using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using VF.Model.Feature; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.ScriptableObjects; namespace VF.Builder { /** * This is responsible for fixing pagination for menus before / after VRCFury is done with them. * It is capable of splitting menus with more than the maximum allowed controls into separate pages, * and also capable of re-joining them back into oversized menus again. */ public static class MenuSplitter { /** * This method is our primary way of iterating through menus. It needs to be recursion-aware, * since many avatars have recursion in their menus for some reason. */ public static void ForEachMenu( VRCExpressionsMenu root, Action> ForEachMenu = null, Func,ForEachMenuItemResult> ForEachItem = null ) { var stack = new Stack>(); var seen = new HashSet(); stack.Push(Tuple.Create(new string[]{}, root)); while (stack.Count > 0) { var (path,menu) = stack.Pop(); if (menu == null || seen.Contains(menu)) continue; seen.Add(menu); if (ForEachMenu != null) ForEachMenu(menu, path); for (var i = 0; i < menu.controls.Count; i++) { var item = menu.controls[i]; var itemPath = new List(); itemPath.AddRange(path); itemPath.Add(; var itemPathArr = itemPath.ToArray(); var recurse = true; if (ForEachItem != null) { var result = ForEachItem(item, itemPathArr); if (result == ForEachMenuItemResult.Skip) { recurse = false; } else if (result == ForEachMenuItemResult.Delete) { menu.controls.RemoveAt(i); i--; EditorUtility.SetDirty(menu); recurse = false; } } if (recurse && item.type == VRCExpressionsMenu.Control.ControlType.SubMenu) { stack.Push(Tuple.Create(itemPathArr, item.subMenu)); } } } } public enum ForEachMenuItemResult { Continue, Delete, Skip } /** * VRChat doesn't care, but SDK3ToCCKConverter crashes if there are any null parameters * on a submenu. GestureManager crashes if there's any null parameters on ANYTHING. */ public static void FixNulls(VRCExpressionsMenu root) { ForEachMenu(root, ForEachItem: (control, path) => { if (control.parameter == null) { control.parameter = new VRCExpressionsMenu.Control.Parameter() { name = "" }; } return ForEachMenuItemResult.Continue; }); } public static void SplitMenus(VRCExpressionsMenu root, OverrideMenuSettings menuSettings = null) { var nextText = "Next"; Texture2D nextIcon = null; if (menuSettings != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuSettings.nextText)) nextText = menuSettings.nextText; if (menuSettings.nextIcon != null) nextIcon = menuSettings.nextIcon; } var maxControlsPerPage = GetMaxControlsPerPage(); ForEachMenu(root, (menu, path) => { var page = menu; var pageNum = 2; while (page.controls.Count > maxControlsPerPage) { var nextPage = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); = $"{} (Page {pageNum++})"; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(nextPage, root); while (page.controls.Count > maxControlsPerPage - 1) { nextPage.controls.Insert(0, page.controls[page.controls.Count - 1]); page.controls.RemoveAt(page.controls.Count - 1); } page.controls.Add(new VRCExpressionsMenu.Control() { name = nextText, icon = nextIcon, type = VRCExpressionsMenu.Control.ControlType.SubMenu, subMenu = nextPage }); page = nextPage; } }); } private static int GetMaxControlsPerPage() { var num = VRCExpressionsMenu.MAX_CONTROLS; // In some SDK releases, this seems to be an unreasonable number. Auto-correct it to 8 in that case. if (num > 1000) { num = 8; } return num; } } }