Chocola: 「Hello, and welcome to La Soleil, meow! ♪」 Chocola: 「Welcome to our store!」 Chocola: 「Will you be dining in with us today, or will you be getting something to take home?」 Vanilla: 「This way, please.」 Vanilla: 「I'll be right back with the menus. Please wait a moment.」 Maple: 「I recommend Finings's Earl Grey.」 Maple: 「It's my favorite, and I personally ordered it for the shop, so you can't go wrong with it. 」 Cinnamon: 「If you would like cake, I suggest the fruit shortcake~」 Cinnamon: 「It'll go perfectly with the Earl Grey~ ♪」 Shigure: 「Coconut, we have three cakes for delivery. Could you go get them from Nii-sama?」 Coconut: 「Right away, Shigure-sama.」 Coconut: 「Leave the heavy lifting to me!」 Shigure: 「Azuki, you're in charge of tying the giftwrap ribbon on the cake boxes.」 Azuki: 「Ugh, what a pain. Alright, I got it.」 Azuki: 「Ah, looks like we're gonna run out of ribbon.」 Azuki: 「Geez, whoever used this last should have at least put in an order for more.」 Chocola: 「Oh, welcome back! ♪」 Vanilla: 「For two? Right this way, please.」 Maple: 「Ah, Cinnamon, could you get some Earl Grey too?」 Cinnamon: 「Okay~ I'll just head over to Kashou-san then~」 Shigure: 「'La Soleil's open and buzzing with guests again today.' Okay, blog posted! ♪」 Coconut: 「It looks like there are some customers waiting outside already, so I'll go and organize the line, Shigure-sama.」 Azuki: 「Ahhh, we're almost out of change too!」 Azuki: 「Seriously, is the cashier even payin' attention?」 Soon after La Soleil opened, with summer just around the corner... The shop had become known as 「the catgirl patisserie」 and had joined the ranks of the town's most popular shops. Kashou: 「...Not quite what I was expecting, but whatever.」 I was pretty worried about how busy we were for a while. But thanks to Shigure's excellent management, things are running smoothly, and we're flourishing. Shigure: 「Nii-sama, we have another online order. I'll write it on the schedule.」 Shigure: 「This means we've already hit half the month's quota. Congratulations! ♪」 Kashou: 「It's all because of you, Shigure. Thanks.」 Kashou: 「I don't really get the internet and all that, so having you here really helps.」 Shigure: 「Oh, it's nothing. Our success is all because your cakes are so delicious, Nii-sama!」 Shigure: 「...But, if you could grant a selfish little request of mine...」 Shigure: 「Could you hug me tightly and compliment me? As a brother to his younger sister.」 Kashou: 「If that's all, I'll do it as much as you want.」 Shigure: 「Nii-samaaa~ ♪ Nii-samaaaa~ Puuurrrrrrrrr~ ♪」 She starts purring like a catgirl as she clings to me. Shigure, my little sister, you sure are a cute little thing. I'll throw in a free head-pat for her. Shigure: 「I've just updated the blog, so we should be getting some more hits.」 Shigure: 「We're getting loads of views just by uploading pictures of our wonderful catgirls...」 Shigure: 「Ahh, who knew advertising would be this easy? ♪」 Shigure: 「Nii-sama, it won't be long until La Soleil makes its debut on the world stage! Hoh-hohoho! ♪」 ...My little sister's nack for business sure is scary. Though Shigure certainly has been exceptional at managing our online presence... ...The thought of expanding globally had never even crossed my mind. I just nod along with her for now. Kashou: 「Have things calmed down out front yet?」 Shigure: 「We're still very busy, but worry not, Nii-sama.」 Shigure: 「Have a look for yourself.」 I peer through the window into the shop to see how it's going. Azuki: 「Hey, ChocoVani! One of you get the dishes and utensils out, and one of you set the tables.」 Azuki: 「If you get too caught up with helpin' customers, things are gonna start fallin' apart over here.」 Chocola: 「Roger that, Azu-nyan!」 Vanilla: 「Okay. I'll do the dishes too.」 Azuki: 「Pull-may, could you bring the tea along with the cake Mon-cinna brought out?」 Azuki: 「Mon-cinna, mind taking over the register?」 Azuki: 「I'll head out and let 'Nuts take a break.」 Maple: 「Yeah, yeah, as you wish~」 Cinnamon: 「Yes, ma'am~」 Kashou: 「...Was Azuki always this competent of a catgirl?」 She accomplishes her own tasks while delegating work to the others. And they all simply follow her lead. From behind, I watch her working diligently with that always laid back attitude of hers. Shigure: 「Well, she is technically the oldest of the catgirls. She's used to keeping an eye on everyone.」 Shigure: 「Everyone's gotten older and more independent now...」 Shigure: 「...But when they were still young, I made sure to look after them all.」 Shigure: 「She may slack off when you or I am around, but Azuki's a catgirl who can handle herself when things come down to it.」 Kashou: 「Now that you mention it, she was always great at taking care of everyone.」 Though Azuki was quite a handful up until just last year. I thought she'd become a lazy, little loaf of a catgirl all of a sudden, but... ...Maybe it's because she doesn't have to look after the others as much anymore. Shigure: 「Perhaps... having nothing to do forced her to develop a sense of independence.」 Shigure: 「Azuki is a smart catgirl, after all.」 Kashou: 「...Catgirls have their own way of thinking, huh?」 