var fs = require("fs"); var fetch = require("node-fetch"); var Discord = require("discord.js"); var client = require("./client"); var config = require("./config"); var app = require("./www"); var commands = require("./commands"); /*commands.push({ type: "MESSAGE", name: "Archive", exec: async i => { let message = await; let asdf = await doThing(message, i.user); i.reply({ content: `${}/${}/${}`, ephemeral: true }); } });*/ client.on("messageReactionAdd", async (reaction, user) => { if ( == '📍' || == '📌') { if (!reaction.message.guild) return; if ( == config.archive_channel) return; if (reaction.message['has been pinned'] || reaction.count > 1) return; reaction.message['has been pinned'] = true; /*if ( == config.porn_channel)*/ { try { await; } catch (e) { await message.react('⚠'); } return; } if (reaction.partial) { try { await reaction.fetch(); } catch (error) { console.error("reaction fetch", error.message); return void await message.react('⚠'); } } doThing(reaction.message, user); } }); async function doThing(message, user) { var avatarURL ={dynamic: true}) ||; var avatarName = avatarURL.split('/').pop(); let imageCandidate = message.attachments.find(a => [".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".webp",".gif"].some(e => a.url.toLowerCase().endsWith(e))); if (imageCandidate) imageCandidate["will be used for the image of the embed"] = true; else imageCandidate = message.embeds.find(e => e.type == 'image'); let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor(message.member?.displayName ||, `attachment://${avatarName}`) .setDescription(message.content) .setImage(imageCandidate?.url) .setFooter(`Pinned by ${message.guild.members.resolve(user)?.displayName || user.username}`) .setTimestamp(message.createdAt) .setColor(message.member?.roles.color?.color); let attachments = message.attachments.filter(a => !a["will be used for the image of the embed"]).map(a => `[${}](${a.url})`).join('\n'); if (attachments) embed.addField("Attachments", attachments); return (await client.channels.fetch(config.archive_channel))?.send({ content: `${}/${}/${}`, files: [{attachment: avatarURL, name: avatarName}], embeds:[embed] }); } app.use("/avatars/", require("express").static(config.data_dir + "avatars/"));