
220 lines
6.1 KiB

var client = require("./client");
var config = require("./config");
var Discord = require("discord.js");
var BaseCommandInteraction = require("discord.js/src/structures/BaseCommandInteraction.js")
var commands = module.exports = [
name: "say",
description: "test command",
options: [
name: "text",
description: "text to say",
type: 3, // string
required: true
exec: i => {
i.reply(i.options.getString("text") || "bruh");
name: "owo",
description: "random owo",
options: [
name: "length",
description: "length of owo",
type: 4, // integer
required: false
exec: i => {
let owo = Math.round(Math.random()) ? 'O' : 'o';
let n = Math.min(i.options.getInteger("length") || 9, 1998);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) owo += ['o','w','O','W'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
owo += owo = Math.round(Math.random()) ? 'O' : 'o';
name: "avatar",
description: "View a user's original avatar (and save permanently as attachment)",
options: [
name: "user",
description: "can i not leave some obvious descriptions blank?",
type: "USER"
exec: async i => {
var user = i.options.getUser("user") || i.user;
var au = user.avatarURL({size:4096, dynamic: true});
var an = au.split('/').pop(); an = an.substring(0, an.indexOf('?'));
i.reply({files: [{attachment: au, name: an}], embeds: [{
title: `Avatar for ${user.tag}`,
url: au,
image: {url: `attachment://${an}`},
color: (await require('./colors').getColorRoleFor(
name: "steal",
description: "Copy an emoji to this server",
options: [
name: "emoji",
description: "The emoji to steal",
type: "STRING",
required: true
name: "name",
description: "Optional rename of stolen emoji",
type: "STRING",
required: false
exec: async i => {
await i.deferReply();
try {
var input = i.options.getString("emoji") || (await;
var emoji = Discord.Util.parseEmoji(input);
if (! || ! return void await i.editReply({content: `Invalid emoji input: ${input}`});
var url =, emoji.animated ? 'gif' : 'png');
var emoji2 = await i.guild.emojis.create(url, i.options.getString("name") ||;
await i.editReply({content: emoji2.toString()});
} catch (error) {
await i.editReply({content: error.message});
name: "Steal Emoji",
type: "MESSAGE",
exec: i => commands.find(x => == "steal").exec(i)
name: "setserverbanner",
description: "Set the server banner image",
options: [
name: "url",
description: "HTTP(S) URL to an image",
type: "STRING"
exec: async i => {
var url = i.options.getString("url");
try {
if (!url) {
await i.guild.setBanner(null);
await i.reply("cleared the server banner");
} else {
if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(url)) {
await i.guild.setBanner(url);
await i.reply(url);
} else {
await i.reply("http image url only!");
} catch (error) {
await i.reply(error.message);
name: "setservericon",
description: "Change the server icon",
options: [
name: "url",
description: "HTTP(S) URL to an image",
type: "STRING"
exec: async i => {
var url = i.options.getString("url");
try {
if (!url) {
await i.guild.setIcon(null);
await i.reply("cleared the server icon");
} else {
if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(url)) {
await i.guild.setIcon(url);
await i.reply(url);
} else {
await i.reply("http image url only!");
} catch (error) {
await i.reply(error.message);
name: "getemoji",
description: "Generate a URL for an emoji",
options: [
name: "emoji",
description: "The emoji (code) or the name of the emoji (case-sensitive)",
type: "STRING",
required: true
name: "format",
description: "choose image format",
type: "STRING",
choices: [
{name: "PNG", value: "png"},
{name: "JPG", value: "jpg"},
{name: "WEBP", value: "webp"},
{name: "GIF", value: "gif"}
name: "size",
description: "choose image size",
type: "INTEGER",
choices: "16,20,22,24,28,32,40,44,48,56,60,64,80,96,100,128".split(',').map(s => ({name: s, value: Number(s)}))
exec: i => {
var emojiname = i.options.getString("emoji");
if (emojiname.startsWith('<') && emojiname.endsWith('>')) emoji = Discord.Util.parseEmoji(emojiname);
else {
if (emojiname.startsWith(':')) emojiname = emojiname.slice(1);
if (emojiname.endsWith(':')) emojiname = emojiname.slice(-1);
var emoji = client.emojis.cache.find(e => == emojiname);
if (!emoji) emoji = client.emojis.cache.find(e => == emojiname.toLowerCase());
if (!emoji) return void i.reply(`could not find emoji named ${emojiname}`);
if (! return void i.reply(`invalid input`);
var qs = [];
var size = i.options.getInteger("size");
if (size) qs.push(`size=${size}`);
var format = i.options.getString("format");
if (!format) format = emoji.animated ? "gif" : "png";
if (format == "gif" && !emoji.animated) return void i.reply(`Non-animated emoji is not available as GIF.`);
if (format == "webp") qs.push(`quality=lossless`);
var url = `${}.${format}`;
if (qs.length > 0) url += '?' + qs.join('&');
client.on("interactionCreate", interaction => {
if (interaction instanceof BaseCommandInteraction)
commands.find(x => == interaction.commandName)?.exec?.(interaction);
client.once("ready", async () => {
let global_commands = commands.filter(x =>;
let guild_commands = commands.filter(x => !;
let guild = client.guilds.resolve(config.guild);
await guild.commands.set(guild_commands);
await client.application.commands.set(global_commands);