I continue to watch Azuki as she works in the cafe... ...Admiring her as a parent would his child. Vanilla: 「Oh, I need to go cut the cakes for takeout into individual slices.」 Coconut: 「Alright, want me to take care of that before I take my break?」 Azuki: 「Hey, Nuts!」 Azuki: 「I told you before, but you're really clumsy. You don't need to push yourself, okay?」 Azuki: 「Just haul your butt over to the break room!」 Coconut: 「'I don't need to push myself'? Did you really just say that?」 Coconut: 「This, coming from someone who can't grab tableware from the really high shelves!」 Coconut: 「Yer a little shrimp who stands on her tippy toes to grab stuff. What if ya drop somethin' and it breaks?!」 Azuki: 「What was that? You dissin' me because of my build? Din'cha learn anything from that test to get your oh-so-beloved bell?」 Coconut: 「I don't want to hear that from you when you can barely talk like a normal person, Azuki.」 Azuki: 「You wanna fight? Let's go! Right here, right now!」 Coconut: 「Oh, you seem to be itchin' for one, too. You want me to make you cry in the middle of the bakery?」 Azuki: 「Bring it on, ya longhair! I'll take you down with one punch!」 Coconut: 「Ahahah! Like I've ever even been hit by a single one of your so-called catgirl-punches!」 Azuki: 「Meooww!」 Coconut: 「Meooww!」 Azuki: 「Maaooooww!」 Coconut: 「Meeeooooww!」 Azuki: 「Myaaaaaaaaooooohhhhhh!」 Coconut: 「Myaaaaaaaaooooohhhhhh!」 Azuki&Coconut: 「Gyaah! Nyaaarghhh! Graaahgaaaghhhh!!!」 Azuki: 「Snarl!」 Coconut: 「Hiss!」 Azuki&Coconut: 「Gyaah! Nyaaarghhh! Graaahgaaaghhhh!!!」 Shigure: 「Stop it, you two! Guests can see you!!」 Coconut&Azuki: 「But Azuki--!」「But Nuts--!」 Shigure: 「No buts! This is both of your faults!」 Coconut&Azuki: 「Nyaahh~...」 Cinnamon: 「I remember when Nacchan would call Azuki 'onee-chan'~」 Maple: 「They were the closest among all of us, weren't they?」 Chocola: 「When did they become so quick to butt heads? It's really nyannoying~」 Vanilla: 「Conflict is born only between two similar parties. There's nothing we can do.」 Everyone's gotten used to it. But I'd rather save it until after work. The guests don't seem to mind it, though. Kashou: 「Maybe they'll stop fighting when they grow up a bit more.」 Shigure: 「Once they've matured, you mean?」 Shigure: 「Catgirls and humans have different ways of growing.」 Kashou: 「Do they, now?」 Shigure: 「Yes, they do.」 Seeing Shigure so sure about it has made me curious. I suppose she is the one who raised these six catgirls, after all. Coconut: 「Hmph. Fine. I'm going to take my break then.」 Azuki: 「Yeah, yeah. We're expectin' a rush later, so go and take your break, ya big lummox!」 Coconut: 「Ugh.」 Azuki: 「Oww! What the hell!」 Coconut: 「Ohh, sorry about that. You were so small I couldn't see you. My bad.」 Coconut&Azuki: 「Grrrrowl! Meeoow!! Hiss!!!」 Shigure: 「Now you two, I'm starting to get very angry.」 Coconut&Azuki: 「But Azuki--!」「But Nuts--!」 Cinnamon: 「They're going at it quite a bit today, aren't they~?」 Cinnamon: 「Ah, I don't mean 'going at it' in that way. It's not like that, okay?」 Maple: 「Cinnamon, could you stop? I don't want people thinking I'm associated with you.」 Chocola: 「Master! Please make a chocolate cake for Chocola's break! Fresh from the oven!」 Vanilla: 「You sure are easygoing, my beloved Chocola.」 Kashou: 「Look, everyone, the bakery's still open, okay?」 Shigure: 「Well, I suppose I'll turn this into a blog entry, too.」 Shigure: 「Alright, alright, let's go, let's go, chop chop!」 Azuki: 「Ah, Shigure! Hey! This is an invasion of privacy! Stop takin' pictures!」 Coconut: 「P-Please, Shigure-sama! Not like this! Nyaah!」 A few minutes later... Our blog's hit counter has jumped by leaps and bounds. ...I still don't get how we're so popular. As I mull over those thoughts, I once again admire Shigure's management skills. Coconut: 「Haaah...」 Coconut: 「Why doesn't anything ever go well for meeee~?」 Kashou: 「Yo, Coconut. Are you on your break?」 Coconut: 「Ah! Kashou-sama! I-I'm so sorry...!」 Kashou: 「You're on break, right? No need to apologize.」 Coconut: 「N-No, I...! Um, I... But...!」 Coconut: 「...Sorry.」 Kashou: 「No, uh, you really don't need to apologize for anything.」 Her ears and tail flop over pitifully. She's clearly down about something. Hmm, this looks pretty serious. Kashou: 「I'm on break, so I'll make some black tea.」 Kashou: 「You'll have some too, right, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Ah, y-yes... Umm, are you sure... it's okay?」 Coconut: 「I ain't-- Er, I mean, I'm not really much help in the store... Haah~」 Yep. This is pretty serious. I thought it was just a normal catfight, but... I guess it's not easy being a catgirl, huh? As I mull it over, I pour the now-steeped tea into a cup. Kashou: 「Don't take things so hard. The pictures uploaded to the blog were really cute, you know?」 Coconut: 「Oh, I wasn't that upset about the pictures...」 I place a cup of tea in front of Coconut. Taking the seat across from her, I sip my own tea. Kashou: 「Push yourself too hard, and you'll just end up failing.」 Kashou: 「I'm sure there are things that only you can do, too, Coconut.」 Kashou: 「You can think of something to do that's closer to your strengths, can't you?」 