var child_process = require("child_process"); var Discord = require("discord.js"); var discordBot = new Discord.Client(); discordBot.on("error", console.error); discordBot.login(process.cwd().includes("creative") ? "" : ""); discordBot.on("ready", () => { discordBot.user.setActivity(process.cwd().includes("creative") ? "" : process.cwd().includes("survival") ? "" : undefined); }); function send(message) { var channel = discordBot.channels.get("452025433328975872"); if (channel) channel.send(message, {split:{char:''}}); } var minecraftServer; (function startMinecraftServer() { console.log("Starting Minecraft Server…"); minecraftServer = child_process.spawn("java", ["-Xmx2G", "-jar", "server.jar"]); minecraftServer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); minecraftServer.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); process.stdin.pipe(minecraftServer.stdin); var enableInfo = false; minecraftServer.stdout.on('data', (data) => { data = String(data).trim(); data = data.split("\n"); data.forEach(data => { var indexOfInfo = data.indexOf("[Server thread/INFO]: "); if (indexOfInfo != -1) { var info = data.substr(indexOfInfo + 22); if (info.startsWith("Done (") && info.endsWith(')! For help, type "help"')) { enableInfo = true; send("✅ **Server has started**"); } else if (info == "Stopping server") { enableInfo = false; //send("🛑 **Server has stopped**"); } else { if (!enableInfo) return; // only start sending info after all the startup stuff is finished if (info.includes("] logged in with entity id ")) return; // ignore technical login messages if (info.includes(" lost connection: ")) return; // ignore technical disconnect messages if (info.startsWith("Disconnecting")) return; // ignore connection rejects if (info.startsWith("[") && info.endsWith("]")) return; // ignore op broadcasts if (info == "Scanning for legacy world dragon fight...") return; if (info == "Found that the dragon has not yet been killed in this world.") return; if (info.startsWith("Found that there's a dragon still alive")) return; if (info == "Found that the dragon has been killed in this world already.") return; if (info.startsWith("ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage")) return; // only seen this during shutdown but just in case //if (info == "Unknown command") return; //if (info.endsWith("<--[HERE]")) return; if (info == "No player was found") return; // caused by tellraw when nobody online if (info == "Stopping the server") return; // this is response to "stop" command send(info); } } else if (data.includes("[Server Watchdog/") || data.includes("[Server Thread/ERROR]")) { send(data.substr(data.indexOf("]: ") + 3)); } }); }); minecraftServer.on("close", () => { minecraftServer = undefined; send("🛑 **Server has stopped**\n_Restarting in 10 seconds…_"); console.log("Restarting in 10 seconds…"); setTimeout(startMinecraftServer, 10000); }); })(); discordBot.on("message", function(message){ if ( != "452025433328975872") return; if ( == return; if (minecraftServer) { let words = message.content.split(' '); if ((words[0] == "!cc" && process.cwd().includes("creative")) || (words[0] == "!cs" && process.cwd().includes("survival")) || words[0] == "!c") { let roles = =>; if (message.member && (roles.includes("minecraft admin") || roles.includes("minecraft mod"))) { minecraftServer.stdin.write(words.slice(1).join(' ') + '\n'); } else { message.react('🚫'); } } else if (words[0] == "!list") { minecraftServer.stdin.write("list\n"); } else { let text = `[D] <${message.member && message.member.displayName ||}> ${message.cleanContent}`; if (message.attachments.size > 0) text += ' ' + => a.url).join(' '); minecraftServer.stdin.write(`tellraw @a ${JSON.stringify({text})}\n`); } } });