using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEngine; using VF.Builder.Exceptions; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.ScriptableObjects; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace VF.Builder { public class MutableManager { private string tmpDir; private static readonly Type[] typesToMakeMutable = { typeof(AnimatorController), // Animator Controller internals typeof(AnimatorStateMachine), typeof(AnimatorState), typeof(AnimatorTransitionBase), typeof(StateMachineBehaviour), typeof(AvatarMask), // Clips and blend trees typeof(Motion), typeof(VRCExpressionParameters), typeof(VRCExpressionsMenu), }; private static readonly Type[] hiddenTypes = { typeof(AnimatorStateMachine), typeof(AnimatorState), typeof(AnimatorTransitionBase), typeof(StateMachineBehaviour), }; private static readonly Type[] typesToNeverRevert = { typeof(AnimatorController), typeof(AnimatorStateMachine), typeof(AnimatorState), typeof(AnimatorTransitionBase) }; public MutableManager(string tmpDir) { this.tmpDir = tmpDir; } private static void Iterate(SerializedObject obj, Action act) { var prop = obj.GetIterator(); do { act(prop); } while (prop.Next(true)); } private static void Rewrite(Object obj, Dictionary rewrites) { var serialized = new SerializedObject(obj); var changed = false; Iterate(serialized, prop => { if (prop.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference) return; var oldValue = prop.objectReferenceValue; if (oldValue == null) return; if (!rewrites.TryGetValue(oldValue, out var newValue)) return; if (oldValue == newValue) return; prop.objectReferenceValue = newValue; changed = true; }); if (changed) { serialized.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); } } public T CopyRecursive(T obj, string saveFilename = null, Object saveParent = null) where T : Object { var originalToMutable = new Dictionary(); T rootCopy = null; ForEachChild(obj, original => { if (originalToMutable.ContainsKey(original)) return false; if (obj != original) { if (!IsType(original, typesToMakeMutable)) return false; if (original is AnimationClip && AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(original).Contains("/proxy_")) return false; } var copy = SafeInstantiate(original); if (obj == original) rootCopy = copy as T; if (saveParent == null) { VRCFuryAssetDatabase.SaveAsset(copy, tmpDir, saveFilename); saveParent = copy; } else { if (IsType(copy, hiddenTypes)) { copy.hideFlags |= HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; } else { = $"[{}] {}"; } AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(copy, saveParent); } originalToMutable[original] = copy; return true; }); foreach (var mutable in originalToMutable.Values) { Rewrite(mutable, originalToMutable); } return rootCopy; } // It's like Object.Instantiate, except it actually works with // AnimatorControllers, AnimatorStateMachines, AnimatorStates, // and other things that unity usually logs errors from when using // Object.Instantiate public static T SafeInstantiate(T original) where T : Object { T copy; if (original is ScriptableObject) { copy = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(original.GetType()) as T; } else { copy = Activator.CreateInstance(original.GetType()) as T; } if (copy == null) { throw new VRCFBuilderException("Failed to create copy of " + copy); } EditorUtility.CopySerialized(original, copy); return copy; } private void ForEachChild(Object obj, Func visit) { var visited = new HashSet(); var stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(obj); while (stack.Count > 0) { var o = stack.Pop(); if (visited.Contains(o)) continue; visited.Add(o); var enter = visit(o); if (!enter) continue; Iterate(new SerializedObject(o), prop => { if (prop.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference) { if (prop.objectReferenceValue != null) { stack.Push(prop.objectReferenceValue); } } }); } } // Make a fresh clone, because CopySerialized does make /some/ changes // like wiping out editor cache values, so they might be slightly different // for no good reason unless we do this. private static SerializedObject GetCleanSo(Object obj) { return new SerializedObject(SafeInstantiate(obj)); } public static bool IsModified(Object a, Object b, Func bToAChildMapper = null) { var aProp = GetCleanSo(a).GetIterator(); var bProp = GetCleanSo(b).GetIterator(); while (true) { bool match; if (aProp.propertyType != bProp.propertyType) return true; if (aProp.propertyPath != bProp.propertyPath) return true; var type = aProp.propertyType; if (bToAChildMapper != null && type == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference && aProp.objectReferenceValue != null && bProp.objectReferenceValue != null && bToAChildMapper(bProp.objectReferenceValue) == aProp.objectReferenceValue ) { match = true; } else if (type == SerializedPropertyType.Generic) { match = true; } else { match = SerializedProperty.DataEquals(aProp, bProp); } if (!match) { Debug.Log("Failed on " + aProp.propertyPath); return true; } var enterChildren = type == SerializedPropertyType.Generic; var aDone = !aProp.Next(enterChildren); var bDone = !bProp.Next(enterChildren); if (aDone || bDone) return aDone != bDone; } } /* public void RevertUnchanged() { var reverseLookup = originalToMutable.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key); bool IsModified2(Object copy) { if (!reverseLookup.TryGetValue(copy, out var original)) { return true; } return IsModified(original, copy, copyChild => reverseLookup.TryGetValue(copyChild, out var originalChild) ? originalChild : copyChild); } var mutables = originalToMutable.Values .Where(m => !IsType(m, typesToNeverRevert)) .ToArray(); var unmodifiedMutables = mutables .Where(m => !IsModified2(m)) .ToImmutableHashSet(); var cachedChildren = new Dictionary>(); HashSet GetChildren(Object obj) { if (cachedChildren.TryGetValue(obj, out var cached)) return cached; var children = new HashSet(); cachedChildren[obj] = children; // TODO: When this was written ForEachChild didn't include the root. NOW IT DOES. ForEachChild(obj, child => { if (mutables.Contains(child)) { children.Add(child); children.UnionWith(GetChildren(child)); } return false; }); return children; } var mutablesToRevert = unmodifiedMutables .Where(m => GetChildren(m).All(child => unmodifiedMutables.Contains(child))) .ToArray(); var revertMap = mutablesToRevert .ToDictionary(m => m, m => reverseLookup[m]); Debug.Log("Reverting"); RewriteAll(revertMap); foreach (var mutable in mutablesToRevert) { AssetDatabase.RemoveObjectFromAsset(mutable); Object.DestroyImmediate(mutable); } Debug.Log($"Reverted {mutablesToRevert.Length} of {mutables.Length} assets"); } */ private bool IsType(Object obj, Type[] types) => types.Any(type => type.IsInstanceOfType(obj)); } }