Coconut: 「But knowing me... I'll just end up making things worse...」 Coconut: 「All I can do is, like, heavy lifting, cleaning, and organizing lines...」 Coconut: 「Why'd I have to end up being such a musclebrained catgirl...? Haaaaah~」 ...She's totally beating herself up now. Coconut always tries her hardest while working. I know she's not as 「useless」 as she thinks she is. This is something she has to work through on her own, though. There's nothing I can say to cure her of her worries. I gaze at Coconut, her head hung low, as I continue to sip my tea. Kashou: 「Well then, wanna go out with me later this afternoon?」 Coconut: 「Huh? Go... out?」 Chocola: 「Nyahoo! ♪ Walks outside are the best, right, Master? ♪」 Vanilla: 「We're lucky today; this is the perfect weather for catgirls. It makes me want to curl up.」 Kashou: 「We're not going out for a stroll, okay? It's a delivery.」 Chocola: 「But after we make the delivery, it's like we're on a date! ♪」 Vanilla: 「Yes, it's practically a date.」 Vanilla: 「So curling up just a little bit wouldn't be unwelcome.」 Kashou: 「Hey, don't just curl up right on the sidewalk.」 Vanilla: 「Tch, Master just doesn't understand us catgirls.」 After the delivery... On our way back, and I keep my eyes on Chocola and Vanilla as they frolic along. Kashou: 「Even a human like me understands that it's a nice day today.」 Kashou: 「Right, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Huh? Ah, yeah, you're right. This kind of weather makes me want to curl up.」 ...Even Coconut thinks that way. Is it just part of a catgirls' nature? I guess it's kind of surprising. Coconut: 「...Um, sorry, Kashou-sama.」 Coconut: 「Sorry for making you worry...」 Kashou: 「I'm not particularly concerned about anything here.」 Kashou: 「We just had a lot of stuff to deliver, so I really just needed an extra pair of hands.」 Chocola and Vanilla have their hands full holding a cake each. Both Coconut and I are also carrying one each, totaling four cakes for the delivery. This job is perfectly suited for her considering her strength and physique. Kashou: 「It seems like this customer bought one of our cakes before and really liked it.」 Kashou: 「They wanted to bring some to a party, so they ordered a whole bunch.」 Coconut: 「No wonder we're delivering so much.」 Kashou: 「If we keep getting this many orders, though, I'll have to get a car just for deliveries.」 Coconut: 「And then there'll be even fewer jobs left for me to do...」 Coconut: 「Oh, or maybe I can just write 'car' on my head.」 Coconut: 「I can outrun a minitruck at least! Ahahahahahaha...」 Kashou: 「......」 Hmm, seems like she still isn't feeling any better. I never realized how low her self esteem was. I thought that bringing her out for a delivery might be a nice change of pace... ...But I guess it's not working out all that well... Chocola: 「Oh, Master! Look! Over there!」 Vanilla: 「Nyanya, that's...」 Kashou: 「Hm? What do you mean?」 I follow Chocola and Vanilla's gazes. Food Stand Cat: 「Ahh! It's the catgirl sisters!」 Food Stand Cat: 「Good afternoon, it's been a while. Bow~」 Chocola: 「Long time no see! Bow~」 Vanilla: 「Ohh, fellow catgirl. Good to see you that you're doing well. Bow~」 Food Stand Cat: 「Nice to see you too, mister! How have you been?」 Kashou: 「M-Mister...?!」 Kashou: 「...Well, I guess I am kind of old from your perspective.」 Food Stand Cat: 「???」 ...Honestly, it's a bit of a shock. Well, I guess the age gap between us is significant no matter how you look at it... Coconut: 「Who is she, Kashou-sama?」 Kashou: 「She's someone we met a while back.」 Kashou: 「Look, you see that takoyaki stall? She works there.」 I point at the food truck, which we haven't seen in a while. Food Stand Cat: 「Good afternoon! My name's Milk! I'm from the takoyaki stand!」 Milk: 「Onee-chan, you're a catgirl, too, right?」 Milk: 「Just like me! Meow meow♪」 Coconut: 「Y-Yeah. Just like you... Meow... meow...?」 Kashou: 「Hmm, are you no good with kids, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「I-I wouldn't say that, but I'm not really sure how to act around them...」 Coconut: 「Well, you know, saying things like 'meow meow' doesn't really suit me...」 Coconut: 「Ahh, but I do like kids! I think they're cute...!」 Coconut gets flustered as she tries to explain. Being flustered isn't unlike her, but she shouldn't worry so much. It's kind of like her to try to do more than she can, though. Chocola: 「You see, Coco-chan here is actually our big sister!」 Milk: 「Wow, you're the big sister of these big sisters! Amazing!」 Vanilla: 「We have a lot of big sisters, but she's the youngest big sister.」 Milk: 「The youngest big sister! Wow, you have so many big sisters! I'm so envious!」 Coconut: 「N-Nahh, ya kno-- Er, you know, I'm not really that great of a 'big sister'... Ahaha...」 Milk: 「No, just having a big sister at all is already enough to make me envious!」 Milk: 「I mean, having a lot of big catgirl sisters is totally fun!」 Coconut: 「Oh, Milk...」 Coconut's expression clouds up. Upon seeing Coconut's expression, the little catgirl gazes up at her, worried. Milk: 「...It's not fun for you?」 Milk: 「...Even though you have all these great sisters by your side?」 Coconut: 「......」 