using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using VF.Builder; using VF.Model; using VF.Model.Feature; using VF.Model.StateAction; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components; namespace VF.Feature.Base { public abstract class FeatureBuilder { public AvatarManager manager; public ClipBuilder clipBuilder; public string tmpDirParent; public string tmpDir; public GameObject avatarObject; public GameObject originalObject; public GameObject featureBaseObject; public Action addOtherFeature; public int uniqueModelNum; public List allFeaturesInRun; public List allBuildersInRun; public GameObject editorObject; public MutableManager mutableManager; public virtual string GetEditorTitle() { return null; } public virtual VisualElement CreateEditor(SerializedProperty prop) { return null; } public virtual bool AvailableOnAvatar() { return true; } public virtual bool AvailableOnProps() { return true; } public virtual bool ShowInMenu() { return true; } public ControllerManager GetFx() { return manager.GetController(VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX); } protected VFABool CreatePhysBoneResetter(List resetPhysbones, string name) { if (resetPhysbones == null || resetPhysbones.Count == 0) return null; var fx = GetFx(); var layer = fx.NewLayer(name + "_PhysBoneReset"); var param = fx.NewTrigger(name + "_PhysBoneReset"); var idle = layer.NewState("Idle"); var pause = layer.NewState("Pause"); var reset1 = layer.NewState("Reset").Move(pause, 1, 0); var reset2 = layer.NewState("Reset").Move(idle, 1, 0); idle.TransitionsTo(pause).When(param.IsTrue()); pause.TransitionsTo(reset1).When(fx.Always()); reset1.TransitionsTo(reset2).When(fx.Always()); reset2.TransitionsTo(idle).When(fx.Always()); var resetClip = manager.GetClipStorage().NewClip(name + "_PhysBoneReset"); foreach (var physBone in resetPhysbones) { if (physBone == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Physbone object in physboneResetter is missing!: " + name); continue; } clipBuilder.Enable(resetClip, physBone, false); } reset1.WithAnimation(resetClip); reset2.WithAnimation(resetClip); return param; } protected static bool StateExists(State state) { return state != null; } protected AnimationClip LoadState(string name, State state) { if (state.actions.Count == 0) { return manager.GetClipStorage().GetNoopClip(); } var firstClip = state.actions .OfType() .Select(action => action.clip) .FirstOrDefault(); void RewriteClip(AnimationClip c) { ClipCopier.Rewrite(c, fromObj: featureBaseObject, fromRoot: avatarObject); } AnimationClip clip; if (firstClip) { clip = mutableManager.CopyRecursive(firstClip, saveParent: manager.GetClipStorage().GetStorageRoot()); RewriteClip(clip); } else { clip = manager.GetClipStorage().NewClip(name); } foreach (var action in state.actions) { switch (action) { case FlipbookAction flipbook: if (flipbook.obj != null) { // If we animate the frame to a flat number, unity can internally do some weird tweening // which can result in it being just UNDER our target, (say 0.999 instead of 1), resulting // in unity displaying frame 0 instead of 1. Instead, we target framenum+0.5, so there's // leniency around it. var frameAnimNum = (float)(Math.Floor((double)flipbook.frame) + 0.5); clip.SetCurve( clipBuilder.GetPath(flipbook.obj), typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer), "material._FlipbookCurrentFrame", ClipBuilder.OneFrame(frameAnimNum)); } break; case AnimationClipAction actionClip: if (actionClip.clip != firstClip) { var copy = mutableManager.CopyRecursive(actionClip.clip, "Copy of " +; RewriteClip(copy); ClipCopier.Copy(copy, clip); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(copy)); } break; case ObjectToggleAction toggle: if (toggle.obj == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Missing object in action: " + name); } else { var restingState = toggle.obj.activeSelf; clipBuilder.Enable(clip, toggle.obj, !restingState); } break; case BlendShapeAction blendShape: var foundOne = false; foreach (var skin in avatarObject.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { if (!skin.sharedMesh) continue; var blendShapeIndex = skin.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(blendShape.blendShape); if (blendShapeIndex < 0) continue; foundOne = true; //var defValue = skin.GetBlendShapeWeight(blendShapeIndex); clipBuilder.BlendShape(clip, skin, blendShape.blendShape, blendShape.blendShapeValue); } if (!foundOne) { Debug.LogWarning("BlendShape not found in avatar: " + blendShape.blendShape); } break; case ScaleAction scaleAction: if (scaleAction.obj == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Missing object in action: " + name); } else { clipBuilder.Scale(clip, scaleAction.obj, scaleAction.obj.transform.localScale.x * scaleAction.scale, scaleAction.obj.transform.localScale.y * scaleAction.scale, scaleAction.obj.transform.localScale.z * scaleAction.scale); } break; case MaterialAction matAction: if (matAction.obj == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Missing object in action: " + name); break; } if (matAction.mat == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Missing material in action: " + name); break; } clipBuilder.Material(clip, matAction.obj, matAction.materialIndex, matAction.mat); break; } } return clip; } public List GetActions() { var list = new List(); foreach (var method in GetType().GetMethods()) { var attr = method.GetCustomAttribute(); if (attr == null) continue; list.Add(new FeatureBuilderAction(attr, method, this)); } if (list.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Builder had no actions? This is probably a bug. " + GetType().Name); } return list; } } public abstract class FeatureBuilder : FeatureBuilder where ModelType : FeatureModel { public ModelType model; } }