bsky appview service

This is the service entrypoint for the bsky appview. The entrypoint command should run api.js with node, e.g. node api.js. The following env vars are supported:

  • BSKY_PUBLIC_URL - (required) the public url of the appview, e.g.
  • BSKY_DID_PLC_URL - (required) the url of the PLC service used for looking up did documents, e.g.
  • BSKY_DATAPLANE_URL - (required) the url where the backing dataplane service lives.
  • BSKY_SERVICE_SIGNING_KEY - (required) the public signing key in the form of a did:key, used for service-to-service auth. Advertised in the appview's did:web document.
  • BSKY_ADMIN_PASSWORDS - (alt. BSKY_ADMIN_PASSWORD) (required) comma-separated list of admin passwords used for role-based auth.
  • NODE_ENV - (recommended) for production usage, should be set to production. Otherwise all responses are validated on their way out. There may be other effects of not setting this to production, as dependencies may also implement debug modes based on its value.
  • BSKY_VERSION - (recommended) version of the bsky service. This is advertised by the health endpoint.
  • BSKY_PORT - (recommended) the port that the service will run on.
  • BSKY_IMG_URI_ENDPOINT - (recommended) the base url for resized images, e.g. When not set, sets-up an image resizing service directly on the appview.
  • BSKY_SERVER_DID - (recommended) the did of the appview service. When this is a did:web that matches the appview's public url, a did:web document is served.
  • BSKY_HANDLE_RESOLVE_NAMESERVERS - alternative domain name servers used for handle resolution, comma-separated.
  • BSKY_BLOB_CACHE_LOC - when BSKY_IMG_URI_ENDPOINT is not set, this determines where resized blobs are cached by the image resizing service.
  • BSKY_COURIER_URL - URL of courier service.
  • BSKY_COURIER_API_KEY - API key for courier service.
  • BSKY_BSYNC_URL - URL of bsync service.
  • BSKY_BSYNC_API_KEY - API key for bsync service.
  • BSKY_LABELS_FROM_ISSUER_DIDS - comma-separated list of labelers to always use for record labels.
  • MOD_SERVICE_DID - the DID of the mod service, used to receive service authed requests.