import * as http from 'node:http' import { KeyObject, createPrivateKey } from 'node:crypto' import { AddressInfo } from 'node:net' import * as jose from 'jose' import KeyEncoder from 'key-encoder' import * as ui8 from 'uint8arrays' import { MINUTE } from '@atproto/common' import { Secp256k1Keypair } from '@atproto/crypto' import { LexiconDoc } from '@atproto/lexicon' import { XrpcClient, XRPCError } from '@atproto/xrpc' import * as xrpcServer from '../src' import { createServer, closeServer, createBasicAuth, basicAuthHeaders, } from './_util' const LEXICONS: LexiconDoc[] = [ { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.authTest', defs: { main: { type: 'procedure', input: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { present: { type: 'boolean', const: true }, }, }, }, output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', properties: { username: { type: 'string' }, original: { type: 'string' }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ] describe('Auth', () => { let s: http.Server const server = xrpcServer.createServer(LEXICONS) server.method('io.example.authTest', { auth: createBasicAuth({ username: 'admin', password: 'password' }), handler: ({ auth }) => { return { encoding: 'application/json', body: { username: auth?.credentials?.username, original: auth?.artifacts?.original, }, } }, }) let client: XrpcClient beforeAll(async () => { s = await createServer(server) const { port } = s.address() as AddressInfo client = new XrpcClient(`http://localhost:${port}`, LEXICONS) }) afterAll(async () => { await closeServer(s) }) it('creates and validates service auth headers', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const iss = 'did:example:alice' const aud = 'did:example:bob' const token = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ iss, aud, keypair, lxm: null, }) const validated = await xrpcServer.verifyJwt(token, null, null, async () => keypair.did(), ) expect(validated.iss).toEqual(iss) expect(validated.aud).toEqual(aud) // should expire within the minute when no exp is provided expect(validated.exp).toBeGreaterThan( / 1000) expect(validated.exp).toBeLessThan( / 1000 + 60) expect(typeof validated.jti).toBe('string') expect(validated.lxm).toBeUndefined() }) it('creates and validates service auth headers bound to a particular method', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const iss = 'did:example:alice' const aud = 'did:example:bob' const lxm = 'com.atproto.repo.createRecord' const token = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ iss, aud, keypair, lxm, }) const validated = await xrpcServer.verifyJwt(token, null, lxm, async () => keypair.did(), ) expect(validated.iss).toEqual(iss) expect(validated.aud).toEqual(aud) expect(validated.lxm).toEqual(lxm) }) it('fails on bad auth before invalid request payload.', async () => { try { await 'io.example.authTest', {}, { present: false }, { headers: basicAuthHeaders({ username: 'admin', password: 'wrong', }), }, ) throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('AuthenticationRequired') expect(e.message).toBe('Authentication Required') expect(e.status).toBe(401) } }) it('fails on invalid request payload after good auth.', async () => { try { await 'io.example.authTest', {}, { present: false }, { headers: basicAuthHeaders({ username: 'admin', password: 'password', }), }, ) throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('InvalidRequest') expect(e.message).toBe('Input/present must be true') expect(e.status).toBe(400) } }) it('succeeds on good auth and payload.', async () => { const res = await 'io.example.authTest', {}, { present: true }, { headers: basicAuthHeaders({ username: 'admin', password: 'password', }), }, ) expect(res.success).toBe(true) expect({ username: 'admin', original: 'YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=', }) }) describe('verifyJwt()', () => { it('fails on expired jwt.', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const jwt = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ aud: 'did:example:aud', iss: 'did:example:iss', keypair, exp: Math.floor(( - MINUTE) / 1000), lxm: null, }) const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud', null, async () => { return keypair.did() }, ) await expect(tryVerify).rejects.toThrow('jwt expired') }) it('fails on bad audience.', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const jwt = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ aud: 'did:example:aud1', iss: 'did:example:iss', keypair, lxm: null, }) const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud2', null, async () => { return keypair.did() }, ) await expect(tryVerify).rejects.toThrow( 'jwt audience does not match service did', ) }) it('fails on bad lxm', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const jwt = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ aud: 'did:example:aud1', iss: 'did:example:iss', keypair, lxm: 'com.atproto.repo.createRecord', }) const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud1', 'com.atproto.repo.putRecord', async () => { return keypair.did() }, ) await expect(tryVerify).rejects.toThrow(/bad jwt lexicon method/) }) it('fails on null lxm when lxm is required', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const jwt = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ aud: 'did:example:aud1', iss: 'did:example:iss', keypair, lxm: null, }) const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud1', 'com.atproto.repo.putRecord', async () => { return keypair.did() }, ) await expect(tryVerify).rejects.toThrow(/missing jwt lexicon method/) }) it('refreshes key on verification failure.', async () => { const keypair1 = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const keypair2 = await Secp256k1Keypair.create() const jwt = await xrpcServer.createServiceJwt({ aud: 'did:example:aud', iss: 'did:example:iss', keypair: keypair2, lxm: null, }) let usedKeypair1 = false let usedKeypair2 = false const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud', null, async (_did, forceRefresh) => { if (forceRefresh) { usedKeypair2 = true return keypair2.did() } else { usedKeypair1 = true return keypair1.did() } }, ) await expect(tryVerify).resolves.toMatchObject({ aud: 'did:example:aud', iss: 'did:example:iss', }) expect(usedKeypair1).toBe(true) expect(usedKeypair2).toBe(true) }) it('interoperates with jwts signed by other libraries.', async () => { const keypair = await Secp256k1Keypair.create({ exportable: true }) const signingKey = await createPrivateKeyObject(keypair) const payload = { aud: 'did:example:aud', iss: 'did:example:iss', exp: Math.floor(( + MINUTE) / 1000), } const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(payload) .setProtectedHeader({ typ: 'JWT', alg: keypair.jwtAlg }) .sign(signingKey) const tryVerify = xrpcServer.verifyJwt( jwt, 'did:example:aud', null, async () => { return keypair.did() }, ) await expect(tryVerify).resolves.toEqual(payload) }) }) }) const createPrivateKeyObject = async ( privateKey: Secp256k1Keypair, ): Promise => { const raw = await privateKey.export() const encoder = new KeyEncoder('secp256k1') const key = encoder.encodePrivate(ui8.toString(raw, 'hex'), 'raw', 'pem') return createPrivateKey({ format: 'pem', key }) }