var fetch = require("node-fetch"); var client = require("./client"); var config = require("./config"); var commands = require("./commands"); client.on("messageCreate", async message => { if (message.guild?.id != config.guild) return; if ( return; if ( == return; let pixiv_urls = new Set(message.content.match(/(? { updatedMessage.suppressEmbeds(); }, 1000); client.removeListener("messageUpdate", arf); } });; try { await embedPixiv(, pixiv_urls,, pixiv_urls.size > 1); } catch (error) { if (pixiv_urls.size == 1) message.react('⚠'); } }); commands.push({ name: "miku", description: "Random Miku pic", exec: async i => { var mikutachi = require('./mikutachi'); await i.deferReply(); await embedPixiv(, [`${random(mikutachi)}`], i.editReply.bind(i), true); } }); // using this code for embedding links and for slash commands async function embedPixiv(/*message*/ channel, /*array of*/ links, send = channel.send.bind(channel) /* or interaction.reply function */, showLinks /* include pixiv links in response content */) { for (let link of links) { try { let illust = Object.values(JSON.parse((await (await fetch(link)).text()).match(//)[1]).illust)[0]; let content = `**${illust.title}**\n`; if (showLinks || illust.illustType == 2) { content += `<${link}>${illust.illustType == 2 ? " is an animation (must open link to play)" : ''}`; } let images = []; for (let i = 0; i < illust.pageCount; i++) images.push({url: illust.urls.original.replace('p0', 'p'+i)}); if (images.length <= 10) { try { for (let image of images) { = await (await fetch(image.url, {headers: {"Referer": ""}})).buffer(); } await send({ content, files: => ({attachment: || "error", name: ((illust.xRestrict && !channel.nsfw) ? 'SPOILER_' : '') + image.url.split('/').pop()})) }); } catch (error) { if (error.message == "Request entity too large") await fallback(); else throw error; } } else await fallback(); function fallback() { let urls = => image.url.replace("", "")); if (illust.xRestrict && !channel.nsfw) urls = => `||${url} ||`); urls = urls.join('\n'); if (urls.length > 2000) { return send({content, files:[{attachment: Buffer.from(urls), name:"message.txt"}]}); } else { return send((content ? content + '\n' : '') + urls); } } } catch (error) { console.error("pixiv embed error,", error.stack); if (showLinks) { send(`<${link}> failed to be embedded`); } else { throw error; } } } } module.exports.embedPixiv = embedPixiv;