FROM node:18-alpine as build RUN corepack enable WORKDIR /app COPY ./package.json ./ RUN corepack prepare --activate # Move files into the image and install COPY ./*.* ./ # NOTE bsync's transitive dependencies go here: if that changes, this needs to be updated. COPY ./tsconfig ./tsconfig COPY ./packages/bsync ./packages/bsync COPY ./packages/common ./packages/common COPY ./packages/common-web ./packages/common-web COPY ./packages/syntax ./packages/syntax COPY ./services/bsync ./services/bsync # install all deps RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile > /dev/null # build all packages with external node_modules RUN pnpm build > /dev/null # clean up RUN rm -rf node_modules # install only prod deps, hoisted to root node_modules dir RUN pnpm install --prod --shamefully-hoist --frozen-lockfile --prefer-offline > /dev/null WORKDIR services/bsync # Uses assets from build stage to reduce build size FROM node:18-alpine RUN apk add --update dumb-init # Avoid zombie processes, handle signal forwarding ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "--"] WORKDIR /app/services/bsync COPY --from=build /app /app EXPOSE 3000 ENV BSYNC_PORT=3000 ENV NODE_ENV=production # USER node CMD ["node", "--enable-source-maps", "index.js"] LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source= LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Bsync" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses=MIT