For a moment, she's at a loss for words. She slowly tilts her head left, then right. Coconut: 「Well...」 Coconut: 「...When I'm with all my big catgirl sisters, it's fun.」 Milk: 「I knew it was fun! That's great!」 Milk: 「I want to talk with your big sisters too! ♪」 Coconut: 「Yeah, we all work at a place called Soleil, so if you come by, we can chat.」 Coconut: 「It can get pretty hectic sometimes, though, hehe.」 Milk: 「Yeah, I totally wanna go! I wanna talk with more big sisters!」 Chocola: 「Come on by, come on by!」 Vanilla: 「We'll give you some extra special service, too. Courtesy of all of us.」 Kashou: 「...Looks like she's back in high spirits. That's good.」 I breathe a sigh of relief as I watch the four catgirls chat away. Coconut finally has a smile on her face. There's no need for me to worry anymore. Kashou: 「Oh, right, where's your owner?」 Kashou: 「Doesn't look like she's around.」 I peek inside the truck, but it's empty. There's no one else nearby, either. If this catgirl's here, then that means her master's got to be somewhere close. Milk: 「Master is out shopping, so I'm keeping watch for now!」 Milk: 「Hey, you know what? Master and I thought of a new kind of takoyaki!」 Milk: 「The only problem is is that we don't have the ingredients to make it right now...」 Milk: 「...So I'm keeping watch over the stall until Master comes back!」 Milk: 「I really wanna try them! ♪ And I want all of you to try them, too! ♪」 Chocola: 「Oh yeah? So you came up with it, Milk-chan? That's nyamazing!」 Vanilla: 「Ohhh~ This little catgirl seems to hold many secrets.」 Chocola: 「Master! Chocola knows we're on the clock, but we can't just leave now!」 Vanilla: 「We'll skip our breaks, so just let us have one...!」 Kashou: 「Alright, alright.」 Kashou: 「Keep this a secret from everyone else, okay?」 Chocola&Vanilla: 「Yayyyy!」「Yay~ ♪」 Kashou: 「You'll have some too, right, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Huh?! Oh, I...」 Coconut: 「...I-Is it alright? You know what they say, those who don't work, don't eat...」 Kashou: 「And you've done more than your fair share of work.」 Kashou: 「This is only if you don't spoil your appetite for dinner, though, alright?」 Coconut: 「I'll be fine! I just totally love takoyaki! Ya~y! Thanks so much, Kashou-sama!」 Milk: 「...Hm? Those footsteps...」 Milk: 「It's Master! She's back! See, over there!」 Kashou: 「Over there...?」 On the sidewalk across the street from the park... ...Is a single person waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green. Kashou: 「You could hear footsteps from that far away?!」 Milk: 「I'm a catgirl, after all! I can tell which footsteps are Master's from a mile away! Mhmm!」 Milk: 「Wait just a sec, okay? I'll go call Master!」 Milk: 「Master~! The two big sister catgirls from before are here!」 She shouts gleefully... ...As she runs straight towards her master. Without paying attention to what's happening around her... ...She heads straight for the other side of the road. ...Without realizing that the crosswalk light is still red. Chocola: 「Milk-chan! It's a red light! Be careful!!」 Vanilla: 「Stop, Milk! There's a car--」 Milk: 「Huh, a car--?」 Coconut: 「...Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?」 After moment of silence... Coconut's kind voice rings clear. Milk: 「Huh, ah...? Big... sis...?」 Coconut: 「Don't you know it's dangerous to just jump out into the street like that?」 Coconut: 「You were this close to making your master really, really sad.」 Tears well up in the young catgirl's eyes... ...As Coconut cradles her in her arms as they rest on the sidewalk. Her clueless expression slowly melts. Milk: 「Big... sister... Ah... Aahh...」 Milk: 「W-Waaahhh... Waaahhhhh...!」 Milk: 「Hic...! B-Big... sis...!!」 Milk: 「Waahhh!! Uwaahhhh!!」 Milk: 「Big sis! Waaahhhh!!」 Coconut: 「That sure was scary, huh? Don't cry now, there, there.」 Coconut: 「It's all over now. Don't cry. Everything will be okay.」 She comforts her just like one would their own child. Coconut gently whispers to her... ...Hugging the little catgirl tight. Milk: 「Waaahhh! Waaahhhhh!」 Milk: 「I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Waaahhhh!!」 Coconut: 「Mhmm, it's alright. Don't worry, okay? There, there.」 Milk: 「Uwaahhhhh! Waaaahhhhh!!」 Kashou: 「Coconut! Is everything okay?!」 Coconut: 「Yes, Milk doesn't have a single scratch on her.」 Kashou: 「I'm talking about you, dummy!!」 Coconut: 「Huh? M-Me...?」 Kashou: 「Jumping out like that to help her... How reckless can you be?!」 Kashou: 「Do you realize that you could've ended up getting hit, too?!」 Coconut: 「Kashou-sama...」 Coconut: 「...You're right. I'm sorry.」 Coconut: 「When I saw that she was in danger, I just dashed out without even thinking about it...」 Kashou: 「...No, actually, I'm sorry. I got caught up in the moment. I was too harsh.」 Kashou: 「But if something actually did happen, Shigure would be so upset...」 Kashou: 「Besides, you're a precious part of my family, too, Coconut.」 Kashou: 「So please, don't put yourself in danger, okay?」 Instead of carefully choosing my words... ...I just tell Coconut the first things that come to my mind. Coconut: 「...Yes, I'll take your words to heart.」 Coconut nods and looks at me, her gaze unwavering. Food Stand Owner: 「Milk! Ohh, Milk...! Are you okay?! You're really alright?!」 