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var {JSDOM} = require('jsdom')
let dom, requestDate;
module.exports = class extends Akairo.Command {
constructor() {
super("recommendation", {
aliases: ["recommendation"],
description: "Recommends anime according to Myanimelist..",
typing: true
async exec(message, args) {
if (!dom || new Date() - requestDate > 6e5) {
let request = await (await fetch('')).text()
requestDate = new Date()
dom = new JSDOM(request)
let recs = dom.window.document.getElementById("content").querySelector(`div[style="padding: 0 20px;"]`).children
let randomRec = recs[ Math.floor( Math.random() * recs.length ) ]
let ifYouLikedThis_a = randomRec.getElementsByTagName('a')[1]
let ifYouLikedThis_title = ifYouLikedThis_a.children[0].innerHTML
let ifYouLikedThis_url = ifYouLikedThis_a.href
let thenYouMightLike_a = randomRec.getElementsByTagName('a')[4]
let thenYouMightLike_title = thenYouMightLike_a.children[0].innerHTML
let thenYouMightLike_url = "" + thenYouMightLike_a.href
let recText = randomRec.getElementsByClassName('recommendations-user-recs-text')[0].innerHTML
let animeRecBy_name = randomRec.getElementsByTagName('a')[7].innerHTML
let animeRecBy_url = "" + randomRec.getElementsByTagName('a')[7].href
let animeRecBy_when = randomRec.getElementsByTagName('a')[7].parentElement.innerHTML.split(" - ").pop()
await`If you liked this...\n${ifYouLikedThis_url}`)
await`Then you might like...\n${thenYouMightLike_url}`)
await, new Discord.MessageEmbed().setDescription(`Anime rec by [${animeRecBy_name}](${animeRecBy_url}) - ${animeRecBy_when}`))