Vanilla&Cinnamon: 「4 pm. Preparing for dinner~」 Chocola: 「Fwooh~ Fwooh~ Chocola's mouth is sore...」 Vanilla: 「My tongue still stings...」 Coconut: 「I've brought some ice cubes, so suck on them for a bit. Here you go.」 Chocola&Vanilla&Coconut: 「Rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero~」 Maple: 「Maybe it's not the best to have the three of them together...」 Azuki: 「Hey, don't stare! People will think we're with 'em!」 Cinnamon: 「Oh nooo, the way you three use your tongues like that... It's too muuuuuuch...! ♪」 Azuki: 「Oh god, we've got another strange one.」 Shigure: 「Cinnamon, remember, we're outside.」 Cinnamon: 「Y-Yes~ ♪ I-I understand... I'm... okaaay! ♪」 Azuki: 「Hm? What's that smell? Sniff sniff, sniff sniff...」 Azuki: 「It's curry! That smells just like curry!」 Maple: 「You're right, that's definitely the wonderful fragrance of curry spices.」 Cinnamon: 「Wow... That aroma really stimulates my sexu-- I-I mean, my appetite~ ♪」 Shigure: 「This is the second time I'm warning you, Cinnamon...」 Cinnamon: 「I-I'm sorry, meow... ♪ I'm sorry for being a naughty catgirl who doesn't do what she's tolddd~ ♪」 Chocola: 「Meowww~ Chocola's curious though. Just why does curry smell so good?」 Coconut: 「Yes, it's mysterious how I could just eat bowls and bowls of it. I could even drink the stuff.」 Vanilla: 「That's because you've got a black hole for a stomach. Rero rero rero rero~」 Shigure: 「Well then, why don't we have curry for dinner tonight? Let's stop by somewhere and get the ingredients.」 Chocola: 「Chocola's all for curry! Leave dinner to Chocola!」 Maple: 「Chocola? Making dinner...? Do you have any cooking skills?」 Cinnamon: 「They're tragic. I don't think I even remember Chocola ever stepping foot inside the kitchen...?」 Azuki: 「Wait, Chocola can barely read children's books! She wouldn't be able to read the recipe!」 Chocola: 「It's alright, Chocola recently remembered the cooking song they always sing on TV!」 Coconut: 「Didn't I already explain to you that that song was about croquettes? Like, three times.」 Vanilla: 「Don't worry, I'll help Chocola too. I heard that as long as there's love in it, then it'll taste great.」 Chocola: 「Well that's perfect, then! Chocola here might just be a pro at making curry!」 Shigure: 「Yes yes! Let's make it all together, okay?」 Cinnamon: 「Yeah, I think that's a great idea!」 Chocola: 「Huh? Don't worry, Chocola will work extra hard!」 Maple: 「I'd rather not have a repeat of today's breakfast, but well, I guess it's fine every once in a while.」 Azuki: 「No dinner is preeeeetty rough though...」 Coconut: 「Sorry Chocola... Anything... A-Anything but the food...!」 Chocola: 「Hm? Hmm? Chocola doesn't get it, what's up with everyone?」 Vanilla: 「Chocola... Let's practice reading together, okay? Sniff...」