Milk: 「Waahhh, Master~! I'm okay! Big sis saved me! Waahh!!」 Food Stand Owner: 「Thank you! Thank you so much...!」 Food Stand Owner: 「I don't know how I could possibly thank you enough...!」 Coconut: 「Uh, me? You don't really have to...」 Food Stand Owner: 「I really can't tell you how glad I am...!」 Food Stand Owner: 「If I were to lose my beloved daughter, I... I couldn't even...!」 She embraces the catgirl as if she was her own human child... ...All the while continuing to shower Coconut with gratitude. Food Stand Owner: 「What's your name?」 Coconut: 「Ah, it's C-Coconut...」 Food Stand Owner: 「Thank you so very, very much, Coconut-chan. I'll never forget this.」 Food Stand Owner: 「If it weren't for you, my daughter might not be here with me right now.」 Food Stand Owner: 「Thank you... from the bottom of my heart...!」 Coconut: 「......」 I'm not too sure what to do in this kind of situation, so I just pat Coconut on the head. Kashou: 「You should be proud of what you just did, Coconut.」 Kashou: 「You saved her, Coconut.」 Coconut: 「Kashou-sama...」 Coconut: 「......」 Coconut: 「Thanks... Thank you...」 She bites her lip. Even though she was the one who did the saving, she acts like she was the one who was rescued. I pat her on the head once again. Food Stand Owner: 「I can only give you some takoyaki in return, but...」 Food Stand Owner: 「...Well, how does that sound?」 Coconut: 「Is that alright, Kashou-sama...?」 Kashou: 「Of course. Let's take her up on her offer.」 Coconut: 「Well then, we'll accept your offer! ♪」 She looks so happy, she could cry. I reaffirm the biggest smile I've seen today with a nod. Chocola&Vanilla&Coconut: 「Thanks for the food!」「Thank you.」「It was delicious! ♪」 Chocola: 「Ahhh, Chocola's so satisfied♪ Nice and full meow! ♪」 Vanilla: 「Milk's takoyaki was nice and crunchy. So delicious~」 Coconut: 「I never imagined there'd come a day where I'd be so stuffed with takoyaki...♪」 Coconut: 「There are so many wonderful things in this world that I still don't know about~♪」 Kashou: 「We ended up eating all the ingredients you just bought... Sorry...」 The three catgirls, sprawled out on the bench, glance over at the stall's owner as they bow their heads. Food Stand Owner: 「Ahaha! It's no problem, no problem at all!」 Food Stand Owner: 「You saved my Milk's life! This is nothing in comparison.」 Milk: 「I'm happy to see you all eating so much, too!」 Kashou: 「Yeah, it was great. Thanks.」 Milk: 「Meow~ ♪」 She closes her eyes blissfully as I pet her head. I guess this kind of reaction is the same for every catgirl. Chocola: 「Oh, that's right, Master! Our card! Our shop's business card!」 Vanilla: 「You should come visit us sometime. We have all-you-can-eat cake.」 Coconut: 「That sounds like a great idea! We'll give you some special cakes as thanks for the takoyaki, free of charge! ♪」 Kashou: 「Yeah, please come visit us sometime.」 Milk: 「Wow! Thanks so much, mister! ♪」 Food Stand Owner: 「You dummy, he's still a young man.」 Milk: 「Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry! Thanks so much, Onii-chan!」 She bows to me apologetically. Even though she says it in such an innocent tone... ...It doesn't feel sincere. Well, either way works for me, I guess. Kashou: 「Anyway, we should be going now.」 Food Stand Owner: 「Alright, we'll definitely drop by your place one of these days. Really, thanks again.」 Milk: 「Thank you, big sis Coconut! Thank you, thank you!」 Coconut: 「The most important thing is that you're safe, Milk.」 Coconut: 「Hey, Milk. A catgirl should never, ever do anything to make their masters sad. Understand?」 Milk: 「Okay, I won't! Never ever! I promise!」 Milk sticks out her tiny pinky finger. Coconut does the same, and they cross their fingers in a pinky swear. Coconut: 「Yeah, it's a promise. You're a good girl.」 Chocola: 「Chocola too! Chocola promises too! Chocola pinky-swears on it!」 Vanilla: 「Break a promise and get kneaded with an egg beater~♪」 Kashou: 「Don't use the shop's equipment like that.」 That just sounds downright painful. Though I suppose it also depends on whether it's actually running or not. It's really hard to tell when Vanilla is joking or serious, even now. Food Stand Owner: 「Really, thanks for everything. See you again!」 Kashou: 「Sure. Goodbye.」 Milk: 「Bye bye~! See you next time, big sisters!」 Milk waves her little hand with all the enthusiasm she can muster. We leave the park after waving back to them countless times. Coconut: 「...Kashou-sama.」 Kashou: 「Yeah?」 Coconut: 「I really hope they come to La Soleil soon.」 Kashou: 「I'm sure they will.」 Kashou: 「And when they do, you'll be waiting on their table, right?」 Coconut: 「Yes, I'll work hard and do my job well!」 Coconut nods, replying in a clear, resolute voice. I don't see a hint of sadness in her smile. ...A lot's happened, but I'm glad to see Coconut upbeat again. I keep that, the best part of my day, in my heart... ...As I walk back home with the three catgirls. Shigure: 「You quite late, aren't you?」 Kashou: 「Ah, well, it's just that... Err, sorry...」 Shigure greets us with an intimidating pose. Chocola: 「Y-You've got the wrong idea here, Shigure-chan! Ummm, err, uhhh, you know?!」 