import * as http from 'node:http' import { AddressInfo } from 'node:net' import { LexiconDoc } from '@atproto/lexicon' import { XRPCError, XRPCInvalidResponseError, XrpcClient } from '@atproto/xrpc' import { createServer, closeServer } from './_util' import * as xrpcServer from '../src' const LEXICONS: LexiconDoc[] = [ { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.error', defs: { main: { type: 'query', parameters: { type: 'params', properties: { which: { type: 'string', default: 'foo' }, }, }, errors: [{ name: 'Foo' }, { name: 'Bar' }], }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.throwFalsyValue', defs: { main: { type: 'query', }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.query', defs: { main: { type: 'query', }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.procedure', defs: { main: { type: 'procedure', }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.invalidResponse', defs: { main: { type: 'query', output: { encoding: 'application/json', schema: { type: 'object', required: ['expectedValue'], properties: { expectedValue: { type: 'string' }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ] const MISMATCHED_LEXICONS: LexiconDoc[] = [ { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.query', defs: { main: { type: 'procedure', }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.procedure', defs: { main: { type: 'query', }, }, }, { lexicon: 1, id: 'io.example.doesNotExist', defs: { main: { type: 'query', }, }, }, ] describe('Errors', () => { let s: http.Server const server = xrpcServer.createServer(LEXICONS, { validateResponse: false }) // disable validateResponse to test client validation server.method('io.example.error', (ctx: { params: xrpcServer.Params }) => { if (ctx.params.which === 'foo') { throw new xrpcServer.InvalidRequestError('It was this one!', 'Foo') } else if (ctx.params.which === 'bar') { return { status: 400, error: 'Bar', message: 'It was that one!' } } else { return { status: 400 } } }) server.method('io.example.throwFalsyValue', () => { throw '' }) server.method('io.example.query', () => { return undefined }) // @ts-ignore We're intentionally giving the wrong response! -prf server.method('io.example.invalidResponse', () => { return { encoding: 'json', body: { something: 'else' } } }) server.method('io.example.procedure', () => { return undefined }) let client: XrpcClient let badClient: XrpcClient beforeAll(async () => { s = await createServer(server) const { port } = s.address() as AddressInfo client = new XrpcClient(`http://localhost:${port}`, LEXICONS) badClient = new XrpcClient(`http://localhost:${port}`, MISMATCHED_LEXICONS) }) afterAll(async () => { await closeServer(s) }) it('serves requests', async () => { try { await'io.example.error', { which: 'foo', }) throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect((e as XRPCError).success).toBeFalsy() expect((e as XRPCError).error).toBe('Foo') expect((e as XRPCError).message).toBe('It was this one!') } try { await'io.example.error', { which: 'bar', }) throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect((e as XRPCError).success).toBeFalsy() expect((e as XRPCError).error).toBe('Bar') expect((e as XRPCError).message).toBe('It was that one!') } try { await'io.example.throwFalsyValue') throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e) { expect(e instanceof XRPCError).toBeTruthy() expect((e as XRPCError).success).toBeFalsy() expect((e as XRPCError).error).toBe('InternalServerError') expect((e as XRPCError).message).toBe('Internal Server Error') } try { await'io.example.error', { which: 'other', }) throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect((e as XRPCError).success).toBeFalsy() expect((e as XRPCError).error).toBe('InvalidRequest') expect((e as XRPCError).message).toBe('Invalid Request') } try { await'io.example.invalidResponse') throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCInvalidResponseError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('Invalid Response') expect(e.message).toBe( 'The server gave an invalid response and may be out of date.', ) const err = e as XRPCInvalidResponseError expect(err.validationError.message).toBe( 'Output must have the property "expectedValue"', ) expect(err.responseBody).toStrictEqual({ something: 'else' }) } }) it('serves error for missing/mismatch schemas', async () => { await'io.example.query') // No error await'io.example.procedure') // No error try { await'io.example.query') throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('InvalidRequest') expect(e.message).toBe('Incorrect HTTP method (POST) expected GET') } try { await'io.example.procedure') throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('InvalidRequest') expect(e.message).toBe('Incorrect HTTP method (GET) expected POST') } try { await'io.example.doesNotExist') throw new Error('Didnt throw') } catch (e: any) { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(XRPCError) expect(e.success).toBeFalsy() expect(e.error).toBe('MethodNotImplemented') expect(e.message).toBe('Method Not Implemented') } }) })