using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using VF.Feature.Base; using VF.Inspector; using VF.Menu; using VF.Model; using VF.Model.Feature; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.ScriptableObjects; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace VF.Feature { public class ZawooIntegrationBuilder : FeatureBuilder { private enum Type { Canine, Anthro } [FeatureBuilderAction] public void Apply() { foreach (var zawooRoot in GetZawooRoots()) { ApplyZawoo(zawooRoot.Item1, zawooRoot.Item2); } addOtherFeature(new OGBIntegration2()); } private List> GetZawooRoots() { var roots = new List>(); foreach (var child in avatarObject.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { var maybeValid = false; var isCanine = false; foreach (Transform c in child) { if (c.GetComponent() != null) continue; var name =; if (name.Contains("constraint") && name.Contains("peen")) { maybeValid = true; isCanine |= name.Contains("canine"); } } if (!maybeValid) continue; roots.Add(Tuple.Create(isCanine ? Type.Canine : Type.Anthro, child.gameObject)); } return roots; } private void ApplyZawoo(Type type, GameObject root) { Debug.Log("Probably found zawoo prefab at " +; AnimatorController fx = null; VRCExpressionsMenu menu = null; VRCExpressionParameters prms = null; string toggleParam = null; if (type == Type.Canine) { menu = LoadAssetByName("menu_zawoo_caninePeen"); if (menu == null) return; var menuDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(menu)); fx = LoadAssetByPath(menuDir+"/FX Template.controller"); prms = LoadAssetByPath(menuDir+"/param_zawoo_caninePeen.asset"); toggleParam = "caninePeenToggle"; } else if (type == Type.Anthro) { menu = LoadAssetByName("menu_zawoo_hybridAnthroPeen"); if (menu == null) return; var menuDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(menu)); fx = LoadAssetByPath(menuDir+"/FX_template.controller"); prms = LoadAssetByPath(menuDir+"/param_zawoo_hybridAnthroPeen.asset"); toggleParam = "peenToggle"; } if (fx == null || menu == null || prms == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to find zawoo menu assets"); return; } addOtherFeature(new FullController { controllers = { new FullController.ControllerEntry { controller = fx } }, menus = { new FullController.MenuEntry { menu = menu, prefix = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.submenu) ? "Zawoo" : model.submenu } }, prms = { new FullController.ParamsEntry { parameters = prms } }, rootObjOverride = root, ignoreSaved = true, toggleParam = toggleParam }); Debug.Log("Zawoo added!"); } private T LoadAssetByName(string name) where T : Object { var results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(name); foreach (var guid in results) { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); if (path != null) { var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); if (asset != null) return asset; } } Debug.Log("Missing asset: " + name); return null; } private T LoadAssetByPath(string path) where T : Object { var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); if (asset == null) Debug.Log("Missing asset: " + path); return asset; } public override string GetEditorTitle() { return "Zawoo Integration"; } public override VisualElement CreateEditor(SerializedProperty prop) { var content = new VisualElement(); content.Add(VRCFuryEditorUtils.Error( "This feature is deprecated! Please remove this, and see the VRCFury/Prefabs/Zawoo/Readme.MD" + " file for details about how to install the Zawoo prefabs the new way!")); var foldout = new Foldout(); foldout.value = false; content.Add(foldout); foldout.text = "Advanced"; foldout.contentContainer.Add(VRCFuryEditorUtils.Prop(prop.FindPropertyRelative("submenu"), "Folder name in menu")); return content; } public override bool AvailableOnProps() { return false; } public override bool ShowInMenu() { return false; } } }