Chocola: 「Yeah! Master's stomach started hurting while we were coming back!」 Vanilla: 「We were really trying to help him feel better! Right, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Huh?! Ahh, err, y-yeah! Uhh, something like that...?!」 Azuki: 「You dolts. There's seaweed stuck in your teeth. All of ya.」 Chocola: 「Fuhgyaahhh! Nyo, it's nyot what you think!!」 Chocola: 「We weren't munching on takoyaki or anything, Chocola swears!」 Vanilla: 「This... This is, uhh, you know! M-Mold! Blue mold!」 Vanilla: 「You know, the blue cheese kind of mold! Right, Coconut?!」 Coconut: 「M-Mold?! What the--?! Seriously?!」 Coconut: 「You can't just spring that on me and expect me to--! Umm, umm...!!」 Maple: 「Ugh, that's just nasty. I sure have some unrefined little sisters~」 Cinnamon: 「That's an awfully sloppy lie, you know. Not that I don't like it~」 Azuki: 「Just go and brush your freakin' teeth, ya ditzy catgirl sisters!」 Dumbass Catgirl Sisters: 「Roger that!」 Shigure: 「Well, you did accompany them, and Azuki and I were here taking care of the bakery...」 Shigure: 「...And it doesn't look like there were any major problems, so I guess it's alright.」 Kashou: 「Yeah, a lot of stuff happened. Sorry about that.」 Shigure: 「What's that?! Nii-sama, you're going to give me a passionate kiss as an apology...?!」 Shigure: 「I-If you do that, then I'll no longer have anything to say on the matter both as a woman and as your little sister...♪」 Shigure: 「Now then, go ahead... Mm~♪」 My little sister is trying her hardest to get me to kiss her. I can tell that her brother complex is way getting much worse. I did end up goofing off a bit while on the clock, that much is true, but... Kashou: 「...Sure, we are siblings, after all.」 Shigure: 「...Huh? Nii-sama, are you really--」 %D$vl1;smooch I give Shigure a light peck on the cheek. Shigure: 「Ahhh...! Agh... Aaahhhhhhh!!」 Shigure: N... N-N-N-N...! N-Nii-sama...?! He... H-H-He...?!「 Shigure: 「Abah-abababa...!! Aba-ababababa!! Baaabaababababaaabaabababababa!!!!!!」 Maple: 「Wha-- Shigure?! Your nose is bleeding like crazy! It's sorta gross!」 Cinnamon: 「Sh-Shigure! She's lying in a pool of blood~!」 Cinnamon: 「No! Don't go towards the light!!」 Maple: 「Hey, Kashou! What did you do to your sister?! You trying to kill her or something?!」 Cinnamon: 「Y-Yeah! Shigure's body is twitching in ecstasy! I'm so envious~!」 Kashou: 「Huh? But Shigure's always gotten nose bleeds like this...」 In fact, they happen about two or three times a year. It's pretty rare for her to spew an ocean of blood like this, though... Shigure: 「I-I'm fine... But just... just let me bask in the afterglow for a while...♪」 Shigure: 「Please, just... leave me be... for a moment...♪」 Shigure: 「Hehehe. Hahaha. Hehehe... ♪ Hehe, ahahahahahaaah. Ahahahah! Hah hah. Hahahaha~ ♪」 Maple: 「Whoa, okay, that's just plain creepy...」 Maple: 「Just when I thought her brother complex couldn't get any worse. How scary...」 Cinnamon: 「I totally get you. I totally get you, Shigure-chan...!」 Cinnamon: 「Savoring the sensation is an important part of the experience, too!」 Cinnamon: 「Kashou-san! I'll go and change the sign outside to 'closed'!」 Kashou: 「Well, alright. Thanks.」 It's not like we can stay open like this anyway. Catgirls + Shigure = Annihilated. We've got to mop up this sea of blood as well. I was slacking off before, so I can't really complain. Kashou: 「Anyway, just let me know when you're good.」 Shigure: 「Okay~ ♪ Just a little more, a little more, Nii-sama~♪」 Azuki: 「......」 Kashou: 「Hey, Azuki.」 Kashou: 「Do you think we can open up again now?」 Azuki: 「Hrmm, I think it'll take a little longer...」 Azuki: 「...Well, um... You know...」 She fidgets about like she wants to say something. It's not like Azuki to have a tough time speaking her mind. Kashou: 「What's up? Cat got your tongue?」 Azuki: 「Nah, it's not that, it's just...」 Azuki: 「......」 Azuki: 「I just... wanted to say thanks.」 Kashou: 「...Thanks?」 Did I do anything deserving of thanks? I mean, we kind of took our time earlier. I'd say we caused trouble more than anything else. Though assuming we go by the usual pattern... ...I'd expect her to say something like, 「you were out goofin' off, so that gives me license to goof off, too」. But now that I think about it, she hasn't said anything like that. Unsure, I wait for Azuki to continue. Azuki: 「Well, uhh... It's about Nuts.」 Kashou: 「Coconut? Did something happen?」 Azuki: 「Not really, but you remember how me and that doofus were fightin' earlier, right?」 Azuki: 「I think what I said kinda struck a nerve with her more than I 'd expected, so it's been on my mind.」 She scratches her cheek, embarrassed. Her eyes frantically dart to and fro. Azuki: 「...You brought Nuts along on your delivery to help clear her head, right?」 Azuki: 「I dunno what you said to her, but she looked a lot better after gettin' back.」 Azuki: 「So, you know, I just wanted to say thanks.」 She looks up at me, grateful. ...So she was worried, huh? I guess what makes her able to do her job so well is the fact that she pays attention to even the little details. Shigure: 「Well, she is technically the oldest of the girls. She's used to keeping an eye on everyone.」 