanouts', async () => { const benches: BenchmarkData[] = [] for (const fanout of fanouts) { const blockstore = new MemoryBlockstore() let mst = await MST.create(blockstore, [], { fanout }) const start = for (const entry of shuffled) { mst = await mst.add(entry[0], entry[1]) } const doneAdding = const root = await util.saveMst(blockstore, mst) const doneSaving = const reloaded = await MST.load(blockstore, root, { fanout }) const widthTracker = new NodeWidths() for await (const entry of reloaded.walk()) { await widthTracker.trackEntry(entry) } const doneWalking = const paths = await reloaded.paths() let largestProof = 0 let combinedProofSizes = 0 for (const path of paths) { let proofSize = 0 for (const entry of path) { if (entry.isTree()) { const bytes = await blockstore.getBytes(entry.pointer) if (!bytes) { throw new Error(`Bytes not found: ${entry.pointer}`) } proofSize += bytes.byteLength } } largestProof = Math.max(largestProof, proofSize) combinedProofSizes += proofSize } const avgProofSize = Math.ceil(combinedProofSizes / paths.length) const blockstoreSize = await blockstore.sizeInBytes() benches.push({ fanout, size, addTime: secDiff(start, doneAdding), saveTime: secDiff(doneAdding, doneSaving), walkTime: secDiff(doneSaving, doneWalking), depth: await mst.getLayer(), blockstoreSize, largestProofSize: largestProof, avgProofSize: avgProofSize, maxWidth: widthTracker.max, widths:, }) } writeBenchData(benches, 'mst-benchmarks') }) }) const secDiff = (first: number, second: number): string => { return ((second - first) / 1000).toFixed(3) } class NodeWidths { data = { 0: 0, 16: 0, 32: 0, 48: 0, 64: 0, 96: 0, 128: 0, 160: 0, 192: 0, 224: 0, 256: 0, } max = 0 async trackEntry(entry: NodeEntry) { if (!entry.isTree()) return const entries = await entry.getEntries() const width = entries.filter((e) => e.isLeaf()).length this.max = Math.max(this.max, width) if (width >= 0)[0]++ if (width >= 16)[16]++ if (width >= 32)[32]++ if (width >= 48)[48]++ if (width >= 64)[64]++ if (width >= 96)[96]++ if (width >= 128)[128]++ if (width >= 160)[160]++ if (width >= 192)[192]++ if (width >= 224)[224]++ if (width >= 256)[256]++ } } const writeBenchData = (benches: BenchmarkData[], fileLoc: string) => { let toWrite = '' for (const bench of benches) { toWrite += `Fanout: ${bench.fanout} ---------------------- Time to add ${bench.size} leaves: ${bench.addTime}s Time to save tree with ${bench.size} leaves: ${bench.saveTime}s Time to reconstruct & walk ${bench.size} leaves: ${bench.walkTime}s Tree depth: ${bench.depth} Max Node Width (only counting leaves): ${bench.maxWidth} The total blockstore size is: ${bench.blockstoreSize} bytes Largest proof size: ${bench.largestProofSize} bytes Average proof size: ${bench.avgProofSize} bytes Nodes with >= 0 leaves: ${bench.widths[0]} Nodes with >= 16 leaves: ${bench.widths[16]} Nodes with >= 32 leaves: ${bench.widths[32]} Nodes with >= 48 leaves: ${bench.widths[48]} Nodes with >= 64 leaves: ${bench.widths[64]} Nodes with >= 96 leaves: ${bench.widths[96]} Nodes with >= 128 leaves: ${bench.widths[128]} Nodes with >= 160 leaves: ${bench.widths[160]} Nodes with >= 192 leaves: ${bench.widths[192]} Nodes with >= 224 leaves: ${bench.widths[224]} Nodes with >= 256 leaves: ${bench.widths[256]} ` } fs.writeFileSync(fileLoc, toWrite) }