# gulag-dockerized World's sexiest gulag setup using docker-compose, IPv6 and Cloudflare. Host- and distro- agnostic... Docker enables easy deployment in any environment that can run Docker, IPv6 lets you have an isolated web server even if you already have a web server on your single IPv4, and Cloudflare provides IPv4 and TLSv1.0 compatibility for you. ## Prerequisites - Linux host with publically routable block of IPv6 addresses and latest versions of [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) and [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) installed. - A domain name added to Cloudflare. You can get a domain for free at http://dot.tk. ## 1. Enable IPv6 in Docker - See https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/ - Find your host's global IPv6 + prefix length (i.e. `2605:a140:2045:1635::1/64`) under your network interface (i.e. `eth0`) in `ip a`. - Decide on a subnet to provide to Docker. You can use the reference below. For example, I'm using `2605:a140:2045:1635:69::/80`. Put this in your daemon.json and restart docker.
IPv6 Subnet Reference Prefix Lengths:
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||128
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||124
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |120
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 116
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||112
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||108
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |104
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 100
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |||96
      ||| |||| |||| |||| ||92
      ||| |||| |||| |||| |88
      ||| |||| |||| |||| 84
      ||| |||| |||| |||80
      ||| |||| |||| ||76
      ||| |||| |||| |72
      ||| |||| |||| 68
      ||| |||| |||64
      ||| |||| ||60
      ||| |||| |56
      ||| |||| 52
      ||| |||48
      ||| ||44
      ||| |40
      ||| 36
## 2. Set up gulag-dockerized - `cd /opt` or wherever you want - `git clone https://gitea.moe/lamp/gulag-dockerized.git --recursive && cd gulag-dockerized` - `cp -r config-template config` - Edit all files in `config` folder as necessary. Replace all instances of example.com with your domain, add your API keys, etc. - Run `docker-compose up -d mysql && docker-compose logs -f &` to initialize the database and start following logs in background. - Once that's finished, run `docker-compose up -d` to bring up the rest of the containers. You can type `fg` and then press ctrl C to stop the log output. - Find nginx IPv6 address: `docker inspect gulag-dockerized_nginx_1 | grep GlobalIPv6Address`. Example: `2605:a140:2045:1635:69:242:ac11:8`. Add this to your Cloudflare DNS... ## 3. Set up Cloudflare - Configure your DNS like so: ![](https://eqf4.qonq.gq/) - On the SSL/TLS tab, make sure mode is set to **Flexible**. ## 4. Use in OSU - Find OSU and open file location. ![](https://wx9e.qonq.gq) - Copy the shortcut to your Desktop. - Edit the shortcut, and in the Target field, add ` -devserver `. ![](https://z0lv.qonq.gq) - Use this shortcut to launch OSU with your gulag server!