Shigure thinks so, too. Although she can be pretty blunt sometimes, deep down she actually does care. Azuki: 「It feels bad to have someone else clean up my mess, is all.」 Azuki: 「Nuts can be such a pain sometimes. That catgirl, I swear.」 She exaggerates her gestures in attempt to hide her embarrassment. Kashou: 「Coconut's an important part of our family.」 Kashou: 「Of course we'd all be concerned if she's feeling down.」 Kashou: 「Besides, I should be thanking you, Azuki.」 Kashou: 「You've been a huge help with the shop and all. Thanks.」 Azuki: 「Hey, it's all part of the job. You don't gotta thank me.」 Azuki: 「But if you wanna thank me, then how 'bout you up my pay?」 A snappy comeback. I guess, in her own way, she takes her work seriously. She might try to play it off as just doing her job, but she does everything she can to help out. It makes me happy that she cares so much about her work. Azuki: 「What? What're you smilin' about?」 Kashou: 「It's nothing.」 Kashou: 「Anyway, guess we're even.」 Azuki: 「Okay. Let's leave it at that.」 Maple: 「Hey, Kashou? Could you take Shigure to the hospital?」 Kashou: 「Huh? The hospital...?」 Cinnamon: 「The blood--! The blood just won't stop! We're trying to stop it from flowing, but...!」 Shigure: 「Ahh, Nii-sama... Shigure... Shigure is the luckiest girl in the world...」 Shigure: 「May I be Nii-sama's little sister again in my next life...」 Shigure: 「No, his stepsister so I can marry-- No, no, let's just go all in as his lover! Ehehehe... Gahk!」 Cinnamon: 「Noooooo, Shigure-chan! Get a hold of yourself!!」 Cinnamon: 「Quick, someone! Someone, call a taxi~!!」 And so, La Soleil ended up having to close for the rest of the day. On a side note, Shigure sprang back to life pretty quickly. Chocola: 「Master?」 Chocola: 「There's something Chocola would like to talk about. Is that okay?」 Kashou: 「What's with the formality all of a sudden?」 Kashou: 「If this is about dinner, then it'll be ready soon. Just wait.」 Chocola: 「Ya~y! What's for dinner?!」 Chocola: 「Is it Chocola's favorite? A parfait?!」 Kashou: 「I said dinner, didn't I?」 Chocola: 「Wait, no! That's not what Chocola wanted to talk about!」 Chocola: 「Chocola has something serious to talk about! Meow!!」 Kashou: 「Relax, relax.」 Kashou: 「So, what's up?」 Chocola: 「Something's been on Chocola's mind recently.」 Chocola: 「Master, do you know whose master you are?」 Kashou: 「Vanilla's.」 Chocola: 「Fugyaahh! Chocola hates it when you're mean like that, Master! Nyanyanyaah!! Meow!!!」 Vanilla: 「Chocola's really gullible, so don't bully her, Master.」 Kashou: 「Sorry, I couldn't resist.」 Chocola: 「Why are you taking Master's side, Vanilla?! Chocola thought we were allies!」 Vanilla: 「Of course I love you, Chocola. chin rub rub rub~」 Chocola: 「Purr purr purr purrrr~♪」 Kashou: 「Okay, looks like you've calmed down.」 Kashou: 「So what's this about all of a sudden?」 Vanilla: 「It seems like you've been giving a lot of your attention to our older sisters lately.」 Vanilla: 「And because Chocola doesn't like that, she's come here to file a complaint.」 Chocola: 「That's right! That's exactly it, Vanilla! You understand Chocola so well! Hmph!」 Kashou: 「I'm not giving the other catgirls any more attention than I give you two, though.」 Chocola: 「Huh? Did you hear that, Vanilla? Did you hear what Master just said?!」 Vanilla: 「That sounds exactly like what a cheating playboy would say.」 Vanilla: 「I agree with Chocola for the most part.」 Vanilla: 「By majority vote, we have now declared Master guilty. Case closed.」 Kashou: 「'Case closed'?」 Well, they're right that Shigure and the other catgirls have started working at the shop... ...Which, naturally, means that I've been spending more time talking with the others and less time with Chocola and Vanilla. It's not like I'm cheating on them or anything though. Chocola: 「It's okay to get along with the others.」 Chocola: 「Chocola loves it when everyone gets along.」 Vanilla: 「But I think it would be nice if you paid more attention to us, too.」 Vanilla: 「You don't just toss crumbs to stray catgirls.」 Vanilla: 「We catgirls might be free-spirited, but we wouldn't accept that.」 The two catgirls puff their cheeks out as they voice their complaints. It's kind of a pain, but at the same time, it them all the cuter. Kashou: 「Okay, okay, I get it.」 Kashou: 「So what do you want me to do, then?」 Chocola: 「As long as you spend more time with Chocola, then Chocola will be happy, nya♪」 Vanilla: 「Coming in without a plan -- just what I'd expect of my Chocola.」 Vanilla: 「She's a little dense, but I don't mind at all.」 Kashou: 「Yeah, that's true...」 Kashou: 「Okay, I guess I can indulge you once in a while.」 I sit down on the living room sofa and pat my lap, beckoning them. Chocola&Vanilla: 「Meow meow?」 Chocola: 「Purr purr purr~♪ Chocola loves it when Master cleans Chocola's ears~♪」 Chocola: 「It's been so long that Chocola's getting a bit excited~♪」 Vanilla: 「You're finally acting like our Master again.」 Vanilla: 「I'm also pretty excited. Purr purr purr~♪」 The two squirm around atop my thighs as I pat their heads. Kashou: 「It's great that you're happy and all, but don't squirm so much. It's dangerous.」 Kashou: 「Okay, I'm gonna clean a little deeper now.」 Chocola: 「Okay! Chocola wants to be squeaky clean, so go ahead~♪」 Vanilla: 「I am now fully prepared. Let us begin the ear cleaning.」 Kashou: 「Let me know if it tickles or starts hurting, okay?」 I pull their pointed ears upwards... ...And gently rub their ears with some slightly moistened cotton. Chocola: 「Nyahahaha! Master, it tickles~♪」 Chocola: 「Ah, but this sensation, it's just right! It feels nyamazing~♪」 Vanilla: 「You're being so gentle, it tickles... But that's not a bad thing~♪」 Vanilla: 「Somehow, I am not surprised, Master... Your technique is so erotic...♪」 Kashou: 「There's nothing erotic about it.」 It's been a while since I've cleaned their ears. I try to remember how to clean cats' ears as I softly wipe theirs. Well, they aren't exactly cats. They take baths just like a human everyday, so their outer ears aren't really dirty, either. Kashou: 「Alright, I'm gonna clean the other ear now, okay?」 Chocola: 「Ahhh, this is great~ This is what it means to be catpanions~♪」 Vanilla: 「You're putting a lot of love into this. No objections.」 Kashou: 「Good to know.」 Kashou: 「Alright, gonna clean the inside of your other ear now.」 Kashou: 「No moving, okay?」 I flip the cotton swab around... ...And begin rubbing it along the inside of her other ear. Chocola: 「Nghh, ah...! Hah, nyagh! Yah, meow...!」 Chocola: 「Master... you're rubbing so... so... deep inside! Chocola is...! Myah! Haahh...!」 Vanilla: 「Ngh... Hahh, nghh... Master... Your technique is...!」 Vanilla: 「You're so skilled with your hands... M-Meow... You're such a pervy pastry puffer... Nnghhhh!」 Kashou: 「I'm pretty sure pastry puffing has nothing to do with this.」 I'm not sure if she's complimenting me or just messing with me. I ignore the unnecessary moans coming from the two catgirls and continue to clean their ears. Kashou: 「I'm going to go even deeper now, okay?」 Chocola: 「Myahhh~♪ Chocola never imagined you'd say something so dirty~♪」 Chocola: 「Deeper! Chocola loves it when you go in deeper, meow~♪」 Vanilla: 「Master, you're being so rough... Not that I mind...♪」 Kashou: 「Yeah, yeah. Don't move now, okay?」 I quickly grab a new cotton swab... ...And continue cleaning their ears. Chocola: 「Haah~♪ Master~ Chocola's melting~♪」 Chocola: 「It feels so good, almost like Chocola's on catnip~♪」 Vanilla: 「Nyahoo...♪ I'm in heaven...♪」 Vanilla: 「I can't stop myself from drooling anymore... Drool~♪」 Kashou: 「Geez, at least keep your saliva in check.」 They make some pretty funny faces when they're this happy. Well, in any case, as long as they're enjoying it. Chocola: 「At this point... Chocola would happily die from the pleasure of master's ear cleanings~... ♪」 Vanilla: 「I'd like to request... a time extension. An indefinite one...♪」 Kashou: 「It might cause an inflammation in your ears, so no.」 Chocola: 「Ahhh, ahhh...♪ Who cares about that...♪」 Vanilla: 「The way you tease us is just part of your amazing technique...♪」 Kashou: 「You guys just don't care anymore, do you?」 Chocola: 「That's just our love for you, Master...♪」 Vanilla: 「Our love...♪」 Kashou: 「Yeah, yeah, I get it.」 Chocola: 「Zzz... Zzz...」 Vanilla: 「Zzz... Zzz...」 Kashou: 「...They're sound asleep.」 I pat them on their heads as they sleep peacefully. They sure enjoyed the ear cleaning. I really should try to cherish moments like this more. Especially since they're always by my side. They adore me so much, too. I'd like to do something for them in return. I stand up, making sure not to wake the two catgirls. Kashou: 「...I guess I should take a bath while I have the chance.」 I wipe the drool off Chocola and Vanilla's faces... ...And take my now drool-covered pants off. Kashou: 「Phew... Baths sure are great...」 I soak myself in the warm bath, and let out a long sigh. After splashing hot water on my face, I gaze at the ceiling. Kashou: 「A lot happened today, huh?」 Azuki's doing her best and has been keeping the store's best interests in mind... ...Coconut saved that catgirl and got some self confidence back too. It has really been a busy day. I reflect on the day's events... ...As I stretch out in the tub. Chocola: 「Master? Are you taking a bath?」 Vanilla: 「Ah, I've found Master's clothes. He must be in the bath.」 Kashou: 「Oh, the two of you were asleep, so I decided to head in first.」 Kashou: 「I'll be done in a bit, so just wait a minute.」 I speak to the silhouettes just beyond the frosted glass door. Judging by their movements, they're probably discussing something. Soon, I see Chocola and Vanilla nod and begin to head this way... Chocola: 「Can Chocola and Vanilla join you, then?」 Kashou: 「Huh? Join me?」 Vanilla: 「What she means to say is that we will be joining you. We've already taken our clothes off. It's cold.」 Kashou: 「No, you haven't. I can see that much at least.」 Vanilla: 「Tch. Master, you have such sharp eyes...」 Chocola: 「Well, we'll just have to take our clothes off then!」 Vanilla: 「That is our only recourse. Chocola, you're brilliant.」 With the rustling of clothes, the silhouettes take on the color of skin. Kashou: 「Hey, wait...」 Chocola: 「Alright, we're coming on in~♪」 Vanilla: 「Excuse us.」 Their voices accompany the opening of the bathroom door.